Exercises for losing weight in the pool
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To effectively lose weight, the most appropriate now are exercises for weight loss in the pool.
Swimming, unlike aerobics, unloads the spine, moreover, such physical activity passes with minimal strain on the joints. Fitness or aerobics, have a tremendous strain on the spine, and the more excess weight, the stronger the load. Therefore, swimming will help not only to lose excess kilos, but also to strengthen health.
For maximum efficiency, it is good to be involved in a personalized plan by an experienced instructor. With the right selection of exercises you can get a visible effect from the exercises, as well as make the figure more attractive, strengthen health, improve efficiency.
Regular visits to the pool will help to get rid of nervous and physical overstrain, improve blood circulation. Just a month of training (2-3 times a week) will significantly improve the figure, muscles will become more flexible and tightened. During the swimming, water massage is performed, which is as gentle and effective as possible.
Half an hour swimming in the pool will burn about 500 calories. Training should last at least half an hour, after 2 weeks of such a load, the duration of classes can be increased for another 30 minutes.
In the pool, you should start with a small five-minute warm-up (arbitrary movement in the water), then with the help of inflatable circles or the ball should be repeated different styles of swimming. After five-minute classes, you need to make a two-minute break. Time swim, as well as distance, you need to gradually increase. At the end of the training, you need to gradually lower the load, ending with walking in the water.
Classes in the pool show good results, so this type of exercise for weight loss is becoming increasingly popular. When using different styles of swimming, almost all muscles are involved - the style of the crochet helps to strengthen the buttocks and biceps, the breaststroke - helps to effectively get rid of cellulite, strengthening the inner and outer sides of the thigh.
Now some fitness centers offer training in the pool with an experienced coach. However, for various reasons, not everyone can attend individual classes. But self-study can also show a good result, the main thing is to observe the basic principles of training.
To train your hands, you need a small ball. You need to enter the water on the collarbone, holding the ball in front of you to describe the figure eight, during the exercise, the main thing is not to raise your hands above your chest, watch your breathing. This exercise should be done 10-15 times in two approaches.
To strengthen the muscles of the feet under the water are made large cross-steps. The back should be straight, you need to move your arms energetically, legs to pull. In the water it will not be possible to make movements quickly, and the load on the muscles will be distributed evenly. Exercise should be done until the muscles appear tension.
Jumping in the water. A little squatting, you need to push hard, hands should be lowered along the body. You need to jump as high as possible, trying to maximize your legs apart. Repeat the exercise 10 times in three approaches.
Exercises for stretching should be done standing sideways near the rim, with one hand leaning on it, legs together. Do inclines toward the side, throwing your arm over your head. Exercise is done 10 times for each hand.
It is important to remember that any training should be combined with a certain dietary diet.
Complex exercises for weight loss in the pool
The performance of any set of exercises should begin with a warm-up.
Before you start slimming exercises in the pool, you need to get used to the water, then do a few warm-up exercises, then you can move on to the lesson.
The complex of exercises can include additional materials: balls, dumbbells, etc.
For classes there are special aggravating sets - bracelets for hands or feet, in which metal plates, gloves, etc. Are fixed. You can also use special fins for the feet or hands, although these devices are not suitable for beginners. All additional devices are usually included in the complex of exercises when it is required to complicate the occupation, increase the load.
At the initial stage, the exercises can consist of training the shoulder girdle (help to make the chest, neck, hands tightened and beautiful), leg muscles, buttocks (help reduce the appearance of cellulite). Such exercises will help improve the general tone of the body, strengthen the immune forces. Especially useful are water exercises for women's health - exercises in the pool, affecting the organs in the pelvis and the body as a whole, can reduce the likelihood of many female diseases, in particular, the violation of the function of the ovaries, disease of the appendages, and to ease the course of premenstrual syndrome.
Usually, the instructors make up the initial sets of exercises according to the following plan:
- breathing exercises;
- warm-up;
- basic exercises (up to 10 minutes);
- technique of swimming.
For intensive training exercises are performed approximately in the following order:
- warm-up;
- basic exercises (up to 30 minutes);
- exercises with additional loads (up to 15 minutes);
- weight training, scuba diving;
- the final set of exercises.
Exercises for the abdomen in the pool
There are quite a few exercises in the pool that will help strengthen the abdominal muscles. Such exercises are suitable for people with weak muscles of the press, with impaired blood circulation, women in the postpartum period, or those who have some problems with the spine. The abdominal muscles are one of the most important muscle groups, as they protect the internal organs from damage. The abdominal muscles are less pliable, therefore it is recommended to perform the exercise at least twice a week:
- at the depth (where the legs do not touch the bottom), being in a vertical position to push with their legs and turn over on their backs, then once again push back and lie down in the water on their stomachs. When doing the slimming exercise in the pool it is important to make sure that the feet rise above the surface of the water. You need to repeat it ten times without interruption.
- at a depth where the legs do not touch the bottom, you need to raise your legs at an angle of 900 torso (exercise "corner"), then return to the starting position.
- at the depth, from the position of "corner" to perform horizontal (cross legs) and vertical (alternate strokes with feet on the water) "scissors".
- at the depth of lean hands on the edge and lie on your stomach, straight legs lowered to the bottom, then return to the starting position.
- also lying on the abdomen at the side, as in the previous exercise, alternately pull up the knees bent at the knees to the chest, then return to the starting point.
Exercises for the press in the pool
A smart press is the dream of any woman. Exercises for weight loss in the pool will help make the tummy more flat:
- water level to the chest, make a jump with a simultaneous turn of the body (about three minutes). Performing the exercise, you must try to make a jump higher, a turn is stronger, so that the oblique muscles of the abdomen work, and the waist becomes thinner.
- hands to pull forward, quickly pull to the chest knees and then slowly lower. Exercise takes about three minutes.
- at a shallow depth to rest your hands on the bottom, squeeze the ball between your elbows and lower it under the water (about two to three minutes).
- to sit on the bottom in shallow depths. Raise straight legs up, hands touch to the toes and slowly lower.
- hands to the sides (depth to the shoulders), raise the leg and perform circular movements on the side, front and back (keep the foot at maximum height). Perform the exercise at a moderate pace to feel the resistance of the water (about three minutes for each leg).
Exercises in the pool for the buttocks
For the classes you need a support, the form of which you can use the edge of the pool:
- One hand must be held by the side, the foot near the pool wall needs to perform ten swings forward and back, then change the position and repeat the movements with the other leg.
- adhering to the support with both hands (facing her), simultaneously, two legs are brought back, trying to raise to the maximum height - repeat 10 times.
- turn your back to the support, adhering to both hands, alternately move your legs to raise the spray.
- holding one hand for the support (sideways), walking, while trying to raise his knees high, also quite well pulls the buttocks running in the water with the knees as high as possible.
Exercises for weight loss in the pool will lead to toning all the muscles of the body, you can do, even without the ability to swim. Water exercises lead to tonus all the muscles, help to cope with the fear of water and normalize the work of the body as a whole.
Exercises for swimming in the pool
Swimming is considered a great way to lose weight. During swimming, the load on the joints decreases almost threefold, simultaneously, due to the resistance of the water, the musculature is strengthened. Especially useful is swimming for the back, as it improves posture and reduces stretching. Exercises for weight loss in the pool should not be reduced to sluggish splashing in the water. In order for fat to start leaving you need not just to swim, but to alternate styles and intensities that will support muscles in tone and start the process of fat burning in the body.
The most intense, and at the same time complex and heavy, swimming style is a butterfly. If you have appropriate physical training, you should swim this style for about 6 minutes, then you can switch to a different style. Krol style is the best in terms of energy consumption and movement technique. Swim with the rabbit need 20 to 30 minutes daily. With severe fatigue, you can alternate styles (crawl, breaststroke, back and again crochet). Style breasts requires full return and considerable effort, but during training this style should pay attention to the correct work of the hands and feet. This style is quite complicated technically and it often requires the help of an instructor in mastering this technique of navigation.
Exercises for aqua aerobics in the pool
Aqua aerobics is a special set of exercises in the water. There are several programs: from the initial ones, based on simple movements in the water, to advanced ones, with complex gymnastic elements. Usually exercises for losing weight in the pool go to music.
Typically, the exercises are performed at a shallow depth (to the waist or chest), but there are a number of exercises that need to be done at great depths. For the convenience of using different devices (boards, aqua disks, noodles, etc.), which help to keep on the water.
Water resistance during exercise effectively develops muscles. The complex of exercises is built in such a way that all muscles are involved. When doing aqua aerobics, the main load falls on the lower part of the body.
In the classroom are widely distributed such types of exercises:
- ski step - do alternately without long pauses wide steps, at the same time you need to do a small swing with the opposite hand (right hand, left foot and vice versa).
- lunge - push out a leg in front of him and reach for the toe with the opposite hand, without a pause to return to the starting point, then repeat the exercise with the other leg.
- float - pull your knees to your chest, not pushing with your legs, but with your hands (palms down) push hard down. During the exercise, you should keep your shoulders above the water level, and the body in an upright position.
At the first lessons on aqua-aerobics, first of all attention is paid to the correct position of the body in water, breathing techniques, and certain movements. As skills are acquired, the load increases
Exercises in the foot pool
Like most other aqua aerobics exercises, leg exercises are performed in the water at shoulder level:
- cross step (left leg - right arm). Exercise should be done as energetically as possible.
- jumps - knees are half bent, hands are lowered, it is necessary to push as hard as possible, with hands stretching upwards.
- stretching - the exercise is carried out at the side, holding it with one hand. Do the slopes in the opposite direction from the side, a free hand tipping over the head.
Exercises for weight loss in the pool should be performed vigorously, trying to overcome the resistance of water.
Exercises on the water in the pool
Exercises for weight loss in the pool are more practical and effective, in comparison with other physical loads. Exercises in the water can reduce several times the load on the joints and spine. By the way, during aqua aerobics classes, the possibility of injury is practically excluded.
Exercises on the water are great for those who are not allowed to exercise (for example, with varicose veins). When performing exercises, the resistance of water contributes to the good work of the muscles, which in turn leads to the destruction of subcutaneous fat.
The most effective exercises in the water are jogging, jumping with turns, exercises for the press, twists and turns with feet (hands).
Exercises with dumbbells in the pool
Dumbbells in a set of exercises aqua aerobics began to be used not so long ago. Now you can find dumbbells for aqua aerobics of very different shapes and sizes. Most dumbbells are made from light natural materials that are easily retained by floating, for example from cork. Also very popular are dumbbells from polystyrene foam, which several times increases the resistance of water. Some manufacturers make dumbbells with removable disks, which allows, if necessary, to increase or decrease the force of resistance.
Exercises for weight loss in the pool can be performed almost the same as in an ordinary gym. For example, you can do swinging hands to the sides at the depths to the level of the shoulders or raise dumbbells, trying to touch the shoulder, bending the arm in the elbow joint
Work with dumbbells in the pool to quickly, so that the load was optimal. Exercises with dumbbells in the water are more effective than in the gym, in addition, such loads such kinds of loads are as safe as possible.
To get the maximum effect from training, it is necessary to alternate exercises with dumbbells with classical exercises of aqua aerobics.
Exercises with noodles in the pool
Nudles are special sticks for gymnastics. They are made of special lightweight materials, which when submerged under water can increase the resistance of water. With the help of noodles, an adult can safely stay on the water, so exercises for losing weight in the pool include a lesson in aqua aerobics:
- ladder - for this exercise, in addition to noodle, you will need an ordinary ladder, which is practically in all the pools. Lying in the water on your stomach, hold your foot or legs behind one of the lower steps of the stairs. Hands with noodle pull out in front of him, then forcefully lower him under the water and stay in this position for 20-30 seconds and return to the original position. During the exercise, you should control breathing.
- anchor - lie face to the water, noodle placed under the belly, hands adhere to the side or staircase (the body is fully straightened), then lower the legs perpendicular to the body and return to its original position.
- diver - during the exercise you will need to hold your breath for a while under water. Perform an exercise at a depth to the level of the chin, nudle pick up in such a way that between the brushes was about 50cm.
Lean forward, forcefully plunging the noodle under the water, while simultaneously pull one leg back (it should turn out like a swallow - back and leg on one line), then return to the original position and repeat the exercise with the other leg (10 times for each legs).
- turns with squat - the exercise is performed standing in the water on the chest. The legs should be placed slightly wider than the shoulders, the noodle should be held at a distance of 50 cm between the brushes. Knees bend (keep the head above the water), press on the noodle and pull it to the knees, then on returning to the original position, make a turn (when the noodle comes out, the body should rotate with the hands and then return to the starting point), then repeat the exercise with turn in the other direction - repeat 10 turns in each direction.
- attacks - the exercise is performed at the water level along the chest. Put your hands on the ends of the noodle, which you need to bend a little so that it looks like the letter "U", and hold it at the chest level. Immerse the noodle in the water, then lunge forward with one foot and hold it over the formed arch, the other leg remains straight, then return to its original position and repeat the exercise with the other leg (repeat 15 times for each leg).
Exercises from cellulite in the pool
Exercises for weight loss in the pool can also help in solving the problem of cellulite. Classes in the water not only help to reduce the appearance of cellulite, but also to improve the entire body. Swimming helps to normalize the metabolism, which helps in eliminating the "orange peel":
- Running in water - the water level to the chest or waist. In the beginning, about 3 minutes you need to do warm-up running, then the intensity of training can be increased. For maximum effect, it is recommended to run in water for at least 15-20 minutes.
- turns - standing at the support and adhering to her hands to perform the twisting of the lower half of the trunks (it is important to ensure that the shoulders do not move).
- scissors - to become a back to the support, hands bent at the elbows to hold onto the support and legs to do cross-motions.
- kicks with feet - become a face to support, hold hands for it and lie on the water, parallel to the bottom and energetically move your legs up and down.
In the fight against cellulite, the leading position is taken by swimming. Regular swimming lessons will help not only to pull up and make the problem areas more attractive, but improve the overall health.
Effective exercises on fitbole for weight loss
Fitball is called a special gymnastic ball, which allows you to maintain your muscles in tonus and get rid of extra pounds pretty quickly. Exercise with the ball is quite effective, in addition, such types of physical activity are the most safe, in comparison with others. Fitball is shown even for classes for pregnant women, patients with spinal problems, for the elderly. Also, people with varicose veins may be engaged in fitball, since the load during exercise is minimal. The uniqueness of this ball is that during exercises it is necessary to maintain balance, which strengthens all muscle groups, and also exercises the vestibular apparatus, while even those muscle groups that remain unused during other loads work.
Exercises for weight loss in the pool include lessons not with fitball, but with a conventional ball that has the usual dimensions, fitball is usually used for training in the gym.
Gymnastic ball is different in size (in diameter from 45 to 95 cm). To choose the ideal ball for you to practice, you need to sit on it and see what angle the knees formed - the ideal option is the angle of 900.
Exercises on fitbole help to strengthen all muscle groups, because the ball is not stable, as a result, throughout the entire exercise muscles will be strained. This kind of exercises help to effectively fight the deposits of fat on the abdomen, buttocks and other parts of the body.
Also for exercises on fitbole the special complex of exercises is developed, directed on training of certain group of muscles. Particularly well suited exercises with a fitball for strengthening the hips, the press. In addition, classes on such a ball contribute to good posture and strengthen the muscles of the skeleton. With regular training of the gluteal muscles, through time you can almost completely get rid of cellulite.
Before training, you need to do a little warm-up to warm up the muscles (step in place with the ball in your hand (normal and with a high thigh), 10 to 20 squats with the ball in front of you).
To tighten the muscles of the press and thighs will help the following exercises:
- lying on his back, fix the ball between the feet (legs stretched). Holding the ball, raise and lower your legs;
- lying on the back, fix the ball between the hips and squeeze the ball as much as possible, then relax the muscles;
- standing straight, squeeze the ball between the hips and tightly squeeze the muscles for about a minute, you need to do 2-3 sets, after each exercise, without changing the position, you need to make 25-30 jumps.
- put the left foot on the ball, take a steady pose, hands to pull forward. Keeping the balance you need to do 20 sit-ups, then you need to change your leg. In total, you need to complete 2-3 approaches.
To strengthen the press:
- lie with your back on the ball, put your feet on the floor at an angle of 900, throw your hands behind your head, perform 30 twists in three approaches.
- lie on the floor, put your feet on the fitball, knees bend at an angle of 900. Make 20 twists, trying not to lose the ball (2-3 sets).
To strengthen the buttocks:
- lying on his back, legs bend at the knees and put on the ball, raise the pelvis and at the highest point to maximally compress the buttocks;
- lie belly down on the ball, legs and hands below. Rectified legs slowly lift, then return to the starting position.
The most effective are the exercises with continuous movement, for example, you can perform jumps sitting on the fitball, starting with a small rise above the ball and ending with a full rise. It is good to do this exercise for about two minutes without stopping.
Reviews about exercises on fitbole for weight loss
Reviews on exercises for weight loss on fitbole indicate high efficiency of training. With the help of such unusual exercises, you can not only diversify classes, but also get a huge number of positive emotions.
Currently, there are different types of fitbols - with pimples, with handles for holding, etc. It should be noted that in the presence of cellulite, it is tiresome to give preference to an ordinary gymnastic ball. Classes on balls with a rough surface will make it possible to get the expected effect painlessly and fairly quickly.
For lessons in the pool (for example, when describing the figure-eight), small balls are usually used.
Exercises for weight loss in the pool in conjunction with training on fitbole show an effective and fairly fast result. Water procedures help to relieve tension, tighten muscles, in addition, water makes a soft, but very effective massage and helps to achieve an ideal shape. Exercises on fitbole promote strengthening of all muscles, improve posture, help to remove extra pounds.