Pregnancy: 8 weeks
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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8 midwifery pregnancy week, determined by the day of the onset of the last menstruation, which preceded fertilization, completes the second stage of intrauterine development - the period of embryogenesis.
It is at the end of this period that the future child from the state of the embryo, that is, the embryo, passes into the stage of the fetus. A pregnancy will enter the fetal period of development.
Let's find out what a pregnancy looks like for 8 weeks and what happens at the 8th week of pregnancy with a future baby and his mom.
Signs of pregnancy at week 8
Signs of pregnancy at week 8 are already more than palpable. And without exaggeration, we can say that sensations at the 8th week of pregnancy are very diverse.
All changes in the physical and emotional-psychological state of pregnant women, as well as their state of health at week 8 of pregnancy - directly or indirectly - generates and coordinates the hormone progesterone. Although the pregnancy test, including the test at week 8 of pregnancy, is based on the discovery of another hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is produced only by the outer villous coat of the fetal egg (chorion) after its implantation into the endometrium of the uterus, and this occurs several days after the fertilization. That is, the menstrual period at the 8th week of pregnancy should stop.
But back to progesterone, which is synthesized by the ovaries and adrenals (and after 13 weeks and the placenta) and thanks to which a fertilized egg (blastocyst) is fixed to the wall of the uterus. On the sedative effect of this hormone, the pregnant body responds with an increased sense of fatigue and drowsiness, some unbalance and "causeless" mood swings.
The most characteristic signs of pregnancy at week 8, which are noted by almost all future mothers, are associated with appetite, gustatory sensations and generally with all digestion. Many suffer from morning sickness at the 8th week of pregnancy, and often there is vomiting at the 8th week of pregnancy. Obstetricians call this a toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy. Its development is promoted by many hormones. So, the adrenal cortex produces more cortisol and cortisone - to ensure optimal carbohydrate metabolism and accumulation in the liver of a reserve of energy in the form of glycogen. But the secretion of the digestive hormone gastrin (responsible for the level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice) can both contract and increase. In the first case, the appetite disappears in the pregnant woman and the digestion of food slows down; in the second, the "wolfish" appetite wakes up, the heartburn suffers, and there is an excessive gain in weight.
Constipation at the 8th week of pregnancy is also a characteristic sign of this condition. The fact is that progesterone relaxes the uterine myometrium, and at the same time smooth muscles of the digestive tract. And the increased production of estrogen, aimed at the development of the pregnant uterus, simultaneously reduces the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, there is a decrease in the level of synthesized in the small intestine motilone hormone, which should help in promoting food through the digestive tract. All these factors cause not only constipation at the 8th week of pregnancy, but also flatulence - bloating at the 8th week of pregnancy.
Specialists note an increase in blood levels of pregnant adrenocorticotropic hormone, which, in addition to fluid retention in tissues, increases the production of melanin. And this is the cause of the appearance of age spots on the face of pregnant women - one of the external signs of pregnancy.
How does pregnancy look like 8 weeks: uterus, chest, stomach
The uterus at the 8th week of gestation is increased by estrogen, but it remains within the small pelvis, so the abdomen at the 8th week of pregnancy does not yet reveal to the people around the "interesting position" of the woman. Although often pregnant (especially thin) feel a slight increase in the abdomen in the hypogastrium - between the navel and the pubic region.
Nevertheless, the uterus is already beginning to stretch the round ligaments, which, outside pregnancy, keep it in an inclined position, as well as the sacro-uterine ligaments. Because of this, pregnant women complain that they have a stomach pulling on the 8th week of pregnancy or pulling the waist at the 8th week of pregnancy.
Gradually growing uterus at the 8th week of pregnancy begins to exert pressure on the bladder, because it is the peritoneal cover of the enlarged uterus. So the visits to the toilet inevitably increase.
The mucous channel of the cervix produces a special cervical secret that prevents infection in the uterine cavity. During pregnancy, the mucus becomes thicker, forming a cork that completely closes the canal. However, there may be minor light discharge at week 8 of pregnancy, associated with the characteristics of the local microflora and the level of hormones. About the secretions that indicate the presence of pathologies, will be told a little later.
The changes that the breasts undergo during the 8th week of pregnancy are making themselves felt, primarily by the increase in the mammary glands necessary for the forthcoming lactation.
You've probably noticed that the bra has become too small and you need a larger size. The change in the hormonal level, as well as other tissue changes, is explained by the preparation for breastfeeding. Breast can continue to increase throughout the entire pregnancy.
Under the action of estriol, progesterone and chorionic somatotropin, more dairy lobules, alveoli and excretory ducts form in the breast. And due to the intensive synthesis of the pituitary hormone prolactin, which begins with the 8th week of gestation, the process of colostrum production starts. All these physiological changes cause such sensations at the 8th week of pregnancy, like tingling in the mammary glands, some of their soreness, an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples, darkening of the nipples and the nasal areola.
Hormonal changes - in particular, a sharp increase in progesterone - can be the cause of fatigue. Nausea and vomiting also take away energy. There may be difficulties with sleep, especially if you constantly have to get up in the middle of the night to the toilet.
The idea for fighting fatigue "A short 15-20 minute walk helped me cope with chronic fatigue in the first trimester of pregnancy, this was the only way I could fight sleep during working hours." - Gabriela.
Fetus at week 8 of pregnancy
The physical and physiological parameters of the fetus at this time of the obstetrician are determined on the basis of ultrasound at 8 weeks of gestation.
How does the child grow?
This week: fingers and toes form, eyelids almost completely cover the eyes, breathing tubes lead from the throat to the lungs. Nerve cells of the brain develop and connect to each other, forming primitive neural pathways, but external genitalia have not yet evolved to determine the sex of the child. The child is already constantly moving and moving, although you still can not feel it.
Important: the development of each child is strictly individual. Our information is designed to give you an idea of the development of the fetus.
Given the characteristic posture of the embryo in the uterus, its length is usually determined from the coccyx to the crown. The norm of the coccyx-parietal size - KTP at week 8 of pregnancy - is no more than 2-2.5 cm, and half of this length falls on the head. Weight varies in a fairly wide range - from 5 to 13 grams. Also on ultrasound is determined the average internal diameter of the fetal egg - SVD
It should be emphasized that despite this size, at this time all the tissues of the fetus have already differentiated and almost all of its internal organs have formed: the brain (there is a hemisphere wall, cerebellum and oblong brain, rudiments of the cortex and the medulla), the heart (which already has 4 chamber), stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver (with bile ducts). Eyes became closer to the bridge of the nose, but not yet closed for centuries; the tip of the nose and the upper lip are prominent. Ultrasound clearly shows the lower and upper limbs. Moreover, the fetus is already beginning to move them, which indicates the functioning of neurons.
At the last stage is the formation of the system of blood vessels of the fetus. Although his blood circulation is still chorionic (the placental will begin only from the 13th week, when the placenta is fully formed), but the fetus at the 8th week of pregnancy already has its own blood group. Also there are the first lymph nodes.
The 8th week of pregnancy is decisive in the development of the reproductive glands of the fetus, that is, in determining the sex of the unborn child. If the gene of the Y chromosome, potentially determining the male sex, is present in the fetus genome, then the embryo has a "chromosome kit" of 46XY, and there will be a boy. In the absence of the Y-chromosome, the karyotype 46XX is activated, and then the female genitalia begin to form from the urogenital emboli rollers, and a girl will appear.
By the way, twins of 8 weeks of pregnancy develops identically to single-pregnancy, but only the expectant mother can vomit slightly more and slightly longer - not until 12 weeks, but until about 16 weeks.
Pathologies at week 8 of pregnancy: uterine tone, pain and various discharge
The tone of the uterus at the 8th week of pregnancy - that is, the tension of her muscular membrane (myometrium) - is constantly changing. And this is a physiologically normal process, due to the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the uterus body and its cervix.
Out of pregnancy, the myometrium of attention is not reversed by the degree of tension or relaxation of the longitudinal and circular fibers.
But hypertension - increased uterine tone at week 8 of pregnancy - causes fear, especially since the period from 8 to 12 weeks is considered in clinical obstetrics a period of increased risk. And this risk consists that there can be a spontaneous abortion of pregnancy on 8 week or, more simply, a miscarriage on 8 week of pregnancy.
With an increase in the tonus of the anterior wall of the uterus at this time, the pregnant women feel how the stomach becomes firm, at later periods there may be pains in the lower abdomen of the pulling character. Treatment of this symptom is carried out using the drug Dufaston - a synthetic analogue of endogenous progesterone (the standard dosage is 20 mg per day, taken only according to the doctor's prescription - according to a special scheme); But-shpa (one tablet three times a day), as well as magnesium preparations (citrate, gluconate or magnesium lactate, Magne B6) - in an individually prescribed dosage.
Pain at the 8th week of pregnancy may be different and have several causes. First of all, the abdomen hurts at the 8th week of pregnancy with excessive physical activity and increased uterus tone. And also with constipation and problems with the escape of intestinal gases, with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, myoma, endometriosis, endometrioid cyst and other pathologies not related to pregnancy present in pregnant women.
But more often doctors of female consultations listen to complaints of patients that they have a hip pain in the 8th week of pregnancy or that the back hurts 8 weeks of pregnancy. What is the reason for these pains, because the time is still a little, and women still do not feel the severity of the stomach? And the reason is that the trophoblast of the fetal chorion, as well as the endometrium of the uterus and the ovaries of the pregnant woman, begin to produce a special hormone relaxin, whose task is to prepare the female locomotor system for the birth in the process of bearing. Relaxin helps relax the ligaments of the lump joint of the pelvic bones, however, this hormone is not selective, which also weakens the ligaments of the spinal column.
When you raise or lower blood pressure, with ARVI or cold, with too long sleep during the day, often has a headache 8 weeks of pregnancy.
Allocations for the 8th week of pregnancy are also different, but they should be treated with equal attention.
Thus, slight yellow discharge at week 8 of pregnancy, which does not cause pain and does not have an unpleasant smell, is considered to be quite normal. But with abundant discharge from the vagina with pruritus, one should suspect the development of vaginal candidiasis - thrush (Milkwife at 8 weeks gestation - see further).
Months on the 8th week of pregnancy, in theory, should be absent: in fact the endometrium in the pregnant uterus can not be rejected. However, there is a so-called daub on the 8th week of pregnancy, which specialists in the field of diseases of the female sexual sphere are referred to as bleeding. In particular, implantation bleeding may be a one-off pink discharge at week 8 of pregnancy, triggered by the introduction of bluetocysts into the uterine mucosa. Pale pink discharge from the uterus, also associated with its anatomical abnormalities or myoma, is also possible. But the most common cause is a very low level of progesterone or hCG in a pregnant woman who can not cope with the suppression of luteotropin, which initiates cyclic changes in the ovary during ovulation. And in such situations, the only way to save pregnancy is hormone-correcting therapy.
Brown discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy, especially bloody discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy - against the background of general weakness and pulling painful sensations in the lower abdomen - are a sign of such a dangerous pathology as detachment at week 8 of pregnancy. And this means that the fetal egg with the embryo detached from the endometrium. A partial detachment of the fetal egg leads to the formation of a bruise. Using professional medical terminology, this is a retrochoric hematoma at week 8 of pregnancy. With partial detachment, doctors manage to keep pregnancy.
Slight on intensity blood allocation at 8 weeks of pregnancy "give a signal" to a woman: pregnancy is threatened with miscarriage - immediately to the doctor!
And bleeding at week 8 of pregnancy (especially if it is intense, blood clots are prominent, and severe pain in the lower segment of the abdominal cavity is present) means that a miscarriage occurred on week 8 of pregnancy, or the pregnancy was ectopic.
According to gynecologists, an ectopic pregnancy at week 8 of pregnancy has no other options, except for a fallopian tube burst under the pressure of a growing blastocyst. In this case, severe peritoneal bleeding can have fatal consequences.
In addition, there is a frozen pregnancy at week 8 - a particularly dangerous stage of intrauterine development. In the presence of a viral infection (rubella, cytomegalovirus, etc.), a lack of pregnant progesterone in the body or an excess of testosterone, and also in the case of fetal anomalies of a genetic nature, fetal development stops. The woman herself most often does not notice this, and everything turns into a spontaneous abortion at week 8.
Analgeses at week 8 of pregnancy
For future mothers, the following tests are considered mandatory at week 8 of pregnancy:
- general blood test (with determination of the blood group and Rh factor);
- blood chemistry;
- a blood test for β-hCG (chorionic gonadotropin);
- a blood test for the level of progesterone;
- blood test for prothrombin (definition of clotting);
- a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the Rh factor (with a positive Rh factor in the child's father);
- blood test for RPR (syphilis), HIV, HbsAg (hepatitis B), anti-HCV (hepatitis C);
- blood test for antibodies to rubella;
- a blood test for herpes (anti-HSV IgG and anti-HSV IgM);
- general urine analysis and urine analysis for protein;
- stool analysis;
- general smear on the microflora.
Normal hCG at 8 weeks of pregnancy, more precisely, from 7 to 10 weeks, is 21000-291000 mU / ml. This wide interval of this indicator is explained by the fact that from the moment of fixation of the fetal egg in the uterus up to 10 gestational weeks for every 48 hours, the content of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood of the pregnant woman practically doubles. Therefore, the deviation from normal hCG in the direction of depression is regarded by doctors as a dangerous symptom, which can be associated with the threat of spontaneous abortion, ectopic (ectopic) or frozen (undeveloped) pregnancy. Naturally, twins of 8 weeks gestation will show a twice higher level of hCG.
Progesterone at week 8 of pregnancy is normal for rates that range from 9-468 nmol / l (in other units, 30-39 ng / ml or 4.7-34 μg / l).
Prenatal diagnosis at week 8 of pregnancy
A physician can recommend various tests for passing during pregnancy: from genetic screening to diagnostic tests. Some of these are simple blood tests, while others consist of more invasive procedures. Before you agree to the analysis, ask the doctor to explain to you the need, potential risk and possible outcomes. Many prenatal tests are designed for screening, not diagnosis. Samples for detecting the latent form of diseases also make sense under certain conditions. But only a diagnostic test can tell for sure if the child has health problems.
During the first trimester, the following can be appointed:
- Combined screening test: This relatively new test to identify the latent form of the disease consists of viewing the collar zone and analyzing the blood to determine the level of proteins. The analysis is performed between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy. A combined screening test will provide information on the likelihood of having Down syndrome, as well as other disorders and problems.
- A sample of villous chorion: one of the main methods of prenatal cytogenetic and molecular genetic diagnosis involves taking a small piece (biopsy) of chorion tissue with a transvaginal plastic catheter. A sample of the villous chorion will help to identify chromosomal disorders and other genetic disorders. This analysis is carried out in the first trimester of pregnancy, usually between 11 and 12 weeks.
Abortion at week 8 of pregnancy
Abortion at the 8th week of pregnancy - the artificial termination of pregnancy - can be performed in a medical institution if the woman does not want to give birth. The deadline for such a "solution of the problem" is no more than 12 weeks. Since 2004, in Ukraine, the possible term of abortion has been reduced to 22 weeks, but in the period of 12 to 22 weeks of gestation, abortion is considered a medical abortion. Its conduct, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (No. 144 of February 15, 2006), must have certain medical prerequisites.
The list of such indications includes: tuberculosis (all forms), syphilis, severe forms of viral hepatitis, rubella (including contact with it), HIV (AIDS), cytomegalovirus infection, leprosy (leprosy), oncological diseases, severe heart failure, aneurysm aorta, acute and chronic renal failure, rheumatoid arthritis, hemolytic and aplastic anemia, purpura, psychosis, epilepsy, chronic alcoholism, substance abuse, etc.
It should be borne in mind that the artificial termination of pregnancy at week 8 can not be carried out by vacuum aspiration, since it is carried out only at a period of not more than 5 weeks. Therefore, abortion at the 8th week of pregnancy can be carried out either with the use of medications (the allowed period is not more than 8 weeks), or in the usual surgical way.
She is 8 weeks pregnant: cold, thrush, herpes
Unfortunately, not always well-being at the 8th week of pregnancy pleases future mothers. The hormones mentioned above, among other things, perform an immunosuppressive function, inhibiting the body's ability to resist infections. And this is necessary - to prevent rejection of the embryo.
So the complaint, they say, fell ill at the 8th week of pregnancy, sounds from the lips of many women: in the cold season, ARVI or cold at 8 weeks of pregnancy is more than half of pregnant women.
Obstetricians assure that the temperature of 37 at the 8th week of pregnancy is not a cause for concern, since such an indicator on the thermometer gives all the same progesterone. But low-grade (37.5-38 ° C) and high fever at 8 weeks of gestation (more than 38 ° C) require special attention and obligatory treatment to the doctor. During this period, the high body temperature of a pregnant woman threatens the normal development of the unborn child due to hypoxia. A subfebrile can be not only for colds, but also for lesions with cytomegalovirus, urogenital infections, thyroid disorders.
Although the cold at 8 weeks of pregnancy is not so harmless: according to the results of constant obstetric monitoring, on average 15% of pregnancies at terms of up to 12 weeks end in miscarriage due to a cold or flu.
And here there is a problem: almost no drugs in the first trimester pregnant women can not be accepted. Therefore, when fever should be done wiping with cool water or a mixture of water with table vinegar (in proportion 2: 1). Despite the content of salicylic acid in raspberries during a cold, pregnant women can drink tea with raspberry jam - without abusing, two teaspoons of jam a day at a temperature quite enough. A runny nose on the 8th week of pregnancy is recommended to be treated with the nasal passages with a solution of table salt (a dessert spoonful for 200 ml of boiled water) or sea salt (which is sold in all pharmacies). With a strong runny nose and stuffy nose, you can smell a cut onion or grease "Zvezdochka" balm under your nose.
When the throat hurts on the 8th week of pregnancy, a warm water-alcohol (3: 1) compress on the neck, gargling with warm saline solution, calendula decoction (tablespoon of flowers per glass of water), furatsilina solution (1 cup per cup of water). Relieves pain and inflammation in the throat by rinsing with warm boiled water, in which it is necessary to place a tea boat of natural honey and 50 ml of apple cider vinegar (which can be replaced with fresh lemon juice).
Remember that the use of troches and lozenges from the throat and cough, sprays and drops from the common cold in the first three months of pregnancy is contraindicated. This applies even to such cough medicine as Pertussin: because of the licorice root in it. By the way, such popular medicinal plants as mint, chamomile, sage, oregano, elecampane, yarrow, St. John's wort, thyme and even aloe during pregnancy are prohibited.
Thrush 8 weeks pregnant
Thrush at week 8 of pregnancy (vaginal candidiasis or candidal vulvaginitis) is a fungal disease that manifests itself in the form of vaginal discharge resembling cottage cheese crumbs with a characteristic sour smell, itching and redness of the skin and mucous genitalia.
Obstetricians warn that thrush at week 8 of pregnancy, like other infections of the vulva and genital tract of pregnant women, are dangerous because they can lead to:
- Infection of the amnion (internal aquatic amniotic membrane), which is accompanied by the formation of adhesions that impede the normal development of the fetus;
- infection of the chorion (villous amniotic membrane) and inflammation of its walls;
- reduce the body weight of the child;
- spontaneous abortion;
- infection of the birth canal during childbirth.
The drug prescribed by most doctors for the treatment of thrush during pregnancy is Pimafucin in the form of vaginal suppositories. According to the instructions, it is necessary to inject one suppository once a day (lying down, before going to bed) into the vagina. The standard course of antifungal therapy is from 3 to 6 days; it is recommended to use Pimafucin within three days after cessation of discharge and itching.
We want to remind you that during pregnancy any health problems can not be solved independently.
Herpes at the 8th week of pregnancy
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) virus is not at all simple, since, existing only in the human body, a suitable moment awaits when its host or mistress is weakened by immunity. That's why herpes at the 8th week of pregnancy, as, indeed, and throughout gestation - occurs quite often, against the background. But in the first trimester, he is especially dangerous.
Her lips show HSV-1 herpes, the sexual organs "chose" HSV-2 herpes. Of course, genital herpes is more dangerous, but in any case, herpes at the 8th week of pregnancy can cause a medical recommendation to terminate pregnancy. The defeat of the future mother with this virus in the early stages can cause: fetal death and miscarriage, fetal infection (neonatal herpes) and neurological pathologies, congenital malformations, the birth of a premature baby.
Wherever there is herpes - itchy "vavkoy" on the lip or causing severe burning sensation of painful blisters in intimate places - immediately to the doctor!
Herpes HSV-1 is treated with ointment Acyclovir (Gerpevir, Zovirax, etc.), which is considered safe for pregnant women. In the treatment of urogenital herpes in pregnant women up to 12 weeks, the following algorithm can be used: Acyclovir (intravenous drip infusion), human immunoglobulin (three intravenous injections every other day); brilliant green (externally).
Some doctors prescribe to pregnant patients a drug Viferon (based on interferon-α2), released in the form of ointment, gel and vaginal suppositories.
Eating at week 8 of pregnancy
How to eat properly and what to eat on the 8th week of pregnancy - topical issues for many expectant mothers who are afraid to gain extra pounds.
Recall that within 20 weeks from the beginning of pregnancy, women add 30% of the total weight, and a weekly increase of 300 on average. The diets on which you "sat" before pregnancy are excluded!
Eating at week 8 of pregnancy should provide the body with everything you need: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins. The energy value of the diet at this time should not be less than 2000 kcal per day.
If you now start listing all the products that are useful for pregnant women, then you just do not have the strength to read this list ... So we will be short: you need to consume meat, fish and seafood, cereals (cereals and cereal bread), dairy products (not very fatty) , vegetable oil (raw pressed) and, of course, vegetables, fruits and berries - in any form. As they say, nothing new. And you will notice, no nutritionist will recommend in the course of pregnancy cakes, sweets, frozen cakes or hot dogs. Yes, still - sweet fizzy drinks!
In general, what to eat at 8 weeks of pregnancy, you now know about. And we will briefly dwell on what nutrition can help in solving such problems of pregnant women, as constipation and flatulence (bloating).
In the first case (with constipation): fiber in the form of whole grains (buckwheat, oatmeal, well-boiled pearl barley), bread with bran, legumes (peas, beans, etc.), fresh kefir (a glass every day) , cabbage (any) and all our usual seasonal vegetable set, starting with beets. Do not forget to eat apples, pears, plums (prunes) and citrus fruits, as well as nuts and seeds (quite a bit).
And now, what not to eat, so that the abdominal distention is not abated at the 8th week of pregnancy: animal fat; rye and freshly baked white bread; millet and oatmeal; beans, peas and other legumes (including peanuts); cabbage (any); milk (fresh and dry) and ice cream; potatoes (especially roast); radish and spinach. And also grapes, even in the form of raisins.
Now - by comparison - you can easily compile your own list, depending on the presence or absence of constipation and flatulence. But what you need absolutely everything, so it's vitamins at 8 weeks of pregnancy.
Vitamins at week 8 of pregnancy
There are not many vitamins in pregnancy. So, the use of products containing them, as well as the intake of vitamin preparations prescribed by a doctor, should be enough to cover the needs of both mother and child growing up in her womb.
At any time of the year, vitamin C is needed, which promotes resistance to any microbes and virus, actively regulates lipid metabolism (reducing blood cholesterol), positively influences hematopoiesis (the process of blood cell formation) and hemostasis system (ensuring normal blood clotting).
The most necessary for pregnant women are vitamins of group B: folic acid (vitamin B9), pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (B12).
Thanks to vitamin B9, the probability of not informing the child of the nature time is reduced, With his participation, the process of neuron formation in a future child is normal, and, hence, the risk of congenital anomalies in the neural tube of the fetus (neural tube) and the newborn central nervous system decreases. Folic acid is especially effective in pregnancy in combination with vitamins B6 and B12.
In addition, vitamin B6 improves well-being at week 8 of pregnancy, reducing the intensity of nausea and vomiting. And vitamin B12 protects the liver from all kinds of negative influences, which it often undergoes during the carrying of the child.
To help vitamin B12 - that is, for the benefit of your liver - you can draw inositol (vitamin B8) and choline (vitamin B4). Not only help the liver to stay healthy, but also take care of the skin and hair. The vitamin B8, as well as vitamin B4 (rich in cabbage, leafy greens, rice, oatmeal, egg yolk, dairy products), contained in beans, whole grains, grapefruit, sesame seeds, , the normal operation of the heart muscle, the elasticity of the vessels, and certainly activate the motility of the intestine.
In conclusion, it remains to answer two frequently asked questions: is it possible to have sex at this time of pregnancy and ... Fly by airplane?
As obstetricians-gynecologists assure, sex at the 8th week of pregnancy in "moderate doses" and "without excesses" has no contraindications - in the absence of complications (bloody discharge, hypertension of the uterus, etc.). It must also be taken into account that intimacy can disrupt the normal process of bearing a child in women who had spontaneous interruptions of previous pregnancies.
The flight at week 8 of pregnancy - with similar nuances of its course - can also lead to undesirable consequences. So it's better ... Walk.
The 8th week of pregnancy is a difficult period, try not to complicate it, because ahead of you there are as many as 32 (± 2) weeks. Take care of yourself!