Child 7 months
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A child of 7 months is a toddler who probably has his first tooth cut, or rather the first two teeth. The order of the appearance of teeth is two - lower, then a pair of upper, lateral top and bottom. Afterwards, grow up indigenous, small "claws" and again root. Of course, this order is not standard for all children without exception, each child is individual. Moreover, the famous period with irritation of gums, moods, fever, diarrhea is also not mandatory for teething. Many children generally tolerate this phenomenon quite calmly, and sometimes the mother learns of the tooth only when feeding, when she suddenly feels a "bite".
Before the appearance of the first tooth, the gum may swell, blush, but often the only sign of impending "dental" problems is increased salivation and the insistent desire of the baby to suck or chew something. So that the child does not quench the natural need for 7 months with his own fingers or chewing the diaper, you can alleviate his condition with special means - Baby, Dentol. Popular methods - bagels, crackers, are not recommended to avoid the risk of crumbs and chunks falling into the child's windpipe. On sale today there is a mass of devices for these purposes - ringlets with a cooling effect, special toys for chewing. In order to prepare the baby for the process of normal chewing, provide the body with natural protein, iron and amino acids in lure meat products are introduced - in the form of mashed potatoes. To begin to accustom the child to meat it is necessary gradually, literally from a quarter of a teaspoon, increasing each day a portion. A child of 7 months is a kid who does not just try to sit down, but can already do it himself. At first, it will fall a little on the barrel, but then learn to keep your body in balance. In addition to the fact that the child crawls well on his stomach, he tries to do the same on all fours, most of the time the kids crawl on the contrary-they crawl away, more than amuse their parents, but gradually learn other vectors, begin to crawl head first. If the child does not want to master the "science" of the effort, do not rush to worry, just every kid has his own way of developing and learning to move.
Child 7 months - height and weight
The kid during this period adds about 500-600 grams of weight and 1.5-2 centimeters of growth. By the eighth month, the body weight can be 8-9 kilograms, and the growth is about 60-65 centimeters. If your child's settings do not meet the standards, this should also not be an alarm. It is possible that the weight and height indicators are individual and related to the hereditary factor. The pediatrician who observes the baby can also measure the circumference of the head, which by the seventh month should be about 32-43 centimeters, the chest should correspond to 44-45 centimeters. Great value as a parameter of physiological development is the so-called "fatness" index, which is calculated as follows: add the parameters of the circumference of the shoulder, multiplying them by three, with the indices of the shin circumference and hip. Then the amount must be subtracted from the growth. The normal rate is 20-25 centimeters. If the baby is measured and the index is below 20, this does not mean that the child is depleted, perhaps it lacks some trace elements that need to be introduced into the lure.
Child 7 months - movement and communication
In addition, that the kid has learned to sit, he has extremely developed grasping skills. He drags to himself literally everything that is within reach. Therefore, you should take care of the safety of the child and remove all sharp, stinging, poisoning objects and substances away. Also, the prevention of bruises during falls, which in any case is unavoidable, can become a bed-quilted bed near the bed, pillows. But it is much more convenient and safer in this sense, the arena, which will be a kind of comfortable playground for the baby, where he can sit and crawl, and learn a variety of bright toys. By the way, such a portable arena is also convenient because the mother can move it to the kitchen, so as not to leave the child alone. At this age, the little man already understands what loneliness is and begins to protest violently against him. In any case, even without an arena, it is impossible to leave a seven-month-old child alone in a room, getting acquainted with unexplored territories, the kid can creep anywhere and be injured. In addition, the child tries everything "on the palate", that is, pulls into the mouth, in this period, and in the following months, he needs to be constantly looked after.
The child's speech is also developing every day. The speech apparatus becomes more perfect, the child of 7 months is the real "orator", which pronounces not only inarticulate sounds, but also syllables - "yes-yes", "ma", "on". His speech becomes intonationally richer, the kid is able to express his emotions, both positive and negative - in the form of cheers or dissatisfied protests. The kid tries to imitate the adults, so you need to talk with him more often to quickly form a speech skill. It is during this period that the foundations of the ability to intonationally express emotions in words and sounds are laid. Mom or Dad should follow their own speech, she should be benevolent, affectionate even in communication with each other. Often it seems to adults that a small member of the family is not yet able to understand the meaning of expressions and words, parents allow rough phrases and similar phrases. The kid really does not understand what kind of meaning is born of words, but he absorbs everything emotionally, so his psyche and character are formed. It is important to remember that a child of 7 months is a very sensitive creature, which, like a sponge, absorbs everything that the most important people in life do and say: Mom and Dad.
Seven-month baby - food and sleep
The baby's diet, in addition to breast milk or milk formula in case of artificial feeding, includes fruit or vegetable purees, juices with pulp. Every day you need to give only one kind of complementary food, so that the child's digestive system gets used to innovations gradually, without overload. One meal, which was previously consumed by milk or seven, is replaced by vegetable or fruit lure. Then, starting from the second week of the eighth month, two dairy meals should be replaced. Also in the children's menu you can include a yolk of boiled chicken eggs, and even meat puree. Here is an approximate schedule and diet for a seven-month-old baby:
Morning, 6.00 | Mother's milk or milk formula | 200 ml |
Morning, 10.00 | Puree from boiled vegetables Yolk of boiled egg |
200 g Half |
Lunch, 2 pm | Mother's milk or milk formula | 200ml |
Puree from boiled or steamed fruit | 30 grams | |
Evening, 6 pm | Porridge on milk | 200 ml |
Juice - fruit or vegetable | 30 ml | |
Evening, 22.00 | Mother's milk or milk formula | 200 ml |
The reception of vegetable puree can be combined with a meat dish, gradually adding to vegetables grated boiled meat. Meat products not only supply the children's body with useful substances, but also form a chewing and swallowing skill, strengthening the muscles of the tongue, cheeks, and lips. Food should gradually become more dense and firm. The baby needs to be fed in the sitting position, it is convenient to do this with a special highchair with a table.
A child of 7 months is no longer that little "drowsy" who slept literally the whole days at two or three months old. In the daytime, the baby must sleep three times for 1.5-2 hours. Ideal is a day's sleep in the fresh air, and compliance with the regime depends on the desire and perseverance of the parents themselves. If the mother does not always carry the baby's sleep for ten to twenty minutes each, the child of 7 months will fall asleep in time with the accuracy of a minute - this is how his body is arranged. The same applies to night sleep, which should be at least 10-11 hours. If during the day the child is healthy and active, his appetite is in order, then at night the baby sleeps hard and practically does not wake up. The only reason for overnight maternal anxiety may be the child's desire to open up and throw off the blanket. This task is solved by regulating the temperature in the room, 22 - 24 C, a comfortable enough temperature even for the child who has opened.
A child of 7 months must have the following skills:
- It's good to crawl on your stomach or on all fours.
- To be able to swing, standing on all fours (forward and backward).
- Lying on his back, he can lift his torso.
- Knows how to hold toys in two hands, can connect hands.
- He actively studies his body, pulls his hands and feet into his mouth.
- Can snap toys not only with the whole palm, but with fingers.
- He is able to react to jokes, play with a smile or laugh.
- With pleasure he sees himself in the mirror.
- Reacts to a strict tone, intonation of parents.
- He is able to look for an object not only through his eyes, but also by his actions.
- He can imitate sounds, repeat syllables.
- Pronounces syllables, as a rule with sonorous consonants - "yes", "on", "ma".
- I am pleased to look at the pictures in the books.
- He recognizes Mom, Dad, close people, turns his head towards them, shows a pen.
- It responds to its name.
- He plays with objects, not just with rattles.
- Finds and displays the item at the request of the parents.
- Begins to understand the limitations and the word "no", "it is possible".