Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy is a phenomenon that is considered absolutely natural and safe for any future mother. Therefore, having found droplets of liquid on their nipples, pregnant women should discard all anxiety and perceive what is happening as a normal phenomenon.
Most often, during pregnancy, a clear liquid is released from the chest, which is designed to prevent the milk ducts from clumping into the mammary gland. This phenomenon is inherent in women throughout life, not only in the short waiting period of the baby. Discharge can attract attention and from the first days after conception, and arise later - for example, in the fourth month of pregnancy.
It happens that the fluid that comes out of the female breast is colostrum. It is absolutely physiological and inherent in every pregnant woman. It looks colostrum, like a liquid with a yellowish tinge, watery consistency, while it has a sweetish taste. Usually, the colostrum begins to stand out immediately after birth, since it is intended to nourish the baby. But there are times when, at the sixteenth or nineteenth week, future mothers notice that their nipples become wet from the discharge. In the first few days after the onset of production colostrum is yellow and thick, but then loses its color and becomes liquid.
Women's breasts, like the whole organism of the future mother, undergo great transformations, when the baby has settled in the mother's womb and begins to actively grow there. For example, almost immediately after conception, a woman can feel that changes occur in the chest: she becomes very sensitive, it happens, which is also painful. In addition, the mammary glands are enlarged, and sometimes they are covered with a blue vein net. Areoles and nipples acquire a darker shade, and, darken significantly. Also, areoles can become covered with tubercles, and the nipples themselves become larger in size. These metamorphoses are absolutely normal for the expectant mother, as well as the discharge of fluid from the mammary glands.
But there are cases when a pregnant woman should be alerted and visit a doctor, because the discharge from the mammary glands is different from normal. Although in these cases the situation in most women is close to natural, but only a qualified specialist can confirm or deny this.
Sometimes, although rare enough, pregnant women notice a really strange discharge in the background of unpleasant changes in the chest. Such a situation, of course, is a cause for concern, but only a doctor can explain the woman's condition, which should be taken immediately.
Causes of discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy
The causes of discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy are different, although common for them is the hormonal changes in the future mother.
- The reasons for the transparent discharge from the chest are as follows. They appear not only in women "in an interesting position", but also in the ordinary. Since inside the glandular tissue of the breast are located the milk ducts, which should not stick together and overgrow. Therefore, throughout the woman's life, a fluid is periodically released, which allows to keep the ducts in an optimal state.
During pregnancy, the amount of this moisture increases, because hormones begin to function more actively, preparing the breast for the further function of feeding the baby. Therefore, the discharge from the breast occurs more often and more voluminously, which is absolutely natural for the future mother.
In many cases, the appearance of fluid occurs under the influence of some external factors, for example, stimulation of the nipples, exposure to the soul or breast massage, as well as minor anxiety and anxiety or severe stress.
- The reason for the release of colostrum is the activity of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for its production. Hormonal transformations in the female body are so violent that colostrum can begin to develop not after childbirth, but long before this time. In addition, the production of this useful liquid is provoked not only by the activity of hormones, but also by the increased mass of mammary glands. Also, periodic contractions of the uterus - the so-called training fights - contribute to the activation of hormones in order to additionally produce colostrum. It is useful to know that sexual intercourse during pregnancy, in which stimulation of the breast occurs, also lead to the development of this useful fluid.
Colostrum has a unique chemical composition and is more nutritious and caloric than mother's milk. In colostrum there is a rich content of fats, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and so on. It can be considered that colostrum is an "inoculation" from a variety of infant diseases and a "medicine" that increases the immunity of the baby. And this is all because it contains a whole cocktail of biologically active substances that trigger the work of intestinal immunity - the main human immune defense.
- The sixth or seventh month of pregnancy can bring unexpected surprises to a future mother. For example, some women at this time there are discharge of colostrum, but not in the usual form, but with impurities of blood. In this case, the colostrum itself changes its consistency and becomes more fluid and watery.
Such "innovations" have their own reasons - hormones in the future mother are actively allocated and change the entire hormonal background, which leads to changes in the body. The main "culprits" of excretions in this case are prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin is responsible for whether or not there is milk for a woman, and oxytocin for the possibility of its entering the milk ducts.
These excretions fit into the picture of the norm, so do not have to give special alarms to the woman. But in any case, the consultation of a qualified doctor will help to determine whether such a phenomenon is the norm or pathology.
- Now let us dwell on the cases when discharge from the mammary glands acquire pathological forms. For example, become yellow or bloody. But besides this, the pregnant woman begins to notice other symptoms that confirm the difference in her condition from the norm, for example, pain in the mammary glands of a regular nature. Or the appearance of cavities and tubercles in the chest, as well as other uneven increases in mammary glands. In this case, going to the doctor will be the most correct decision for a future mother and help prevent serious health problems.
The reason for such changes is the same hormones, but only in this case there is a failure in the harmonious work of the hormonal "orchestra". At the same time, discharge from the breast is only one symptom of some more serious disease of the mammary glands, for example, adenoses, mastopathy, and other benign and malignant tumor processes.
Symptomatic of natural secretions from the mammary glands is as follows:
- the presence of periodic liquids of transparent color,
- the appearance of such secretions after stimulation of the nipples and the breast itself,
- absence of other symptoms that would accompany the presence of discharge from the breast, for example, changes in the tissues of the breast and in the state of woman's health.
Symptomatic of colostrum allocation from the breast is as follows:
- the appearance of a thick liquid of yellow or white color,
- the change in the consistency of the liquid to a more transparent and light, which occurs a few days after the onset of discharge,
- absence of other unpleasant and painful sensations in the chest,
- no change in the state of health of a pregnant woman.
Symptoms of pathological discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy are as follows:
- the appearance of regular excretions exclusively from one gland,
- the presence of bloody discharge, which go in a row for several days,
- presence on the background of discharge from the chest deterioration of well-being,
- an increase in the body's overall temperature, which accompanies discharge from the mammary glands,
- the presence of pain in the chest, which become regular,
- an increase in one breast in size, when one breast becomes larger, and the other remains smaller,
- bright yellow color of discharge.
Having found several similar symptoms from the list of pathological phenomena, a pregnant woman should urgently consult a doctor for advice.
Any changes that occur during pregnancy deserve careful attention from the most prospective mother and qualified specialists. Of course, there is no need to worry in vain, many transformations in the female body are natural, although unusual. Therefore, in disputed or exciting situations it is better to consult a doctor for quality explanations and appropriate help.
Diagnosis of discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy requires a visit to the gynecologist, who oversees the course of pregnancy. If the situation seems dubious to the doctor, then he will direct the future mother to a mammologist, who is directly engaged in the mammary glands.
Initially, the expert will examine the mammary glands, while asking specific questions:
- on the timing of the appearance of excreta, that is, how long they have been harassing a woman,
- by the color of excretions,
- on the localization of secretions from one breast or both,
- as there are discharge - when pressing on the chest or in the usual state.
After that, the doctor will tell mom the cause of the appearance of discharge from the chest and the extent to which they are natural or pathological.
It happens that additional diagnoses are required to make a diagnosis. The list of such procedures is as follows:
- blood tests,
- ultrasound examination of mammary glands,
- mammography - breast examination using low-frequency X-ray,
- the appointment of doktografii (or otherwise, galaktografii), in which X-ray examination is carried out using a contrast medium,
- passage of magnetic resonance imaging as one of the best ways to identify problems in the soft tissues of the breast.
In addition, sometimes the fluid taken from the mammary glands is taken for analysis.
Of course, such studies are not often conducted, but only in exceptional cases. Usually, discharge from the chest does not represent anything unnatural, and therefore do not require additional examinations.
Who to contact?
Treatment of secretions from the mammary glands during pregnancy
Treatment of discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy in many cases is not required. For example, a transparent liquid that is periodically produced to prevent the adhesion of the milk ducts is important and useful. The production of colostrum, which started before birth, is also absolutely normal, not requiring medical intervention.
But the pathological processes in the chest, which are manifested in certain diseases of the mammary glands, as well as gynecological and endocrine problems, require treatment of the underlying disease.
Let us consider the main problems of the pathological properties that may await the mammary gland during pregnancy:
- Mastopathy of fibrocystic nature.
It is characterized by secretions from the breast of yellow color, as well as painful sensations in the mammary glands. It is also possible to have seals in the breast tissue and increase the volume of one or both of the mammary glands.
Treatment of the disease is the use of a special diet, as well as the use of hormone therapy and vitamin-mineral complexes.
- Injuries of mammary glands.
With this problem, bloody discharge appears, and painful sensations also appear. This means that soft tissues have been damaged in the chest. In the process of healing tissues, the secretions change their color to yellow or become transparent.
Treatment of injuries is the use of cold (ice), rest and lack of mechanical stimulation of the breast in the form of clothes and so on. You can use ointments that promote resorption of hematomas and healing of soft tissues of the breast, but such a procedure should be prescribed by a doctor, considering a woman's pregnancy.
- Malignant breast cancer.
With this disease, not only the discharge from the chest is of a dark color, but also the peeling of the skin, as well as their redness. Also, the skin begins to resemble a lemon rind and in this place the local temperature rises, which makes the breast tissues feel hot by touch. In the breast, there are seals, which have uneven borders. In this case, the lymph nodes increase, and the nipple changes its shape, as if drawing to the mammary gland.
Treatment of breast cancer occurs only in an operative way, and also with the use of other methods of therapy of oncological processes, which are prescribed by an oncologist.
Preventing discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy
Preventing excessive discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy is as follows:
- To lead a healthy lifestyle that excludes excitement and stress, so as not to overload the endocrine system with hormonal bursts. Stable hormonal background promotes the appearance of only those secretions from the breast, which are necessary for the prevention of clumping of the milk ducts.
- To plan pregnancy in order to lead to normalize all endocrine problems before conception: the thyroid gland, ovaries, the condition of the endometrium of the uterus and its neck, and so on. To do this, you need to visit a gynecologist and an endocrinologist, and follow all their recommendations.
- At the beginning of pregnancy, you need to update your wardrobe, first of all, by purchasing a special bra for expectant mothers. He does not squeeze the mammary glands, so it does not contribute to provoking discharge from the chest. It is comfortable in everyday wear, allowing the breast to fit comfortably in it, and also helps to support the breast and protect her skin from stretching. When there is a discharge in it, you can also sleep by putting the gasket inside, because at night the production of the liquid increases.
- Do not press on the chest and nipples when the discharge appears to see what kind of liquid is coming from their breasts. This can injure the mammary gland and infect the sequence of cracks that appear as a result of mechanical influences.
- It is necessary to observe hygienic measures to ensure the health of the breast during pregnancy. It is necessary once a day, and in the summer - twice a day to take a shower or wash your chest with usual cool or warm water. In this case, do not every day use soap, so as not to overdry the skin. And from grades of this hygienic means it is better to choose a soap for intimate hygiene.
- We advise you to take air baths for changing at least five minutes twice a day. This will provide a drying effect for the skin of the breast and its nipples.
- It is important to purchase breast pads, put them in a bra and change them every hour.
- Droplets of colostrum on the nipples that appear during the day should be carefully and carefully wiped with a napkin, thereby drying the skin.
The prognosis of discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy depends on how much they are natural or pathological.
- In the production of conventional fluid to prevent the overgrowth of the milk ducts, the state of the pregnant woman's body is unchanged. Such manifestations are absolutely natural and in order to reduce their number, it is necessary to follow the preventive measures described above. In addition, it is important to know that these discharges will cease completely or be reduced to a minimum after the birth of the baby and the cessation of breastfeeding.
- When producing colostrum in a pregnant woman, it is worth paying attention to the fact that after the birth of the baby, the colostrum period will be absolutely natural for the woman in labor. And after the end of the lactation period, the discharge of colostrum from the breast stops itself.
- When pathological discharge is very important to know what caused this problem. If the disease is reversible and treatable, then the cessation of discharge from the mammary glands will stop immediately after undergoing a course of appropriate therapy and elimination of the disease itself.
- If the processes in the body are irreversible, for example, in the last stages of breast cancer, the discharge from the mammary glands will progress. But it is worth noting that in pregnant women, such phenomena are almost not found, which gives cause for optimism.
Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy is most often normal and absolutely natural physiological manifestations, which stop in women after she gives birth to a child and stops breastfeeding. Therefore, of course, the future mother should carefully monitor her health, but leave all kinds of worries and worries in those issues that are not worth it.