

Ice wall will help stop radiation from Fukushima

The ice wall, especially under the ground, may seem at first glance to be fantastic, but in reality it represents a technique developed by engineers for drilling tunnels and mining, although initially the scale of such a wall was much smaller.
22 April 2016, 09:00

A bottle of algae is an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic

We are all used to plastic and do not even think about the harm that this unique material does to the environment, for example, ordinary plastic bottles decompose in nature for more than 150 years.
18 April 2016, 09:00

WeFood or food waste control

In Europe, products that do not meet the standards - with damaged packaging, any external defects, with expiring shelf life, etc. - must be immediately sent to garbage containers
17 March 2016, 09:00

In Germany, they created accumulators of rotten apples

Spoiled apples as a source of energy, at first glance seems an absurd idea, but at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, a group of researchers decided to use this material to create cheap sodium-ion batteries with high performance.
15 March 2016, 09:00

Unusual nanogenerator created in Switzerland

Specialists of one of the most prestigious universities in Europe, located in Switzerland, with the support of Tokyo scientists have created a device that can feed small electronic devices.
01 March 2016, 09:00

In Mexico, they plan to build houses from waste

The problem of plastic garbage today is global, which affected almost all developed countries. Every year, about 20 tons of waste plastic come to the landfills, most of which falls into the water (sea, ocean, rivers, etc.) and poisons the environment.
22 February 2016, 09:00

DiCaprio Foundation will donate 15 million to eco projects

At the World Economic Forum, which was held in Switzerland for various eco-projects on the environment, more than $ 15 million was donated from the environmental fund of Leonardo DiCaprio, the actor himself announced during his speech at the presentation of the crystal award. 
11 February 2016, 09:00

Fuel from coal waste

At the South African University, a team of scientists developed fuel from waste, based on coal dust and algae.
05 February 2016, 09:00

Solar panels can replace balloons

A team of French-Japanese experts is working on the use of solar energy. Scientists have developed a unique solution that can overcome some of the limitations that traditional solar panels have.
03 February 2016, 09:00

In Germany, the construction of a long-distance bicycle main

In Germany, high-speed freeways are widespread, and today a new expressway is being built for cyclists only.
25 January 2016, 09:00


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