Parterre gymnastics
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In translation from French, "ground" means "on the ground". The peculiarity of the parterre gymnastics is the performance of exercises on the floor. This is a specially designed complex that is held lying or sitting, on the side or on all fours with minimal articular load, involving the necessary muscles. Man, standing on two legs, denied the uniform distribution of the weight of the body on the spine and joints and now pays for the ability to keep upright. Such gymnastics will restore them and prevent disease, make the posture even, improve coordination of movement, restore breathing, support internal organs in good working condition.
Indications for holding a gymnastics are:
- injuries of muscles and ligaments;
- prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- thoracic and lumbar scoliosis;
- circulatory disturbance;
- joint stiffness;
- Dystrophy of tissues and strengthening of muscles.
Description of the exercise
The complex of exercises of the parterre gymnastics is divided into three stages and in total is calculated for one hour of classes:
- dynamic - aimed at strengthening different muscle groups, performed synchronously with the coach, training time up to 40 minutes;
- stretch - it increases the elasticity of tissues, strengthens the abdominal press, which is responsible for the work of internal organs. Includes stretch marks along with proper breathing. The length of the stage is 20 minutes;
- meditative - relaxation after physical exertion, positive attitude, training in counteracting negative emotions (5 minutes).
There are several types of gymnastics in accordance with the preparedness of the person. What exactly is suitable for a particular person is determined by a doctor depending on the presence of pathologies and physical fitness. For beginners, there is adaptive gymnastics - a lightweight version with a slow pace of execution. For people with average preparedness there is an average level - a complex with a large number of exercises, performed at a not very fast pace. For trained and persistent - complex exercises in a fast rhythm. To achieve the result you need at least one visit to the sports center in a week.
Parterre gymnastics for children
Parterre gymnastics for children are different for different ages. From four to six years it is held in a play form. The next year is spent on strengthening the muscles of the back, legs, waist - exactly those on which the main physical load will lie. These exercises alternate with the elements of the gymnastics. At 7-8 years old classical exercise is carried out - training on the floor (strengthening and stretching legs, back, body). In the next year, parterre gymnastics becomes more complicated. From 9 to 12 years, it becomes less, because more time is spent on staging the dance, their rehearsal, and yet gymnastics should be present as elements of modern dances. After 12 years, parterre gymnastics is held independently before or after classes.
Joint parterre gymnastics
Joint gymnastics is the maximum volume of complex movements of large amplitude, performed at least 20 times each involving different muscles. Classes are held on mats or mats to music. Under the guidance of the coach, harmonization of the rhythm, synchronization of movements and breathing is achieved - otherwise the expected effect will not be achieved.
The program of ground gymnastics
The program in the ground gymnastics includes mastering complex movements by repeatedly repeating them, then performing them by all participants synchronously with the coach. Such exercises are assigned the coordination role between the central and peripheral nervous systems. Exercises in unison in persons having problems with the musculoskeletal system, indicates the achievement of certain positive results. The main number of movements is directed to the abdominal press; it is involved in the functioning of the digestive tract, supports the pelvic organs, restores blood circulation in them, affects the diaphragm. At the next stage, after the dynamic part, stretching exercises are performed, thanks to which the elasticity of muscles and ligaments is achieved. On this depends the usefulness of everyday life, freedom of movement, the possibility of physical labor. The last part of the program includes the necessary emotional mood necessary for obtaining a positive result of training, strengthening the spirit and belief in the best, hope for the recovery of patients.
Parter Gymnastics of Bubnovsky
The best method of treatment is the one that the doctor experienced on himself. So it happened with SM Bubnovsky, when he was not yet a doctor. Having got into a serious accident at a young age, he himself developed his own rehabilitation system, put himself on his feet with crutches, received two medical diplomas, opened rehabilitation centers in which he helps other people to regain or maintain health. His system is a complex of exercises of adaptive gymnastics and begins with a cleansing breath. Putting his hands on his stomach and uttering with closed lips on the exhalation of "pf", a person prepares to start classes. Unlike official medicine, which prescribes complete rest in case of problems with the musculoskeletal system, Bubnovsky exposes all muscle groups to aerobic exercise. He claims that the bones do not ache, but the muscles and all the problems with the spine and joints from their low mobility hurt. Its health centers are equipped with unique simulators, but before you engage in them you need to prepare your body. People who for some reason can not attend such classes can use the video with his course of adaptive gymnastics at home. First, not everything can and does not have the strength to do as many repetitions of the same movement. But gradually, increasing the number and pace of classes, a reassessment of forces occurs, the complex submits to man, bearing its fruits. The author recommends three universal exercises for self-fulfillment:
- to relieve tension from the shoulders and neck - pushing away from the floor;
- for the abdominal press, improving peristalsis of the intestine and gallbladder, from the position lying on the back, with the legs bent at the knees, and hands, stretched behind the head and pressed to the ears, tearing off the upper part of the trunk from the floor;
- for the back and sciatic nerve - lying on the stomach, with arms bent in the elbows, swings alternately with each leg up, then two together.
These exercises are done on an empty stomach, at least 20 minutes, before the appearance of sweat. Enough of them to master, you can connect to the complex.
Parter Gymnastics Borshchenko
Candidate of Medical Sciences, neurosurgeon Borshchenko IA He created his system of training to strengthen the muscular corset, based on exercises in isometric, i.e. In static mode. The essence of this method is the short-term effect of resistance. These exercises do not change the length of the muscle, and therefore leave the joint motionless. There are several types of such exercises, in some of them the maximum muscular tension is used for 6-12 seconds, in others - stops are stopped, in the third - the maximum voltage is applied at the initial stage, but not reaching 12-15 cm to the target the movement stops. All these manipulations provide an opportunity to load and develop the necessary muscles. Intervals between exercises usually do not exceed a minute, and the whole workout lasts no more than 20 minutes.
Adaptive parterre gymnastics Elena Kopeliovich
Adaptive parterre gymnastics Elena Kopeliovich uses Bubnovsky's technique. Recorded on DVD in the performance of Kopeliovich exercises are designed for classes at home. The goal of the video is to give the beginners the necessary skills of taking care of their health, preventing back pain and joint pain. Elena Kopeliovich demonstrates the exercises, while commenting on them. They are carried out from the position of lying on your back, on your stomach, sitting, on all fours.
Boris Knyazev's parade gymnastics
Boris Knyazev is the author of the revolutionary methodology in the sphere of choreography, the essence of it is that all the training exercises, which were the lessons of classical dance, were held lying or sitting on the floor. Boris Knyazev's paratrical gymnastics was aimed at developing elasticity of ligaments, strengthening the muscles of the lower limbs, beautiful posture, stability, good coordination of movements. These innovations were practiced in their own ballet schools, the first of which he opened in 1937 in Paris. In his system, the turning positions of the legs alternated with non-rotation, thanks to which a modern dance was born. Boris Knyazev is a world-renowned pedagogue-modernist, choreographer and dancer.
Parterre gymnastics in choreography
The combination of good music and plastic movements is a fascinating action. It is difficult to imagine how hard it is to achieve ease, plasticity, virtuosity of execution. To obtain the qualities necessary for the dance: flexibility, turnabout, endurance, jump, dance step in choreography, parterre gymnastics is used. The exercises based on the exercises of Boris Knyazev are selected. They are largely modified, arranged for a particular dancer, but his ideas. A good dancer can be raised, starting from childhood. Therefore, for junior and middle classes of choreographic schools, special programs have been developed, according to which instruction is being conducted.