Peas chickpeas
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Chickpeas or, as it is also called, naghut, nahut, nahat, chick peas, mutton peas, shish peas, puzyrnik, hummus - a plant of the legume family, is a legume crop. The Latin name is Cicer arietinum.
Chickpeas look like a lamb or a pig's head. Compared with the familiar whole peas, chickpeas larger, its size varies from half to one and a half centimeters in diameter.
The homeland of chickpea is the territory of the Middle East. More than seven thousand years it is grown in this region. He was also familiar to the inhabitants of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, where chickpeas were used not only for food purposes, but also for medicinal purposes. By the way, the first written mention of chickpeas is found in Homer's Iliad.
Since the 17th century the chickpea has been widely spread all over the world. Europeans initially also used it as a substitute for a coffee drink. The Russian people learned about the chickpeas from the Bulgarians and the peoples of the Caucasus.
Now chickpeas are consumed in different countries of the world, the number of which exceeds thirty. Especially it is appreciated in India, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Mexico, Australia, Ethiopia, China and many other countries (tropical and subtropical).
Nut is widely used as a food product. It is well suited for soups, second courses, side dishes, snacks, various national dishes of different countries (hummus, falafel, couscous and many others), vegetable salads and canning. Nut flour, which is obtained from these beans, is used for baking cakes, preparing nutritious cereals for children. When bread is baked or confectionery or pasta is made, chickpea flour is mixed with wheat flour. From fried chickpeas with raisins, walnuts, etc. Make sweets.
Chickpea grades
In our sales there are peas of light yellow or beige. But in the world there are some other of its kinds. For example, peas may be black (lenticular) and have an intense aroma and nutty taste; green, which is fresh and dry, it needs less time to cook, than other varieties of chickpeas; red, brown - in these grades a lot of iron, peas are well boiled.
The most popular sorts of chickpeas that can be found in our region are:
- Desi, whose beans are dark, have a coarse thick shell. Grown in the territory of countries such as Ethiopia, Mexico, Iran, India. Its distinctive feature is a noticeable property of reducing blood sugar, in addition, this brand is remarkable for its more rich and delicate taste and aroma, its preparation is more delicate.
- Kabul - a variety with large round beans, which have a thin smooth shell. The territory of its growth is the countries of the Mediterranean, North Africa, Afghanistan, India. Kabul is the most famous variety of chick pea.
In 100 g of dried chickpeas beans contains:
- water - 11.5 grams;
- Proteins - 19.3 grams;
- fats - 6 grams;
- Carbohydrates - 58.2 grams;
- dietary fiber (fiber) - 2.5 grams;
- ash - 2.5 grams.
In 100 g of chickpea, an average of about 364 kcal.
Chemical composition of chick peas
In 100 g of dried chickpeas beans contains:
- vitamin A (beta-carotene) - 40 micrograms;
- vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.477 milligrams;
- vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.212 milligrams;
- niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP) - 1.54 milligrams;
- vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 1.59 milligrams;
- Folic acid (vitamin B9) - 557 micrograms;
- vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 4 milligrams;
- vitamin E (tocopherol) - 0.82 milligrams;
- vitamin K (phylloquinone) - 9 micrograms;
- Choline (vitamin B4) - 95.2 milligrams.
- potassium - 875 milligrams;
- calcium - 105 milligrams;
- magnesium - 115 milligrams;
- sodium - 24 milligrams;
- phosphorus - 366 milligrams.
- iron - 6.24 milligrams;
- manganese - 2.2 milligrams;
- copper - 0.847 milligrams;
- selenium - 8.2 micrograms;
- zinc - 3.43 milligrams.
Useful properties of chickpeas
In chickpea sprouts high content of high-quality proteins and fats, fiber, calcium (in especially large quantities), magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and C. Pea chickens are characterized by low caloric content, and superiority over other legumes - essential essential acids methionine and tryptophan in it are contained in a much larger volume.
Analyzing the chemical composition of chickpeas it is well understandable why this pea is so valuable for more than one thousand years. The quality of the protein, which is 30% in chickpeas, is close to the egg white. It also contains oil (8%), carbohydrates (from 50 to 60%), minerals (2-5%), vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, B6, PP. High nutritional value allows replacing meat with peas chickpeas - this is often used by believers when it is necessary to fast. In addition, this diet can serve as a prevention of cardiac and vascular diseases.
Fiber, which is contained in peas chickpeas in large quantities, contributes to the improvement of digestive processes, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, regulation of blood sugar, the removal of cholesterol from the body, preventing the development of anemia, preventing constipation, reducing the aging of the skin and the entire body, contributes the health of the hair and the tranquility of the nervous system. Pea chickens give the body energy, which it uses slowly, without raising the level of sugar in the blood.
The high content of dietary fiber in chickpeas leads to the fact that the Turkish pea is a healthy source of carbohydrates, therefore its use is shown to people with diabetes, sensitive to insulin. Due to the fibers of chickpea, bile acids in the small intestine bind, because the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases and the liver does not absorb it repeatedly.
The presence of insoluble fibers in chick pea clears the intestines, removing from it cereals and toxins, prevents putrefactive processes, prevents the reproduction of harmful bacteria, thanks to chickpeas, the intestine is easily emptied. All this contributes to the health of the large intestine, therefore the probability that a person can develop colon cancer can be reduced.
Nutovuyu flour include in their diet allergic people who have lactose intolerance. It is also often used in face masks for facial skin: it is mixed with olive or sesame oil or with egg white.
Pea chickpeas are an excellent source of antioxidants, because it provides the health of cardiovascular systems. With regular use of chickpeas by 15%, the risk is reduced that coronary heart disease will develop, as the walls of blood vessels significantly strengthen and the work of the cardiac organ improves.
Nutu has diuretic properties, which is why it is also used as an adjunct in the treatment of kidney diseases, for the excretion of stones, it promotes increased secretions during menstruation and lactation. In addition, peas promotes a rapid recovery of the number of red blood cells after menstruation and during pregnancy.
The famous doctor Dioscorides Pedania of the Roman Empire under the reign of Emperor Nero believed that the use of tender young chickpea grains had a beneficial effect on the stomach and digestive processes in it. He recommended eating peas during dessert. Hippocrates' opinion about the turkey peas - chickpea is an invariable component with proper nutrition during skin diseases.
Scientists have discovered that in ancient times chickpeas were highly valued. So, for example, on one Egyptian fresco, which depicts Pharaoh Akhenaten, the ruler holds a twig of pea chickpeas in his hand. It is a symbol of the male power of the pharaoh.
The leaves of the plant contain oxalic, citric and malic acids. Fat in this legume is present in an amount of 4.1 - 7.2% (depends on the pea variety). Of the legumes only in soybeans contains more fat, the chickpea is in second place in its quantity.
Alternative medicine recommends chickpeas as a prophylaxis for cataracts. It is a terrible disease that leads to complete blindness. Cataract affects the deterioration of the transparency of the lens. Its turbidity is associated with metabolic processes in the body. When they are violated, slags are formed in the intestine, liver, blood. Nut cleanses the body, resulting in normal circulation of the intraocular fluid. Therefore, chickpea helps in the prevention of both cataracts and many other diseases, since in general it affects the state of the body.
In many eastern countries and today chickpea is an important element in alternative medicine. Often, ointments are used to treat burns, scabies and skin diseases. It is also used by English traditional medicine, where chickpea is an officially recognized astringent.
Nut and dishes from it are contraindicated if a person has an individual intolerance and a bladder ulcer.
Peas chickpeas can cause heaviness in the stomach and meteorisms. The fact is that there are oligosaccharides in it, and they dissolve in the water, the gastric juice splits them too long.
Chickpeas can cause spasms in the intestines, for example, if you drink a porridge of chickpeas with cold water. The presence of increased gas formation is often found in people who have recently eaten Turkish peas. Eliminate this problem helps seasonings with turmeric, asafoetida, fennel. In addition, you can soak chickpeas in cold water for half a day before cooking. Do not advise the combination of chickpeas with cabbage, conventional, as well as broccoli and color. Fruits, in which a lot of pectin, it is also better not to combine with chickpeas, as this can cause indigestion. Therefore, together with chickpeas better not to eat apples and pears as long as possible. With cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, bladder ulcer, peas are better generally excluded from the diet. The metabolism of legumes is special, it leads to irritation of these organs.
How to cook chickpeas?
Ways of cooking chickpeas are rich in their variety. Especially the number of recipes using peas chickpeas can boast oriental cuisine. Nut - the main ingredient in national dishes, for example, Arab countries. Very popular dishes such as hummus (chickpea puree), falafel (balls of chickpeas, which are used as a warm snack, in Israeli cuisine it's pies), as well as couscous.
Many recipes use chick pea flour - often it can be found in various sauces, in addition it is used to make an alternative to coffee. Naturally their nut oil flour also bakes bread, flat cakes and other bakery products. Italians make chickpeas out of chickpeas.
Chickpeas are used to make soups and salads. The inhabitants of India and Pakistan eat young chickpeas as vegetables.
In many eastern countries, chickpea beans are baked - this is a local delicacy. In addition, chickpeas are often used as raw materials for alcoholic beverages.
The Filipinos cook sweet desserts from chickpeas - they preserve the Turkish peas in syrup and use halo-halo in Philippine ice cream.
As sweetness peas are consumed in fried form, sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Nut is perfectly combined with meat, it is often used as a side dish, when preparing second courses. Vegetarians eat sprouted chickpeas because it is an excellent source of vegetable protein.
Especially rich in the use of chickpeas in recipes are Indian, Italian, Turkish, Uzbek and Israeli cuisine.
How to cook chickpeas?
In order to prepare chickpeas, preliminary with it you need to perform some "manipulations".
Initially, naturally, chickpeas need to be washed from the mud. Before cooking, chickpea is soaked in water. To do this, use ordinary water in the proportion of a glass of peas - three to four glasses of water. It is best that its temperature is room temperature - if it is used to soak hot water, it will lead to the opposite effect: the outer shell of the beans will condense, as the temperature of the clotting of vegetable protein, which is contained in the chick-pea, occurs under the influence of temperature.
In order to promote softening of the outer shell into the water, soda can additionally be added. But in this case, the beans acquire at least a subtle, but present soda flavor, in addition, soda is not particularly useful for the body. But here already at will - in principle, the beans are soaked and without soda, but it will greatly improve the process. In addition, another important point - if you want to continue to chickpeas to cook mashed potatoes or use it in a puree in dishes, it is better to use soda. The amount of soda per cup of chickpeas is half a teaspoonful. But if the recipe requires whole beans chickpeas, it is better to use plain water - because of soda peas can soften very much.
How long does it take to soak chickpeas?
The period of soaking chickpea - from eight to twelve hours, that is, the soaked peas are left for the night, that's why the term arose. However, in principle, enough for softening and four hours, the fact that the beans are in the water the rest of the time, in fact the result is no longer affected - in four hours the peas are completely liquified.
Another nuance - to prevent fermentation, when soaking chickpea is best kept in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator.
How much to cook chickpeas?
In order to weld chickpeas, you first need to drain the liquid in which it was soaked, then pour the beans with cold water and put on a strong fire until boiling. If foam has formed, it must be removed, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for an hour or two. In some dishes peas are not necessary to soak, there are times when it is cooked deep-fried, then it is not necessary to boil the beans.
How much to cook the chickpeas still depends on the recipe of the dish, which must be cooked. So, for example, when making hummus, peas cook a little longer, if it's a fried snack for beer, then you can shorten the cooking time. If the soda is not used when soaking, then you can add a pinch when cooking - so the beans are better to boil.
How to use salt when cooking chickpeas? Important point - because of the salt, the chickpeas are less softened, therefore, when the Turkish peas are boiled, the salt is either not added at all (most often in the case of mashed potatoes or dishes where it is used), or salt is added half an hour before ready ( in the case when whole beans are needed).
Do I need to peel chickpeas?
The usual peas before the sale remove the shell, chickpeas do not usually clean. Most recipes do not require cleaning beans from the shell, if you want to, for example, mashed potatoes or chickpeas porridge were especially delicate, peas can be cleaned.
Clean the chickpeas usually after an hour of cooking. The beans are taken out, cooled in cold water, and then in the water they exfoliate the shell on each pea. The water with the cleanings merges, fresh is added, then the beans are cooked for another hour.
The cooked chickpea beans are ready for use in different recipes.
Dishes from chickpeas
Chickpeas use many oriental cuisines, Vedic and vegetarian cooking. With chickpea peas, cumin, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and many other condiments and spices are perfectly combined. Nut in green form can be eaten and raw, but most often it is cooked or subjected to any heat treatment.
First courses of chickpeas
Turkish peas are remarkably combined with meat and fish, so the first dishes are often cooked with it: Uzbek shurpa, Azerbaijani dovga, Tuscan chickpeas. Thanks to chickpeas, the aroma of the first dishes becomes saturated, and the consistency is thick, the soups become delicious and nutritious. In soups, too, meatballs from chickpeas are often used.
Appetizers and salads from chickpeas
For snacks that can be cooked from chickpeas are: hummus, falafel, various pastas and pâtés. There are many recipes for salads, which use chickpeas.
Second courses and garnishes of chickpeas
Probably the most popular second dishes, which are prepared with chickpeas, are stew, pilaf, curry. As a garnish use porridge from chickpeas or mashed potatoes, as well as simply whole beans, which are boiled or fried. Often porridge is prepared using chickpea flour, especially porridge from chick pea for children.
Baking and desserts of chickpeas
Nut mashed potatoes are good for making pancakes and pies. Of chickpea flour, all kinds of pastries are made, which, thanks to this flour, becomes more nutritious. Sometimes chickpea flour is used in chocolate sweets. Nut puree is often used as a sweet or salty stuffing for baking bakery products.
Sauces and drinks from chickpeas
In sauces peas create a pasty consistency, chickpeas helps thicken. As an application for beverages, peas, or rather, flour from it can be a substitute for coffee.
Recipes with chick peas
Soup from chickpeas in Uzbek style
To make soup from chickpeas in Uzbek it will be necessary:
- five hundred grams of mutton;
- a glass of peas chickpeas;
- three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- three onions;
- one carrot;
- two potatoes;
- salt, pepper, bay leaf, greens to taste.
Peas of chickpeas are soaked for five to six hours. Mutton cut into cubes, spread out in a cauldron and fry in vegetable oil until a crusty crust forms. After that, vegetables are added there: sliced carrots, tomatoes, diced bulbs. Vegetables are fried with meat for another five to seven minutes. Then they fill everything with water, add chickpeas, which was previously soaked, boiled for twenty-five minutes. Then the potatoes pre-cut into cubes are added to the contents of the cauldron, salt, pepper, bay leaves are added to the taste and cooked until ready. Before serving, soup with chickpeas in Uzbek style is decorated with greenery.
Salad with chickpeas
For preparation of salad with chickpea it is necessary:
- a glass of peas chickpeas;
- one sweet pepper;
- one chicken breast;
- one avocado;
- olive oil;
- greens and spices to taste.
With so many products, three servings of salad with chickpeas are obtained as a result. Chickpeas are pre-soaked in water, preferably overnight or at least four hours. After that, chickpeas are cooked according to the technology of their preparation (see above).
A whole unpeeled pepper is baked for fifteen minutes in an oven at 200 degrees Celsius until lightly darkening the peel. Another hot pepper is placed in a bag of polyethylene, where it can stay a few minutes. Then the peel from the pepper is easily removed, and the seeds are cleaned.
Chicken meat sprinkled with spices to taste, for example, garlic, various herbs, etc. In a frying pan with olive oil, the chicken is fried for two minutes on each side.
All the ingredients of the salad (chicken, pepper, avocado) are cut into small pieces and then mixed with boiled chickpea beans. The whole salad is filled with a small amount of olive oil.
Salad from broccoli, chickpeas and tomatoes
To prepare a salad of broccoli, chickpeas and tomatoes, you need:
- four hundred and fifty grams of broccoli;
- one tablespoon of mustard;
- two tablespoons of wine red vinegar;
- two tablespoons of olive oil;
- one can of canned peas chickpeas (four hundred grams);
- two glasses of cherry tomatoes;
- half a small onion red onion;
- salt, ground pepper and other seasonings to taste.
Inflorescences of broccoli cut, spread it into a saucepan with a double boiler, in which about two and a half centimeters of water, brought to a boil, is poured. Broccoli is boiled for about five minutes.
Separately in the container mix ingredients such as mustard, vinegar, olive oil, finely chopped onions, season with salt and pepper. After that, there put the half-cut tomatoes "cherry", cooked broccoli and washed canned peas chickpeas, then everything is thoroughly mixed.
About six servings of lettuce leave the proposed amount of ingredients.
Light salad of chickpeas with vegetables and herbs
To prepare a light salad of chickpeas with vegetables and herbs you need:
- one hundred and fifty grams of chickpeas (boiled or canned);
- one tomato;
- one cucumber;
- a bunch of green onions;
- parsley, basil, mint (several sprigs);
- olive oil;
- lemon juice;
- thirty-fifty grams of parmesan cheese;
- salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste.
Tomato and cucumber cut into cubes, parsley, basil, mint, green onions - as small as possible. A few lined lemon juice and olive oil are mixed to fill the salad. Pre-cooked or canned peas chickpeas, tomato, cucumber, herbs mixed in a salad bowl, add seasonings to taste. Top with salad sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese.
Cutlets from chickpeas
For the preparation of cutlets from chick peas it is necessary:
- one can of canned chickpeas (four hundred grams);
- quarter of a glass of flour;
- two cloves of garlic;
- a quarter of a glass of parsley leaves;
- two tablespoons of sesame paste tahini;
- one teaspoon of baking powder;
- one teaspoon of ground cumin;
- one teaspoon of lemon peel;
- half a teaspoon of salt;
- half a teaspoon of black pepper;
- two tablespoons of olive oil;
- lemon slices.
For preparation of sauce to cutlets from chickpea it is necessary:
- a half cup of diced cucumber;
- one and half glasses of fat-free natural yogurt;
- half a glass of fresh chopped mint;
- one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.
Garlic is ground in a blender or any other way. In the tank mix garlic with flour, chickpeas, baking powder, tachinia sesame paste, cumin, lemon zest, parsley, add salt and pepper. Four chops are formed from the resulting mass.
In a large frying pan heated oil, then fry over medium heat cutlets for three to four minutes on each side.
Ingredients for the sauce are mixed separately in their container. The resulting sauce is served along with the cutlets.
Spicy pork with chickpeas and tomatoes
For preparation of pork with chickpeas and tomatoes it is necessary:
- half a glass of olive oil;
- two large bulbs;
- seven hundred grams of minced pork;
- six cloves of garlic;
- juice of two lemons;
- two teaspoons of cayenne pepper;
- two cans of canned peas chickpeas (eight hundred grams);
- a bunch of green parsley;
- six fresh, large tomatoes.
Onion finely chopped and fried over medium heat in a frying pan with sunflower oil for five minutes. Then add the pork minced meat, until it is cooked for about five minutes, until the meat completely changes its color.
Garlic is thinly sliced, mixed with lemon juice, seasoned with hot pepper and braised for one minute. Add to it all the number of washed chickpeas, chopped parsley, mix the whole mass and cook for five minutes. At the very end, add chopped tomatoes, which are stewed for another fifteen minutes, periodically mixing, after which the dish is ready.
Uzbek pilaf with mutton and chickpeas
For the preparation of Uzbek pilaf with lamb and chickpea it is necessary:
- one kilogram of lamb;
- kilogram of round rice;
- one kilogram of yellow carrots;
- one kilogram of onions;
- one hundred grams of fatty fat;
- two hundred grams of turkey peas chickpeas;
- two teaspoons of barberry;
- two teaspoons cumin (zira);
- two tablespoons of salt;
- two tablespoons of raisins;
- two teaspoons of spices for pilaf;
- two hundred milliliters of cottonseed oil;
- three heads of garlic;
- half a teaspoon of sugar.
According to this recipe, with the proposed amount of ingredients, about nine servings are obtained.
Before cooking, approximately four to five hours, peeled chick peas are soaked to then use it in the further cooking of the dish.
Two hundred grams of cottonseed oil is heated to a maximum temperature. You can, of course, replace it with sunflower, but cotton gives the plov a special, traditional flavor, so it's ideal to use it. Tangerine fat is cut into pieces of medium size and fried in hot oil until a golden crust appears. If the lamb was bought with bone, then the bone cut from the meat is well trimmed and also fried on the very high heat, for ten minutes, then it is taken out. Kilograms of onions are cut into rings and put in kazan, because of this, the oil usually bubbles. Onions are fried until golden brown, it is important not to overcook it.
Lamb is cut into fairly large pieces, approximately the size of a third of a woman's fist. During the frying of mutton, fire can be made the strongest. The meat is fried for about ten to fifteen minutes, until it also forms a crust, after which the fire is reduced. Carrots cut into strips and spread into a cauldron, add a tablespoon of salt. Carrots need to languish for about fifteen minutes, until it begins to stick to the meat, while it will become very soft, and its volume will be cut by half. All this time, the lid is not covered with a lid.
All the vegetables and lamb that are in the cauldron are poured with a liter of boiling water or just hot water and brought to a boil. Then add chickpeas, ziru, a mixture of spices for pilaf, barberry, raisins, sugar, put the unclean garlic on top with whole heads (naturally, pre-washed). All contents are stewed on low heat for twenty to thirty minutes under the lid.
Before you add the rice to the cauldron, it is carefully sorted, gets rid of the possible stones and rassinok not very good quality. Then it is important to rinse the rice thoroughly, it is usually poured several times with water until, after all, the water becomes transparent. After all these procedures, rice is laid over the mass that is in the cauldron, gently leveled, without crushing, add the last tablespoon of salt and poured more water in small amounts, so that it was about one-half to two centimeters above the level of rice. Next, all stew on medium heat without a lid.
Somewhere in half an hour rice will absorb water and swell. In this case, the water is just below the middle of the cauldron (the rice is pushed aside with a spatula so that it can be checked). All this time, the contents of the cauldron do not need to be mixed. After swelling, rice is collected in the center of the cauldron by a slide, covered with the remaining zira, on top are put more garlic and cover with a plate on top. Then the cauldron is covered with a towel, and a lid is put on top. In this state, the contents of the kazano should languish for about fifteen minutes. After that, the fire is turned off and the Uzbek pilaf with chickpeas and mutton is insisted for half an hour. The mass is still not mixed: rice should always be cooking over meat and vegetables. During this time, rice absorbs the remaining excess liquid, after which the pilaf can be served on the table. Meat is extracted from the cauldron separately, the rice is mixed with the bulk. Usually Uzbek pilaf with chickpeas and lamb is laid out on a large dish and laid on top of lamb and garlic head.
Chicken with chickpeas
For cooking chicken with chickpeas it is necessary:
- four pieces of chicken fillet;
- four hundred grams of canned chick pea chickpeas (one pot); You can use boiled chickpeas cooked in advance;
- one hundred and fifty grams of natural high-fat yoghurt;
- three hundred grams of cherry tomatoes;
- finely chopped cilantro;
- olive oil (fifty to seventy milliliters);
- four cloves of garlic;
- one teaspoon of ground cumin;
- one tablespoon of smoked paprika;
- one teaspoon of chili pepper flakes.
First prepare the sauce. Oil, crushed in a blender or pressed through a press garlic and spices are mixed in a separate container. A third of the resulting mass is mixed with the yoghurt for the sauce to the ready-made chicken.
Two tablespoons of the sauce is used to season the chicken, which is laid out in a baking dish. The remaining sauce is mixed with chickpeas and tomatoes, add half the amount of cilantro. The resulting mass is spread around the chicken, all season with salt and pepper. Bake chicken with chickpeas in the oven at 220 degrees for about twenty minutes. Ready chicken with chickpea sprinkle with the remaining coriander.
Falafel with chickpeas
To prepare falafel with chickpea it is necessary:
- two hundred and fifty grams of chick pea;
- one clove of garlic;
- coriander;
- parsley;
- one teaspoon coriander;
- one teaspoon of turmeric;
- a quarter teaspoon of soda;
- half a teaspoon of red pepper;
- one teaspoon of lemon juice;
- one teaspoon of olive oil.
Peas are pre-soaked for about eight hours. Before cooking, the water is carefully poured, the peas are ground with a blender until smooth mashed. Separate in the tank mix the chopped onions and spices (parsley, cilantro, coriander, pepper, garlic, turmeric), then add the chopped chickpeas to the resulting mixture and mix, followed by salt, butter, lemon juice and soda. The whole mass is mixed to make it homogeneous. If it turned dry, add a little water. The resulting mass is rolled with balls, usually at such proportions, they are about twenty-five. The balls are baked in the oven until browned for about half an hour.
Hummus of chickpeas
To prepare hummus from chickpea you will need:
- three hundred grams of chick pea;
- seventy grams of olive oil;
- four cloves of garlic;
- two leaves of sage;
- four leaves of basil;
- half a teaspoon of curry.
Before direct cooking of hummus, chickpea is soaked in water for four to eight hours, and then cooked for about two hours on low heat, as for many other recipes. Cooked peas are ground in a blender to a mashed state. Sometimes the mass is very thick, then add the water, which was cooked chickpeas. Then, finely chopped garlic, curry, sage, basil, and also salt to taste are added to the blender. The whole mass is slowly beaten with a blender, oil is slowly added. Readiness is determined by taste: it should be saturated, and the consistency - pasty.
Vegetarian recipes from chickpeas
Vegetarian pilaf from chickpeas
For cooking vegetarian pilaf from chickpea it is necessary:
- two cups of rice of unfermented rice;
- half a glass of chick pea;
- three medium sized carrots;
- two large bulbs;
- one head of garlic;
- one glass of vegetable oil;
- one glass of soy meat;
- one tablespoon of barberry;
- one teaspoon of zira;
- one teaspoon of red ground pepper.
Before preparing a vegetarian plov with chick peas must be pre-soaked, preferably at night. Rice is thoroughly washed several times until the water becomes clear. While other products are brought to the ready, the rice is left in the water to swell a little.
Onion and carrots cut into half rings and straws, respectively. In Kazan, meanwhile, the oil is heated, after which it is first fried carrots on high heat until it turns light brown, and the oil does not turn orange. Add onions to carrots, add salt and fry over high heat until golden color is obtained.
In the cauldron add ziru, barberry, red pepper, chick peas and soy meat. With rice that swells, drain the water and pour it over the contents of the cauldron, without stirring. From the head of garlic, remove the outer husk, and then stick it into the rice, pour in the boiling water from above, so that it covers the finger on the rice.
After that, the cauldron is covered with a lid, the fire is reduced to a minimum and blown out for forty to fifty minutes. Upon reaching the preparedness, vegetarian pilaf is removed from the fire and mixed with all the contents of the cauldron. Vegetarian pilaf with chickpeas is ready to serve on the table: it is laid out on a large flat dish.
Chickpeas with eggplant
To prepare chickpeas with eggplant you need:
- one hundred grams of peas chickpeas;
- two eggplants;
- four tablespoons of olive oil;
- cilantro;
- four sprigs of parsley;
- two cloves of garlic;
- two tablespoons of lemon juice;
- one tablespoon of white wine vinegar;
- half a teaspoon of zira seed;
- half a teaspoon of ground paprika;
- salt to taste.
Peas are cooked for four to eight hours before cooking, after which they cook for 1.5-2 hours according to the cooking technology.
Eggplants are cut into large cubes, fried in a frying pan with olive oil, until a ruddy crust appears, salt to taste and stew until cooked. The dressing is prepared by mixing cilantro, parsley, garlic, paprika, zir, olive oil, vinegar and lemon juice. Then the dressing is mixed with eggplants and chickpeas, slightly salted. The whole mass is put in the refrigerator and insisted for two hours. The dish is ready for use.
Peas in the cosmetology
The cosmetic industry also took Turkish peas for weapons. Since it has a lot of calcium, iron and vegetable proteins, as well as many other useful microelements, it significantly affects the improvement of the skin, hair, nails and, on the whole, positively affects the health of the whole organism. Nut is used in the preparation of various means of external use - creams, ointments, face masks and hair. Nut masks in the eastern countries are among the most popular.
Mask for the face of chick peas
The recipe for a mask for a pea's face is chickpeas: a fourth of a glass of chickpeas is soaked in water for half a day. The soaked peas are ground and mixed with one tablespoon of honey, add as much sunflower oil. After thorough mixing, the mask can be applied to the face. The time of action is thirty minutes. It is better to wash the mask with the same water in which the beans were soaked.
Mask of chickpea keeps the youth of the skin, gives it freshness, helps to eliminate inflammation, acne and boils.
Nut for weight loss
Although the turkey peas are quite high in calories, it is often used in different diets. Chickpea beans are a unique source of vegetable proteins and complex carbohydrates; the glycemic index of peas is only 30. Therefore, it is often combined with other foods, replacing them in diets with potatoes, rice, flour and other starch-containing foods. There is also a special diet, which is based on peas chickpeas.
In addition, peas have a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cleans the body of toxins and toxins, which, naturally, also affects the figure.
However, using chickpeas for dietary purposes, it should be remembered that carbohydrates in it are still kept in large quantities, so it is more expedient to use it for food before lunch, in the second half of the day it is better to abstain.
For dietary purposes it is better to use boiled chickpeas rather than canned: when preserving a lot of salt is used, and to consume a lot of this mineral, as is known, does not reflect well the results of weight loss.
The healing properties of chick peas
To date, doctors officially confirm the following therapeutic effects of chickpea:
- maintaining the necessary amount of iron in people with low hemoglobin, expectant mothers and women during lactation;
- regulation of the level of glucose in the circulatory system;
- fight against harmful cholesterol;
- normalization of the intestine and the entire gastrointestinal tract;
- cleaning the body of toxins and other harmful substances.
- reduction in the risk of cancer and stroke;
- prevention of infections, prevention of colds and flu, strengthening of the immune system;
- struggle against excess weight;
- strengthening of the heart muscle;
- help in the work of the thyroid gland;
- obstruction of the formation of stones in the urinary and gall bladder;
- strengthening the nervous system;
- improvement of metabolic processes in the lens of the eye, prevention of cataract;
- increased potency in men, stimulation of sperm formation;
- increased lactation in women during the period of feeding;
- normalization of the ovaries, if menstruation is absent;
- strengthening of bone tissue and tooth enamel.
Diseases in which it is useful to eat chickpeas
Peas chickpeas are recommended if the presence of the following diseases:
- iron deficiency anemia and exhaustion;
- diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity;
- decreased function of thyroid, endemic goiter;
- pathology of the intestine; pancreas, liver, constipation, hemorrhoids, no appetite;
- cough, pleurisy, pulmonary insufficiency, tuberculosis of the first stage;
- arrhythmias, angina pectoris, predisposition to strokes, the presence of nervous disorders;
- convulsions of the lower limbs;
- cataracts, myopia, glaucoma;
- problems with conceiving a child in men and women.
Treatment with chickpeas
With the help of chickpeas can be cleaned the body: it positively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the body.
Treatment with chickpeas can be made according to this recipe: half a glass of dried chickpeas must be poured with boiled water and left for swelling for eight hours. At the end of this time, you need to drain the water, and peas through a meat grinder or soak with a blender. Small portions of the resulting puree for the treatment of chickpeas should be eaten throughout the day. In the evening you can soak a serving for the next day. For seven days every day, they eat chickpeas to achieve results. Experts advise a course of treatment chickpeas three months - a week to use, a week break and so the whole period.
Peas in the case of diabetes
Vegetative fibers, which are contained in chickpeas, contribute to the control of carbohydrate metabolism, the level of cholesterol when it is used by people with diabetes mellitus decreases. But with diabetes, the introduction to the chickpea diet has its own nuances: it needs no more than once a week and on this day you need less to eat bread.
Peas are valuable for a diabetic patient with a rich content of nutrients, a favorable ratio of sodium and potassium, so chickpea is indispensable for both treatment and prevention of a disease such as diabetes mellitus.
Turkish peas chickpeas are a useful and tasty product with a number of medicinal properties. In our country it is less popular, although in the eastern countries it is widely distributed and is a frequent guest on the dinner table. With chick peas, you can prepare a lot of interesting and unusual dishes that will give unusual and original to the ration of each family.