All about the first weeks of pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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And then came this exciting moment, when you found out that you are pregnant. This is the most wonderful and probably the most mysterious state of a woman, when a small copy of two adults grows inside of you and develops a small copy. But, sometimes pregnancy brings not only joyful moments, but also discomfort and even some problems. The first weeks of pregnancy are accompanied by the emergence of probably a million questions about what can be eaten and what can not be done, what to do when a disease occurs, what vitamins to take, and what kind of lifestyle to lead now. In this article we will try to describe in as much detail about the first weeks of pregnancy, possible problems and try to answer all your questions.
First week pregnancy test
The most simple and affordable means for determining pregnancy is a test. All pregnancy tests work on the principle of determining the presence of an increased amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. Tests can be of different sensitivity and different types. The less sensitivity, the earlier it will show the pregnancy. Usually, the sensitivity of the tests is 10-25 mMO / ml. Depending on the type, all tests can be divided into:
- test strips;
- cassette tests;
- jet tests;
- electronic tests.
Tests strips - the most inexpensive. They are a plastic strip on which the paper is impregnated with a reagent. With an increased content of hCG in the urine, two control bands appear on it. From the shortcomings of test strips, one can note frequent false positive and false negative results, the need for a urine collection container, the inability to conduct a test at any time (since it is the morning portion of urine that is needed). The cost of the test strip from 3 UAH to 20 UAH per piece.
Cassette tests are average cost. They are a test strip, wrapped in a plastic case. Such a test does not need to be immersed in urine, just a drop that is applied to the window is enough. In the second window there are either two strips or a + sign. Such tests are visually more aesthetic, so if you want to keep it for yourself, it will do the best. From the shortcomings of tests of cassettes, one can note the need for a urine collection tank and a sterile pipette (the pipette is usually included in the kit), as well as the inability to conduct a test at any time. The cost of a cassette test is 15-35 UAH.
Inkjet tests - expensive tests. They are a plastic tube with a window and a removable end. To use such a test from it, you need to remove the protective cap and put it under a stream of urine. Inkjet tests can be done at any time of the day, they have the highest accuracy, no additional capacity is required for their use. Of the shortcomings can be noted only the cost, it is from 30 to 50 UAH.
Electronic tests are the most expensive tests. They are a plastic case with a liquid crystal small screen. If the test is positive, then the word "pregnant" lights up on the screen, if negative, then "not pregnant". This test is convenient because you do not need to look into the reagent and look for a false positive or false negative result. The cost of such tests is from 50 to 120 UAH.
In the main part of the instructions for pregnancy tests, it is indicated that the presence of pregnancy can be determined after the first day of the delay in menstruation. But it happens that a positive result may appear earlier (with early ovulation) or later (with late ovulation). Therefore, if the result is negative and there is no menstruation, we recommend that you check the test after a few more days.
How to determine the first week of pregnancy?
In order to determine the first week of pregnancy, one must understand the physiology of conception. Therefore, we will begin with it. Every woman has a menstrual cycle, which can be of different lengths. Usually it is from 25 to 35 days. The beginning of the cycle is the first day of menstrual flow, which normally lasts from three to seven days. Approximately in the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs - ejection of the egg into the fallopian tube. If at that moment the eggs are located near the sperm, then they merge and from that moment the development of the embryo begins. It turns out that women can only get pregnant on the day of ovulation? In fact, yes. But we must remember that spermatozoa in the female reproductive system can remain viable up to seven to ten days, so unprotected sexual intercourse allegedly on "safe" days can not guarantee 100% of pregnancy. Go ahead. If fertilization does not occur, the egg, moving along the fallopian tube, enters the uterus cavity, where it dies in a few days. The organism, not having received a signal about fertilization, starts to start the mechanism of a new cycle and the woman again comes "critical" days. What happens if the fusion of the egg and sperm occurs? The cells begin to rapidly divide and, moving along the fallopian tube, again fall into the uterine cavity. Here the fetal egg chooses the most "convenient" place and immerses itself in the walls of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus), forming blood vessels. This process is called implantation and occurs approximately on the seventh day after fertilization. From this moment, the hormone of pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - begins to be produced in the body of a woman. HCG first rises in the blood, and after a while it can be found in the urine. Pregnancy tests are based on the appearance of the hormone hCG in the urine and, as a rule, its increase can be determined 10-14 days after conception, which coincides with the delay of the menstrual cycle. After receiving a positive pregnancy test, a woman goes to a women's consultation and there she is put a period of 4 obstetric weeks. How so? In fact, at that time, conception could not have occurred ... The fact is that for the convenience of gynecologists apply exactly the obstetric term, and not the embryonic term. The obstetric period is considered from the first day of the last menstruation, and it is usually two weeks longer than the embryonic period. The embryonic period is considered from the moment of fertilization and is most often written in ultrasound findings. So how do you accurately determine the first week of pregnancy? There are several options:
- to give blood to human chorionic gonadotropin and count on it (hCG increases exponentially every 48-72 hours) - this option will be the most accurate and it is suitable for those women who have an unstable, long or too short cycle, as well as early or late ovulation. But here you need to consider that with multiple pregnancies it will grow faster and the result can be interpreted incorrectly. According to HCG, an embryonic period will be visible, in order to translate it into an obstetric one, add 2 weeks (with a standard cycle);
- go to an ultrasound examination (after ultrasound can be determined to within a week) - this is also an accurate way to determine the first week of pregnancy, but sometimes ultrasound before 5-6 obstetric weeks is not indicative, as the fetal egg can not be visualized. According to the conclusion of ultrasound, they speak about the embryonic period of the fetus, in order to translate it into obstetrician it is necessary to add 2 weeks;
- count yourself (if the menstrual cycle is stable) - less accurate option. Example: a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days, which means that ovulation occurred approximately 14 days after the onset of menstruation, approximately at this time, fertilization occurred, on the 21st day of the cycle, hCG in the blood begins to grow and after a few days two strips appear on the pregnancy test. By this method, it can be said about the exact obstetric term.
More detailed information on the analysis of hCG and ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy, we will consider below.
HCG in the first week of pregnancy
In order to determine the exact time on the first weeks of pregnancy or to make sure that the fetus develops correctly, gynecologists recommend taking an analysis for human chorionic gonadotropin in dynamics. As we wrote above, hCG begins to develop immediately after implantation of the fetal egg in the uterine wall and grows geometrically progressively approximately every 48-74 hours. But every woman has an individual organism, so there are no exact figures, there is a so-called "corridor" of normal values. In order for the analyzes on HCG to be informative and interpreted correctly, one must adhere to certain rules, namely:
- to take the analysis in the same laboratory;
- to pass the analysis at regular intervals (for example, every 3 days);
- to take the analysis at the same time (for example, at 10 am + - 1 hour);
- Interpretation of norms should be carried out according to the standards of the laboratory in which the analysis was done.
Below, we present the standard table of "corridor" norms with minimum and maximum values of hCG on days after implantation (DPI).
- 1 DPI - 2 - 10
- 2 DPI - 3 - 18
- 3 DPI - 5 - 21
- 4 DPI - 8 - 26
- 5 DPI - 11 - 45
- 6 DPI - 17 - 65
- 7 DPI - 22 - 105
- 8 DPI - 29 - 170
- 9 DPI - 39 - 270
- 10 DPI - 68 - 400
- 11 DPI - 120 - 580
- 12 DPI - 220 - 840
- 13 DPI - 370 - 1300
- 14 DPI - 520 - 2000
- 15 DPI - 750 - 3100
- 16 DPI - 1050 - 4900
- 17 DPI - 1400 - 6200
- 18 DPI - 1830 - 7800
- 19 DPI - 2400 - 9800
- 20 DPI - 4200 - 15600
- 21 DPI - 5400 - 19500
- 22 DPI - 7100 - 27300
- 23 DPI - 8800 - 33000
- 24 DPI - 10500 - 40000
- 25 DPI - 11500 - 60000
- 26 DPI - 12800 - 63000
- 27 DPI - 14000 - 68000
- 28 DPI - 15500 - 70000
- 29 DPI - 17000 - 74000
- 30 DPI - 19000 - 78000
The growth of human chorionic gonadotropin is observed until 8-9 of the obstetric week (6-7 fetal), then the gradual decrease in its value begins.
High hCG occurs when:
- presence of multiple pregnancies;
- inaccurate delivery of the term of pregnancy;
- diabetes maternity;
- taking drugs that increase hCG artificially (gestagens);
- defects and pathologies of fetal development;
- laboratory errors.
Low HCG is when:
- ectopic pregnancy;
- fetal death or undeveloped pregnancy;
- fetal pathology (development delay);
- placental insufficiency;
- error of the laboratory.
If your hCG level in the first week of pregnancy does not fit into the "corridor" of the norm, do not panic ahead of time. Make additional diagnostics in the form of ultrasound examination, which we will discuss in more detail below.
HCG in rare cases can be determined in non-pregnant women and even men. Usually, this is a sign of disruption of the pituitary gland (namely, the pituitary adenoma) or bladder drift. If you are not pregnant, and HCG is higher than normal, then you need to urgently consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.
Progesterone in the first week of pregnancy
We already often remembered a hormone like progesterone. What is this hormone and what is the function of progesterone in the first weeks of pregnancy? Progesterone is a hormone that is produced in women and men. In women, he plays one of the leading roles in pregnancy, namely:
- prevents uterine contraction during pregnancy;
- stimulates the growth of the uterus in size for the needs of fetal growth;
- prepares the breast for lactation;
- suppresses the immune system of the mother, so that the rejection of the fetus does not occur.
Progesterone is produced in the early stages by the yellow body, and after 12 weeks this role is gradually taken over by the placenta. It is because of the lack of progesterone production in the yellow body that spontaneous miscarriages occur most often. The norm of progesterone in the first weeks of pregnancy is 8.9-468.4 nmol / l. If a shortage of this hormone is determined, then progesterone-containing medications are prescribed, namely, utrozhestan or dyufaston. They are taken until the placenta completely assumes the role of producing progesterone. They cancel these drugs gradually, because a sharp cancellation can provoke a threat.
Ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy
Very often women only after learning about pregnancy, immediately run to an ultrasound examination. But there is an opinion that ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy is dangerous. Is it so? And when you need to do it at all? First, let's figure out why you need ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy. So, ultrasound examination in the early stages can be assigned for:
- determination of uterine or ectopic pregnancy;
- definition of multiple pregnancies;
- stating the exact period of pregnancy;
- confirmation or refutation of a frozen or biochemical pregnancy.
Usually gynecologists prescribe ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy extremely rarely, only with acute on that need, namely, strange indicators of hCG, drawing pains in the lumbar region, bloody discharge and so on. The fact is that there is an opinion that ultrasound examination in the early period is dangerous, because high-frequency waves cause cells to heat up. And if for an adult female body heating a couple of hundred cells does not lead to anything serious, then the embryo that has just begun to develop can lead to serious consequences. But this is only a theory, no one has conducted research in this area. Therefore, if there is a chance, for example, of an ectopic pregnancy, then it is better to do ultrasound, since waiting can lead to rupture of the fallopian tube, bleeding and even death of the mother.
So when is it informative to do ultrasound? You can see the fetal egg not earlier than the fifth week of pregnancy (the level of hCG at the same time is 1000-2000 mU / ml). Palpitation in the fetus appears at 5.5 weeks, and you can hear it on a good machine from 6-7 weeks. We strongly do not recommend conducting ultrasound examinations earlier than 6-7 midweek weeks (and only if there are indications). The safest time for ultrasound is the first screening, namely 12 obstetric weeks.
Signs of pregnancy in the first week
Do all pregnant women have to have toxicosis? What other signs of pregnancy exist? What are the feelings in the first week of pregnancy? We will now answer all of these questions. In fact, more than half of women in the first weeks of pregnancy do not feel anything at all, they may not even suspect that they are in an interesting situation. Therefore, nausea can be a sign of digestive disorders, an increase in the volume of the stomach - flatulence, fast fatigue - a syndrome of chronic fatigue. Only 37% of women noted the appearance of some signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation and in the first weeks after a positive result. The most common signs of pregnancy in the first week are:
- aversion to smells, food, nausea, vomiting;
- heavy swollen breasts, sensitive nipples;
- fast fatigue, drowsiness;
- pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
- irritability, depression;
- "Sensation" of pregnancy.
Because of the sharp hormonal adjustment, the woman's body begins to react inadequately to even ordinary smells. Favorite toilet water begins to stink, from tobacco smoke begins to vomit, and if you pass by the tray with shawarma, then at all can snatch. Also, the preferences in food change. The most favorite dish can be disgusting, but it starts to flow from the usual bread and butter. Some "gourmets" can fall in love with a radish with sugar or eat chocolate in a snack with sausage. Do not think that something is wrong with you - it's all a normal reaction of the body. There is even an opinion that during this period the body requires exactly what is lacking, so you can not deny yourself some culinary delights. Naturally, all without fanaticism. When interviewing pregnant women, it was revealed that this sign of pregnancy in the first week is manifested in 46% of the respondents.
Because of the increase in progesterone, very sensitive nipples become in the blood, the breast "pours" and becomes very heavy. Some pregnant women note a slight tingling in the nipples or even soreness. All this is due to the restructuring of the breast to work. Pregnant women should not wear tight, natural underwear to prevent sagging of their breasts. Nipples in the first weeks of pregnancy may darken. Changes in the breast with the survey of pregnant women were noted in 50% of the respondents.
Every second pregnant woman complains at an early age of unbearable fatigue, drowsiness, light dizziness. These signs of pregnancy in the first week arise because of a sharp hormonal adjustment. Nature has thought it through, and it is thanks to this sign that the organism gives the signal to the future mother: "Stop, do not rush, you have a more important mission, namely, bearing the baby." Pregnant on the first weeks need more rest, more sleep. Such a state will not last for 9 months, after the first trimeter it will pass, and the forces will appear again.
One of the worrisome signs of pregnancy in the first week are the pulling pains in the lower abdomen. This may indicate the implantation process, the tone of the uterus, the lack of a hormone progesterone and other problems. If bloody discharge occurs, you need to urgently go to the hospital, as this may indicate the possible beginning of a miscarriage. This sign of pregnancy in the first weeks is found in 10% of women in the situation.
All are known "horror stories" about the unbalanced psyche of pregnant women. The fact is that in the first weeks of pregnancy there is a hormonal storm in the body and not always the female brain can adequately cope with this situation. Because of this, irritability, apathy and even depression may occur. To avoid such a state, you should try to surround yourself only with positive emotions if possible, and if you feel that you are already on a platoon, it is better to take sedatives (valerian, motherwort) that will help bring the nervous system in order. This sign of pregnancy in the first weeks is observed in 41% of the women surveyed.
Also very often, women have an amazing inexplicable sensation in the first week of pregnancy. It is described as complete certainty that they are in position, with a feeling of lightness and airiness. Such a reaction of the organism is also explained by a sharp restructuring of the organism, namely by an increase in progesterone and estradiol. This symptom occurs in 39% of the women in question.
Toxicosis in the first week of pregnancy
Toxicosis is a complex of symptoms that are manifested in the first weeks of pregnancy and, as a rule, last up to twelve weeks. Toxicosis can be tolerable, but there are cases when it can be hospitalized if it is strongly manifested. Usually, toxicosis manifests itself in the morning nausea and / or vomiting, aversion to any food, reduced appetite, aversion to sharp odors until vomiting. According to a survey of early toxicosis, approximately 50% of women in the situation suffer. Doctors still can not find the cause of this condition, but statistics show that the toxicosis in the first week of pregnancy is more prone:
- women with chronic diseases;
- women with gastrointestinal problems;
- women with bad habits;
- Women are subject to constant stress and having an irregular working schedule.
There is also the concept of late toxicosis - a toxicosis that appears or continues after twelve weeks. Late toxicosis is also called gestosis. Gestosis is a very dangerous condition, so it requires monitoring by doctors.
How can we alleviate our fate in toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy? For this it is necessary to follow simple rules:
- To begin with, you need to streamline your diet. Remove all fat and spicy food from it. Eat preferably foods cooked steamed or baked.
- You need to eat often, but in small portions. On the day you need to have a minimum of 3 snacks (in addition to the main meal).
- You can not eat up for the night, since the toxicosis is most rampant in the morning.
- In the evening, it's good to go out and walk and take a breath of fresh air.
- The dream should be high-grade, and the schedule of work is normalized.
- For the retreat of the first attack of nausea in the mornings, the use of mint candy, a slice of lemon or orange, a sweet cracker is good. Moreover, you need to eat these foods without getting out of bed and slowly.
Most importantly, remember that toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon and sometimes you just need to go through it.
Other problems in the first weeks of pregnancy
Many women in the first weeks of pregnancy face various other unpleasant manifestations, such as: belching, heartburn, constipation or vice versa, stomach upset, dizziness, acne and others. All these problems are often associated with hormonal changes in the body. The most frequent unpleasant phenomenon that a woman encounters in the situation is heartburn. It appears due to the change in the position of the stomach and can be eliminated from it with the help of preparations against heartburn, such as Rennie, Enterosgel, Pochaevsky tablets for heartburn, etc. The next no less frequent problem is constipation. They also arise due to the displacement of the intestine due to the increase in the size of the uterus. Cope with the constipation will help food rich in fiber, as well as prunes, compote from plums, beetroot and other slabby products. An upset stomach does not occur so often, but it can be got rid of by using fixing products such as: rice, apples with a banana, etc. Dizziness in the first weeks of pregnancy can be caused by low hemoglobin. You can increase it by eating boiled beef, fried liver, pomegranate juice, baked apples from the Antonovka variety. Acne (pimples) appear due to a sharp increase in progesterone and women prone to rashes, unfortunately, it is not so easy to fight them. But they disappear without a trace after childbirth.
What to do in the first weeks of pregnancy?
So you saw your "striped" test, cheered your husband and thought about what to do in the first weeks of pregnancy? Yes, especially nothing, continue to live and enjoy life, rejoice in your situation, streamline your diet, removing harmful foods and alcohol, do not overwork at work and less nervous. Approximately at 6-7 midwifery week (2-3 weeks delay), sign up for admission to a women's consultation with a district gynecologist for registration. When registering, the gynecologist will have a special exchange card in which you will record all your appearances in the women's consultation, all the information on pregnancy, support the tests and ultrasound tests. The exchange card is advised to have always with you, as it indicates the entire history of pregnancy and when calling an ambulance this information will be very relevant.
What is being done at the first reception in the antenatal clinic in the first weeks of pregnancy? The gynecologist carefully examines your history, clarifies the diseases of your family, measures and records parameters (weight, height, abdominal circumference, height of the standing of the uterus, pelvic dimensions), measures pressure and pulse, if necessary, sends to an ultrasound examination. Also at the first appearance you will receive directions for testing: general blood test, general urine analysis, blood biochemistry, bacteriological analysis of urine, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis C, blood group and Rh factor, as well as analysis for antibodies to TORCH infections toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes). When registering, a gynecologist takes a swab from the vagina and cervix on the armchair, to determine the flora and to examine the cytological picture of the cervix. Some women are very afraid of manual examination during the first weeks of pregnancy. And it's in vain. The gynecologist, understanding the situation, will make this procedure extremely cautious. The same doctor-gynecologist gives recommendations and appoints the following turnout (if everything is normal, then usually in a month).
Dangerous symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy
It happens that in the first weeks of pregnancy there are worrying symptoms that may indicate some problems. In order not to miss a possible problem, you need to contact a gynecologist if:
- pulls the belly;
- the loin hurts;
- there was a daub;
- went monthly;
- bleeding began.
If you pull the stomach in the first week of pregnancy, then this may indicate the tone of the uterus or ectopic pregnancy. With a large uterus tonus, there is a threat of miscarriage, so it is urgent to see a doctor. If there is no way to get to the doctor, then you can give yourself emergency care. In such cases, appoint no-shpu in tablets and suppositories of papaverine. They will relieve the tone. At the same time, you need to observe peace and lie more. But if the pain has disappeared - this does not mean that you need to postpone the visit to the gynecologist. With ectopic pregnancy there is a possibility of rupture of the fallopian tube and bleeding, so it is not worth joking with this symptom.
If there were pains in the lower back in the first week of pregnancy, then this may also be an indicator of the tone or ectopic pregnancy. But more often such pains can be because the ligaments are stretched because of a sharp increase in the hormone of progesterone. According to statistics, such pains occur in women prone to leanness.
The daub in the first weeks of pregnancy most often occurs on the day of the expected monthly. This may indicate a shortage of the hormone progesterone and can lead to serious consequences in the form of a stiff pregnancy or miscarriage. When ointment starts, urgently need to go to the doctor. Usually, with such a dangerous symptom sent to the hospital and prescribe maintenance therapy in the form of hemostatic drugs (tranexam), progesterone containing drugs (morning, dyufaston), antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine) and sedatives (valerian, Magne B6).
If the first weeks of pregnancy are monthly, then this is also a dangerous symptom. The fact is that with the right hormonal background and normal pregnancy, the menstrual cycle is simply impossible. There are, of course, many examples where pregnant women have had periods, and everything was fine, but any sane gynecologist will call it the threat of miscarriage. Bloody discharge may indicate abruption of the placenta, ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage.
Bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy is very dangerous and it most often occurs with ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. If you have a bleeding, you need to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital.
Lifestyle in the first weeks of pregnancy
It is often said that pregnancy is not a disease, so you need to lead the most ordinary way of life. But in fact there are many questions about what can and can not be done. We will try to answer the most common questions regarding the way of life in the first weeks of pregnancy.
Can I exercise in the first weeks of pregnancy?
Sport sports are different. If you are engaged in wrestling or boxing, pulling heavy bars or doing weight lifting, then you better leave this sport until the time you do not give birth. But if you are engaged in swimming, light fitness or gymnastics, then this kind of sport can be engaged and even necessary, but only if the pregnancy is without threats and tonus. But we highly recommend to reduce physical activity and listen to your body. If there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back, then it is safer not to engage.
Can I go to the bath in the first weeks of pregnancy?
To go to the bath is not recommended at any time of pregnancy, and especially in the first weeks. In the bath the overall body temperature rises, and this can adversely affect the development of the fetus. In addition, the bath increases the pulse and pressure, which, accordingly, leads to increased heart rate in the child. It is also not recommended to take hot baths. They can provoke bleeding.
Can I have sex in the first weeks of pregnancy?
If there are no threats and tone, then it is possible to engage in sex and even useful. It is proved that the sperm, when in contact with the cervix, perfectly improves its elasticity, and this positively affects during childbirth. In addition, with sex in the blood there are endorphins - hormones of pleasure, which balance the mental state of the pregnant woman. But if there is a tonus of the uterus, the achievement of orgasm can provoke an even greater tone, so in such cases it is worth to abstain from sexual intercourse.
What is the preferred food in the first weeks of pregnancy?
In the absence of toxicosis most often there is an increased appetite in the first week of pregnancy. This is logical, since the body consumes much more energy to build a new organism. Therefore, during this period, nutrition should be balanced and maximally healthy. It is desirable to exclude from the diet fried and very fatty foods, mayonnaise, fast food, coffee. Less to use frankly chemical products, such as carbonated sweet water, bright colored candies and so on. More eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains cereals, dairy products. Products are best cooked on a steamed or baked in the oven. Do not forget about the fish day, because it contains phosphorus, which helps to avoid cramps.
What vitamins should I take in the first weeks of pregnancy?
Once you have learned about pregnancy, it is advisable to start taking special complex vitamins for pregnant women. They contain the optimal daily norm of vitamins and microelements necessary for normal growth and development of the fetus. An example of such vitamins can be: Elevit, Vitrum Pronatal, Pregnavit, Materna, Multi Tabs Ponatal, Pregnacaa, Pregnavit and so on.
Can I do X-rays in the first weeks of pregnancy?
We strongly advise against doing X-rays in the first weeks of pregnancy. But there are situations when it is impossible to avoid this procedure. Then you must definitely warn the X-ray lab technician about your situation, then you will be given a special lead apron that will protect the fruit from X-rays. Fluorography is also not recommended (only in case of emergency).
Can I drink alcohol in the first weeks of pregnancy?
In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is contraindicated to drink alcohol, since it is in the first trimester that all organs and systems are formed. But there are cases when the future mother used alcohol, not yet guessing about pregnancy. In this case, as they say "after the fight they do not wave their fists". Stress can sometimes hurt much more than alcohol drunk.
What to do with stress in the first weeks of pregnancy?
Stress has a very negative effect on the development of the fetus and the condition of the mother as a whole. It can provoke increased tone, changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, and much more. There is even such a belief that the less a mother is nervous during pregnancy, the more peaceful the child will be after childbirth. What should a woman do to reduce the risk for the child, if it is strongly perenervnichala. In the medicine cabinet you should always have a sedative. Harmless for pregnant women is valerian and motherwort. You can also drink peppermint tea for prevention every day. Very well help to relieve the stress of the aroma lamp with essential oils of orange, lavender, neroli, chamomile.