
Tightness in the abdomen during pregnancy

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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An unpleasant symptom that many pregnant women face is heaviness in the abdomen. Let's consider the causes of its appearance, types, methods of treatment and prevention.

Most often the appearance of heaviness and pain in the stomach is a sign of physiological changes in the body caused by pregnancy. During pregnancy, heaviness in the stomach can occur at any term.

Painful sensations occurring in a woman's lower abdomen are divided into several types:

  1. Gynecologic pain occurs in these cases:
  • The gestation period.
  • A tubal pregnancy.
  • Placental abruption.
  • Involuntary miscarriage.
  1. General
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Physiologic changes of the uterus during the first months of gestation.
  • Muscle tension during fetal growth.

Pain is also divided by intensity and localization:

  • Sharp.
  • Chronic.
  • It's nagging.
  • Intense.
  • Prolonged.
  • Seizure-like.
  • Right-handed/left-handed.

In this case, the causes can be completely different, both caused by food disorders and related to the development of the fetus. In rare cases, discomfort has a pathological nature, so do not leave unpleasant sensations without attention.

Causes of the abdominal distress

Most often the appearance of discomfort is caused by harmless factors. But there are also more serious causes of heaviness in the abdomen in expectant mothers, let's consider them:

  1. Gynecological
  • Early toxicosis - unpleasant symptoms appear in the first trimester. Women complain of discomfort in the epigastrium, attacks of nausea and vomiting. These signs indicate successful fertilization and pass independently during the second trimester.
  • Threat of miscarriage - painful sensations occur not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the sacrum. Bloody discharge from the genital tract is also possible. In most cases, this pathological condition develops due to a deficiency of progesterone. This leads to involuntary contraction of the uterus and detachment of the fetal egg. If you seek medical help in a timely manner, the pregnancy can be preserved.
  • Rapid growth of the uterus. The organ increases with each month, as the fetus and the volume of amniotic fluid grows. Because of this, the stomach is displaced, instead of a horizontal position, it becomes vertical and presses down from above. This condition is a variant of the norm.
  • Isthmico-cervical insufficiency. Most often this problem is faced by the owners of gynecological diseases in the anamnesis. Due to weakness of the internal pharynx in the 2-3 trimester there is an involuntary opening of the cervix. This causes pulling pains in the lower abdomen, but there is no bloody discharge. This condition is dangerous for premature labor and the risk of infection of amniotic fluid. To preserve the pregnancy, surgical intervention is performed and the cervix is sutured.
  • Hydrochloric acid deficiency - this substance is necessary to activate the production of pepsin, which breaks down proteins. If hydrochloric acid is insufficient, it is manifested by abdominal pain. The unpleasant condition is explained by the reduced production of gastrin, which is necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid.
  • Increased production of somatostatin - this condition is completely opposite to the above. In the last weeks of pregnancy, growth hormone is actively produced, which stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. This causes attacks of nausea and unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium.
  1. Non-obstetric pain
  • Stagnation of intestinal contents - as it grows, the uterus begins to squeeze the intestines, and hormonal changes slow down its work. This causes painful sensations and creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens.
  • Unbalanced diet - very often during the period of pregnancy women have new gastronomic preferences and desire to eat incompatible foods. This leads to impaired digestion and various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Reduced muscle tone of the stomach - there is a violation of gastric motility, the walls of the organ loosely cover the food, causing a complex of unpleasant sensations.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal system - very often in expectant mothers, diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.) worsen. Diseases cause heaviness in the abdomen, pain, colic, vomiting, nausea.
  • Inflammatory processes in the retroperitoneal space. This condition develops primarily due to a decrease in the protective properties of the immune system. Another cause of the disorder is the growing uterus, which displaces the greater omentum, which delimits and protects the abdominal organs from inflammatory processes.
  • Inflammation of the bladder - cystitis is most often encountered in the first trimester. The treatment includes drinking plenty of water, phytotherapy and antispasmodics.
  • Appendicitis - with this pathology, pain is localized in the area of the navel and on the right side. Discomfort gradually increases, body temperature rises, nausea and vomiting. The patient needs emergency medical care.
  • Food toxic infections - pulling, contraction-like pain in the navel area, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. There may also be a decrease in blood pressure, increased body temperature, general weakness, rapid pulse, pale skin. This condition requires immediate medical attention. Treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Based on the above causes of heaviness in the abdomen in expectant mothers, we can conclude that discomfort can be caused by both gynecological and non-obstetric causes. But regardless of the cause, the painful condition requires diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment.

Risk factors

The most common cause of abdominal discomfort during pregnancy is the enlargement of the uterus with the fetus, the displacement of internal organs and the center of gravity in the spinal column. Because of this, heaviness in the epigastrium may be supplemented by soreness in the lumbar region.

There are a number of risk factors for the appearance of heaviness in the abdomen and other painful symptoms in expectant moms, consider them:

  • Early toxicosis.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Rapid growth of the uterus.
  • Muscle tissue diseases.
  • Calcium and hydrochloric acid deficiency.
  • Stagnation of intestinal contents.
  • Gynecologic pathologies.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases (cystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis).
  • Food toxic infections.

Most of the above factors are caused by multiple changes in a woman's body during pregnancy. But any painful symptoms should be taken seriously and consult your doctor.


One of the possible causes of heaviness in the abdomen in pregnancy is early toxicosis. Let's consider its pathogenesis and risk factors for the future mother.

  • The most common and most reasonable theory of toxicosis development is the neuro-reflex theory. According to it, there is a violation in the relationship between the CNS and internal organs.
  • There is also an immune theory, where the female body produces special antibodies, because from the first days of conception, the child is a different organism from the mother in terms of antigenic composition.
  • Heaviness in the abdomen and a complex of other unpleasant symptoms are explained by hormonal changes. A new organ appears in the body that produces hormones - it is the placenta. This causes a lot of changes, which is manifested by symptoms of toxicosis. Very often discomfort in the epigastrium runs with attacks of vomiting. With vomiting, there is a decrease in corticosteroids in the adrenal cortex.
  • Another possible cause of a painful condition is the psychogenic theory. In this case, toxicosis develops due to negative emotions of the future mother: fear of childbirth, fear for the life of the child and her own. That is, psychosomatics imposes a significant imprint on the physical state.

It should also be noted that most often with heaviness and abdominal pain are women who have chronic diseases of the GI tract, liver, thyroid gland. Patients with a history of artificial termination of pregnancy, chronic inflammatory gynecological diseases.


According to medical statistics, the main cause of heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy is a woman's eating disorders and early toxicosis. Unbalanced diet, overeating, consumption of incongruous products leads to the appearance of painful sensations.

It should also be noted that the unpleasant condition is directly related to hormonal changes in the body, growth of the uterus and changes in the position of internal organs. In rare cases, pain signals pathological processes that require emergency medical care.


The symptomatology of abdominal discomfort during the period of carrying depends entirely on the causes and factors that provoked it.

Consider the symptom complex of disorders on the part of the digestive system, caused by changes in the hormonal background and increased intra-abdominal pressure due to fetal growth:

  • Pulling pains in the upper abdomen.
  • Burning and heaviness in the epigastrium.
  • The feeling of being quickly satiated.
  • Heartburn, belching.
  • Bouts of nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased gas.
  • A feeling of fullness in the stomach.

It should be taken into account that unpleasant sensations manifest themselves individually. But if the heaviness occurs too often, you should inform your doctor.

First signs

The first unpleasant sensations and abdominal pain in pregnancy occur at the time of attachment of the egg to the fallopian tube. In terms of symptomatology, it resembles the discomfort before menstruation. Against this background, there may be a rise in temperature, mild nausea and general weakness.

If discomfort is associated with the symptoms listed below, you should seek medical attention immediately:

  • Acute pain of increasing character, which does not go away after changing the position of the body.
  • Pain with contractions of varying intensity.
  • Nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite.
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract.
  • The pain increases with palpation of the abdomen.

Such symptoms are not physiological norms, but are the first signs of pathological processes occurring in the body and requiring medical intervention.

Tightness in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

During the period of carrying a child, the female body experiences an increased load. Because of this, there is often an exacerbation of chronic diseases, which are joined by specific adaptive pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

The main causes of the painful condition include:

  • Digestive Disturbance.
  • Inflammation of the intestines.
  • Kidney and gallbladder disease.
  • Exacerbation of gynecological pathologies.
  • A dramatic increase in body weight.
  • A shift in the center of gravity due to an enlarged abdomen.
  • Pelvic muscle abnormalities.
  • Physical overexertion.

Pregnancy puts an increased strain on the genitourinary system. Because of this, there may be an exacerbation of cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney stone disease and other diseases. In some cases, the heaviness of the lower abdomen is a consequence of operations on the abdomen and uterus, as well as after cesarean section in the previous pregnancy.

Lower abdominal heaviness in early pregnancy

Early pregnancy is a crucial period. From the second week after conception there is active development of the embryo, and by the end of the first month the future placenta is formed, which causes changes in blood circulation in the walls of the uterus. Overflowing blood vessels cause a feeling of heaviness and pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Due to changes in the hormonal background there is discomfort in the lower back.

In the sixth week, the embryo's circulatory system is forming and blood flow to the uterus and external genitalia is increasing. This condition is manifested by heaviness and dull pain in the lower abdomen. Subsequently, the female body and fetal cells begin to produce relaxin, which affects the mother's joints, preparing her for successful carrying and childbirth. This process is also accompanied by painful sensations.

If the discomfort is caused by physiological processes, it is enough to relax and the unpleasant sensations decrease. But if the pain becomes aching, it may indicate pathological conditions (detachment of the fetal egg, tubal pregnancy, fetal death). In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.

Tightness in the abdomen in early pregnancy

According to medical statistics, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen in the early stages of nurturing in most cases have a physiological origin. Toning of the uterus in the first weeks after conception is manifested by heaviness and aching sensations in the lower abdomen, groin and lumbar region. Such symptomatology is very similar to menstrual pain.

If the unpleasant symptoms increase, irradiate to the lower back, supplemented by bloody discharge from the genital tract and deterioration of general well-being, it is a threat of pregnancy termination. In this case, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist. After diagnosis, the doctor will clarify the diagnosis and give recommendations on preservation therapy.

Tightness in the abdomen in the first week of pregnancy

There are many reasons that can lead to the appearance of heaviness in the abdomen in the first week of pregnancy. These can be hormonal changes, abnormalities in the blood coagulation system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, stress and others.

Consider pathologic causes of painful sensations:

  • Hypertonicity of the uterus - the organ is deformed, preventing the correct positioning of the embryo. This threatens miscarriage, so hypertonicity requires treatment and constant medical supervision.
  • Anembryony - this pathology affects about 15% of pregnant women. The fetus dies during the first weeks of pregnancy. Because of this, the woman has abdominal pain, general malaise, nausea and vomiting. But toxicosis and swelling of the mammary glands pass.
  • Ectopic pregnancy - implantation of a fertilized egg occurred in one of the fallopian tubes. Pathology is manifested by contraction-like, unilateral pain. If there was a rupture of the tube, then there is an ointment discharge, if the tube is ruptured, then heavy bleeding. Painful sensations are so sharp that they penetrate the entire abdominal cavity. Treatment is only surgical, because tubal pregnancy always ends with the death of the fetal egg and rupture of the fallopian tube.

In case of untimely diagnosis, the above pathologies can cause negative consequences for the female body and jeopardize the possibility of further pregnancies.

Abdominal heaviness in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen during the first months of pregnancy are normal in most cases. This is due to the active development of the embryo, formation of the placenta and changes in the hormonal background.

Consider pathologic causes of discomfort in women in the first trimester:

  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system - after conception, many changes occur in the body, which can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. If a woman has hidden infections, then during pregnancy, their acute inflammation is possible. Most often kidneys and bladder are affected, which is manifested by cystitis and pyelonephritis.
  • Risk of miscarriage - if in addition to abdominal pain there is discomfort in the lower back, muscle weakness and smeary vaginal discharge, then these are signs of pregnancy termination.
  • Corpus luteum cyst - after fertilization, the corpus luteum is formed in place of the follicle, which acts as a source of progesterone in the first trimester (this hormone is responsible for the safety of the embryo). If a woman has a history of hormonal pathologies (endometriosis, polycystic disease, ovarian dysfunction), then during ovulation a cyst may form in the corpus luteum. It is the cystic neoplasm that causes painful sensations.

If the heaviness in the abdomen becomes acute and is complemented by other painful symptoms, then you should immediately seek medical help.

Abdominal heaviness in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The appearance of discomfort in the abdominal area in the second trimester can be caused by both physiological and pathological reasons. Often unpleasant sensations arise due to digestive disorders, physical overstrain and active growth of the fetus.

But there are more serious causes of unpleasant symptomatology, let's consider them:

  • Braxton-Hicks syndrome (preterm labor) - it is difficult to predict the course of pregnancy, so women need to be very attentive to any changes in the body. The contractions cause pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, repeating at regular intervals. In most cases in the second trimester, contractions are training contractions and do not pose a threat to the mother or the fetus.
  • Pancreatitis - due to the growth of the uterus, all organs are displaced, which can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases. Thus, pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. The pathological process causes abdominal and back pain, flatulence, attacks of nausea and vomiting.
  • Myositis is another cause of discomfort. Myositis develops after hypothermia and is an inflammation of muscle tissues in the pelvis. In this case, the pain goes to the epigastrium, back, accompanied by elevated body temperature.
  • Symphysitis is an inflammatory process in the plexus pubis (muscles and bone tissue in the pelvis). The disease causes acute pain that irradiates to the abdomen, lower back and even the extremities. Anti-inflammatory therapy is used for treatment.

In addition to the above reasons, discomfort can be caused by pinched nerve endings. This condition occurs due to a shift in the center of gravity with a growing belly. Treatment is provided by a neurologist and a chiropractor.

Abdominal heaviness in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Painful sensations in the abdomen in the last stages of pregnancy are often associated with overstretching of the ligaments that fix the uterus. Pain is aggravated by sudden movements, coughing, sneezing. In terms of intensity, it can be sharp, intense, short.

If the pain is localized in the lower abdomen, goes to the lower back and has a recurrent character, it is a threat to pregnancy. A special danger is the appearance of bloody discharge. With such symptoms, a woman should urgently consult a doctor to preserve pregnancy until the physiological term.

Another cause of discomfort during pregnancy is placental abruption. Normally, it separates from the walls of the uterus after the birth of the baby. Detachment occurs due to trauma, a sharp increase in blood pressure, late toxemia, as well as with physiological features of the attachment of the placenta. Such a condition requires emergency hospitalization of a woman.

Severity can be due to uterine contractions due to excessive physical exertion, nervous overstrain, intimacy. If the pain passes after a short period of time, then there is no cause for concern. Also do not forget that unpleasant sensations after 36 weeks of carrying - this is a clear sign of the body's preparation for childbirth.

Abdominal heaviness and bloating in pregnancy

Intestinal gas accumulation, belching, abdominal bloating and pain are not uncommon symptoms in both early and late pregnancy.

Abdominal bloating during pregnancy is dangerous because the enlarged bowel loops can put a lot of pressure on the uterus. This leads to an increase in its tone, which threatens premature termination of pregnancy and early labor. Also do not exclude that any digestive disorders can lead to a violation of the intrauterine development of the child, which is dangerous insufficient intake of vitamins and trace elements to the fetus.

Let's look at the main causes of heaviness and flatulence in expectant moms:

  • Deficiency of digestive enzymes in the GI tract and poor digestion of food.
  • Unbalanced diet. Consumption of foods with a high content of carbohydrates, fiber, fat.
  • Insufficient intake of water and liquid food.
  • Uterine growth. Due to the active growth and development of the fetus, the uterus increases in size and begins to press on the intestines, causing unpleasant symptoms.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Stresses, nervous tension.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Overabundance of hormones. During the first months of carrying, progesterone is actively synthesized in the female body. This hormone is necessary for muscle relaxation and preservation of the fetus. Because of this, fecal masses are collected in the intestines, which provoke bloating.

Also, the painful condition can be caused by improperly chosen clothes that squeeze the growing belly and chest of the future mom.

With flatulence, there is a feeling that the abdomen is distended. Discomfort is accompanied by abundant discharge of gases, nausea, belching, intestinal cramps. Possible stool disorders, both constipation and diarrhea on the contrary. Due to poor digestion, women often have headaches, general weakness and drowsiness, spikes in blood pressure.

The main method of treatment and prevention of abdominal bloating in pregnant women is the correction of nutrition. Walking in the fresh air and breathing exercises are also recommended, which improve the well-being of the future mother and improve metabolic processes in the body.

Tightness in the abdomen after eating in pregnancy

Many expectant mothers face such a problem as heaviness in the abdomen after eating. Most often the unpleasant condition develops due to such causes as:

  • Hormonal changes - during pregnancy, the female body produces a large amount of progesterone. The hormone has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. But it is this type of muscle tissue that provides motor functions of the GI organs. That is, unpleasant symptoms develop because of a "relaxed" stomach in which digestive processes are slowed down.
  • Dietary peculiarities and changes in taste preferences. Unpleasant sensations may be caused by overeating, unusual gastronomic habits, increased production of digestive juices and changes in acidity.
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure - as the fetus grows, the uterus enlarges and presses on the abdominal organs. Because of this, the organs of the GI tract are displaced, which leads to disruption of their functions. After childbirth, everything returns to its place and painful symptoms disappear.

To get rid of heaviness in the abdomen after eating, expectant mothers should follow the diet. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of food, refuse late dinners, exclude heavy food from the diet and do not overeat.

Lower abdominal heaviness in pregnancy when walking

Another type of painful sensations that arise in expectant mothers is discomfort in the lower abdomen while walking. Physiological causes of this type of pain occur at the moment when the ovum attaches to the walls of the uterus and the organ begins to grow, increase in size. Painful sensations can increase with physical exertion, coughing, sudden movements.

In most cases, after a little rest and relaxation, the condition will normalize. In late pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a belt, bandage or elastic bandage to support the abdomen.

Among the obstetric causes of heaviness when walking are:

  • Early placental abruption.
  • A tubal pregnancy.
  • Threat of miscarriage.

In some cases, this condition may be due to stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus, overstretching of the abdominal muscles, and other causes.

The heaviness can be caused by disorders of the digestive organs, sprained or pinched nerves, symphysitis (severe softening of the pelvic bones due to increased production of relaxin). In some cases, the cause of discomfort is flat feet and a shift in the center of gravity due to a growing belly.

If the pain occurs quite often, is complemented by pathological symptomatology and interferes with the normal carrying of the child, then you should immediately consult your doctor.

Tightness and abdominal pain in pregnancy

It is not uncommon for a mom-to-be to experience discomfort in the abdominal area due to stretching of the muscles that support the uterus. As the fetus grows, the uterus stretches, increasing in size. This causes increased pressure on the ligaments, heaviness and abdominal pain, which increases when walking, sudden movements, coughing or sneezing. In addition, the enlarged uterus presses the GI organs (gallbladder, liver, pancreas), which also negatively affects your well-being.

Causes of heaviness and abdominal pain in expectant moms include:

  • Unbalanced diet. Very often improper diet causes spasms of the digestive organs and other unpleasant sensations. In order to protect yourself from this problem should adhere to a fractional diet, eat healthy food rich in vitamins and trace elements.
  • Premature detachment of the placenta. This pathology develops due to abdominal trauma, physical overexertion. In addition to abdominal pain, due to the rupture of blood vessels, there is severe uterine bleeding.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. The fertilized egg is fixed in the fallopian tube and not in the uterine cavity. As the fetus grows, painful symptoms increase, supplemented by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, bloody discharge from the vagina.
  • Hiatal hernia - due to the displacement of organs, part of the stomach enters the thoracic cavity through an opening in the diaphragm. This pathology is most often diagnosed in obese women. Smoking, severe coughing, stress can lead to pathology.
  • Threat of abortion. Symptoms of miscarriage are manifested by contraction-like pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the lower back and hips. There may be bloody discharge of light brown or dark red color from the genital tract. Pregnancy failure can occur at any term.

Severity and pain in the abdomen can be caused by surgical pathologies (appendicitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, cystitis). If the pain goes to the coccyx, hips and perineum, the main cause is hormonal disorders and severe stress.

If you notice unpleasant symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. If the pain becomes severe, an ambulance should be called.

Heaviness in the upper abdomen during pregnancy

Mild discomfort in the abdominal area during pregnancy is normal. It usually indicates hormonal changes in the body. As for the heaviness in the upper abdomen, it is associated with the birth and formation of the embryo. Pain occurs with rapid growth of the fetus, increasing the size of the uterus.

  • In the second trimester, pain occurs due to the active movement of the baby. The woman feels frequent baby's jolts, which can be felt in the upper abdomen.
  • If the heaviness is supplemented by discomfort in the right subcostal area, it is a sign of stagnation of gallbladder contents. A woman complains of a feeling of abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting.
  • The cause of unpleasant sensations can be bowel obstruction, inflammation of the appendix, pancreatitis, gastritis.
  • If the upper abdomen hurts in the late term, it is a clear sign of the beginning of labor activity. In this case, the pain increases with each attack and lasts longer.
  • After the 20th week, unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity can indicate pre-eclampsia, that is, a severe form of late toxicosis. The pathological condition is characterized by high blood pressure, swelling of the extremities and face, migraine.
  • Another possible cause of the disorder is pregnancy hydrocele, that is, an overabundance of amniotic fluid. The pathology is manifested by severe swelling all over the body.

If the heaviness in the upper abdomen is of mild intensity, it is recommended to rest more, avoid stress and increased physical exertion to improve well-being. If the pain sensations increase and are supplemented by other pathological symptoms, it is necessary to seek medical help immediately.

Severe heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy

Discomfort, pain and heaviness in the abdomen, it is not uncommon during pregnancy. Unpleasant symptomatology can be associated with both natural, i.e. Physiological, and pathological causes.

  • Severe heaviness and sharp pains may be due to an increase in the size of the uterus, tension of its connective ligaments. Such pain is not dangerous and goes away on its own. A woman should try not to make sudden movements, not to be nervous and to rest more.
  • Acute symptoms may be due to training contractions. Braxton-Higs syndrome is a kind of preparation of the body for the upcoming labor. If, in addition to the heaviness, amniotic fluid begins to drain, it is a clear sign of the beginning of labor.
  • Premature detachment of the placenta - occurs due to increased physical exertion, abdominal trauma and other pathologies. Without timely medical attention, it can lead to miscarriage or premature labor.
  • If the discomfort is similar to contractions and the pain goes to the lower back, the pregnant woman feels nausea, dizziness and bloody discharge from the genital tract, it is a threat of miscarriage. This condition requires emergency medical attention.
  • Severe heaviness can be caused by the baby's movements. During the last term, the baby's movements become active and quite painful for the mother.

It should also be taken into account that pregnancy affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In particularly severe cases, this is manifested by severe heaviness, labor pains, spasms and other painful symptoms.

Diagnostics of the abdominal distress

The appearance of heaviness and other unpleasant sensations in the abdomen during pregnancy is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will study the painful symptoms, collect anamnesis and conduct diagnostics to determine the causes of the pathological condition.

Basic investigations are mandatory: blood morphology (glucose, creatinine, electrolyte levels) general urinalysis. Laboratory studies are necessary to detect pathological processes outside the reproductive system.

To determine ectopic pregnancy, neoplasms and uterine abnormalities, ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed. In the process of ultrasonic diagnosis may be detected free fluid in the abdominal cavity, concretions (urinary, biliary). With acute pain, a review radiography may be appointed. It determines the presence of air in the abdominal cavity, the levels of fluid in the loops of the intestine.


If a woman has a pulling sensation in the abdomen, the first test to be done is a pregnancy test. If the results are positive, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed to make sure that the fetus is located in the uterus and not elsewhere. Blood tests to measure the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced by the placenta in the early stages, are also indicated.

If the discomfort is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina or bleeding, then a general blood test with counting of the form elements is performed. A blood test for blood group and Rh factor is also indicated.

Other laboratory tests may be ordered depending on the clinical picture:

  • General blood test - determines the number of red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, hemoglobin. With an inflammatory process in the body, the number of leukocytes is increased. In anemia, which can be caused by bleeding, the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells is reduced.
  • Urinalysis (with microscopy of the sediment) - the presence of urate or oxalate salts in the urine indicates urolithiasis. If there is pain in the lower abdomen and intense pain in the lower back, it may be a sign of renal colic.
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate - this indicator can be used to track the severity and dynamics of pathological processes, inflammatory reactions in the body.
  • Stool analysis for hidden blood - determines the presence of blood excreted from different parts of the digestive system. Most often the study is carried out in chronic diseases of the GI tract, tumors.

If a woman is suspected of having an abortion, a blood clotting test is done. Blood, urine and vaginal discharge samples are taken to detect infection.

Instrumental diagnostics

An obligatory component of a comprehensive diagnosis of heaviness and abdominal pain during pregnancy is instrumental research.

  • Review radiography of the abdominal cavity - reveals intestinal obstruction, bloating of intestinal loops, perforations, ulcerative lesions.
  • Ultrasound - visualizes internal organs, reveals their damage, the presence of tumors, cysts, abscesses and other pathologies. Computed tomography is performed to obtain a layer-by-layer image of internal organs.
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is an examination of the duodenum and stomach using an endoscope with an optical system. It is used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Visualizes the inner walls of the GI tract.
  • A colonoscopy is an endoscopy of the large intestine. To perform the examination, an endoscope is inserted into the body through the anus.
  • Doppler echography - shows the direction and speed of blood flow. This study can be used to detect ovarian torsion, which cuts off the blood supply to the organ.

If the painful sensations are intense and acute and the cause remains unknown, a small incision below the navel is made for diagnosis and a laparoscope is inserted to visualize the uterus and determine the cause of the disorder.

Differential diagnosis

To determine the cause of abdominal pain and pulling sensations in the abdomen during pregnancy, a set of diagnostic tests is carried out. Differential diagnosis deserves special attention.

The doctor asks the patient about previous abortions, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies and chronic diseases. Thoroughly examines the results of laboratory and instrumental studies. It is extremely important to differentiate pregnancy pathologies from disorders related to the digestive system and GI organs.

Treatment of the abdominal distress

Treatment methods depend entirely on the causes of the painful condition. If after diagnosis it is determined that the severity is physiological in nature, then the pregnant woman is recommended a nutritious diet, long rest, walks in the fresh air.

As for drug therapy, it is carried out in particularly severe cases. If the cause of the disorder lies in pathological processes in the body or exacerbation of chronic diseases, the doctor makes a therapy plan that will be safe for both the mother and the fetus.


Methods of treatment of heaviness in the abdomen in pregnancy depend on the reasons that caused discomfort. Medications are prescribed in extreme cases, when more gentle therapeutic techniques have failed.

Most often, painful sensations develop due to problems with digestion and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Consider effective drugs for the treatment of flatulence and restoration of intestinal microflora, which are authorized for use during pregnancy:

  • Espumizan

A medicinal product from the group of defoamers. Destroys gas bubbles in the intestine, alleviating the condition of increased gas formation, flatulence. The released gas is absorbed by the surrounding tissues and with the help of intestinal peristalsis is eliminated from the body.

  • Indications for use: abdominal bloating, aerophagia, dyspepsia, flatulence in infants and pregnant women. It is prescribed before surgeries and diagnostic manipulations on the abdominal cavity. The drug is effective in acute poisoning by detergents and can be used as an additive to contrast agents in diagnostics.
  • How to use: orally during or after meals. Adults are prescribed 80 mg (2 teaspoons) once a day.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions. The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to its components. No cases of overdose have been recorded.

Espumizan is available in the form of capsules of 40 mg, 25 pcs. In a package, as well as in the form of emulsion 300 ml for oral intake

  • Iberogast

A vetrogonic preparation with herbal active components. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and choleretic properties. Normalizes the tone of smooth muscles of the GI tract, without affecting peristalsis.

  • Indications for use: gastrointestinal peristalsis, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach cramps, functional dyspepsia. GI disorders with heartburn, belching, abdominal bloating and flatulence.
  • How to use: 2-3 spoons three times a day, drinking a small amount of liquid.
  • Side effects: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting attacks. In rare cases, allergic reactions develop. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components.

Iberogast is available in the form of drops for internal use in bottles of 20, 50 and 100 ml.

  • Simethicone

It has an effect on the surface tension of gas bubbles that cause increased gas formation and flatulence. The released gases are eliminated naturally without causing painful sensations in the patient.

  • Indications for use: flatulence, aerophagia, preparation for surgical and diagnostic procedures, gastrocardiac syndrome, poisoning.
  • How to use: 25-50 drops or 1-2 capsules orally. The drug is taken after meals. The suspension is shaken before each use.
  • The drug is not prescribed for intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity to its active components. Side effects are manifested by allergic reactions. No cases of overdose have been recorded, as the drug has low systemic absorption.

Simethicone is available in suspension form and in capsules.

  • Meteospasmyl

Drug with two active components: alverine citrate and simethicone. When entering the intestine reduces increased gas formation, has a protective effect. Stabilizes the sensitivity of mucosal receptors to mechanical stimuli.

  • Indications for use: disorders of the digestive tract of a functional nature with flatulence, abdominal pain, stool disorders, nausea and other painful symptoms. Preparation before instrumental studies.
  • How to use: before meals 1 capsule 2-3 times a day.
  • Side effects: skin allergic reactions, hepatic dysfunction, anaphylactic shock. The drug is contraindicated in case of hyperergic reactions to drug components.

Meteospasmyl is available as capsules for oral use, 10 pieces in a blister, 2-4 blisters in a package.

  • Sub simplex

Promotes the destruction of gas bubbles in the intestinal lumen. Contains stable surface active polymethyloxane. Reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles in the digestive system and promotes their elimination. Reduces pain and discomfort caused by stretching of intestinal walls due to gas bubbles.

  • Indications for use: digestive disorders with increased gas formation, postoperative period, acute poisoning with detergents, diagnostic manipulations.
  • How to use: orally, diluting drops in milk or drinking water. Duration of therapy and dosage is determined by the attending physician, individually for each patient.
  • Side effects: hypersensitivity to the components of the suspension, systemic allergic reactions. The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to its components, intestinal obstruction and in obstructive diseases of the digestive tract.

Sab Simplex is available as an oral suspension in a 30 ml bottle with a dropper nozzle.

If a woman has uterine hypertonicity, antispasmodics are prescribed. In inflammatory and infectious diseases, drugs that do not disrupt the normal intrauterine development of the fetus are indicated. In tubal pregnancy, surgical intervention followed by hormonal treatment is performed.


Vitamins perform many functions in the human body. They are part of enzymes necessary for biochemical reactions, regulate mineral metabolism, accelerate regeneration processes and much more. They are prescribed during the period of planning a child to prepare the body for a successful conception. The need for useful substances increases significantly during the period of pregnancy, when the female body begins to work for two.

  • During pregnancy you need 30% more iodine, B vitamins (B6, B9, B12), zinc, calcium, iron. Lack of these micronutrients in the first trimester can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus, and in particularly severe cases, provoke a miscarriage.
  • In the second and third trimesters, the need for vitamins and minerals increases by 40%. The danger of avitaminosis is that it can lead to malfunctions in the CNS, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems of the baby. There is also a risk of developing birth defects and anomalies.

Vitamins are important for maintaining the well-being of the mom-to-be, preserving pregnancy and preparing the body for childbirth. Let's consider the main essential nutrients and micronutrients:

  1. B9 - folic acid takes part in the formation of the placenta and regeneration processes. Deficiency of this substance can lead to damage to the neural tube of the fetus and provoke a miscarriage.
  2. B6 and B12 - affect the normal development of the fetus and the condition of the pregnant woman. These vitamins are responsible for the metabolic processes between the mother's and child's body, full absorption of nutrients. Support the normal development of the nervous, immune, endocrine and cardiovascular systems of the child. Deficiency of B6 causes toxicosis, vomiting, irritability, sleep and appetite problems.
  3. E - has antioxidant properties, takes part in tissue respiration. Deficiency of tocopherol is manifested by weakness, muscle pain and can lead to pregnancy termination.
  4. A - takes part in the overall development and nutrition of the unborn child. Lack of retinol leads to low birth weight and anemia.
  5. D3 - cholecalciferol is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet light, which is why future mothers are recommended to be outdoors more often. The vitamin increases the bioavailability of phosphorus and calcium.
  6. P - rutoside has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Takes part in the development of the cerebral cortex of the baby. In the first trimester suppresses allergic reactions, and from the second to the last days of pregnancy protects capillaries, providing antiviral effect in the formation of the placenta. Rutin is also necessary for pregnant women, as it acts as a preventive measure for vascular diseases, in particular varicose veins. Helps with edema of the lower extremities.
  7. Iodine - deficiency of this mineral can cause spontaneous termination of pregnancy, birth of a child with low body weight. Iodine contributes to the full development of intellectual and physical abilities of the future baby.
  8. Iron - its deficiency leads to the development of anemia. Iron abuse can cause constipation and nausea.
  9. Calcium is necessary for the normal development of bone and muscle tissue of the fetus, the formation of its nervous system. Calcium deficiency is dangerous for miscarriage.
  10. Lutein - this nutrient is necessary for the full development of the brain and visual organs of the child. Therefore, lutein should be supplied to a woman's body throughout pregnancy.

A woman gets most of her vitamins and trace elements from food. Therefore, it is very important to follow a balanced diet during pregnancy. As for vitamin and mineral complexes, they are prescribed by a doctor after determining the deficiency of any substance.

Physiotherapy treatment

The main advantage of physiotherapy in pregnancy is the absence of negative effects on both the woman and the future child. This technique is based only on natural factors that are safe for the body. Such factors include:

  • Effects of magnetic field.
  • Ultrasound radiation.
  • Water and mud treatments.
  • Laser exposure.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Manual massage techniques.

The advantage of physiotherapy treatment is that 3-5 treatments are enough to feel relief. Physiotherapy effectively relieves pain and spasms, improves blood circulation and stimulates local immunity.

Physical therapy for pregnant women is indicated when the heaviness in the abdomen is due to causes such as:

  • Severe toxicosis. Acupuncture or electrophoresis on a special part of the brain is used for treatment.
  • Threat of miscarriage in the first trimester. The patient is given magnesium electrophoresis to reduce susceptibility to oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions.
  • Risk of preterm labor. Acupuncture or electro-relaxation with alternating current on the neuromuscular endings.
  • Prevention of chronic diseases and various complications.

Compared to drug treatment, physiotherapy is safer. But despite this, all procedures are carried out only on the doctor's prescription and after a comprehensive diagnosis.

Folk treatment

Most often, unpleasant sensations and heaviness in the abdomen that arise during pregnancy are associated with improper nutrition. Let's consider popular folk methods of treatment of a painful condition:

  • Eliminate the heaviness in the stomach will help ordinary kefir. The fermented milk drink facilitates the process of digestion and eliminates heartburn. It is best to drink kefir enriched with useful acidophilus sticks and bifidobacteria.
  • A teaspoon of yarrow herb pour a glass of boiling water and let infuse for 1-2 minutes. Strain and take ½ cup before meals. Such a drink effectively gets rid of colic in the stomach and heartburn.
  • Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 2-3 teaspoons of chamomile herb and let it infuse for 15 minutes. Strain, add a teaspoon of honey and take before meals.
  • Pour 5 pieces of cloves in a glass of boiling water. After 5-7 minutes, strain and take ½ cup. This drink normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and improves digestion.
  • A mixture of cardamom, cloves and dried ginger is good to cope with heaviness in the stomach. Take all the ingredients in equal proportions (½ teaspoon each) and pour a glass of boiling water. Drink it in small sips.

Before using the above folk methods, you should consult your doctor.

Herbal treatment

Phytotherapy is used for many diseases and pathological conditions. Treatment with herbs is used to eliminate heaviness in the abdomen and flatulence, arising in expectant mothers.

  • A tablespoon of coriander seeds thoroughly crushed, pour a glass of boiling water and let infuse. Take 1/3 cup 20 minutes before meals.
  • Grind 100 g of nuts (walnuts, pine nuts) and lemon with peel using a meat grinder or blender. Add to the crushed ingredients 50 g of pharmacy clay and once again mix thoroughly. To improve the taste of the paste you can add honey or stevia herb. The ready mixture is stored in the refrigerator and take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.
  • A tablespoon of dill seeds pour two glasses of boiling water and let infuse until completely cooled. Take ½ cup of liquid before each meal.
  • Ginger is a good remedy to combat abdominal heaviness and heartburn. Add ¼ teaspoon of dried ginger powder or 1 piece of fresh ginger to your tea. It is recommended to drink the drink after meals.

All of the above recipes can be used only after consultation with your doctor.


Many remedies of traditional medicine are contraindicated for use during pregnancy, as they have a negative impact on the development of the embryo. Because of this, some women turn to homeopathy for help.

Homeopathic remedies for heaviness in the stomach:

  • Nux vomica - pain in the stomach, aggravated after eating. Pain of a contraction-like character, heaviness in the first hours of digestion, sometimes on an empty stomach.
  • Lycopodium clavatum - discomfort occurs after eating, pain of squeezing character, stabbing in the epigastrium and irradiating to the back and scapula region.
  • Acidum fluoricum - heaviness in the pancreatic region.
  • Acidum nitricum - feeling of pressure in the stomach, cramps.
  • Cobaltum metallicum - heaviness after eating, feeling of gastric distension.
  • Moschus - nausea with spasms in the navel area and jolting contractions after eating.

The above remedies should be used only after consultation with the attending physician and as prescribed by a homeopath.

Surgical treatment

Surgical intervention for abdominal heaviness in pregnant women is performed only in emergency cases. Such cases include ectopic pregnancy. To date, there is no way to preserve a fetus that develops outside the uterine cavity.

If the pathology is diagnosed early in pregnancy, then laparoscopic surgery is performed.

  • Through a small incision in the skin, the surgeon inserts a laparoscope with an optical system.
  • With this intervention, the surrounding tissues are not traumatized, there is no severe bleeding, and the risk of scarring and adhesions is minimal.
  • Using a laparoscope, the doctor removes the fetal egg.
  • With this surgery, the fallopian tube is not traumatized and continues to function.
  • After a course of drug therapy, a woman can become pregnant again.

If tubal pregnancy is accompanied by severe bleeding, then open surgery is performed. In this case, the main task of surgical intervention is to save the life of the patient. Depending on the situation, the fallopian tube can be saved. If this is not possible, the embryo is removed together with the fallopian tube and one ovary.

The most dangerous variant and an emergency indication for surgical treatment is a rupture of the Fallopian tube. But despite this, a woman still has a chance of getting pregnant and successfully carrying a child. The earlier an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, the gentler the methods of its termination, but surgery is performed in any case.

Surgical intervention can be carried out in case of symptomatic inflammatory lesions of the appendicular outgrowth. In this case, the patient is shown an appendectomy, regardless of the gestational age. After such an operation, the patient is waiting for a long recovery period, a course of physical therapy and medication.

Complications and consequences

Heaviness and painful sensations in the abdomen while carrying a baby can be associated with both physiological processes, that is, fetal growth and hormonal changes in the body, and indicate serious pathologies that require medical intervention.

If the discomfort is associated with pathological processes or various disorders and left without medical attention, it is a direct threat to the preservation of pregnancy. Also, the risk of developing various consequences and complications increases significantly, let's consider the main ones:

  • Ectopic pregnancy - the fertilized egg implants not in the uterine cavity, but in one of the fallopian tubes. In the early stages, it is manifested by pain, cramps, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. Without medical attention, there is a risk to life.
  • Bleeding - bloody discharge can be a sign of miscarriage, rupture of the fallopian tube and other serious pathologies. The discharge increases with physical activity, coughing, bowel movements. Bleeding is accompanied by heaviness in the lower abdomen, cramps, sharp pains. Without emergency medical care, there is a risk of shock (dizziness, rapid pulse, pale and clammy to the touch skin).
  • Premature labor - pulling pains are complemented by heavy discharge from the vagina, abdominal and lower back pain.
  • Placental abruption - in this pathology, the placenta partially or completely separates from the uterus before the baby is born. This is dangerous for both the life of the woman and the baby.
  • Preeclampsia is one of the most serious complications that arise during pregnancy. This pathology leads to changes in blood vessels, which negatively affects the functioning of internal organs, the brain, as well as the placenta. Preeclampsia is characterized by severe pain in the upper abdomen and shoulder, severe headaches, changes in visual acuity, frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, swelling on the face.
  • Urinary tract infection is another problem faced by expectant mothers. The painful condition can be a complication of a neglected form of cystitis and a number of other pathologies. The pregnant woman complains of pain in the lower back and abdomen, nausea and vomiting, burning when urinating. If the infection has spread to the kidneys, it is manifested by high body temperature, the urine has impurities of blood and/or pus.

All of the above conditions require medical intervention, as there is a risk not only to the preservation of pregnancy, but also to the life of the woman.


If after visiting the doctor about heaviness in the abdomen, no diseases, except physiological changes in the background of pregnancy are not confirmed, then the prevention of unpleasant sensations is reduced to these recommendations:

  • Abandonment of bad habits.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Fractional eating.
  • Thorough chewing of food.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air.
  • Loose clothing and undergarments.
  • Use of a special bandage to support the abdomen (in the last term of pregnancy).
  • Timely treatment of any diseases and prevention of exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

If unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by back pain, it is recommended not to stay in one position. Regular changes of posture will relieve tension and relieve pain. It is also necessary to monitor your posture. Of particular importance is the footwear, it should be low-heeled and tightly fix the ankle.


On the cause of the appearance of heaviness and other painful symptoms in the abdomen in expectant mothers, the prognosis of pregnancy depends. If the pathological condition is caused by ectopic pregnancy, then the prognosis for a woman is based on early diagnosis. Pregnancy in such cases is not preserved.

If the pain is the first symptom of miscarriage or placental abruption, the pregnancy can be saved with emergency medical care. As for the severity due to nutritional disorders, here the prognosis is the most favorable, since the situation can be corrected with a balanced diet and an adjusted daily regimen.

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