
Preparing a man for pregnancy

With the undoubtedly dominant role of women in the process of bearing the future child, one should not forget that, as they say, "what you sow, you will reap." In the sense that the responsibility for the health of the offspring - to a large extent - lies with the man. And the point here is not only in male potency, although without it, of course, nothing will happen ...

It's about the ability of a man to produce a viable, that is, a healthy offspring. Preparing a man for pregnancy implies his desire to have healthy children, because such bad habits, like smoking and drinking alcohol, many times increase the risk of the birth of a child with congenital pathologies.

20 basic tips for future fathers (from those who were them)

Be a participant in pregnancy from the very beginning. This will help you feel involved in what is happening and let the woman know that the spouse takes pregnancy seriously and wants to help her ...

What you need to know about a man about pregnancy?

Perhaps a man knows well about pregnancy, this is a condition in which a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus for about 266 days, while the baby ...

If there were complications of pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth is a long process, most of which are not associated with health problems, and for the spouses these 9 months of waiting are filled with joy and happiness. Usually pregnancy develops without complications ...

A man is also a participant in pregnancy!

If someone had told a man a few months ago that when a woman is pregnant, a man is in the same position, he would have probably laughed. However, a man better understands the meaning of these words, when ...

Financial realities of family life

A man is worried about his thoughts on whether he will be able to provide for his family well? Financial preparation for the birth of a child and the subsequent life is a very difficult task ...

Man and appearance of a pregnant woman

Almost everyone is clear that the female body changes very much during pregnancy. Feelings of a woman in relation to her growing body are very complex ...


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