
Anomalies of labor

Anomalies of labor activity, unfortunately, are quite often: up to 10-12% of all births. These are violations in the preliminar period, that is, with the very first rare and weak painful spasms in the lower abdomen and in the lower back (without the involvement of the uterus muscles); too weak or excessively rough labor activity or complete lack of coordination.

Circular dystopia of the uterus (contraction ring)

Circular dystopia of the uterus (contraction ring) - pathology, which is due to contractions of the circular muscle fibers at different levels of the uterus (except the cervix).

Hypertension of the lower segment of the uterus (inverse gradient)

By the hypertonus of the lower segment of the uterus, or the inverse gradient, is understood such a pathological condition, when the contraction wave begins in the lower uterine segment and spreads upward with decreasing force and duration, while the lower segment contracts more strongly than the body and the uterine fundus.

Discoordinated labor activity

Under the discoordination of labor, we understand the absence of coordinated contractions between the different parts of the uterus: the right and left halves of the uterus, the upper half (the bottom, the body) and the lower parts of the uterus, between all parts of the uterus.

Excessive labor activity (uterine hyperactivity)

Excessive labor activity (uterine hyperactivity) is a form of an abnormality of labor, which is manifested by excessively strong contractions (more than 50 mm Hg) or by fast alternations of contractions (more than 5 contractions per 10 min) and increased uterine tone (more than 12 mm Hg. St.).

Stopping the lower part of the fetus

As is known, the most significant lowering of the presenting part of the fetus occurs at the end of I and especially in the second stage of labor. Therefore, the impossibility of further fetal progression, stopping or slowing down of the fetus are typical violations of the II period of labor.

Delayed lowering of the presenting part of the fetus

Delayed lowering is a pathologically slow rate of lowering the presenting part of the fetus. The definition of this condition varies depending on the number of births in a woman - in primiparas, the presence of such anomaly is indicated by the maximum slope on the curve of the lowering of the presenting part of the fetus, equal to 1 cm / h or less

Rapid birth

For the speed of lowering the present part of the fetus, these boundaries are respectively equal to 6.4 and 14.0 cm. Therefore, for practical purposes, it should be considered that rapid delivery (not to be confused with a rapid birth) is characterized by the rate of opening the cervix and lowering the presenting part of the fetus, exceeding 5 cm / h in primiparas and 10 cm / h in the miscreant.

Types of abnormalities of labor

For the successful development of scientific and practical obstetrics, it is of fundamental importance to elucidate the causes of anomalies of labor and the most reasonable pathogenetic treatment.

Weakness of labor (hypoactivity, or inertness of the uterus)

Weakness of labor is a condition in which the intensity, duration and frequency of contractions are insufficient, and therefore smoothing the cervix, opening the cervical canal and moving the fetus, when it corresponds to the pelvic size, is slow.

Weakness of attempts

Primary weakness is observed in cases of weakness in the muscles of the abdominal press in multifaceted women with excessively stretched and relaxed abdominal muscles, with infantilism, obesity, as well as abdominal wall defects in the form of hernia of the white abdominal line, umbilical and inguinal hernia, with myasthenia, with spinal injuries.


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