Diet for polyps in the gallbladder
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Dietary food is provided both during the medical treatment of excrescences in the bile excretory system, and after their prompt removal. With cholesterol education, adherence to the principles of diet can lead to self-biting build-up and normalization of cholesterol in the bloodstream.
General information of the diets with polyps in the gallbladder
The principles of this diet are as follows:
- food is installed in small portions, often (once every three hours);
- it is forbidden to overeat;
- It is forbidden to eat coarse fibrous food;
- banned fried, fatty foods, smoked products;
- hot dishes before serving must be cooled to a warm state, and cold - heated;
- after eating, physical exertion is possible only after one and a half hours, but not earlier.
What can and what can not?
The following products are allowed for food:
- bread toast, biscuit biscuits, drying;
- vegetable, lean soups, milk porridges, cereals;
- pure meat without fatty layers;
- sea fish, shrimp, crab meat;
- mild cheeses, tofu, diet varieties of boiled sausage, dairy products;
- non-acid fruits and berries;
- non-acid vegetable crops;
- not strong tea and coffee (it is possible on milk), non-acid compotes and juices;
- cottage cheese, puddings, soufflé.
The following products are prohibited:
- fresh bread and rolls;
- fatty confectionery (with butter cream, deep-fried, etc.);
- sharp soups, strong broths;
- offal, game, fat, coarse meat;
- river fish, fatty fish, herring, dried and smoked fish;
- beans;
- sauces and dressings;
- sour fruits and berries (kiwi, currants, gooseberries);
- sorrel, rhubarb, radish, cabbage;
- salty, spicy, fatty cheese;
- soda, spirits, strong tea and coffee, concentrated drinks;
- chocolate, cocoa.
Menu diet for polyps in the gallbladder
The optimal diet menu may look like this:
- First breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, oatmeal with berries, rice pudding or banana smoothie, supplemented with tea on milk.
- Second breakfast: fresh or baked fruit (apple, banana, pear), or vegetable salad.
- Lunch: lean soup with vegetables, steam cutlet or fillet, compote of dried fruits.
- Afternoon snack: vegetable or fruit salad, compote or jelly.
- Dinner: milk porridge, boiled or stewed vegetables, fermented milk product.
The menu should not contain products rich in essential oils and extracts. So, you should avoid the use of boiled broths, black and red pepper, horseradish, radish, spices, mushrooms. From the diet should also be excluded ice cream and soda.
If the polyps differ in small sizes, it is recommended to diversify the menu with cholagogue products, such as milk, fermented baked milk, boiled eggs, beets.
When choosing beverages, preference should be given to herbal teas based on corn stigmas, St. John's wort, tansy. You can drink mineral water like Borjomi, previously deprived of carbon dioxide. Mineral water is desirable to drink at least three times a day, 20-30 minutes before the next meal.
Fasting with polyps in the gallbladder
In medical circles, it is considered that starving for polyps in the bile secretion system is not the best idea. The fact is that most of the problems in the bile excretory system are associated with congestion of bile. Stagnation often occurs with prolonged breaks between meals - for example, with an irregular diet or fasting. As a consequence of stagnation, the inflammatory process and even the formation of concrements develop over time.
What can you achieve by starvation? Digestion processes stop, bile does not flow, but accumulates and thickens.
To avoid stagnation, it is recommended not to go hungry for polyposis, but to eat in small portions: often in small portions. Such a regime facilitates the work of the hepatobiliary system and facilitates its purification.
Recipes for polyps in the gallbladder
- Protein omelet.
It will take: proteins from three eggs, 30 ml of milk, a little salt and butter.
Whites are beaten with milk, salt is added. Prepare in a double boiler or pour into a frying pan with a small amount of butter and put on a small fire for a longing. Serve with vegetables or 10% sour cream.
- Oat and vegetable soup.
You will need: 200 g of potatoes, 2 tbsp. L. Oatmeal, one carrot, some salt and vegetable oil.
Vegetables are finely chopped, poured with water and put on fire, cook almost until ready. Add the oats and cook for another 10 minutes. Salt, add greens and oil, and remove from heat.
- Cream-soup of carrots.
It will take: 0.5 liters of vegetable broth, two large carrots, butter, salt, greens.
Carrots finely chopped, cooked in broth until cooked. Add salt and butter, whisk in a blender until the cream. Served with croutons and greens.
- Cottage cheese pâté.
You will need: 9% cottage cheese 100 g, 1 tbsp. L. 10% sour cream, sugar or honey.
All the ingredients are mixed to the cream state. Such cottage cheese can be used for spreading on toasts or biscuits. If you want, you can prepare a salted version of the dish: in this case, instead of sugar or honey, salt is added, as well as chopped dill.
Alcohol for polyps in the gallbladder
Medical specialists do not advise drinking alcoholic beverages for those people who have been found to have polypous inclusions in the bile excretory system. It should be noted that the system of bile secretion is a clear and balanced mechanism that ensures the timely delivery of bile mass into the 12-colon. But the use of alcohol, albeit in small amounts, violates this balance: the function of sphincters is lost, and the secretion of bile becomes asynchronous.
Alcohol activates the secretion of both bile and pancreatic enzymes, and simultaneously provokes a spastic contraction of the sphincter of Oddi, responsible for the secretion of bile. The process of overstretching of the walls of the organ is started, as a result of the increase in pressure in it. In turn, these disorders entail a functional stagnation, followed by inflammatory processes. And, as is known, it is stagnation and inflammation that are one of the factors that provoke the appearance of polyps in the bile excretory system.
The ducts narrow, the scar connective tissue is formed, the risk of stone formation increases.
If alcohol is consumed in large quantities, the intoxication processes lead to a fat metabolism failure - this is another factor that adversely affects both the mechanism of polyps development and the entire organism as a whole.
In conclusion, it should be added that ethanol adversely affects the quality of microflora in the bile secretion system, which aggravates stagnant phenomena and accelerates the development of inflammation.
Tjubazh at polyps of a cholic bubble
Is it possible to carry out tjubazh at polyps of a gall bladder?
Experts believe that the procedure of tjubazh with the use of vegetable oil or beet juice in polyps can harm patients, because of its excessive intensity. Doctors recommend to clean the hepatic and bile ducts instead of tuyazh. This is done with the help of manual therapy, special massage techniques, respiratory gymnastics. In addition, it is possible to clean the ducts well, taking cholagogue fees against the backdrop of acupuncture and visceral chiropractic procedures. Such a therapeutic combination will help relieve spasms, eliminate tissue edema, improve the outflow of bile from the hepatobiliary system.
The collection of herbs can include:
- chamomile flowers;
- the herb of St. John's wort;
- mint leaves;
- the grass of the yarrow;
- fennel seeds;
- immortelle.
A good substitute for tjubazhu is also the reception of one tablespoon of vegetable oil in the morning on an empty stomach, with a glass of warm water. And an indispensable condition is daily physical exercise that improves blood circulation and promotes the natural processes of cleansing the body, and also prevents stagnation of bile.