Medication abortion
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A drug abortion sometimes saves a woman from preserving an unwanted pregnancy. Scientists have been looking for a method of abortion without tools for many years. Ukrainian gynecologists have been using medicinal abortion since 2004.
Preparation for drug abortion
The preparation includes a smear on the flora and an intravaginal ultrasound to determine the duration of pregnancy and the location of the fetal egg. Also, the presence of chronic diseases in women, which can become contraindications for drug interruption, is specified. Before the procedure, do not eat anything salty and fat, smoked, after a medical abortion you can not take a bath and go to the pool until everything is over. Do not eat for 3 hours before the interruption and less than 2 hours after.
Effectiveness of drug abortion
Medication abortion manifests itself as more painful than usual, menstruation. The interruption efficiency is 95%. The advantage of a drug abortion is that it does not require general anesthesia. You just get a pill and drink it with the doctor. After 72 hours you again go to the clinic, where you are given a tablet for contraction of the uterus. After a day, abundant spotting starts.
Terms of drug abortion
Terms of drug abortion: 5-6 weeks. Medicinal abortion is done after a full gynecological examination. Side effects: nausea, headache. Contraindicated in heart defects with severe heart failure, tuberculosis, hypertension and fibroids, obesity and diabetes.
How is the medical termination of pregnancy?
Medication abortion begins with a woman's preliminary conversation with a doctor. She is informed of possible contraindications and complications and the very nature of the method. Next, blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, Rh factor and a smear on the flora are taken and ultrasound is done to determine the time. A woman signs consent.
With regard to pain, it all depends on the period: the longer the gestation period, the more intense the pain.
After a medical abortion, a woman is selected for contraception. Conception can occur immediately, so you need to start protecting yourself immediately.
In any case, a woman goes through such stages of drug abortion:
- A woman calls the clinic and writes to the doctor, indicating that she wants to have an abortion with a drug. Food is not taken for 3 hours.
- At the doctor, the doctor does ultrasound.
- You are warned about possible complications of the procedure and contraindications to it, conduct an introductory conversation.
- Together with a gynecologist you choose one of the preparations produced in France or Russia.
- Analgesies may also be prescribed if you did not do them shortly before the interruption. The results are ready in 1 day.
- The drug is taken with a doctor.
- Within 72 hours there are pains and discharge, similar to menstruation.
- After the onset of pain and bleeding, prostaglandins are taken. Within 5 days the fetal egg leaves entirely.
- The next stage is a control ultrasound.
Remember that the vagina is a house for bacteria. That's why smears are made before a drug abortion. Bacteria can penetrate into the uterus when the neck is opened. Unfortunately, sometimes there is a toxic shock with a lethal outcome, but this is obstinately hushed up.
Choose a clinic, the doctors of which have long been performing a medical abortion procedure. This will help to reduce complications to a minimum.
Tablets for drug abortion
Tablets for drug abortion: Mifepriston, Mifegin, Mifeprex, Mifolian, RU-486. The active substance of all these drugs is Mifepristone. It is a complex molecule that exerts a complex influence on the female body, which is set up to maintain pregnancy. If before taking the tablets there was an irregular menstrual cycle, the problem could worsen.
Medicinal abortion is carried out with drugs, which include Mifepriston: Mifegin, Mifyprex, Mifolian, RU-486. Specialists always carefully prepare a woman for taking these drugs. The doctor discusses with the patient an anamnesis, all the illnesses that she had or have.
Mifepristone blocks the receptors of the hormone that supports the course of pregnancy.
Medication abortion with mifepristone is better tolerated than surgery. Before the procedure, you confirm your awareness that in the future, you may need a surgical abortion due to incomplete removal of the fetal egg. After taking mifepristone, on the 2nd day you again come to the clinic and take another drug that expels the embryo within 1 hour. Bloody discharge lasts 10 days, after which you come to a control ultrasound. In isolated cases, after taking the drug, diarrhea, dizziness and nausea are possible.
Mifepristone has such contraindications:
- Pregnancy against the background of using an intrauterine device.
- Scar after caesarean section.
- Leiomyoma.
- Insufficiency of kidneys, liver.
- Violation of blood clotting.
- Anemia.
- Asthma.
- Diseases of the female sexual sphere.
After admission, there may be severe pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and vomiting. Can greatly increase the temperature. Do not take any painkillers and febrifugals - they can stop abortion. You can take analgin or no-shpu as a last resort. It is better to call the doctor who had an abortion. You will be given emergency telephones, for which you can get advice. If, for some reason, you can not contact this doctor, with severe pain, persistent vomiting and fever, call an ambulance.
Drug abortion with mifegin is an alternative to curettage. Unsuccessful result, incomplete extraction of a fertilized egg is possible in 5% of cases.
Mifegin is a progesterone antagonist. The mucous membrane of the uterus under his influence begins to be rejected. Abortion with pills is a serious interference in the body, it can not be called completely harmless.
The first visit to the doctor includes examining the chair, consulting the patient, signing the appropriate paper - consent to an abortion, ultrasound to confirm the period and first taking the pills. The next visit should take place in 72 hours. During this visit, the reception of prostaglandin fetuses is expelled from the uterus. The clinic needs to be monitored for 1.5 hours. If the pain is very severe, you can give a no-shpu. Possible short-term diarrhea.
After 12-16 days you need to make an ultrasound. If for some reason the pregnancy is preserved, make a normal abortion.
In the intervals between visits, you can not visit the sauna and take alcohol.
Medication abortion with pencroftone is an alternative to surgical abortion. Advantages of medicinal abortion with the Russian drug pencroftone:
- Early termination of pregnancy on the second day after conception (for example, if you are a victim of violence).
- The absence of the risk of contracting hepatitis, as is the case with abortion, if the instrument is poorly sterilized.
- Lower cost.
- Scraping can cause a scar on the uterus or perforation, bleeding that threatens life. This is not the case with pencroftone.
- Immediately restored fertility.
- Do not need anesthesia.
- Do not go to the hospital.
- The risk of depression after an abortion is reduced.
The drug was developed in 1990. He expels the embryo from the uterus, opening the cervix. Interruption of pregnancy with pencroftone is possible up to 7 weeks. It can only be used in clinics. The patient is given 3 tablets once, and she goes home. Then, after 72 hours, she is given a drug that ejects the fruit, which has ceased to develop during this time. After 16 days, ultrasound and scraping are performed if necessary (rarely).
When taking pancroft, there is a minimum of side effects, as a rule, it's only nausea and a feeling of weakness, a slight increase in body temperature for 4 hours.
Medication abortion with misoprostol in Kiev can be done in many specialized clinics. Misoprostol - a drug for the interruption of pregnancy of the last generation. As a result of the work of the uterine musculature under its action, the fetal egg is ejected.
The method excludes psychogenic trauma and is best suited to young nulliparous girls.
Abortion after 1-15 days happens in 65-85% of cases. Introduction after 1-3 days of the prostaglandin analog increases this figure to 88-98%. The same results were obtained using Pencrofton. Thus, the optimal scheme of the procedure for drug interruption of pregnancy for today is 600 mg of mifepristone with the introduction after 36-72 hours of prostaglandins.
Duphaston after a medical abortion is prescribed in the postabortion period. On day 16, after ultrasound, Duphaston is given 10 mg twice daily for 10 days. Duphaston is an active progestogen. It is used in a number of gynecological diseases. At its or his reception there are no undesirable hormonal frustration. Duphaston does not affect liver cells and blood pressure.
Together with Dufaston, a gynecologist can prescribe to you multivitamins or special vitamin complexes that are used in stressful situations. Abortion, surgical or medicamentous, is a stress for a woman. As a result, not only the nervous system, but also the heart can suffer. Sometimes postabortion psychosis develops. The first reaction is always relief. But then a woman often feels remorse, her self-esteem goes down, this day she can cry every year. It helps to realize what happened. You can mourn your child. Very important is the support of relatives, but unfortunately the husband does not always understand why his wife suddenly became cold with him. The process of finally getting rid of feelings of guilt is long. Drug abortion is usually easier to tolerate by women, not so much affects the state of mind.
Consequences of drug abortion
The consequences of drug interruption of pregnancy are mainly reduced to nausea, diarrhea and delayed menstruation up to 12 weeks, headache, chills, endometritis. Extremely rare are such side effects as Quincke's edema, rupture of the uterus and toxic shock. Toxic shock can lead to death.
Pregnancy is not interrupted in 3% of cases. Then you have to do a curettage. As a result, inflammatory diseases may become worse, spikes and infertility develop - not immediately, it happens that a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth, but the inflammation aggravates several times and leads to infertility.
During pregnancy, the nervous system is reconstructed. The body is set up to bear pregnancy. The drug abortion artificially stops this process. Therefore, so often neuroses, the so-called. Postabortny syndrome. Rarely, with drug abortion, thyroid diseases are associated, explaining everything by accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. But in vain. The thyroid gland takes part in the regulation of hormones that support pregnancy, albeit not as clearly as the ovaries and pituitary gland. It is clear that abortion is due to despair, sudden collapse of plans. But if you think about it, then there are no safe abortions. Most of us have carious teeth, tonsillitis or rhinitis. These are infectious foci. After an abortion done in any way, a woman's immune system weakens. Harmful bacteria from the vagina can get into the uterus. Especially high is the risk of infection from the vagina, because it is located closest, but theoretically, the blood can enter the inside of the uterus from any foci in the body, even the carious tooth.
Of course, the listed consequences most often arise with surgical abortion. But even with drug abortion, the cervix is opened when the fetal egg is expelled. Through this gate infection easily penetrates.
To minimize the consequences, medical abortion should end with rest for your body. A month should not be engaged in sports, no sexual intimacy, take a shower and do not swim in open water, do not go to a sauna, pool, do not take a bath earlier than 3 weeks after a medical abortion.
The harm of medical abortion is caused by the blocking of the receptors of progesterone. There are no injuries to the uterus, so complications are much less common than with a traditional abortion. A frequent complication is incomplete ejection of the fetus (about 10%). Long-term uterine bleeding is possible. There are cases of toxic shock after taking "pregnancy pills".
It is rare, but still possible to face serious complications after a medical abortion. First of all, it is the lack of effect from the drug or incomplete abortion. Also, menstruation can become irregular or very abundant. Allergy is possible. At occurrence of any disturbing attributes it is necessary to address at once consultation for clinic where abortion was spent.
Allocations after medical termination of pregnancy are usually brownish, with blood and are often disturbed even if the heavy bleeding has already ended. To remove all suspicions, be sure to visit a gynecologist and make ultrasound on the 14-16 day after the abortion. If after a month and a half after the drug abortion the discharge does not stop, this indicates that there was a failure in the hormonal system. To correct this condition, the doctor can prescribe oral contraceptives (mini-pili or combination).
You should also pay attention to the yellow discharge. This can be a sign of a purulent inflammation that has developed because you have been carrying a dead child for a while. Yellow discharge after medical abortion can be a sign of the reproduction of E. Coli.
Medication abortion is considered the safest way, but this does not mean its harmlessness. Sometimes it happens that after abortion, profuse bleeding develops. It can lead to blood loss, life-threatening. In this case, you need to lie down and call an ambulance, without hiding the fact that you have made a medical abortion. Normal is considered small, no more menstrual, bleeding until the onset of menstruation after medical abortion. If you have to change more than one night lining for an hour, seek medical attention.
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Pain after drug abortion in every woman is of varying intensity. They are caused by contraction of the uterine musculature. How severe pains will be depends on the pain threshold and the gestational age. Anesthetics for unbearable pain should be prescribed by a doctor, because many of these drugs can suppress the interruption of pregnancy. Pain after drug abortion lasts for two days. Normal pains are considered to be a little more intense than usual pain with menstruation. Several cycles of menstruation can also be painful. A gynecologist can prescribe a course of physiotherapy or gynecological massage if the pain and bleeding are very intense, prolonged. To avoid infection in the uterus, a control ultrasound on day 16 must be done, even if you do not have any complaints. Abdominal pain, fever, green and curdled discharge are all signs of infection. Drug abortion, made by all rules, in three visits, rarely leads to such consequences. 98% of complications of drug abortion are due to ignoring of medical recommendations.
The temperature after a medical termination of pregnancy usually rises no higher than 37.5 ° C and lasts no more than 4 hours. The temperature to 37.2С can last about 10 days. It is associated with an increased content of progesterone. Delaying the treatment of a possible infectious process in the uterus leads to infertility. Blood clots and fever, too much bleeding should be the reason for ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs before the doctor's appointed time (usually 14-16 days after the interruption). If after the abortion there was a fever and malaise, call the doctor home.
Nausea after drug abortion is not observed in all women and not for long. If within an hour after taking the drug you vomited, unfortunately, the pill does not work. You will be referred to a vacuum abortion.
If a woman is strongly concerned about the pain in the lower abdomen, she can be prescribed a no-shpa. Aspirin can not be taken. From a nausea it is possible to accept tserukal. It has an antiemetic effect, blocking the receptors. The maximum concentration of the drug is reached after 30 minutes. Half-life is 5 hours. The adult dose is 10 mg 3 times a day. There are side effects: headache, fatigue, fear, tachycardia, itching. Contraindications: individual sensitivity, intestinal obstruction, epilepsy.
Recovery after drug abortion
Recovery after medical abortion should include a number of activities. Abortion is a serious trauma, no matter how it is conducted. After a medical abortion, pay special attention to yourself within 2-3 months. Do not lift weights. Ask your household to help you clean. A gynecologist can prescribe procedures for you, gynecological massage. Be sure to visit the physio-cabinet if the doctor advised you. After abortion vegetative-vascular dystonia and nervous disorders can progress. Avoid stress and colds - drug-induced abortion weakens the defenses of the body. From water procedures only the first six weeks are allowed. Prevent constipation. Regularly change clothes. The first month exclude significant power loads, playing sports. You can have sex after the first post-abortion menstruation. Mifepristone is not compatible with alcohol intake. We also recommend doing a mammogram.
Medication pregnancy interruption, since 1999, has been done by every second woman. Alas, this is statistics. Without abortions, a small number of women are costing their lives. Bloody discharge after this lasts two more weeks. At this time of course, of course, you need to abstain. The risk of inflammation, if not follow this recommendation, increases. The same applies to intimacy during menstruation.
Pregnancy after drug abortion is desirable to plan no earlier than 3 months. In pregnancy, which occurs sooner, the risk of complications is high. Medication abortion in 95% does not affect the further possibility of conception, you can get pregnant in the next cycle, so take care of contraception. After a drug abortion, immunity is often impaired, so if you do not restore the body, you can pick up some infection during pregnancy. Monthly after a drug abortion Menses after a medical abortion in a normal state are restored immediately. Normal is considered to be a delay of up to 20 days. But in 70% of women they come on time. In cases of severe cramping pain during the period after a medical abortion, it is necessary to consult a doctor - this happens if the embryo does not come out completely.
Medication abortion and alcohol are incompatible. Alcohol reduces immunity. Therefore, you can not take alcoholic beverages for 2 weeks after the abortion. Alcohol also increases spotting.
Where to make a drug abortion?
In Kiev, you can contact the medical center of URO-PRO. The drug interruption of pregnancy is done for a period of 5-6 weeks. In 2 days, one more visit will be needed. During these days, bleeding begins. After 16 days, a control ultrasound is done.
You can also make a pharma by contacting the Kiev clinic "Demetra" (Poznyaki district). It also performs colposcopy of the cervix and preventive examinations of women at affordable prices, treatment of STDs, menopause, menstrual disorders. Remember that with the latent course of the disease there are no clearly pronounced symptoms, such as bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. Regular passage of examinations helps to avoid serious diseases, incl. Oncological. A cancer tumor never appears on a healthy tissue.
The center performs 300 types of tests. Here you can comfortably undergo rehabilitation after a medical abortion, get psychological help if necessary.
The Atlanta medical center is also located on the left bank of the Dnieper in Kiev. Here you can undergo a medical abortion at an early age (6-7 weeks). Also, the center treats sexual infections, gynecological and venereal diseases, gynecological and general massage.
In clinic "Klіnіcі Doroslikh" on boulevard Lepse in Kiev you can make a medical abortion at an affordable price of 1200 UAH (ultrasound included). Here you will find understanding. Gynecologists at the center know that a woman of any age is not 100% immune to unwanted pregnancy, even if she is taking contraceptive measures. Medical abortion, conducted by an experienced gynecologist, will not affect health in any way. The procedure will follow all the rules prescribed in the protocol of the pharmacy. In the clinic for medical abortion, Mifepristone is used for a long time, as a reliable and effective drug. He is well tolerated by women. After the end of bloody discharge, you must once again undergo a control ultrasound.
The medical center "Vemar" on the street was also well established. N. Bazhana (Kiev). Here, a medical abortion is performed at an early stage - up to 42 days from 1 day of menstruation. The normal size of the uterus, the absence of an embryo on ultrasound and uncomfortable sensations during a follow-up visit indicate a successful medical abortion. Doctors of the clinic are doing everything possible to minimize the side effects. Gynecologists of the center also treat colpitis, vaginitis and inflammation of the uterine appendages, polyps and endometriosis. The urologist of the center assists in the treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, as well as inflammatory diseases of the prostate and sexual disorders in men.
As you can see, the choice of medical clinics that carry out medical abortion is wide. The method of medicinal abortion is called by WHO the most sparing for women's health.
Reviews about drug abortion
We collected a few reviews about the medical abortion. Many women not only use it when they want to terminate a pregnancy due to unwillingness to give birth right now, but also if they have already started a threatening miscarriage. Medication abortion is an alternative to curettage. Surgical abortion can be a very serious injury for both the reproductive system and the psyche. After him, often there is despair, tearfulness and guilt.
The price of drug abortion
The price of medical abortion in clinics in Kiev ranges from 1200 to 1500 UAH. This cost includes ultrasound, counseling before a drug abortion and the drug itself. Analyzes you pay separately.
We wish you that you do not have situations in your life when you can not leave your child. Drug abortion is a serious but sometimes inevitable step, it must be carried out under medical supervision in the medical center.