Honey for acute, chronic pancreatitis and exacerbation: is it useful and what can be?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With diseases of the digestive system - in particular, with pancreatitis, the key to successful treatment is diet. Such a diet should be quite strict, so often patients have many questions about the possibility of using a particular product. For example, honey in pancreatitis: can or can not? And if it is possible, when, with what and in what volumes?
Whether it is possible honey at a pancreatitis?
Honey has unique qualities - it is both a product and a medicine that can cope with many diseases. Its use is appropriate not only for colds, as some people believe: honey is also useful for the digestive system. Here are just some of its useful properties:
- stabilization of digestive processes and intestinal motility;
- dilution of gastric mucus;
- normalization of intestinal flora;
- binding and elimination of toxic substances;
- prevention of helminthic invasions;
- sedative and anti-inflammatory effect.
However, for each disease of the digestive organs, there are specific features of the application of honey. For example, with excessive acidity of the gastric environment, honey is dissolved in warm water and drunk - this allows you to normalize acidity. If you drink honey, dissolved in cool water, then the opposite effect is obtained.
If you eat a spoonful of honey at the end of eating, then this method will improve the allocation of juice in the stomach. If you eat honey on an empty stomach, it will permanently eliminate the feeling of hunger.
What features exist when using honey in patients with pancreatitis?
We will talk about this further.
Indications for mediotherapy based on dietary and nutritional, antibacterial and antiviral properties of the product. Take into account and the option of using a natural medicine: honey is used for internal reception, for inhalations or applications.
The use of honey inside benefits not only the already ill, but also quite healthy people. It is used to prevent diseases, to increase immunobiological protection in case of regular morbidity, to strengthen weakened patients, with a decrease in hemoglobin, in diseases of the heart, stomach and intestines, in disorders of the endocrine function.
Honey is eaten for 4-8 weeks, on average - 120 g per day (for three to five receptions). Especially this product is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems.
- Honey with pancreatitis and cholecystitis often helps to avoid the transition of the inflammatory process into a chronic form. Along with the use of honey, one should not forget about the fractional sparing diet - only with a comprehensive approach can we expect a quick and full recovery. How to use honey to eliminate cholecystitis and pancreatitis? In the morning and at night it is recommended to eat one tablespoon of the product, and the same amount to eat three more times a day before the main meals. The duration of such treatment is 4-8 weeks, regardless of the presence or absence of painful symptoms.
- Honey in chronic pancreatitis is used throughout the remission phase: honey allows you to extend this period and prevent the development of a new exacerbation. Sweet medicine should be used moderately, do not overeat - otherwise the medicine will turn into a poison for a patient with pancreatitis.
- Honey with gastritis and pancreatitis is mixed with other medicinal components - for example, with aloe, calanchoe, carrots or Cahors. Use in small amounts before meals. For treatment it is better to choose honey from lime-colored, or mixed (floral).
- Honey with acute pancreatitis is contraindicated - you can start using it only when the main symptoms of the disease subsided, plus 2 more weeks.
- Honey with exacerbation of pancreatitis with chronic course is also undesirable: with the use of the product it is better to wait until a stable period of remission.
The benefits of honey are multifaceted, because this product is rich in many useful components, which determine its useful abilities:
- acts against bacteria, fungi and even viruses;
- contains fructose, which does not overload the pancreas;
- contains iron, which can serve as a good prophylaxis of anemia;
- has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect;
- improves motility, potentiates digestive processes;
- saturates bone tissue with calcium, not allowing it to "wash out" from the body;
- improves the function of the genitourinary system;
- strengthens the defenses.
In cosmetological practice, honey is used as a means of renewing the composition of skin and hair.
Depending on the type of product, there are some differences in the useful properties.
- Buckwheat honey is the most rich in iron, also has a large percentage of proteins, markedly different in taste and prone to rapid crystallization.
- Honey on the basis of linden flowers does not crystallize for a long time. He more than other varieties is suitable for the treatment of colds, as well as well calms the nervous system.
- Floral (mixed) honey has a good effect on heart function and vascular status, improves digestion and is especially useful for the elderly and children.
Honey can have different color shades, but it should not be cloudy, should not have sediment, foreign impurities and gas bubbles - only such honey will bring you the maximum amount of benefit.
With pancreatitis, you can eat honey one teaspoon before the main meals - this is the easiest way to treat pancreatitis with honey.
If there is time and opportunity, then it is recommended to pay attention to other, combined recipes.
- Aloe with honey in pancreatitis helps to get rid of unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and from heartburn. Leaves of aloe and honey are taken in the same amount - for example, 50 g. Twist the leaves in a meat grinder, mix with honey and take 1 tbsp. L. Mixture for 45 minutes before the next meal.
- Water with honey for pancreatitis is also indicated, but it is better not to drink water, but milk (if there is no intolerance). In 200 ml of warm (not hot) milk or water, dissolve 1 tbsp. L. Honey. The received drink is drunk from the morning for 60 minutes before breakfast.
- Honey with lemon in pancreatitis allows you to restore damaged tissue inflammation of the gland. For treatment, 500 ml of honey, 500 ml of olive or sea-buckthorn oil and juice obtained from two lemons are required. All components are mixed in a container of glass and placed in a refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. L. Three times a day for half an hour before the main meals.
- Zabrusny honey in pancreatitis is recommended especially - it is a unique product that kills pathogenic bacteria and restores the pancreas. As a part of zabrusa there is a wax which improves quality of digestion and function of a pancreas, stabilizes metabolic processes and stimulates a hemopoiesis. Zabrus is not just chewed in the mouth, but swallowed, which contributes to an additional purification of the stomach and intestines.
- Tea with honey for pancreatitis is brewed on the basis of dried hips. For 200 ml of this tea take one teaspoon of honey: drink one cup to three times a day, before eating.
- Honey on an empty stomach at a pancreatitis helps to get rid of a nausea and to adjust digestion. The recipe works well: mix 200 g of honey, good butter, aloe leaves and cocoa powder passed through the meat grinder. All is mixed until a uniform mixture is obtained, which is placed in a glass jar and stored in a refrigerator. Daily, morning and evening, half an hour before a meal, dissolve one tablespoon of medicine in 200 ml of warm milk or water and drink. Treatment can be continued for several months, until complete recovery.
- Milk with honey for pancreatitis is consumed on an empty stomach - it improves digestive processes and prepares the system for digestion of food. For a night you should not drink such a drink: after it you need to eat a little.
- Honey with propolis in pancreatitis allows you to stop the attacks of the disease: you need to chew a small piece of propolis before each meal - about with a pinhead. This improves fermentation and makes it easier to work the pancreas. You can also use the pharmacy alcoholic tincture of propolis: it is diluted with water, based on a proportion of ½ teaspoon per 100 ml of water. Take the solution twice a day in small sips, half an hour before a meal.
- The twisted leaves of burdock with honey are a good alternative to tablets and other pharmacy products. Leaves are well washed, passed through a meat grinder, squeezed juice. Drink the juice, mixing with honey in equal proportions: it is enough to take the medicine once a day in the amount of one tablespoon, half an hour before meals. Such treatment can be started when pancreatitis recedes, and attacks calm down.
We should not forget that overeating - even if it is a useful product, is still harmful. Do not eat more than 150 grams of sweet honey medication a day (and with pancreatitis - and even less). Otherwise, complications can not be avoided.
There is a small percentage of people who have honey causing allergies - they are categorically contraindicated. The allergy can be shown by such signs:
- there is a rash on the skin, spots, itching, scaling;
- can increase temperature, headache, there is unmotivated fatigue;
- digestion can be disturbed in the form of nausea, diarrhea;
- there is redness of the eyes, swelling, lays in the nose;
- in severe cases anaphylactic shock develops.
- In addition to allergies, there are other contraindications:
- periods of exacerbation of pancreatitis and peptic ulcer;
- diabetes;
- the critical temperature of the body is above 39 ° C.
In other cases, honey can be consumed and even necessary: the main thing is not to abuse it.
Possible risks
Before the medical specialist advises the patient about the treatment with honey, he must be sure that this product is suitable for a specific person. Intolerance to beekeeping products is rare, but it can not be excluded, because the consequences can be the most serious.
If the patient has not used honey before, he should answer the following questions:
- Have pathological reactions occurred after eating honey-containing dishes, after bee stings?
- Has the allergy to pollen of plants?
- Were allergic reactions to medications?
- Is there any intolerance to certain foods?
- Were allergic reactions to dust, animal hair, cosmetics?
- Has there been an allergy in close relatives? (meaning a specific allergy to honey and bee products).
- If the patient doubts that he does not have allergies, then you can hold a honey allergic test:
- give a person literally a "drop of honey", watching the reaction throughout the day;
- dilute the honey with boiled water at room temperature (50:50), apply on a small area of the skin in the forearm, or drip one drop under the conjunctiva of the eye. The reaction, which indicates the presence of allergies, manifests itself in the form of redness of sclera, swelling, itching, conjunctivitis, reddening of the skin, rashes.
If there is no individual intolerance to honey, then you can start treatment, given that honey in pancreatitis is taken only during the period of stagnation of the main signs of the inflammatory process.