Why do the nipples hurt during pregnancy?
Last reviewed: 18.10.2021
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The symptom we are considering is considered one of a number of those who talk about a pregnancy that has come. Why do pregnant women have nipples? Let's try to understand in more detail.
The changes that occur in the hormonal balance of a woman after conception, the increase in the volume of the mammary glands, are all bricks, gradually preparing the woman's body for bearing the fetus, giving birth and feeding the baby with breast milk. During this period, the nipple tissues become more sensitive. And, consequently, and painful, due to the fact that they are more intense flow of blood. This fact is developed due to the active effect of the hormone prolactin. During this period, the breast "pours", increasing in size, and becomes more dense. Thus nerve cells divide somewhat more slowly, therefore the growth of nerve endings lags behind the progress in the mammary glands, which causes painful sensations in the pregnant woman.
In this case, the increase in the volume of the mammary glands and the compaction of the tissues compressively affect the nerve receptors and blood vessels that invade the breast, which also leads to the onset of pain.
Starting from 5 - 6 weeks of gestation, the nipple of the pregnant woman begins to change. He needs to become convex, so that the newborn can freely capture his mouth. During this period, the expectant mother can also feel the described discomfort.
During the course of pregnancy, a woman may have a discharge from the breast, which can become an irritant, which causes itching, the appearance of cracks on the nipple, and hence the pain.
To the same cracks can lead to excessive thoroughness in the sanitation of nipples: rubbing them with alcohol or using to wash toilet soap of low quality with a high content of alkaline materials in it. This leads to drying and cracking of the skin, increased irritability. Mostly, this is more noticeable in the early stages, with time the sensitivity of the nipples decreases.
In the prenatal period, pain symptoms can return. And the blame for this is the colostrum, which begins to be slowly developed, preparing the breast for feeding the newborn. During this period, the attention of the woman again switches to soreness and increased sensitivity of the nipples.
The reasons described above are directly related to the status of the pregnant woman and the associated changes that occur in her body.
But a possible cause of pain in the nipples may be a disease. There are many of them. Therefore, if a pregnant woman has even the slightest doubt about the naturalness of the process, you should tell your doctor about it. And no self-treatment!
After giving birth, the cause of discomfort can also be directly feeding. This result is facilitated by:
- Wrong posture of feeding. Either the woman or the newborn is in a position uncomfortable for feeding.
- The appearance of the baby's teeth can cause pain to the mother.
- Change in the bite of a baby due to prolonged use of a pacifier or pacifier.
It is worth consulting with a pediatrician or a visiting nurse.
The cause of discomfort in the chest may be other factors:
- Moving or taking a flight with a change in the climatic zone.
- Meteopathy - increased sensitivity to weather changes.
- Cold.
- Stressful condition.
- Wrong body hygiene, selection of cosmetics, bath accessories and clothes.
- Contact with the allergen.
- Taking medications of a number of pharmacological groups.
Why do nipples hurt when breastfeeding?
The birth of the baby and the first application of it to the mother's breast is an epoch-making and touching moment that can be overshadowed by the appearance of pain in the nipple. Why do nipples hurt when breastfeeding? This question interests many young mothers.
Predominantly, this result of the first meeting with your baby is caused by the hypersensitivity of the nipple's skin. But over time, fairly quickly, the skin becomes coarse, and soreness in feeding passes.
However, you should not flatter yourself. The cause of the pain may be another. And you should not ignore this fact:
- Quite often, young and inexperienced mothers do not correctly apply the baby for feeding. There are several options: an incorrect posture in the relationship of the mother - a baby during feeding, a violation of the technique of sucking a baby in connection with the use of pacifiers and nipples.
- Incorrect care of the mammary glands during lactation.
- Continuous use of soap.
- Alcohol remediation.
- Tight rewinding of the chest.
- Tight clothes and underwear. Incorrectly matched bra.
- Rigid bathroom accessories: washcloth, towel.
- Presence of nipple damage on the nipple.
- Congenital nipple anomaly: very retracted or flat, which presents a difficulty for the baby in his capture during feeding.
- Presence in the anamnesis of a nursing mother, some disease that affects the state of the female breast. For example:
- Mastitis.
- Lactostasis.
- Nerve damage.
- Disease of an infectious nature.
- The presence of a neoplasm of any kind.
- And others.
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