
Children's toys are potentially dangerous

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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19 March 2021, 09:00

The vast majority of plastic toys for children pose a potential danger to children. This problem has been troubling scientists ever since the invention of plastic. Experts recently conducted research that only proves an increased likelihood of health risks for children.

In an international format, scientists have studied the chemical composition of toys from different manufacturers and assessed their possible effects on children. As a result, they found more than a hundred potentially dangerous compounds that pose a significant degree of risk.

“Out of more than four hundred chemicals present in materials of various densities and structures, we have identified 126 compounds with potential carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects. Among them there are more than 30 plasticizers, 18 flame retardants and 8 flavoring agents, ”said Dr. Peter Franke, an employee of the Danish Technical University.

According to experts, in many countries the permissible composition of plastic toys is being reviewed and monitored. However, at the international level, there is no single register of approved chemical compounds. “Existing international regulations do not cover the full range of chemicals that can be found in toys,” the scientists say. “In addition, some known toxic and illegal compounds can be found in plastic, which end up in products after recycling plastic waste, which indicates either negligence and ignorance of manufacturers, or non-compliance with regulations in some countries,” the researchers explain.

To clarify the scale of the danger, experts have identified a list of chemical compounds found in toys. After that, they combined information about the chemical composition of the products with factors such as the duration of children's play with one toy, the likelihood that the child will take it in their mouth, and the approximate number of such toys in the same nursery. As a result, 126 compounds in plastic were found to be hazardous. In addition, 27 chemicals were identified that were already banned for use in children (despite this, they were still present there). Some components were listed as “possibly dangerous” - 17 of them were found.

So far, scientists cannot influence manufacturers and ban the release of plastic toys. They strongly advise parents to minimize the presence of such products in the home, so as not to endanger the health of the child. Ordinary users cannot know what is contained in a seemingly harmless toy. But the consequences can be extremely negative: from allergic processes and atopic dermatitis to severe intoxication and the development of malignant diseases.

The existing danger is reported by ScienceDirect

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