What three syndromes can be the culprits of excess weight?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Polycystic ovary syndrome, fibromyalgia and X syndrome may be the cause of excess weight in women and even teenage girls. Why is this happening and what measures can be taken to treat it?
What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?
This failure in the endocrine system, which leads to violations in the body to 6% of women with irregular menstruation. And this number includes teenage girls. It is noteworthy that the disorder of the endocrine organs disrupts the metabolism, and a woman or even a girl of 14-16 years can strongly add weight.
Adding extra pounds is fast, sometimes the weight is just off scale and nothing can be done about it - neither by dieting, nor by exercise. To normalize weight, you need, first of all, to remove the cause - polycystic ovary.
Symptoms of polycystic ovary
- High blood pressure
- With hormonal tests - increased levels of androgens
- Non-acceptance of insulin
- Allergic reaction to glucose
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system (malfunctions in the heart and blood vessels, including a heart attack). Take note: a woman after 40 years with polycystic ovary syndrome can have a heart attack 4 times more likely than in patients of the same age without polycystosis.
- Diabetes
- Changes in the shape (it quickly acquires the shape of an apple - an enlarged abdomen, chest and hips, or pears - a heavily populated lower part).
- Irritability, sharp mood changes from hysteria to complete apathy. There is a danger that a woman is considered mentally unbalanced, without linking her condition to polycystic ovary syndrome. And the doctor prescribes her sedative and psychotropic drugs, which only aggravate the course of polycystosis.
- To avoid exacerbation of polycystosis and associated changes in weight, you need to be screened in time for a gynecologist and endocrinologist.
Syndrome X and overweight
Syndrome X is a malfunction in the endocrine system and, as a consequence, a slowing of metabolism. As a result, you lose weight. Most of all, this disease - syndrome X - is typical for women with menstrual cycle disorders. This is a dangerous disease that can provoke a heart attack even in women under 30.
How to identify X syndrome
- Sudden gain in weight
- Non-acceptance of insulin
- High blood pressure
- Elevated cholesterol
- Increased hair on the face and body
- The jumps of the monthly are abundant, sometimes scanty, and always at the wrong time
Characteristically, Syndrome X can threaten the lives of patients because of the increased risk of heart attack. Many doctors make the mistake of thinking that X syndrome can occur only in women who are close to the time of menopause or who are in the climacteric period.
In fact, Syndrome X can affect young women even a few years before menopause, causing irreversible changes in the body, including unwanted completeness. Therefore, the above listed symptoms must be paid attention in order to prevent danger.
How to identify fibromyalgia?
- Pain in the muscles in all parts of the body - pointwise
- Weakness
- Increased fatigue
- Drowsiness, which alternates with insomnia
- Low working capacity
Fibromyalgia is the culprit of muscle pain and weight gain, mainly in women after 40 years. Why?
Fibromyalgia (or chronic pain syndrome) and overweight
What is fibromyalgia? This is chronic pain in the muscles, and throughout the body. Doctors call fibromyalgia a chronic pain syndrome. This syndrome can be a serious cause of excess weight, like the first two - syndrome X and polycystic ovary syndrome.
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How is the pain syndrome associated with excess kilos?
Answer the question: when something hurts, will you go out to play badminton? And will you go for a run in the morning? That's the same! Pain syndrome does not allow a woman to play sports, weakens the body, and provokes a constant intake of medications. From this, the muscles become weak and flabby, and the fat deposits quickly accumulate.
In addition, the appearance of excess weight contributes also to hormonal imbalance: the level of cortisol (stress hormone) is increased, and this further slows down the metabolism and provokes the accumulation of fats. In turn, excess cortisol in the blood causes insulin resistance. This means that the level of sugars in the blood rises, fat deposits accumulate, kilograms arrive.
If you find yourself experiencing symptoms that indicate poor health and weight gain, immediately consult your doctor for examination and hormonal tests. Be healthy and happy!