Teas and herbs for breastfeeding: what can be drunk and what are forbidden
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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During breastfeeding, women are forced to limit themselves not only in food, but also in beverages. Carbonated water, some juices and alcohol are strictly forbidden. Also it is necessary to use with caution the teas and grasses at thoracal feeding. There are a number of plants that are allowed, because they have a beneficial effect on the female body.
Many are interested in whether it is possible for a nursing mother to drink herbal teas. It is impossible to name an absolutely safe plant. Any herb can provoke an allergic reaction in the child or mother. Moderate use will help to avoid unpleasant consequences. It is also recommended that you consult with a specialist before starting the procedure.
Is it possible to drink dogrose to nursing mothers?
Alternative drugs are much safer than medicines when breastfeeding. During this period it is recommended to use decoctions and tea from the dog rose. The plant contains a large amount of lemon and malic acid, vitamins, carotene, trace elements, which contribute to strengthening the immune system of mom and baby.
Quite an important question, whether it is possible for the nursing mother to drink an infusion of rose hips. Even it is necessary, as daily use of broth increases lactation, regulates hormonal balance. Despite an impressive list of benefits, the plant is considered a fairly strong allergen. Therefore, if the child has an allergy in the form of rashes or intestinal upset, you should stop taking.
To decoctions of rose hips brought only benefits, you need to learn how to prepare them correctly:
- it is worth not to boil. This method of preparation kills a large number of useful substances;
- to insist tea, it is better to take a large thermos;
- Nursing mothers should only use the proven berries that they collected. It is difficult to talk about the benefits of pharmacy brier;
- 4 tbsp. L. Berries of a dogrose pour in 1 liter of water. He should insist about 10-12 hours;
- if desired, you can add a small amount of sugar.
Can I drink broth of dogrose nursing mom? Decoction from the root of the plant contains many useful substances and thus is not so strong allergen. Roots should be washed, dried and ground. For 1 glass of water, use about 1 tablespoon of roots. The broth should be boiled for about 20 minutes and strain.
The daily dose at the initial stage is approximately 100 ml. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child's body. If there are no allergic reactions, gradually the dose can be increased to a liter of the drink per day.
Can I breastfeed my mother with chamomile?
Infusions and decoctions of chamomile help get rid of digestive disorders and significantly improve the well-being of the nursing mother and child. Also, the plant prevents the development of various diseases:
- colds. Since chamomile has antiseptic properties, it helps in the fight against cough, pharyngitis, and sore throat. This is very important, because the list of medications that can be taken during breastfeeding is very small;
- dermatological problems. During this period on the nipples of nursing mothers may appear cracks and wounds that cause unpleasant sensations. A decoction of chamomile helps to prevent their formation and healing;
- insomnia and increased nervous excitability. Chamomile tea will return to mother a calm, strong sleep, help the baby relax during the period of teeth growth;
- colic and diarrhea. The plant removes unpleasant symptoms not only in the mother, but also in the baby.
To avoid the occurrence of allergies, you must start taking a small amount, after consulting with a doctor. With caution, you should take chamomile, if your mother has a little milk (once a day with acute urgency).
The plant can be collected and dried on its own or purchased in a drugstore bagged chamomile. Before using the broth, it should be carefully filtered. Better each time to prepare a new portion. If this is not possible, the finished tea should be stored in the thermos.
Is it possible to drink mint breastfeeding mom?
To date, experts have not come to a single decision. Most argue that it's better to forget about mint tea for the period of breastfeeding. The fact is that it helps to stop the allocation of milk. Therefore, it is taken in order to completely stop lactation.
However, there is an opinion that mint on the contrary, helps to increase the amount of milk. Do not forget that there is curly and peppery wash. They have different effects on the body.
Moderate use of the plant contributes to:
- destruction of harmful microbes and bacteria;
- improvement of the nervous system;
- prevention of migraine;
- normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.
The most safe option is curly mint, and the carvone, which it contains, improves lactation. The main thing to remember is that any herbal teas should be consumed in moderation. Then they will strengthen the body and not have a negative impact on it.
Whether it is possible for feeding mum to drink Ivana tea?
It is known that during breastfeeding, mothers are recommended to drink more liquid, as this improves lactation. To the milk was saturated with useful substances, you should include in the diet of herbal teas and decoctions. Particular attention can be paid to tea. The plant is unique in its composition. It contains vitamin C, iron, amino acids, tannin, carotene. Daily use removes toxins from the body and improves metabolism.
To make a drink, you need a teaspoon of dried plant for one glass of boiling water. It is insisted for 20-25 minutes. This infusion not only improves lactation, but also relieves the baby of colic.
Experts recommend to collect and dry the plant yourself. But not always there is such an opportunity. Therefore, you can buy Ivan tea in the pharmacy.
To avoid side effects, you should start taking a decoction or infusion from small portions and closely monitor changes in your body and the reaction of the child. If an allergy occurs or there are bowel disorders, it is better to stop using.
It is also not recommended to add sugar to the drink. If the child tolerates honey well, you can sweeten the tea with it. It is necessary to watch, that the broth has turned out not so strong, as he can provoke drowsiness. In a day it is desirable to drink no more than 700 milliliters of a drink.
Is it possible to drink motherwort nursing mother?
Indication for the use of motherwort during lactation:
- Insomnia and irritability. These problems are often persecuted by women after childbirth. Frequent lack of sleep leads to disruptions in the work of the nervous system and adversely affects the mood and well-being of the nursing mother. Motherwort improves mood, normalizes sleep and gives vivacity;
- High blood pressure;
- Tachycardia;
- Failures in lactation as a result of nervous tension.
Motherwort is available as a tincture. However, it is recommended for nursing mothers, because it contains a large amount of alcohol. The most suitable option is tea bags.
Preparation of the drink does not take much time. Enough to fill it with boiling water. On the day it is recommended to drink two cups of tea from the motherwort, morning and evening.
Is it possible to drink a thyme to a nursing mother?
Thyme is considered one of the most useful and affordable plants. Due to the fact that it contains no aggressive chemical compounds and substances, it is practically safe for newborns. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.
Thyme is saturated with useful acids: oleanolic, coffee, cinchona, ursolic. It also contains many essential oils. The broth helps to fight against viral and bacterial infections, to fight excessive gassing, both in mom and baby, relieves spasms.
Since the plant contains thymol, it has antibacterial properties. If your lactating mother has problems with lactation, you should use tea with thyme. It enhances the production of milk.
To prepare the drink you need two tablespoons of plain tea (black) and a teaspoon of herbs. The mixture should be poured into 350 ml of boiled hot water. Tea is infused for about half an hour.
The infusion is prepared from 0.5 liters of boiling water and 2.5 teaspoons of a seeded plant. For infusion it is better to take a thermos or ceramic dishes. After 2-30 minutes the drink can be filtered and taken.
Is it possible to drink linden, lime tea for nursing mom?
According to experts, lime tea helps increase the amount of breast milk. For its preparation, dry leaves are best purchased at the pharmacy. Before going on sale, the raw materials undergo special cleaning. Lime tree is a tree that grows near the road, so its leaves absorb a large amount of exhaust gases and dust. It is better not to prepare them on their own.
In addition to positive influence on the process of milk production, the linden helps in the fight against catarrhal diseases. Brew it in a ceramic cup. For one serving will need 200 ml of boiling water and 1 hour. A spoonful of dry leaves. The dishes should be covered and left for 15-20 minutes. For a day it is recommended to drink no more than three cups of lime tea.
In the lime tree there are no substances that can cause allergies. Therefore, the plant is safe for babies.
Is it possible to drink lemon balm to nursing mothers?
Due to its effect on the body, lemon balm is considered to be a "female" plant. It normalizes the menstrual cycle and hormonal background, helps to get rid of insomnia and normalizes the nervous system. The use of herbs during breastfeeding contributes to the production of a sufficient amount of mother's milk.
The fragrant herb contains a large number of vitally important substances, which are useful for the body of the baby and mother. Many women face postpartum depression. Daily reception of tea with melissa will help to remove anxiety and irritability.
To prepare a drink to improve lactation use dry leaves of lemon balm. The water temperature should not exceed 90 °. On a glass of water you need to take one tablespoon of herbs. Warm tea is consumed an hour after a meal, it is desirable that it was not very hot. The recommended daily dose is 1 cup. Also in the drink you can add ginger, dog rose or lemon.
Despite a large number of useful properties, take a drink from lemon balm to be phased. You need to start with a small portion. If the child does not show any allergy, you can gradually increase the portion to one cup.
Is it okay to drink oats for a nursing mother?
The means of alternative medicine have confidently entered the life of modern people. In most cases, they are much safer than medical drugs and surprise with their effectiveness. This applies to all well-known oats.
In the period of breastfeeding, many recommend drinking a decoction of oats. The plant is saturated with useful vitamins and microelements, which have a positive effect on the body of mother and baby.
The broth is cooked on milk (1 liter - a glass of oats). In the drink you can add butter or a little honey. A day is recommended to drink one glass, dividing it into several receptions. To improve lactation, use oat milk.
A drink made from grains of oats has a positive effect on the fragile body of the baby. Is he:
- strengthens protective functions;
- normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- helps to get rid of diathesis;
- irreplaceable in the fight against bronchitis.
Despite a lot of positive properties, the plant has a number of contraindications. It is necessary to abandon a drink from oats under reduced pressure, kidney or cardiovascular insufficiency, increased acidity or hypersensitivity.
Is it possible to drink oregano from a nursing mother?
Oregano has proved to be a highly effective remedy for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. During breastfeeding, it is used to improve lactation. Also, the plant helps to get rid of strong pain during menstruation, helps to normalize the cycle.
If a woman is faced with the problem of lack of milk, she should pay attention to the daily diet and supplement it with products that improve lactation. To the baby to develop properly and his body could withstand various viruses, he needs mother's milk.
Tea from oregano will help to cope with the problem. You need to take it until the lactation is adjusted.
To make a drink, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of dry oregano with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the infusion filter. Take it should be 30-40 minutes before feeding the baby, not more often than twice a day.
Before you start eating tea with oregano, it is better to consult a doctor. Because the plant can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.
Whether it is possible for feeding mum to drink broth millet?
Millet strikes with its rich chemical composition. It improves the work of the brain, it releases the body from toxins, excess fluid and slags. In addition, the croup is considered hypoallergenic, it does not cause allergic reactions.
There are many recipes from millet that help to lose weight, clean kidneys from stones and sand, help cure cystitis and other pathologies of the genitourinary system.
During the period of breastfeeding, the decoction of millet is used to improve the production of milk. In addition, millet prevents aging and normalizes blood pressure.
To prepare the decoction, use only fresh rump. It has a bright yellow color.
Can I drink green tea to a nursing mother?
This question worries many newly mums. As they watch their food with special responsibility, they need to carefully select drinks that will not harm the newborn baby.
Quality tea is a good antioxidant, it tones up and normalizes metabolism. In addition, he helps mom to return the body to its former form. To do this, it is enough to drink two or three cups of soft tea a day.
If the child is used excessively, sleep may break. In the first days it is necessary to trace. If there are no changes, you can continue to drink green tea.
Some mothers are sure that tea with milk improves lactation. In fact, there is no scientific evidence to date.
Can I drink black tea to a nursing mother?
There are several erroneous opinions about black tea. First of all it is necessary to understand that through milk the child gets into the body only a small amount of what the mother drinks or eats. Therefore, one can not say with absolute certainty that black tea is strictly forbidden.
Also, the opinion about the combination of tea and milk is erroneous. This mixture does not affect the production of breast milk. If the mother loves tea, and the baby does not have a reaction in the form of insomnia, irritability or frustration on the part of digestion, she can safely continue to drink her favorite drink.
During the period of feeding, it is not necessary to refuse useful herbal teas and decoctions. It is enough to introduce them gradually in small portions and closely monitor the reaction of the organism of its crumbs.
Herbs, the use of which is prohibited during lactation
Among useful plants there are those that have a negative impact on the development and health of the baby. During breastfeeding, it is better to forget about them. The use of teas and decoctions cooked on the basis of these plants can lead to irreparable consequences.
Is it possible to drink St. John's wort feeding mum?
St. John's Wort consists of biologically active substances, essential oils, vitamins, ascorbic acid. The plant has a beneficial effect on the body. Helps cope with various infectious diseases, insomnia, arthritis. In addition, the spices of St. John's wort improve mood, fight depression and insomnia.
However, the drink has a number of contraindications. Including pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. In addition to useful substances in the plant, there are also toxic substances. With the mother's milk, they can penetrate into the fragile body of the baby and cause malfunction in the digestive or respiratory system. Also, the reception of the St. John's wort can provoke violations of intellectual development.
It is worth noting that the plant has a specific bitter taste, which means that it also changes the taste of mother's milk. As a result, the baby can completely abandon the breast.
During the period of breastfeeding the plant can be used exclusively for external use.
Is it possible to drink a shepherd's bag to the nursing mother?
Since ancient times, people know that the shepherd's bag has a strong vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, diuretic and healing effect.
If there is a need to resort to treatment with a shepherd's bag, lactation should be stopped. Decoctions on the basis of this plant affect the intellectual and physical development of the child.
Can I drink an elephant breastfeeding mother?
In alternative medicine, the plant is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary, respiratory and digestive system. The composition of elecampane contains useful substances that cope with various pathologies. At the same time they are a direct threat to babies.
The components of the plant can have a negative effect on lactation. They provoke the cessation of the production of breast milk, can affect its taste. You can take broths and teas of elecampane, if necessary, sharply complete breastfeeding. But only after consulting a doctor.
Substances that are contained in the plant, can affect the baby's body and provoke a number of problems.