Bananas with pancreatitis: possible or not
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Competent changes in diet are the basis for the prompt cure of acute pancreatitis. With chronic pancreatitis, a properly formulated diet helps to minimize the likelihood of an exacerbation of the disease. However, the harder the diet, the more questions a sick person has. For example, can you eat fruits - in particular, bananas in pancreatitis?
Can I have bananas with pancreatitis?
The list of products to be excluded from the diet for pancreatitis includes many berries and fruits. For example, under the ban fall green apples, apricots, peaches, gooseberries, currants, grapes, plums, blackberries, cherries. Bananas are considered a relative product - in some cases, their use is recommended to restrict, and in others - even advised to use. To understand this issue and not to harm your health, first you need to read this information:
- Bananas are indeed included in the list of dietary fruits, because they are easily perceived and digested by a healthy human body. The only thing - a banana is enough calories, so it must be cautious with obesity and broken carbohydrate metabolism.
- Bananas are not advised to consume in large quantities even to absolutely healthy people, especially at night. And with pancreatitis the maximum allowed is the use of one or a couple of fruits per day, no more.
- The ripest bananas are most easily perceived by the digestive system, with a yellow peel and a soft inner texture. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - and, in particular, with pancreatitis - it is allowed to use such bananas. Green and hard fruits, as well as darkened and rotten flesh should not be eaten - the benefits of such bananas for pancreatitis just do not bring.
- In diseases of the digestive system, also with pancreatitis, bananas should be eaten not raw, but in thermally processed - for example, finely chopped fruits can be added to viscous cereals, casseroles, cottage cheese, etc. Preferably, the banana is boiled or baked - so its flesh is as easy to assimilate .
Bananas are firmly established on our table, because they are affordable and sold throughout the year. This delicacy is not only extremely common, but also very useful. So, the fresh flesh of fruits contains up to 75% moisture, up to 25% of different sugars, protein, starch, up to 0.6% essential oil, fiber, enzyme substances, pectin, malic acid, vitamins and trace elements.
Numerous useful properties of banana fruits allow using them in dietary nutrition:
- inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
- with diapestic bleeding;
- with ulcer of stomach and duodenum;
- with microbial disinfection;
- with inflammation of the intestine, enteritis, ulcerative colitis.
Banana is allowed in cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension, with many diseases of the liver and urinary tract, with convulsions.
It is not necessary to exclude from the diet bananas for pancreatitis - most importantly, do not use them during the period of exacerbation, and in the remaining periods observe moderation. In general, bananas contain a small level of saturated lipids, sodium salts and cholesterol. The flesh of the fruit is nutritious, rich in vitamins, potassium and manganese.
The potassium content in one banana fruit can reach 300 mg. Many people know that potassium helps to strengthen the myocardium, normalizes blood pressure. Also, potassium is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, eliminates the effects of stress - which is also important in pancreatitis.
A large number of vitamins and minerals helps to cleanse the blood and body tissues from toxic substances. And iron, present in bananas, activates the production of hemoglobin and prevents anemia.
Dietary fibers normalize intestinal motility. This allows you to use bananas, not only with pancreatitis, but also with a tendency to constipation. Banana pulp will eliminate heartburn, because it has an anti-acid effect.
Many nutritionists are advised to eat bananas with a tendency to depression: in the composition of the fruits there is tryptophan - a precursor of serotonin, responsible for the positive mood of a person.
It is also important that banana pulp belongs to hypoallergenic products, so the fruits can be easily offered to children, the elderly, and women during pregnancy.
- Bananas for chronic pancreatitis are only allowed between periods of exacerbation. When you have acute pain, bananas should be put aside. But after the abatement of painful symptoms, bananas are allowed to be consumed - one fruit per day, preferably in a baked or grated version. Before using bananas in pancreatitis, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient - if after eating the fruits there are unpleasant symptoms from the digestive system, it is better to replace the bananas with some other product.
- Bananas for cholecystitis and pancreatitis are also not prohibited, however, in the period of pain it is desirable to choose other products from the list allowed for cholecystitis and pancreatitis. In general, a banana with pancreatitis and cholecystitis is allowed: this fruit does not irritate the mucosa of the digestive system, but it should be eaten with moderation and preferably in the morning - about three times a week.
- Bananas with gastritis and pancreatitis can be eaten, but - either before meals, or between meals, on a loose stomach. If you eat banana with pancreatitis or gastritis along with food, you may experience bloating, abdominal pain. If the patient suffers from high acidity, then it is especially recommended to eat a banana before eating: the fruits contribute to the formation of a mucous film, which protects the stomach from the corrosive effect of acid. At low acidity, you should pick up the fruits of good maturity, and chew them well, abundantly moistening salivary fluid: in this case the flesh will quickly and fully absorb.
- Bananas with exacerbation of pancreatitis should be avoided for a week from the time of exacerbation. As a rule, a strict diet is prescribed for this period of time - for example, a treatment table number 5. Sometimes it is allowed to prepare compotes, jelly, jelly on the basis of banana pulp - however, it is better to discuss such nuances with the treating doctor.
Baked bananas with pancreatitis
Bananas baked in pancreatitis are the best solution. The flesh that has undergone heat treatment becomes especially easily digestible, and does not irritate the mucous tissues of the digestive system. Moreover: some scientists claim that a couple of baked bananas daily helps to avoid exacerbation of stomach ulcers or gastritis.
What is the use of baked bananas in pancreatitis?
The therapeutic banana pulp stimulates the recovery of epithelial tissue, stimulates the release of mucus, which protects the internal surfaces of the digestive tract. And Japanese experts in the field of oncology maintain that the systematic eating of bananas can prevent cancerous processes in the digestive system.
Bananas with pancreatitis can be baked in the oven, multivark or microwave oven. Here is one of the recipes for the preparation of a banana dessert:
- Take 2 bananas, peeled, cut into length, poured with lemon juice and sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon and almond powder.
- Wrap each half of the banana in a piece of foil, put in a mold.
- Bake in a well-heated oven for ten to fifteen minutes.
- After cooling they are served on the table.
This dessert is preferably consumed separately from other foods - half an hour before, or one and a half hours after the main meal.
For all the benefits of bananas, you can not use these fruits, not all and not always. Contraindications to the use of bananas in pancreatitis are:
- period of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, acute form of pancreatitis (3-7 days);
- propensity to form blood clots, varicose veins with the risk of thrombophlebitis;
- postinfarction status.
- individual intolerance.
Also it is not recommended to eat bananas simultaneously with other products. Well, if the banana to eat before eating, or 1.5 hours after eating. So the benefit of a banana will manifest itself as much as possible, and unpleasant consequences in the form of flatulence or fermentation will be avoided.
Possible risks
To eat bananas at a pancreatitis after the basic plentiful meal should not be. If the banana pulp is mixed in the stomach cavity with meat or other protein food, which can be digested for about two to three hours, then the transportation of banana mass to the intestines will brake. This will lead to the fact that, instead of qualitatively assimilating, the flesh begins to wander. As a consequence - increased gas formation, impaired digestion and increased risk of exacerbation of the inflammatory process.
Among other things, as a result of fermentation, toxic substances can be released that will aggravate the course of pancreatitis. To avoid trouble, bananas with pancreatitis should be eaten half an hour before lunch, or one and a half to two hours after it. Many doctors say that it is best to eat banana with pancreatitis in the morning.
If after eating banana in pancreatitis there were unpleasant symptoms - for example, increased gas production, bloating, unpleasant sensations in the stomach, then you need to increase the period of time between eating banana and eating any other food. If the troubles continue, then in this case bananas should be abandoned altogether.
We can not exclude the possibility of individual poor tolerance of banana fruit by the patient. If there is such intolerance, then a person will feel bad after eating bananas, regardless of whether he has pancreatitis, or he is completely healthy. The bottom line is that in the presence of intolerance and pancreatitis, the patient's condition can worsen significantly. Therefore, advising bananas in pancreatitis, you must always take into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
Bananas in pancreatitis do not belong to the list of prohibited foods - most importantly, observe moderation in use. Dietary nutrition, described for tables number 2, number 4, number 5 and number 15 (food for gastritis, diseases of the digestive system, liver) implies the presence of bananas in the diet of patients. If it is reasonable to include bananas in the menu, you can get the most benefit in the absence of negative side effects. The main condition is not to forget about moderation, and also to follow other recommendations on nutrition of patients suffering from pancreatitis. With a competent approach, many manage to cure pancreatitis, or achieve a stable period of remission in the chronic course of the disease.
Bananas with pancreatitis are not taboos, which can not be said about the juice from the banana component. Such juices can not be drunk with pancreatitis, because, in addition to the fruit part, the juices in the packages contain a large number of harmful additives that can not be especially used by people who have problems with the digestive organs.
Banana juice and bananas in pancreatitis can be included in the diet, only being confident in the quality of these products. In this case, they will only benefit and help restore lost health.