Vacuum facial massage at home and in the salon: the benefits, how to do it correctly, contraindications
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Youth always attracts a good and healthy complexion, smooth, supple, velvety and delicate skin. The aging process is evidenced by an extinct look, dullness of the skin, and wrinkles. With age, the fragility of the capillaries prevents the full nutrition of the skin with oxygen, the necessary substances, and collagen - the basis of connective tissue, which provides strength and elasticity, weakens. As women are unpleasant such symptoms, when the soul is still young! In all ages, they have directed their efforts to the extension of youth in various ways. Modern technology development offers many methods of getting rid of wrinkles: massages, masks, creams to care for different types of skin and for any time of the day, injections of youth. One of them is vacuum massage, new in cosmetology, but using for its long time all known and forgotten banks.
Indications for the procedure
What is useful for vacuum facial massage? It restores collagen fibers, a capillary network and insufficient blood flow in them. This allows:
- to remove deep scars and scars;
- to get rid of wrinkles, relaxing tension in muscles;
- improve skin condition, reducing flabbiness and sagging;
- eliminate swelling, swelling and dark circles under the eyes;
- remove the second chin.
Undoubtedly, in order to carry out such a massage, special adaptations and knowledge of the technique of its carrying out are needed. It is best to do the procedure in the salons, equipped with devices for vacuum facial massage. Vacuum massager is an electric device with nozzles for various parts of the body and face. Its advantage over banks is the ability to regulate pressure and establish a certain regime.
Vacuum cans for facial massage are of several types. Modern glass jars have a different appearance than those that were popular for the treatment of bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Glass round base of various diameters for convenient use in different areas, which is crowned by a rubber pump for drawing air - this kind of massage jar. To install it, it is enough to squeeze the pump, and after putting, to unclench the hand, why the skin will be drawn into the jar. The disadvantage is the fragility of the glass, the possibility of injury.
There are also rubber and silicone massage jars. Although rubber is the cheapest, but they are more rough in use, and also absorb the oils and gels used for massages for a long time retain their odors and are a beneficial environment for the reproduction of bacteria.
More modern - silicone jars for vacuum facial massage. They are hermetic, durable, of the same diameter, they are easy to move around the surface of the skin. All this makes them popular both in beauty salons, and when performing a procedure in a home environment.
Preparation for a vacuum massage will not be complete without the purchase of a lubricant. Often, for this purpose, use any unrefined vegetable oil, and preferably olive, creams. And yet, facial vacuum facial gels are best suited because of their water base and the ability to penetrate deeper. They also provide an ideal glide of the cans over the body.
Technique of the vacuum facial massage
There is a certain technique for carrying out facial massage with vacuum cans, without sticking to it you can damage your appearance, damage the vessels and bruise the face, cause inflammation. Regardless of which part of the face will be massaged, it is necessary to cleanse the face of the make-up, then pass it with cold water. Initially, the muscles are slightly heated, applying a gel to the surface of the face. The procedure is performed on special lines that you need to know. When massage forehead massage movements are carried from the center to the temples and from the eyebrows to the base of the hair using cans of two sizes - 33 and 22 mm. Begin with a large, then all the movements are repeated small. The eyelid zone is not subject to the procedure. The brow crease is smoothed, holding a jar from the tip of the nose to it. The lower eyelid is affected along the line from the nose, the upper part of the cheek and to the temples (the diameter of the can - 11 mm). Other classic massage lines - from temple to temple between the nose and upper lip, from the center of the lower lip to the earlobe in different directions, from the middle of the lower part of the chin along the lower jaw to the ear lobe.
For each line of motion are made at least 4 times. The first sessions should pass without a heavy load, followed by an increase in intensity, bringing the duration of the procedure to 15 minutes. How often can I do vacuum facial massage? The frequency of its conduct - once a week, the total number of 10-15 sessions. It is possible to increase the number of procedures to 3-4 per week if the contour of the face "swims" or the facial wrinkles are very deep. For young skin, this is not necessary.
Vacuum facial massage with apparatus
A special cosmetic apparatus for performing vacuum massage works on the principles of creating a pulse wave, due to which massage is performed. The procedure gives pleasant sensations, removes edemas, removes fatty deposits.
Vacuum-roller facial massage
It is based on the use of vacuum and roller. This method involves the use of special attachments - manipulators, through which air is vented, creating a vacuum. Inside the manipulators are placed rollers, massaging the skin drawn by the vacuum. The procedure is practically painless and very effective. Thanks to it, lymphatic drainage increases, skin elasticity improves, toning and facial muscles tightening.
Laser-vacuum facial massage
A new direction in the fight against aging. Combines two techniques: vacuum massage and a cold laser. Radiation occurs through the nozzle of the vacuum device, which increases the effect of the procedure: toxins are removed, metabolic processes are improved, microcirculation of fluid in the body, nutrition of cells, collagen production is stimulated. Wrinkles and flabbiness recede, the skin of the face becomes more elastic and radiant.
Vacuum facial massage at home
Vacuum facial massage at home is quite acceptable, if you follow certain rules. First, the banks for its conduct should be well washed, and if possible and pasteurized. The face before the procedure after cleaning is best to steam out in a sauna, bath, bath or over a container with hot water. This is done in order to reduce the risk of bruising. Further, the skin is lubricated with oil, cream or gel for better slip. Having installed the jar, it is necessary to make sure that the skin is not too involved, and to start smooth movements along the massage lines, which must be determined in advance according to the schemes available on the Internet or in the special literature. Movement jerks form a bruise on the face. Just a few movements on each line will give tangible results. You need to start with large diameter cans, which is less traumatic for the skin, and only after gaining experience go to the use of small ones.
Results after vacuum facial massage
Results after a vacuum massage of the face will not slow to make itself felt. Reflection in the mirror shows a tightened face oval, freshened skin, less pronounced nasolabial folds, and wrinkles are not so deep. If there were scars or scars on the face, they will become less noticeable.
Contraindications to the procedure
Not all cases show the procedure of vacuum massage. Contraindications to its conduct are:
- inflammation of the facial nerve;
- acne;
- open wounds;
- hypertension or hypotension;
- tendency to thrombosis;
- poor blood coagulability;
- large moles and warts on the face;
- catarrhal conditions, poisoning, fever;
- just bad mood;
- hypersensitivity of the skin.
Complications after the procedure
Thin and sensitive skin can react to incompetent actions with complications after the procedure in the form of irritation, rupture of vessels, and disregarding contraindications will exacerbate existing problems. The safest option is holding it in specialized institutions by experienced masters. They will visually assess the client's skin condition, ask leading questions to find out the feasibility and harmlessness of its conduct.
Most reviews on the procedure of vacuum massage are positive from calm to enthusiastic. Their authors, mostly women after 40 years, note the obvious improvement in the condition of the face, the tightness of its contours, the reduction of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Among those who remained dissatisfied are those who independently conducted the procedure without special skills.