Exercises for children with cerebral palsy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Cerebral Palsy is a serious pathology that is associated with impaired brain functions responsible for movements. Such violations are not aggravated with the growth and development of the child: they arise at birth and do not disappear with age. Exercises for children with cerebral palsy are an important time to help a sick kid, because motor function disorders are often expressed in the weakness of some muscle groups.
Classes can allow the child to coordinate more of his movements, if possible, straighten the gait, improve the corners of the cervical department.
Exercise exercise therapy is best alternated with massage sessions, as well as with other procedures that improve microcirculation in the tissues.
Physiotherapy exercises with cerebral palsy
The use of exercises in therapeutic gymnastics in cerebral palsy is included in the mandatory scheme of children's medical recovery, as an active component of complex treatment, a means of maintaining the child's organism in an active state of movement, a stimulant for internal reserves and protective forces.
What does the complex of physiotherapy exercises consist of?
- Exercise, alone or with the help of adults.
- Massage procedures.
- Hardening and strengthening the body, active way of life.
- Reflexotherapy, acupuncture.
- Attraction of the child to easy labor activity.
All these methods in the complex are able to cure pathological disorders and restore the damaged functions of the patient. In addition, the general condition of the body improves, immunity strengthens, the psychological state of the child stabilizes.
Success in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy directly depends on a strict observance of the schedule of training, avoidance of skipping classes, maintaining the regime of the day. However, it is necessary to realize that the process of recovery will be lengthy and rather complicated.
The main directions and objectives of the classes:
- bringing the muscular system into a normal tone, strengthening the undeveloped and weakened musculature;
- improvement of movements in the joints;
- development of coordination functions, ability to maintain balance;
- development of skills of independent change of body positions (standing, sitting, movements);
- activation of motor functions (mobile games, reaction development);
- development of independence, the instilling of domestic and labor skills.
Any set of exercises should begin with the upper part of the trunk, and end with lower limbs. Sometimes it is easier for a child to perform exercises in front of a mirror: having the ability to follow his movements, the baby is easier to coordinate them.
Complex of exercises for children with cerebral palsy
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a number of the most effective exercises that are recommended for children with cerebral palsy.
Classes that develop the skills of the movement:
- the child is squatting, the adult becomes in front of him the same way, puts the child's hand on his shoulders and, holding him at the waist, tries to put the baby on his knees;
- the child is on his knees, the adult supports his armpits and tilts him in different directions. This technique allows the child to learn how to distribute the load on the right or the left leg;
- an adult stands behind a standing child, holding his armpits, and gently pushes his knees with the poplar hollows of the child, forcing him to sit down;
- the child sits on a chair, an adult stands opposite him, fixing his legs, pressing his feet to the floor. The adult takes the child's hands and pulls them up and up, which causes the baby to get up;
- holding the child, ask him to stand alternately on each leg, trying to keep his balance;
- securing the child by the hand, producing shocks and pulling movements in different directions, forcing the child to make a step.
Classes for the normalization of articular functions:
- the child lies on his back, one leg is extended, and the other should be gradually brought up by the knee to the abdomen, then return to the original position;
- the child lies on his side, with the help of an adult, slowly withdrawing the hip in one direction or another. The knee is bent;
- the child lies on his back, alternately raises and lowers the legs, bending them in the knee;
- the child lies on his stomach, a pillow under his chest. The adult lifts the child by the upper limbs, bending the upper part of the trunk.
Abdominal Musculature:
- the child is sitting on a chair, the adult helps the child to lean forward. Return to the starting position of the baby should be done on his own, or with a little help from an adult;
- the child lies on his back, handles along the body. It is necessary to stimulate the baby's attempt to roll over on his stomach and back on his own without using the handles;
- To teach the child to strain the muscles of the tummy, the exercise can be combined with deep breaths and exhalations;
- the child is sitting on the floor, legs are stretched out. Help the kid reach out with his fingers to the toes, without bending the knees in his lap;
- the child lies on his back, the adult helps the child to raise the straight legs and bring them to touch the floor with his fingers over his head.
Classes for the elimination of hypertension of the muscles of the hands:
- conduct active movements of the child's brush in different directions, occasionally shaking his hand and relaxing his muscles;
- firmly hold the hand or forearm of the child until the hypertension is removed, then shake or shake the limb for relaxation.
Training for leg muscles:
- the child lies on his back, handles along the body, the legs lead to the stomach. The adult holds the tibiae and alternately withdraws the legs in the hip joint, combining the leads with the circular rotation of the leg;
- the adult spends the child flexion and extensor movements of the hip joint, after that the child tries to hold the foot itself.
Classes for maintaining the musculature and muscular corset of the trunk:
- the child lies on his back, and the adult, lifting the trunk under the armpits, shakes him from side to side, turns to the right and left, not allowing the child to resist. Similarly, shake and head, holding it on the weight;
- the child lies on his side, and the adult tries to knock him over on his stomach, or on his back. At the same time, the kid should try not to give in to the push, giving resistance;
- the child is sitting on a chair, hands and head are relaxed. The adult turns his head in different directions, tilts back and forth, and the child tries to relax the muscles of the neck as much as possible.
Classes for stabilization of breathing:
- ask the child to simulate deep breathing, blow out a burning candle, blow off a feather from his palm. It is useful together with the baby to inflate balloons or play, blowing soap bubbles;
- a great effect can be expected if you teach the child to sing. A similar action is observed when playing on a harmonica, a pipe, for the beginning you can use an ordinary whistle;
- teach the child to let bubbles through a straw into a glass of water.
Development of facial expressions in children with cerebral palsy
Often a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy is not always able to determine his emotional state, react correctly to positive and negative emotions, to demonstrate exactly the facial expression that would correspond to the necessary feeling experienced by the baby. How to teach a child to recognize emotional diversity and correctly interpret it? How to achieve imitation of the child of those or other emotions in order to be understood in the future in society and understand others? For this, there are special psycho-gymnastic exercises:
- an adult should show the baby how the puppy sniffs, the bird listens as a cat hunts a mouse. Then, ask the child to repeat what they saw;
- show surprised eyes, ask to repeat;
- describe the moment of happiness and pleasure, show how the kitten rejoices in affection, and the puppy - with delicious food;
- describe the sensation of pain, demonstrate pain in the abdomen, crying, a feeling of cold;
- show the moment of disgust: let the kid imagine that he drinks a bitter medicine or eats a lemon;
- explain what anger is, showing an angry person;
- demonstrate a sense of fear, loss of a home or family;
- develop a sense of shame and guilt for their actions, teach you to ask for forgiveness.
Exercises in the pool with cerebral palsy
Water procedures are successfully used in the physical recovery of children affected by cerebral palsy. It's not a secret that water perfectly relaxes muscles, stabilizes muscle tone, gives energy. Classes in the water weaken stress and cure depressive conditions. A special effect can be expected from combining exercise therapy with staying in water. This method of treatment is called hydrokinetic therapy. It can include the holding of certain exercises or games in the water, as well as the use of underwater massage. An inexpressible effect is observed when the child is swimming in the dolphinarium: communication with dolphins is considered truly curative. Understand the mechanism of this treatment is difficult, but the positive results of such therapy are undeniable.
Actually, it should be understood that treatment and care for the baby with cerebral palsy is a long process, which needs to be devoted to a maximum of time and effort, and only then the measures taken will be rewarded with long-awaited positive results. Only constant care and unlimited attention of relatives will help achieve the desired shifts in the child's physical development. Exercises for children with cerebral palsy should be carried out constantly and persistently, throughout the period of pathology.