
Science and Technology

Scientists have developed a vaccine against heroin addiction

To teach immunity to respond not only to heroin, but also to its derivatives, scientists have developed a "dynamic vaccine" that undergoes ...
22 July 2011, 18:52

Genetically modified tobacco will replace expensive laboratories for the production of drugs

Genetically modified tobacco will replace expensive laboratories for the production of medicines ...
22 July 2011, 18:48

A blood test was developed for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease

Australian specialists from the agency Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) have developed a blood test, which allows to find out ...
22 July 2011, 18:41

How small doses of alcohol affect the heart

An ordinary glass of wine "before dinner" acts differently on the left and right ventricles of the heart, which leads to harmful effects for the whole organism ...
19 July 2011, 18:07

Eggplant received a scientifically grounded status of a longevity vegetable

Helped aubergine to become a leader in anti-aging (anti-aging) prevention of his ability to resist ...
19 July 2011, 17:50

Human memory adapts to the internet

Specialists from the US found that a person uses the Internet and a computer as their own memory ...
19 July 2011, 17:43

The structure of the protein responsible for the health of the heart and nervous system is deciphered

Scientists at the University of Michigan (UM) deciphered the structure of the protein, which is an integral part of the process responsible for maintaining the health of the heart and nervous system of man.
14 July 2011, 00:09

Scientists have found out how the soul comes out of its own physical body

Scientists have found out why some people experience hallucinations associated with the abandonment of their physical shell. "Get out of yourself" makes them a special part of the brain.
13 July 2011, 23:58

American scientists tested the wireless heart

According to the authors of the new invention, patients with artificial heart or ancillary blood pump with the help of the new system will be able to obtain greater freedom of movement than before.
13 July 2011, 23:44

Tanzania fights malaria mosquitoes with scent socks

In three Tanzan villages, scientists experimentally use scented socks to lure malarial mosquitoes into traps, "where they are poisoned and eventually die."
13 July 2011, 23:37


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