Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Onions are a source of vitamins, calcium, zinc, fluoride, iron, nickel and even essential oils. Rich in this vegetable and iron. You can get it from raw, roasted, baked and stewed onions.
Vegetable is able to arouse appetite, improve digestion, has antiseptic and antibacterial effect. In addition, it perfectly fights with low blood pressure and prevents the development of cancer cells.
Varieties of onions
Isolate such varieties of onions as spicy, semi-acute, sweet and a variety of shallots. But this is only a generalized classification. In fact, each group contains more than one variety.
To the semi-oestrus varieties are those vegetables that have the largest amount of scales. The bow of this group does not differ in density, therefore during cleaning it is necessary to exercise accuracy, so as not to damage it. Sweet varieties of vegetables have excellent taste qualities, they are able to give a good harvest. Cultivate this species exclusively in the southern regions.
The acute variety of the vegetable is precocious and less productive. Such onions can be stored for a long time, thanks to the high content of essential oils and sugars. A full-grown vegetable of an acute variety is covered at once with several layers of scales, therefore they clean it only with the help of agricultural machinery.
Shalot includes not one species. There are both semi-sharp and sharp vegetables. The main distinguishing feature of this variety is the ability to grow even in the cold season. It is quite possible to plant it under the winter, a cold-blooded vegetable.
In fact, there are quite a few varieties of this vegetable, there are about 400 of them. Therefore, for true gourmets, there is always something to choose from. Onions are a source of nutrients and just a pleasant addition to any dish.
Properties of onions
Few people know that the properties of onions are both useful and healing. This vegetable has good bactericidal and antiseptic properties. He perfectly fights against viruses, promotes the assimilation of food and increases the body's resistance to many infections.
This vegetable is widely used in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to cope with atherosclerosis, general weakness for colds, decreased sexual activity, etc.
In medicine, it is used to fight scurvy, and is widely used as an anthelmintic. Fresh juice of this vegetable with honey is able to cure bronchitis, cough and even fungal skin disease. This ingredient is recommended for use in dermatitis, for the removal of warts and calluses.
Useful properties of this vegetable a lot, but all because of its composition is not so few active components. This suggests that you need to eat onions. After all, he can eliminate many diseases and prevent their development.
Nutritional information on onions
What is the nutritional value of onions or how much is contained in one vegetable. So, in the bulb can contain a gram of ash, 0.1 grams of starch, 8 grams of mono- and disaccharides, 86 grams of water, 0.2 grams of organic acids.
It mainly contains useful components, such as vitamin PP, H, E, C, B9, B6, B5, B2 and B1. Most of all in this vegetable vitamin C, it's as much as 10 mg. The remaining components are contained in a smaller volume.
In addition to vitamins, here are located and mineral substances. So, this nickel - 476 mkg, nickel - 3 mkg, aluminum - 400 mkg, chrome, boron, fluorine, manganese and copper. Naturally, there is iodine, zinc, iron, potassium and sodium.
For an ordinary vegetable this is a very rich composition. Because not all root crops have such properties. He is able to rid himself of many diseases and at the same time to prevent the development of new ones. Therefore, to neglect the use of this vegetable is not worth it. Onions are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other important components for the human body.
Caloric content of onions
Those who are always afraid to recover, you need to know what caloric content of onions. No, it is not high, but, nevertheless, all this knowledge is worth it.
So, in 100 grams of this vegetable besides a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, there are carbohydrates and proteins. The nutritional value of the vegetable does not exceed 41 kcal. Therefore, worry about the extra inches at the waist is clearly not worth it.
In 100 grams contains only one gram of protein and 9 grams of carbohydrates. So, there are no harms or anything else here. You can eat it in any quantity, the main thing is that no harm was done. Because some people better to reduce the consumption of this vegetable. Otherwise, there is a risk of increasing the acidity of the body and significantly increase the pressure.
In general, there can be no grounds for experience. This vegetable is useful, not expensive, but also not high-calorie. So, to look for flaws in this product is definitely not worth it. After all, such useful properties can not boast more than one vegetable.
Contraindications to the use of onions
The main contraindications to the use of onions are associated with some of its components. So, beware of this vegetable is the heart, and people suffering from problems with the liver. After all, this product is acute, and it is quite capable of damaging the mucous membrane, if there is already any inflammation. In addition, spicy products negatively affect the work of the heart, which is why some people do not need to consume this vegetable.
The most harmless contraindication may be an unpleasant odor from the mouth. The fact is that it is not so easy to get out. Therefore, if a serious meeting is scheduled, then it is better not to consume this vegetable.
As mentioned above, it has a very negative effect on the work of the heart. It can also cause asthma and increase blood pressure. This is due to irritation of the nervous system.
Abuse can be overtaken by sleep, in addition, the vegetable is harmful in metabolism, because it promotes the formation of gases and mucus. Despite the fact that the vegetable is a great way to get rid of many ailments, he himself can cause them.
Chemical composition of onions
The chemical composition of the onion is also rich. So, here you can find both vitamins and minerals. Onions are a source of vitamins B and C. In addition, it contains essential oils, as well as zinc, fluoride, iodine, iron, copper, cobalt, nickel and other components.
That is why the onion helps to cope with many diseases. The vegetable is enriched with iron. You can get this element in its entirety from any sort of this product. Simply put, no matter what form, the person uses this vegetable. The benefits of it will still be. Useful ingredients do not evaporate during cooking.
This product is also rich in potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. In the green feathers of the vegetable, there are a lot of folic acid and biotin. Juice of onion is just full of vitamins, essential oils and carbohydrates. It is worth noting that the sharper the vegetable, the more useful components in it.
The bow composition is really incredible. Therefore, it is possible to talk about its useful properties indefinitely. So if it is necessary to cure any diseases, it is worth considering onions as the main medication.
Onions during pregnancy
Can I eat onions during pregnancy? There are no restrictions in this respect and can not be. After all, it contains a huge amount of various vitamins, minerals and other elements. Therefore, onions during pregnancy, even need to eat.
The only negative factor is bad breath. And then, getting rid of it is quite simple. After all, the body of a pregnant girl is being reconstructed to prepare for the process of procreation. In the first months of pregnancy, immunity weakens and must be supported in every possible way. In this regard, this vegetable will help. It is rich in vitamin C, which significantly strengthens the immune system.
Vitamins of group B and PP have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. This improves not only the state of the mother's body, but also the child. Therefore, to neglect the use of this vegetable is not worth it. It has a positive effect. Because onions are a source of useful vitamins, as well as a powerful tool in the fight against many diseases and viruses.
Onions with breastfeeding
Usually onions with breastfeeding does not carry any danger. But still, there are some caveats. Thus, many products can penetrate the mother's milk with the mother's milk. Therefore, over the use of some of them is still worth thinking about.
So, during breastfeeding it is not recommended to eat sharp foods. Because milk can change its taste and the child does not like it very much. He can simply simply refuse milk. Moreover, do not forget that onions and garlic do not always have a beneficial effect on the stomach. As for the digestive organs of the baby, they are clearly not ready for spicy food.
Of all the above, only one conclusion is brewing, it is impossible to use this product in breastfeeding. This can change the taste of milk, and also adversely affect the mother's body. Therefore, it is worth considering these nuances. After all, onions are not such a simple vegetable, as it might seem at first glance.
Allergies to onions
In some cases, an allergy to onions may occur. But it is found mostly in childhood. Why is this happening? The fact is that he has a rich composition. That is why some types of allergies can manifest themselves.
So, people suffering intolerance to vitamin C is not desirable to eat it, because there is a lot of it in this vegetable. Sometimes the chemicals that make up this reaction cause this. Naturally, they get into the vegetable for a reason. Most likely, we are talking about the unfair cultivation of this plant. As a result, harmful substances entered there.
In its pure form, the allergy does not arise. In general, this is preceded by the content of vitamins and minerals. After all, some people have an allergic reaction not only to vitamin C, but also to vitamin A. Therefore, before giving the baby this product, it is worth knowing whether he has an allergy or not. Because otherwise it can lead to serious consequences. Onions can adversely affect the child's body, this fact should be taken into account.
How to store onions?
The most common and all known method is laying onions in tights. First, it will fit a lot, and secondly, it is convenient to store.
In addition, it is worth paying attention to the wooden boxes. Fold the product in them and send it to a dark place. The main thing that the vegetable was not able to grow, for this it is necessary to comply with certain conditions.
Wicker baskets perfectly cope with the function of storage. No special conditions, he just falls asleep in the allotted place and everything. As a repository, fabric bags and special nets for vegetables are suitable.
Naturally, the best way is to store in kapron stockings. True put on the ground vegetable is not worth it. It is desirable to find a good place where you can hang it.
Here such simple are capable to allow to keep freshness of a vegetable throughout all colds. Onions are not fond of conditions and options for storage.