White cabbage
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Autumn is time for not only fallen leaves, rains and spleen. This is also the time when "ripen" many useful vegetables and fruits. Pumpkin, apples and, of course, a real storehouse of vitamins - white cabbage. No wonder this "wizard" ripens right now, in the autumn. The fact is that at this time of year our body is already beginning to lack vitamins and it is because of this that we begin to mope and experience bouts of depression. A menu of white cabbage will help to easily solve this problem.
Varieties of white cabbage
Due to the popularity of this product, breeders and farmers almost every year bring out its new varieties and hybrids. Each new variety or hybrid has its own taste, as well as storage and cultivation conditions. Popular among farmers are varieties that perfectly tolerate long storage and bring a good harvest in all weather conditions. The most popular white cabbage varieties are Zarya, S-217 Jubilee, Geneva. By the way, white cabbage can be ripe, mid-ripening and late-ripening. Depending on this, the varieties are also divided.
But cabbage hybrids are more popular because they are more resistant to temperature changes, respond better to dry weather or too rainy summer. As a result, the hybrid cabbage cabbage gives a higher yield, and it can be stored longer.
Also popular are medium-ripening varieties of cabbage. Among them is worth noting the grade Gift. This variety is very high-yielding. Such white cabbage has quite large round heads. Such a variety is universal. Another plus of such cabbage is that the heads are stored for a long time. An average of 4 to 6 months.
Early cabbage white
Everyone agrees that already in the beginning of spring you want to pamper yourself with a new crop of fruits and vegetables. But, unfortunately, this option is not always available to us. To do this, farmers and breeders and bring out early varieties of a variety of products to quickly please us with their taste.
Early white cabbage basically ripens after 52-55 days after transplanting. Such a cabbage is a hybrid Ixion F1. It gives a good harvest, and cabbage itself has excellent taste qualities and is ideal for a variety of salads and other dishes.
From 45 to 50 days such a hybrid of early cabbage ripens, like "Pandion". However, it is recommended to grow it in greenhouses, as it is rather demanding for temperature and humidity.
A little longer ripen other varieties and hybrids of early white cabbage. On average, it is 60-80 days. Farmers are particularly positive about such hybrids, as "June" and "Gift." They also quickly ripen and are resistant to negative weather conditions.
Late cabbage white
Varieties and hybrids of late cabbage require special attention. The fact is that these varieties of cabbage are used for souring, as well as for long-term storage. But, and here you need to be able to choose the right grade. As some hybrids can be perfectly stored, but absolutely not suitable for cooking sauerkraut.
Place for the late varieties of cabbage is better to cook since the fall, carefully fertilize it and dig it up. By the way, almost all the late varieties of white cabbage give a good harvest, if before that, potatoes or carrots grew on the bed.
The most popular late varieties and hybrids of the late cabbage are "Moscow Late", "Winter", "Aquilon" and "Kolobok".
The late varieties of cabbage are more rounded than the early varieties. Also, such white cabbage is denser and juicier.
By the way, if you choose the right cabbage cabbage, and also observe the rules of storage, it can calmly lie down and not lose its taste even before the next harvest.
Dishes and recipes from cabbage
White cabbage is one of the frequent guests on our table. There are a lot of recipes for various dishes from this vegetable. Starting from traditional soup and ending with exquisite pies and salads.
Of course, every hostess has his own secret recipes for cooking a variety of dishes with cabbage. And many are rather reluctant to share them, but there are many traditional dishes with white cabbage, which are passed from mouth to mouth almost from ancient times. For example, traditional patties or vareniki with cabbage.
Varenichki "Steam with cabbage"
Ingredients: white cabbage, 1 carrot, 2 glasses of flour, a glass of kefir, 0.5 teaspoons of soda, onions, salt, pepper.
Preparation: Cabbage is carefully rinsed and dried. Prepared cabbage shredded or chopped. Carrots are peeled and rubbed on a large grater, the onions are peeled off the husk and cut into small pieces. Cabbage stew on small fire with carrots and onions. The filling is ready! Let's start preparing the dough. We mix not very steep dough. Mix kefir with soda, add salt, and then flour. Thoroughly mix. We place a deep pot on the stove, pour water into it, and cover with a piece of gauze or install a special mesh. We bring water to a boil, and at this time we make dumplings. When the water boils, vareniki spread on the net or gauze and cover with a lid, after 5-10 minutes vareniki turn. Ready meal is served to the table with butter or roast from bacon and onions.
Dietary dishes from white cabbage
Due to the fact that cabbage has few calories and many nutrients, it is an indispensable ingredient in many dietary dishes. In fact, from cabbage alone, you can prepare a light salad that will help calm hunger, provide your body with vitamins, and the waist will not be burdened with kilograms. To do this, just grind white cabbage, add a little carrots and fill with lemon juice or olive oil.
Also, the dishes from this "miracle product" are often included in the dietary intake for a variety of diseases, for example, during treatment of the stomach. For each disease, a certain dietary diet is prescribed. But, basically this menu includes stewed cabbage or a casserole from white cabbage.
One of the most popular dietary dishes from cabbage is cabbage stewed in milk. It's easy to prepare. To do this, you simply cut cabbage and stew it not in vegetable oil, but in creamy. Then add the milk and simmer the cabbage until cooked. If desired, you can add other ingredients. Sometimes such a dish is recommended by dietitians to rub, then it is better absorbed by the body and it takes less time to digest it.
You can also make soup-puree from white cabbage. Cut the cabbage and boil it in milk. To this soup can also add a little potatoes. Ready cabbage whipped in puree and add spices to taste.
Salad from white cabbage
Salads from white cabbage are frequent guests on our tables, both during the feasts and on ordinary days. The main advantages of this dish is that it is quickly and easily prepared, and also has a lot of useful substances in its composition.
With white cabbage, salads perfectly combine nuts, spicy carrots, prunes, cumin, and especially - apples. These salads can also be filled with a variety of dressings - starting from vegetable oil and ending with a variety of sauces based on sour cream, yogurt or kefir.
White cabbage turns out to be especially tasty, if you make a "pickled" salad.
Marinara salad
Ingredients. White cabbage, vinegar, salt, hot pepper, garlic, carrots, sugar and bay leaf.
Preparation: Cabbage is rinsed and cut into pieces of any shape. Carrots rubbed on a large grater, garlic is peeled off the husk, and the pepper is thinly sliced. Garlic is let through the press. For marinating we need a pickle. For its preparation, dilute in a liter of hot water about 250 grams of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt. Also add a few spoons of vinegar to the marinade. Cabbage and carrots are placed in a convenient pan, add bay leaf, chopped hot pepper and garlic. We pour all the marinade and put it under the press for a while.
Stewed cabbage
White cabbage is so rich in useful minerals and substances that even after its preparation, vitamins do not disappear, but remain in a cabbage dish. And, for example, cabbage stew is easier to digest by the body and thus become generally an indispensable dish on every table. In addition, stewed cabbage, thanks to the content of vitamin C in its composition, is able to strengthen immunity, improve the general condition of the body and even is an excellent prophylaxis against breast cancer.
Another plus of stewed cabbage is that it is practically a waste-free dish. After all, you can use cabbage not only in a "pure" form, but also add it to pies, cakes and vareniki. A stew cabbage - a pleasure, most importantly do not forget to stir it, so as not to burn. The simplest recipe for making stewed cabbage is simple. To do this, you need to chop cabbage, sprinkle it with vinegar, salt and pepper. You can add a little chopped carrots and a few slices of hot pepper. Cabbage simmer on low heat for about 30-40 minutes.
You can also prepare a more refined version of this dish. For example, knock cabbage in sour cream. To prepare such a dish with French roots, first we chop cabbage, then salt and pepper it. Cabbage lightly fry in butter, and then pour sour cream and stew for about 20-30 minutes. Dish of salt to taste and add spices.
By the way, the stew cabbage is especially famous for German cuisine. They stewed cabbage with sausages is a traditional snack at the famous Oktoberfest beer festival. And it's not difficult to cook it. Just during the extinguishing of cabbage, you need to add finely chopped sausages.
By the way, the sauerkraut cabbage is also suitable for extinguishing, it, however, turns sour, but also very tasty.
Cutlet from white cabbage
When foreigners come to Ukraine or CIS countries, they are always surprised by the abundance of dishes and recipes that our hostesses brag about. And all because we love to cook and even from ordinary semi-finished products that need only to warm up we manage to cook real culinary delights so that no one knows that the basis of this dish is semi-finished products. Therefore, white cabbage on our tables often visits not only in the form of salads and vareniki, but also in the form of other, no less delicious dishes. For example, in the form of cutlets.
Amazing vegetable cutlets from white cabbage will bring a zest to the diet and will be a salvation for your children, as cutlets are very useful, and their taste will make the kids eat all the crumbs.
Cooking chops is as simple as other cabbage dishes.
Cutlets "Cabbage Razgulay"
Ingredients: Cabbage - 500 g, semolina - 2 tablespoons, milk - 100 ml, eggs - 1 pc. Salt and pepper - to taste.
How to cook. Cabbage thinly sliced, salt and pepper to taste. We put it in a deep frying pan or a goose fry and fill it with milk. Cabbage stew until cooked. Ready white cabbage mixed with manga and carrots for another 5-10 minutes. Then let the cabbage through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. We add eggs to the stuffing and form cutlets. Cabbage cutlets are fried on both sides in a lot of vegetable oil on a small fire. By the way, cabbage cutlets can add many additional ingredients, for example, mushrooms or potatoes.
Casserole from white cabbage
White cabbage is such a universal product that it is possible to prepare the first, second, and "compote" from it. The main thing is to stock up with the appropriate recipes and desire. And thanks to the fact that this product is also dietary, new recipes for preparing a variety of dishes from cabbage, appear almost every day. For example, only one recipe for cabbage casseroles, there are thousands. But there are also traditional dishes, tested by time and many hostesses, who will never forget and will always be delicious.
Casserole "Traditional cabbage soup"
Ingredients: white cabbage - 1 head, tomatoes - 2-3 pcs., Eggplant - 1 pc., Sour cream - to taste, eggs - 2 pcs., Cheese - to taste.
How to cook. Vegetables are rinsed and cut into small pieces of medium size, the eggplant is best cut into thin rings. Eggplant rings dip in flour and fry in sunflower oil. Onions and carrots are crushed and also fried lightly, we add cabbage and tomatoes to the frying pan. We all stew for 5 more minutes. Mix eggs with sour cream and beat into a thick sauce. Toasted vegetables put in a roasting dish and pour sour cream sauce. From above, sprinkle with grated cheese and send to the oven for 30 minutes.
White cabbage soup
Cabbage is the best friend of girls, and not only because they believed that cabbage significantly affects the size of the breast, but because the dishes from this product are very low-calorie and help keep the waist thin and without diets.
The very first dish of white cabbage, which helps to lose weight is the soup. Each hostess prepares cabbage soup in her own way. There are more satisfying varieties of white cabbage soups, for example, the old Ukrainian "Capusniak" or Russian "Shchi", but now in the fashion soups-mashed potatoes and easier to prepare dishes. By the way, in due time the French even made a film about soup with cabbage, which is called "Soup with cabbage".
Soup "Fragrant"
Ingredients: white cabbage - 300 g, potatoes - 1 piece, carrots - 1 piece, garlic - 2-3 teeth, onions - 1 small onion, salt, pepper - to taste, thyme - two sprigs, sweet pepper - pinch, pepper peas - 2-3 pcs., coriander - pinch.
How to cook. Rinse cabbage and rinse off damaged leaves, thinly sliced. Spices are poured into a deep mortar and kneaded. All carefully mix. In a deep saucepan pour the vegetable oil, peel the onions from the husks, grind them and put them into a saucepan with preheated vegetable oil. Garlic is peeled and husked. Spices and garlic are added to the preheated oil. Then put the peeled and crushed potatoes and carrots into the pot. All carefully mix, add cabbage and pour a liter of hot water. The soup is brought to a boil, and then weighed on a small fire for about 10-25 minutes.
Such a soup, by the way, can be served not only immediately after cooking, but also in a cold form. If desired, you can add to the soup sour cream and half of the boiled egg.
White cabbage juice
Due to its useful properties, white cabbage juice is valued not only as a dietary remedy, but also as a medicine during the treatment of certain diseases. In the alternative medicine, white cabbage juice is credited with a lot of therapeutic options.
First of all, the juice from white cabbage is very good at cleansing the body. The fact is that white cabbage, as well as the juice from it is rich in sulfur and chlorine. These substances in the duet provide simply a powerful tool for purifying the stomach of toxins.
Also, this juice is used during the treatment of tumors, inflammations and many other diseases. This drink can be called a drink of beauty. The fact is that white cabbage juice contains many useful microelements that improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
By the way, cabbage juice is used not only inside, but also externally. The fact is that for a long time cabbage leaves have been applied to various wound and burns. But, the leaves need to be changed frequently, because their slices quickly dry up, but if you treat the wound with cabbage juice - the effect will be visible in a few hours.
Some experts advise mixing cabbage juice with other freshly squeezed vegetable juices to enhance their useful properties.
Caloric content of white cabbage
White cabbage contains a lot of useful minerals and substances, but its calorific value practically reduces to zero. This is one of the reasons why cabbage is a component of so many diets.
In 100 g of white cabbage - about 27 calories. Such small indicators make cabbage simply a miraculous product and the best assistant for those who are in search of an ideal figure. By the way, such a low caloric content of white cabbage makes it possible to fulfill the most cherished dream of girls - "eat and lose weight". The fact is that many "cabbage" diets do not limit the use of cabbage throughout the day. Ie, as soon as you feel hungry, you can safely bite a stew, fresh or pickled cabbage.
In addition to low caloric content, white cabbage also contains a minimum of fats. In 100 g of cabbage about 0.1 g of fat. Carbohydrates in such quantity of cabbage about 6,8 g, and protein - 1,8 g.
Also in cabbage, a lot of dietary fiber, which is also involved in the process of losing weight, because they force our body to digest cabbage for a long time, than ensure the energy costs of the body, which helps to get rid of excess kilograms.
Properties of white cabbage
White cabbage has a lot of not only medicinal, but also cosmetic, nutritional and other properties. That is why white cabbage is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and treatment.
Thanks to its vitamin and mineral composition, this product positively influences not skin condition, helps to get rid of acne, inflammation and other skin problems.
About how cabbage affects the gastrointestinal tract, we wrote above, but in addition, it has other useful properties. In alternative medicine it is used to get rid of migraines, with osteochondrosis, radiculitis and even for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
A cabbage leaf is advised to apply to places affected by eczema, to get rid of this unpleasant disease.
Also, cabbage leaves help to ease pain in the joints and even cope with the pains caused by gout.
White cabbage and its juice also have excellent expectorant properties. Therefore, they are useful during the treatment of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.
Benefits of white cabbage
White cabbage is a whole vitamin bomb. It contains zinc, vitamin C and B vitamins. Also, cabbage contains quite a lot of vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium.
Such a rich mineral and vitamin composition makes of white cabbage simply a miracle product. Cabbage is an excellent stimulant for the kidneys, as well as the pancreas. Also, cabbage is very beneficial for the stomach. It is used to treat a variety of colitis and gastritis.
However, doctors call not to engage in self-medication. The fact is that cabbage has a number of contraindications to eating. For example, it is known that cabbage cabbage copes well with the stimulation of the pancreas and liver. But with pancreatitis it can not be used. Therefore, before you start using all the benefits of cabbage, it is worth consulting with a specialist.
The mineral composition of this product is so diverse that regular use of it helps to cope with the widest range of diseases. Starting from bronchitis and ending with the prevention of cancer.
Vitamins in white cabbage
White cabbage is very rich in vitamin C. It is the most in this product. Experts assure that its amount significantly exceeds the content of vitamin C in products such as oranges or lemons. That's why it's worth adding cabbage to the diet during the cold season.
Also in white cabbage contains a lot of folic acid, the so-called vitamin B19. Without this vitamin, the immune and circulatory systems are "not in the best condition."
White cabbage is also rich in other vitamins of group B: B1, B2, B6. Although there is not much vitamin A in the cabbage, but it should not be discounted either, as cabbage is digested for a long time, and vitamins are digested in this way better.
PP vitamin or nicotinic acid is also vital for the normal functioning of our body. In 100 g of cabbage, the content of nicotinic acid is about 0.4%.
But vitamin B1 or, as it is called in another way - thiamine, very well affects the nervous system and even has a calming effect. Therefore, cabbage and dishes from it are simply necessary in the autumn, when our body is especially prone to stress.
Chemical composition of white cabbage
White cabbage has a very rich chemical composition. What is surprising is that in 100 g of white cabbage - about 90 g of water. By the way, this is another reason why white cabbage has such a low calorie content and is so useful for a diet.
Proteins in 100 grams - 1.8 grams, carbohydrates - about 5 grams, and fats total 0.1 g. The chemical composition of this product also includes mono- and disaccharides. In addition to vitamins, macroelements and microelements, cabbage also contains starch (about 0.1 g), dietary fiber (2 g), and organic acids (about 0.3 g). Do not forget that in the cabbage also there is about 1g of ash.
Particular attention should be paid to the presence of methionine in the chemical composition of this product. The fact is that this amino acid is not produced in the human body, but it is very important for normal functioning. It is also used in the treatment of peptic ulcer diseases, as it helps to heal the affected areas of the gastric mucosa.
Harm to white cabbage
In fact, there is no harm from white cabbage for a healthy organism. But, in some diseases, the use of this product is contraindicated. Also, with a variety of cabbage diets, more accurately when abusing such diets, there may be weakness and darkening in the eyes, pre-stupor conditions.
Also, with the use of a huge amount of this vegetable, "side effects" are possible. So, it is fraught with a bloating and even attacks of nausea. Also, with a bad chewing cabbage may have a severity in the stomach.
Since white cabbage stimulates the secretion of the gastric glands in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, its use is contraindicated. Such diseases include increased acidity, colitis and regular indigestion. Also, do not use cabbage for diseases of the pancreas and liver. In particular, with pancreatitis.
Doctors also do not advise to use cabbage, when a variety of diseases are in the stage of exacerbation. Since with remission or the onset of the disease, white cabbage can help cope with the disease and improve the body's condition, in the period of exacerbations, cabbage rather, on the contrary, can aggravate the development of the disease.
The healing properties of white cabbage
Cough treatment: thanks to vitamin C and other useful microelements, cabbage juice can have a positive effect on the respiratory tract, release bronchi from the liquid and has an expectorant effect.
Treatment of mastitis: cabbage gruel helps the body cope with mastitis, soothes the skin and relieves symptoms.
Treatment of peptic ulcer disease: cabbage cabbage perfectly copes with the ulcer of the 12-colon. Only such treatment can cause small inconveniences - it increases the formation of gases in the body.
Treatment of the spleen: the mineral composition of white cabbage makes it possible to use it in the treatment of the spleen. Cabbage juice is recommended to drink before eating.
Also cabbage has other medicinal properties. Cabbage leaves relieve pain, and is an excellent wound-healing remedy.
Due to the fact that there are a lot of vitamins in the cabbage, it is recommended as an excellent preventative against avitaminosis. A high content of vitamin C allows you to use cabbage in the treatment of scurvy.
Cabbage with pancreatitis
Of course, white cabbage is very useful in many diseases, but some diseases are very "keen" to the use of cabbage. Therefore, physicians often prohibit cabbage when peptic ulcer disease worsens, and especially in pancreatitis.
The pancreas is very demanding and if there are problems with it, then there really is no choice. The fact is that basically with pancreatitis make up a special diet and you can not deviate from it.
With this diet, many fresh vegetables are excluded from the diet, including white cabbage. True, you can not exclude it completely. The fact is that for the body to digest it is very heavy and it delivers an extra burden on the pancreas. But some doctors allow you to eat white cabbage in a stewed or boiled form. True, it is not necessary to abuse it, but it is better to abstain altogether.
But sour and fresh white cabbage are categorically contraindicated in pancreatitis, as irritating mucous.
In alternative medicine, cabbage juice is sometimes used to treat pancreatitis. But do not test fate, it is better to consult a doctor.
Cabbage for weight loss
The ideal of a figure is different for everyone. But in pursuit of their ideals, the girls are ready for anything. Some are hungry, because of which they severely undermine their health, others feed on the same water and products of a certain color. All this is very hard to sustain and therefore not everyone can sustain on a diet more than a few weeks.
But very few people know that you can lose weight without much effort. The main thing to know about the right products that will help get rid of the hated extra pounds, as well as lead an active lifestyle, abandon bad habits, in particular from alcohol.
One of the miracle assistants in losing weight is white cabbage. The first reason why white cabbage is one of the first products that helps girls keep a slender waistline is that it has very few calories. In 300 grams of cabbage, only 60 calories. Therefore, a light cabbage salad not only sates, provides vitamins, but also does not affect the waist.
In addition, for the processing of such a salad our body will need much more energy and energy than it receives from the use of cabbage. That is why a variety of diets, which are based on white cabbage, practically do not limit its use.
Many nutritionists are sure that with the help of white cabbage, you can lose about 10 kg per month. Diets based on white cabbage are very diverse. Some include only fresh cabbage, some help to lose weight with sauerkraut or cabbage juice, and some allow you to eat even cabbage soup.
The traditional cabbage diet is very simple. In the morning you can start with hot natural coffee, but exclude sugar. At lunch, you can treat yourself to a salad of white cabbage. Salad can be filled with olive or vegetable oil. The main thing is not to overdo it with dressing, the oil should be in moderation - about one spoonful.
But for dinner you can pamper yourself with a small amount of boiled meat or fish. Or, if you want to achieve quick results, instead of meat in the evening you can drink a glass of kefir.
Ideally unload the diet and help you lose weight and cabbage soup. It can be prepared according to any recipe, but there are several conditions. Firstly, the soup should be exclusively vegetable and contain a minimum of salt. Secondly, it can be supplemented with any other ingredients that also contribute to weight loss, for example, celery.
By the way, in sauerkraut even fewer calories. Therefore, such a diet will help you lose weight even faster. However, it is not necessary to adhere to such a diet for a very long time. Cabbage is still very heavy for the stomach. And people who have stomach problems, it is better at all to refrain from such diets. Also, if you eat a cabbage for a very long time, the body begins to lose useful substances and instead of the desired weight loss comes fatigue, impotence and even deterioration of well-being. Therefore, do not resort to this method of losing weight for longer than seven days.
Cabbage for babies
Feed the child tasty, and most importantly - useful, the task is not easy. And with babies the situation is even worse. Introduce in their diet any vegetables, fruits or dishes should be very carefully and in minimal doses.
White cabbage can be a good lure for the baby. But many experts warn that because of this feature of cabbage, like increasing the formation of gases, babies can have colic in the abdomen and other problems. Therefore, it is better to introduce cabbage into the ration of infants already closer to the year, not earlier than at the age of seven months.
Cabbage should be boiled in water before giving to babies. Do not give the child immediately a huge portion of cabbage. This product is quite heavy, and the children's gastrointestinal system has not yet become accustomed to such stresses. But you can not refuse cabbage, because it is very nutritious and contains many useful vitamins.
But there are warnings for parents. The fact is that if the baby has problems with the tummy, there are colic or other troubles, it is better to give up white cabbage for a while.
Cabbage with breastfeeding
The birth of a child is a very important decision in your life. And it requires serious steps. During pregnancy, as well as after childbirth, during breastfeeding, should carefully monitor their diet, eliminating many products from it. Many young mothers are interested in whether it is possible to consume white cabbage during breastfeeding.
The fact is that cabbage provokes "gases", which frightens young mothers. But pediatricians claim that white cabbage is safe for babies. To introduce it into the diet is not earlier than three to four weeks after childbirth.
For consumption, stewed cabbage, soups and casseroles. But during breastfeeding from sauerkraut cabbage and its use in raw form it is better to refuse. Although this product enters the baby through the mother's milk, and it can not do much harm to the baby, it is better to be safe.
After eating cabbage, you should pay attention to the reaction of the baby after feeding.
Why dream cabbage white?
Almost all dream books interpret the dream of white cabbage in different ways. There is no unambiguous interpretation of dreams about cabbage.
Some dream books say that white cabbage dreams of bad news and even disasters. Harvesting cabbage may indicate your wastage. Therefore, if you dream that you are collecting cabbage, carefully analyze the planned purchases and weigh all the pros and cons.
But if cabbage is not yet ripe in a dream, you should take a closer look at your second half. Green cabbage in dreams can indicate that your half looks "to the left."
Some of the dream book interpreted the dream in which you eat cabbage. Some argue that this is for luck, a successful transaction or simply for profit. Also after such a dream you can get an unexpected gift. And other interpreters are sure that such a dream does not bode well and predict illnesses of loved ones and significant financial losses.
Almost all the dream books converge in one - well, if in a dream you see white cabbage, which only grows. This indicates that in the near future you will have attractive prospects.
By the way, few interpreters of dreams connect white cabbage and pregnancy. But this interpretation of the dream about cabbage is.
Storing cabbage
Long since, only late cabbage varieties have been left for storage. Before choosing a cabbage for storage, check the state of the head. It should be elastic, and the leaves tightly adjacent to the head. Also on the head there should be no flaws, rot or dirt.
By the way, to store white cabbage is better to collect, when it is fully ripe, but has not yet begun to deteriorate. If you assemble unripened cabbage, white cabbage will be kept worse. This can lead to wilting and a poor "market appearance" and taste. Also, do not wait until the heads are overripe, since such cabbage will be stored less, cabbage may be cracked, which will also have a bad effect on the taste of the vegetable. By the way, harvesting itself is worth doing in dry weather, otherwise dampness can play a cruel joke with cabbage and it will quickly rot.
Cabbage is very well preserved and with the correct choice of cabbage for storage, as well as compliance with all storage rules, you can keep it in good condition for four to six months.
You can store white cabbage in boxes or in bulk. But in both cases it is necessary to ensure good air circulation around the product. One of the most optimal ways of storing cabbage cabbage is considered to be the hanging of heads to the ceiling in grids. Do not allow the room temperature to drop below zero. The most optimal temperature is from one degree of heat to zero.
Some housewives advise to lay under the cabbage straw or other material that absorbs moisture well. When the material is impregnated with moisture, it needs to be changed. Thus, white cabbage will remain much longer without rot and damage.
White cabbage is a real gift of autumn for our body. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, which is simply necessary for our body.