Benefit and harm of peas
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The use of peas, first of all, lies in its unique composition.
Peas are a valuable source of protein and, thanks to this property, takes a special place among other vegetable crops. It is interesting that pea proteins are similar in many respects to proteins of natural meat in terms of the content of a number of amino acids. In addition, the pea contains a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid, useful sugars, fiber. It contains a whole complex of vitamins (A, PP, H, group B), as well as dietary fiber, carotene and other useful substances. Thus, the healing properties of peas for the human body is difficult to overestimate.
The nutritional value of this legume is higher than that of potatoes and other vegetables. In addition, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium salts are present in the pea, and there are many other micro and macro elements that are undeniably healthy for health. In the ripe pods of this plant, there is a lot of chlorophyll and special substances that control the calcium content in the human body.
It should be noted that in peeled peas there are far fewer vitamins and beneficial microelements than in green peas. Therefore, people who are deficient in vitamin A, are encouraged to eat peas in their raw form. That vitamin A, contained in peas, brought the body the maximum benefit, peas can not be combined with other starch-containing products.
Modern scientists say that vegetable peas are a real medicine. Its healing properties, first of all, are due to the high content of antioxidants and minerals in the beans, which are very important for the human body. In peas a little fat, so it is indispensable in maintaining the health of the heart muscle. In addition, the beans lack cholesterol and sodium, but there are fibers that help lower the blood cholesterol level. Surprisingly, peas help to avoid the development of diabetes; in the composition of its carbohydrates there are substances of glucose and fructose that penetrate directly into the blood without the help of insulin. The most important vitamin pyridoxine is also present in peas and participates in the synthesis and further cleavage of amino acids. Pyridoxine plays a large role in the full metabolism, and its deficiency often leads to the development of seizures and various dermatitis.
Peas are considered by modern medicine as a product with a pronounced anticarcinogenic effect, which is achieved due to the high content of selenium. The carotene, vitamin C and fiber present in green bean peas also contribute to the prevention of cancer. Green peas are sometimes referred to as a "vitamin tablet", because of its high caloric content and rich content of amino acids, it is several times higher than other vegetables. This legume culture is very useful for people who prefer high activity in their lives and perform heavy physical work, as it increases the capacity for work of a person, supplies the body with energy and helps the body to endure physical stress.
Natural sugar, which is present in most varieties of peas, improves memory, thinking processes, brain activity. Regular introduction of pea in the diet is beneficial for the digestive organs, and also helps to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms, in particular, heartburn and malfunction of the intestines. In addition, this natural product takes part in stimulating the processes of regeneration of internal organs and tissues, and is also very useful for maintaining a healthy skin and hair condition.
In medicine, vegetable peas are used to get rid of many ailments. For example, pea or decoction of peas is used to treat urolithiasis and kidney. Pea flour is an effective remedy for constipation. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to use one or two teaspoons of pea flour during the week, and the intestine will work much better. Constant on pea roots, tea actively stimulates the brain and significantly improves memory. Thanks to antioxidants contained in peas, immunity receives energy support and thereby acquires the ability to more actively confront different kinds of infections.
The Benefits of Boiled Peas
Peas in boiled form are much more nutritious than buckwheat, pasta or rice. In days of fasting, dishes made from peas are quite capable of replacing meat or fish dishes. More useful is freshly-frozen peas, because in which product vitamins are preserved in larger quantities. As for dried peas, it is better to buy it not in whole, but in chopped form, - so it will cook faster and better preserve nutritional properties. Vegetable peas should not exceed three or four millimeters in the diameter of the core, but if the diameter of the peas is greater, then this variety is not suitable for culinary use. It is a large fodder pea variety that can be easily distinguished even in color: its pea has a purple or brownish hue .
The use of boiled peas is that it contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins, without losing its useful properties in this form. For cooking dishes, it is best to choose peas of a more vivid color, tk. It contains more useful substances. If the grade is of poor quality, then it is brewed much longer. The best pea varieties become soft even 15 minutes after they are lowered into the water.
Cooked peas are most often used in mashed potatoes and soups. Peas, crushed in half, usually brewed from 45 minutes to 1 hour, the same kind of peas should be cooked even longer - about an hour and a half. Before cooking, the hostess should soak the peas in cold water and soak them for 8 hours. In the process of cooking peas, it is possible to add cream or sunflower oil, so that it will be cooked faster. To determine the time for cooking peas, you need to take into account its grade and water hardness.
It is important to know that the use of boiled peas has a number of contraindications. For example, dishes from peas are not recommended for people who suffer from inflammation of the stomach or intestines, as well as gout and acute form of jade. Elderly people need to carefully cook the peas before use to prevent excessive gassing. In the dish of peas, it is recommended to add carrots, as well as eat them with bread.
Harm of peas
Peas are not recommended for elderly people and gout patients. This is due to the fact that, like beans, pea beans contain in large quantities purines - special substances that contribute to the increase of uric acid level, as well as the accumulation in the joints of "urate" - the salts of this acid. Dishes of their peas are not recommended for people who have serious problems with the work of the intestines, as well as nursing mothers, since one of the unpleasant features of this product is its ability to provoke flatulence, excessive gas formation and a feeling of discomfort in the stomach.
The harm of peas for people suffering from gout is associated with increased production of uric acid, which can accumulate not only in the joints and tendons, but even in the kidneys and other vital organs. This further exacerbates the course of gout. Contraindicated peas to people who suffer from cholecystitis, thrombophlebitis, urolithiasis and various kidney diseases, in particular, nephritis.
Thus, in addition to useful properties, peas have some side effects. A significant drawback of this product is that it can cause bloating. To avoid this unpleasant symptom, experts recommend adding dill to the dish with peas. Minimize the damage of peas will also help its thorough washing in water. To avoid problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, after drinking dishes from peas it is not recommended to drink cold water.