Harm and benefit of onions
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What is the use of onions?
This food product is able to fully meet the needs of the body in vitamin C. In addition, this component perfectly improves immunity.
In the treatment of viral diseases, he takes a leading position. He fights against colds and flu. It is enough to just use a vegetable with honey and inhale its pores to feel relief.
It also has antibacterial properties. All due to the fact that it contains phytoncids. With the help of their exposure to bacteria on the body is significantly reduced.
Potassium contained in it is useful for the cardiovascular system. He strengthens it in every possible way, so the use of this vegetable in its raw form is useful.
Vegetables actively participate in metabolic processes. It activates the metabolism and promotes the purification of blood; stimulates the digestive processes, and completely eliminates the development of constipation.
It has a beneficial effect on sleep, acting as a sleeping pill. Therefore, people who do not suffer from this phenomenon should use less of this product. After all, it causes drowsiness.
Well, finally, onions can help in the fight against cancer. Some studies have shown that it inhibits tumor growth.
The use of onions for men
It is known that the use of onions for men is indeed observed. So, he is a strong male aphrodisiac. He is able to activate sexual desire and potency.
In addition to onions, parsley, celery, dill and garlic have the same properties. It is known that in monasteries it was forbidden to serve this vegetable, because it is capable of increasing sexual desire. Among the monks, this was unacceptable, and therefore there was such a restriction.
To improve sexual functions, you need to constantly add garlic, parsley and onions to your daily diet. After all, all these elements have a certain benefit for the sexual health of men. Therefore, you just need to use this product. Naturally, if a man wants to change something in his life.
Combine it best with other ingredients in the salad. This will enhance its effect, and it will be noticed immediately. Therefore, to neglect this vegetable is clearly not worth it.
Therapeutic properties of onions
Do not underestimate the therapeutic properties of onions. Because this vegetable helps to cope with many problems. So, he can eliminate dandruff, strengthen hair, restore their color and remove the itch of the scalp.
To do this, simply take a small onion, clean it, rub it and place the gruel on the gauze. You can rub such a product into the scalp. After a few hours, rinse your hair. The procedure is performed every other day for a month. The result will be terrific.
When influenza it is necessary to lubricate the nasal mucosa and inhale vapors. This procedure will relieve the inflammation and remove the common cold. You can even make a drop, for this, the vegetable juice is mixed with water and buried in each nostril.
This product also helps with many women's problems. So, if there is no menstruation you need to peel the onion with water and drink on a cup in the morning and in the evening. Situations improve instantly.
It treats bronchi and inflammation of the respiratory tract. In order to feel relief, one should simply eat onions with honey. The diuretic properties of this product are simply incredible. It is worth chopping 2-3 vegetables, pour a glass of water and insist for 8 hours. Get a healing tincture, you need to consume it three times a day. Onions are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other useful elements.
Treatment with onions
A separate item is the treatment with onions. It is impossible to overestimate his useful qualities. He actively struggles with many problems and eliminates some troubles.
If a man has stretched the ligaments, one must resort to the help of this vegetable. Finely chopped onion, mixed with sugar, thoroughly mixed and covered with a thick layer on the lesion.
When the rhinitis has tortured, it is necessary to prepare an effective agent. To do this, take the juice of onions, mix with water and used as drops for the nose. You can just breathe fumes of this vegetable throughout the day, the effect is enormous.
To clear abscesses and boils it is worth taking 2 parts of a baked onion and rubbing it with laundry soap. The received agent is applied to the plaster and then to the sore spot several times a day. Everything will be cleared quickly.
Tortured cough? A bow will help. You need to peel one onion, wash it and grate it. Then mix it with goose fat and rub it into the chest and neck area. To fasten the effect, a warm scarf or scarf is wound on top.
It is useful to use it with scurvy. After all, in its composition there is vitamin C, which is excellent to cope with this disease. For the expulsion of worms, 2-3 bulbs eaten on an empty stomach will do. If it is difficult to do this, simply pour the vegetable with a glass of warm water and insist for 7-8 hours. Take half the glass on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.
Effective onions and diabetes. It's worth just chop a couple of bulbs and mix them with two cups of warm water. The tincture lasts 7-8 hours. Drink the product you need for 1 coffee cup 3 times a day before meals. The effect is incredible.
Onions for weight loss
Not many ladies know that the onion for weight loss has a good effect. So, the whole point is that the composition of this vegetable is almost unique. Not one product does not contain so many useful components. And most importantly, they do not disappear anywhere during cooking. This is generally unbelievable.
So, how this product is able to help the process of losing weight? The fact is that it is acute, and such products are known to promote rapid fat burning. No, eat one onion from morning to night is not worth it. You just need to add it to your daily diet. And it does not matter in what form this product will be used. It is useful both fried and fresh.
In addition, the vegetable helps the metabolic processes in the body. Thus, the food is not delayed and is quickly removed. This indicates that fat is burned faster, and the processed food is not delayed for a long time. It's enough just to eat onions daily to notice its incredible properties. This is the whole secret of losing weight.
Onions with diabetes
To eat onions with diabetes is simply necessary. It will help to maintain insulin at the right level. In addition, it is able to significantly reduce the sugar content in the blood and thereby reduce the need for the use of insulin.
With diabetes, it is worth eating a baked onion. Improvement of the condition is noted after a few months of its regular use. Tincture of onions also has healing properties.
Purified vegetable can be put in a jar and pour 2 liters of water. Then cool, mix and place for a day in the refrigerator. Take the product you can take a third cup 20 minutes before meals, three times a day. The course of treatment is 17 days.
Effectively reduces sugar and alcohol tincture. It is necessary to finely chop the onion, pour it 2 liters of red wine and put the mixture into a dark cool place. Take the drug you need 15 grams after each meal. The duration of treatment is also 17 days. During the year, the sugar level should remain normal.
Onion for gout
Used onions for gout, as well as many other diseases. All because its composition is unique in its kind. This amount of vitamins and minerals can not be found in any other vegetable.
To feel its medicinal properties, it is enough just to eat this product daily. He not only relieves gout, but also helps to improve the body as a whole. Due to the high content of salts, it has diuretic properties.
Even in ancient times it was known about its miraculous properties. Thanks to him you can cure many diseases and save a person from suffering. It is necessary to use it, unambiguously. A huge amount of vitamins and minerals will not only improve the patient's condition, but will also bring all the superfluous from the body.
The main useful properties of onions are the enrichment of the body with the necessary components, as well as the acceleration of metabolism. After all, gout is a disease that blocks the withdrawal of harmful substances from the body. Thus, they gradually "increase" and lead to more complex problems.
Cough onions
The most universal remedy is a cough onion. He not only relieves this phenomenon, but also removes the pain in the throat, as well as a runny nose.
To prepare a powerful remedy, you need to take 500 grams of peeled bulb and crush it thoroughly. Then add literally 400 grams of sugar and cook it all on low heat in 1 liter of water. This process lasts 3 hours. Then cool the remedy and add 50 grams of honey. The resulting medicine is poured into a bottle and clogged. Take the product fashionably 4-6 spoons each time before eating. The effect is stunning.
Finely chop the onion in the evening and fill it with sugar, in the morning the medicine will be ready. During the day, eat either the vegetable itself or drink the resulting juice. Need to be treated for several days, cough will be instantaneous.
Boil a couple of bulbs in a liter of milk and insist for 4 hours. Then strain and take on a tablespoon every 3 hours. In a short time, there will not be a trace left of the cough.
About 10 bulbs and one head of garlic are finely chopped and also boiled in milk. Then honey and peppermint juice are added. Take one tablespoon every hour after a long cough. Simple recipes, which include onions, can really help.
Onions for hair
Problems with curls are now not terrible, because there is a large onion for hair. What is it useful and what does it do?
If a person suffers from dandruff, then it is worth making one good remedy. For its preparation you need to take one onion and finely chop it. The resulting gruel is rubbed into the scalp. The procedure is repeated every other day for a month. To forget about dandruff due to this action will be possible forever.
You can make and onion masks. For this, the bulb is mixed with kefir or honey. The mask is applied for 40 minutes, then washed off with water and shampoo. But there is one small nuance, removing the onion smell will not be so easy. He is able to pursue a girl for a long time. And the aroma directly depends on the humidity outside the window. This point needs to be taken into account.
This product actively removes irritation from the scalp, strengthens the hair, eliminates dandruff. So it's just necessary to use onions.
Recipe for a mask from onions
An effective mask recipe from onions includes not only this ingredient. So, to make a nourishing mask you have to squeeze out the juice from the vegetable and add a little bit of natural honey. In the same amount as additional ingredients will go yogurt and burdock oil.
The mixture is thoroughly mixed together and rubbed into the roots of the hair. To fix the effect and create the necessary conditions for the mask, it is necessary to cover the head with polyethylene. On top you need to place a warm towel. This will allow you to warm your head a little and strengthen the effect of the remedy. Wash the mask one hour after its application. The effect is really amazing.
It is necessary to make a mask a couple of times a week until the desired effect is achieved. The truth is to get ready for the fact that an unpleasant smell will come from the hair for some time. So to speak, this is a small minus. But do not worry, the onion will fade over time, and your hair will become perfect.
Vitamins in onions
Whether to contain vitamins in onions? Of course, they are there. So, in 100 grams of vegetables to be 33 mg. Vitamin C, which already speaks of its incredible beneficial properties. And do not necessarily eat the onion raw to get this vitamin in its pure form. During cooking, it does not disappear anywhere. The immune system will be happy to receive such a gift.
A lot of onions and vitamin A. To get it fully worth it to roast the vegetable along with the butter. Vitamin A and E interact well with each other. So, this "component" perfectly influences the vision, the state of the mucous membranes, as well as the biosynthesis of proteins.
Vitamin K helps the body absorb calcium and participate in the synthesis of collagen. Without this component, osteoporosis develops, nails can break down, and hair problems can also begin.
Vitamin PP is responsible for the breakdown and withdrawal of cholesterol from the body. After all, it participates in oxidation-reduction reactions. Vitamin B allows the central and peripheral nervous system to work smoothly. So, eating onions daily is necessary.
Harm to onions
A lot of positive qualities, but what about the harm of onions? Naturally, this vegetable can not be ideal. First of all, it causes unpleasant odor from the mouth. It can harm digestion and even the cardiovascular system.
So, the onion as a source of unpleasant odor. Indeed, there is such a small nuance. But to be afraid of this phenomenon it is not necessary, because to eliminate an unpleasant smell it is quite possible. Toasted walnuts, burned bread and parsley will quickly remove this "symptom".
Despite the positive effects on the digestive system, this product also has a negative effect. So, it increases the acidity of the gastric juice. Therefore, with kidney, liver, gastritis and hypersensitivity to onions, it can not be used in any case.
On the cardiovascular system, he also has a special effect. Blood pressure may rise and an asthma attack may begin. Therefore, it should be eaten in limited quantities, people with similar problems. So, not always onions can have a positive effect.