
Drugs used to regulate delivery

Medicines used to regulate childbirth have a multi-purpose purpose. In obstetric practice, most often use pain medication, a means to stimulate the contractile function of the uterus or, conversely, to suppress it.

Medications also include anticonvulsants, preparations for women in labor with high blood pressure, cardiac, cerebral, nephrologic disorders. And in the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases can not do without antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs.


The experimental and clinical substantiation of the use of beta-adrenomimetics, in particular of isadrin, in the complex therapy of miscarriage is carried out. Pregnant women were prescribed either only Isadrin or Isadrin in combination with spasmolytic or with no-shp. Iazrin was given in the form of tablets 0.5-0.25 mg 4 times a day.

Oxytocin, oxytocin receptors, and the effectiveness of labor and delivery

The main biological effect of oxytocin in mammals, both in vivo and in vitro, is to stimulate contraction of the uterine muscles and myoepithelial cells surrounding the alveoli of the mammary gland.


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