Qualitative electronics is notable for its durability, but, unfortunately, almost all components of electronic devices after falling into landfills decompose for at least several decades and poison the earth, releasing hazardous and toxic compounds into the environment.
Scientists have long been interested in the issue of the carbon footprint, which remains as a result of man's technogenic activity throughout the development period.
Clear water in some areas is a luxury and to make the water more or less suitable for drinking it is most often left in a clear transparent bottle under the sun.
At the University of Toronto, a team of chemists developed a completely new type of battery that can work on vitamins. With the help of genetically modified fungi, scientists produced yarn of vitamin B2, from which they developed a high-capacity battery.
A team of researchers from North Carolina has developed a unique way of making asphalt paving. Specialists suggested replacing expensive oil with a cheaper and more affordable option - pig manure.
In Sweden, just a few days ago, a test plot of a 2-kilometer-long electric road was opened, where electric cars could be connected to an air-grid system similar to that used for light rail transport.
Now the water distribution system is losing about 30% of clean water due to small breakages, which are easily eliminated, but since the pipes run more often underground, the exact location of the accident is difficult to determine.
A team of specialists from the UK noticed that infertility is a fairly common problem, and most people hide their problems from loved ones and generally prefer not to communicate on this topic.