
Due to gender differences in metabolism, men and women need to be treated differently

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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15 August 2011, 23:02

Specialists from Germany have established that in women and men the metabolic process is different. In their opinion, based on gender differences in metabolism, it becomes necessary to modify approaches to treating patients of different sexes.

Researchers analyzed more than 3,000 blood samples and found that men and women had 101 of 131 metabolites (intermediate metabolites) contained in the blood.

In turn, the Australian experts are also interested in metabolomics dealing with blood-cell molecules. Garth Meiker of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science at Murdoch University said that a new study, focusing on the study of sugars and amino acids in the blood, will help scientists understand the diseases and create new drugs. Also this will make the diagnosis more accurate and faster.

The research of gender differences in metabolism is based on the idea of creating a personalized approach to treatment. This is especially true for the treatment of cancer, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

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