
Biceps twisting for hands

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Biceps twisting for hands

You will need:




  • Initial position

Standing position, feet shoulder width apart. Take the barbell from below, the neck should rest on your hips. Hands should be at a distance of 45 cm from each other.

PLEASE NOTE: When lifting the bar, do not swing it. This can be prevented if you stand against the wall.

  • Basic movement

Slowly lift the neck to the chest, bending arms in the elbows, but with the shoulder part of the hands should remain stationary.

PLEASE NOTE: While lifting the bar up, press the shoulder portion of the hands against the ribs. So you will increase the load on the biceps.

  • Final position

Lock in the upper position, then lower the rod to its original position.

IMPORTANT: The crossbar must move along the same trajectory of the semicircle up and down.


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