Proper bathing of a newborn baby
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021
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Bathing a newborn baby is an important daily procedure for the baby, which should be performed under special conditions to maintain the health and purity of the baby's skin. It is very important to properly carry out hygiene measures for the baby, to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Technique and main principles of bathing a newborn
The first bathing of a child according to new standards is already at home. This is a positive change, since bathing at home involves contaminating the baby's skin with microflora, which is at home. This allows you to avoid the harmful bacteria that are in the hospital.
The first bathing of a newborn baby is recommended for the next day after mother and baby were at home. Given that bathing for a baby three to five days of life is something new, then it must go all the way, as the first reaction to bathing determines further water procedures. Therefore, it must be done carefully, so that the child does not get scared. Proper bathing of a newborn baby is very important, since its skin has structural features at this age. The skin of a newborn baby is very thin and can easily pass different bacteria inside, so it is not such a good barrier, as in adult children. Sebaceous and sweat glands in newborns are not sufficiently developed, so babies when sweating can not bring sweat to the surface of the skin. All metabolic products remain on the top layer of the skin and can disrupt the respiration of skin cells. Therefore, it is so important to bathe the child quite often and most importantly correctly.
There are certain rules for bathing a newborn baby:
- to bathe a baby to six months is needed every day;
- to bathe a newborn to one month is necessary only in boiled water;
- need a separate bath for the child and individual toys only for bathing;
- The thermal regime of the water must be monitored every time.
Do I boil water for bathing a newborn baby? It is believed that bathing a newborn in boiled water is necessary until the navel disappears and he will heal the navel. But the general recommendations - it is necessary to bathe in boiled water during the first month of life. This is due to the fact that during this period the child is vulnerable to the action of bacteria, and many microorganisms die during boiling, which reduces the likelihood of additional infection of the child.
The water temperature for bathing a newborn baby should be 36-37 degrees. This is the temperature that is comfortably tolerated in any weather and the child feels well in such water. Measure the temperature you need before every bath, not relying on your own feelings. This can be done with a special water thermometer. The bathing procedure itself should usually not exceed fifteen minutes, so there is no need to add hot water.
How to keep a newborn baby when swimming? The procedure for bathing a newborn and a child up to six months should be carried out by 2 people, usually a mom and a dad. The daddy becomes from the side of the child's head and holds the head on the weight so that it does not touch the water too much. It can usually be up to a level so that the head is only soaked in water. Mom at this time bathes the child. Bathing a newborn child with a circle is allowed after two months, when he confidently holds the head. In this case, the circle is worn around the neck and performs the function of restraint on the water, therefore outside help is not required in bathing. It is necessary only that the child is not frightened the first time this circle, so everything should be done carefully.
Even when the child is sitting in six months, the mother can bathe it herself. Toys can be used special, which are washed, in any case not soft and without small details. The baby's bath can only be separate and necessarily clean. Bathing a newborn baby in a large bath can be done after six months when the child is confidently sitting. Of course, that before this you need to thoroughly wash the bath without any disinfectants and toxic solutions.
If a newborn baby cries while bathing, it may not be suitable for him the temperature of the water or something wrong. You can not bathe a child, then you can just wash it and wipe it off quickly. It is possible that he wants to eat or has colic, so that the next bathing has passed normally, you need to stop bathing him if he cries.
How can you bathe a child?
The question of using various means for bathing a child is very controversial. The latest recommendations say that when bathing a baby, do not use a variety of herbs and detergents, if the baby is healthy and does not require any measures. It is believed that adding water to bathing herbs helps to evaporate these herbs, which can become allergens for the baby and later cause allergies. It is also recommended not to use soap, as it dries the skin, regardless of the composition.
What is needed for bathing a newborn baby? If the baby is healthy, then swimming should be done only in boiled water without adding anything. After all, daily bathing excludes skin contamination of the child, for which you need to use soap or other means. In the future, you can use toys, so that the baby bathing process brings more pleasure.
Bathing a newborn baby with herbs has been used for a long time to better purify the baby's skin and to soothe. Herbs have antiseptic properties, and also some of them soothe the nervous system and the baby sleeps better. Therefore, you can use a variety of herbs for children who have increased emotionality, restless, as well as skin problems. If the baby has a gneiss on the head or if the skin is flaky after birth, then it can be used to bathe the grass.
Bathing a newborn baby in turn and chamomile is used for the purpose of additional antiseptic properties, as well as to prevent the formation of diaper rash on the skin. How to brew a string for bathing a newborn baby? Brew should be in boiled hot water at the rate of two bags of grass for 20 grams per glass of water. After five minutes of infusion, you can add this solution to the baby's bath and bathe as usual. Bathing a newborn baby in decoction of the bark of oak can also be carried out in order to prevent infectious skin lesions.
Bathing a newborn baby in salt water is recommended for manifestations of atopic dermatitis with pronounced exudation phenomena, but if there is no direct skin damage. For this purpose, it is better to use sea salt - one teaspoon per liter of water, and then add this solution to the bath.
Bathing a newborn baby in manganese is also widespread, as potassium permanganate has antiseptic properties and accelerates the healing of the navel. It has a direct effect on bacteria and viruses and neutralizes them on the skin. When bathing, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, so that the color is slightly pink.
Means for bathing a newborn baby by the type of baby soap or shampoo should be used after a month. But you can not thoroughly wash the baby's code and rub it with a washcloth - just put Mama's hands on soap and wash it with water. Use only special children's products without dyes, which can be allergic. After bathing, it is easy to get wet your baby's skin with a soft towel, without rubbing heavily. How to smear a newborn baby after bathing? If the baby has healthy skin, then it is not necessary to smear her even for prevention. If the skin is dry or there are signs of diaper dermatitis, then you can use the usual olive oil or special baby oil. At the same time, all skin is not to be smeared, but only areas where there is dryness or intertrigo.
These are the main principles of bathing, which must be adhered to for the healthy skin of the baby and the calmness of the mother.
Bathing a newborn baby is the main principle of a baby's skin health. Therefore, the mother must know what is needed and can be used while bathing the child and whether it will not bring harm. Excessive care can also be harmful, as well as insufficient skin care for a newborn, so all procedures should be in moderation, including bathing.