
Special interest

Diseases of the newborn arise for various reasons and have many different symptoms. First, the disease can be congenital, and such pathologies are not one dozen. Secondly, a child can get an infection that his mother has, during pregnancy or childbirth. Finally, the gastrointestinal tract and the airways of the child from the first minutes of life are beginning to be populated by microorganisms of the environment, among which there may be pathogenic ...

The most frequent diseases of the newborn are associated with skin, digestion and general intoxication when bacterial or viral infections enter the body. Be on the alert, and do not be lazy to replenish your knowledge to understand what diseases a newborn can take away from the joy of the baby's appearance in your family.

Infantile infections without rash

Whooping cough. Begins as an ordinary cold. There is a small cough and runny nose. After a week, the symptoms may subside, but then resume. During the second week there is a first suspicion of whooping cough.

Infections with skin rash

Measles. The rash appears three to four days after the onset of the disease. At first, measles flows like a cold in severe form, which intensifies. Eyes reddened and watery.

What should I do if my child has any discomforts?

In children who are naturally breast-fed, stools are usually mushy, yellow with white cheesy inclusions and slightly acidic odor.

What if the child is left-handed?

"Your child is left-handed." "What shall we do now?" - this question worries many parents. Why is this worry caused by the left-handedness of the child?

Child Health: Tempering

The physiological basis of hardening is that the person constantly and systematically develops conditioned reflexes that provide better thermoregulation - maintaining a constant body temperature.

Child Health: Swimming

Influence of swimming on the body of newborns and infants is not limited to tempering - in a home bath you can easily adjust the water temperature and, gradually reducing it from occupation to occupation, to increase the resistance of the baby to catarrhal diseases.

Health improvement of the child: Massage, stimulation of physical activity

Correctly performed massage has a beneficial effect on the directly processed areas of the body, and on the whole organism. This is because the skin is an extremely complex organ.


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