Obstetric pregnancy weeks
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Obstetric pregnancy weeks are a term that helps a woman and gynecologists to follow a child's gestation period. Let's take a closer look at the features of each week of obstetric pregnancy.
As soon as a woman learns that she is pregnant, the first thing she begins to do is calculate her pregnancy. There are two definitions of the gestational age, embryonic and obstetric. And this separation of the definition of the term of pregnancy frightens many expectant mothers.
It should be noted right away that all standards, tables and sizes regarding pregnancy are described and calculated for obstetric weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, it is worthwhile to calculate the obstetrical gestation period, since this is exactly the period that your gynecologist will have, and this period is necessary when you register with a women's consultation. Please note that it is necessary to register at the antenatal clinic for up to 12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.
Obstetric weeks of pregnancy are determined on the first day of absence of menstruation after the onset of pregnancy. The embryonic period of pregnancy is the term of conception, as a rule, it lags behind obstetric for 2 weeks. So, for example, the obstetric term is 20 weeks, and the embryonic period is 18 weeks. Helps determine the duration of pregnancy and ultrasound based on the size of the fetus, as well as the size of the uterus. Sometimes, the analysis for the level of hCG is used to determine the duration of pregnancy, but it should be performed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Let's look at the features of each obstetric pregnancy week, which will help to track the changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman, as well as the development of the baby.
1 midwifery pregnancy week
1 obstetric week of pregnancy indicates that the female body is preparing for fertilization. That is, about 300 thousand eggs are waiting for the sperm. At this time menstruation and restructuring of the whole body begins.
Pregnancy at the first midweek week indicates that the central nervous system is working on the restructuring of the hormonal background. Similar processes occur in the female body every month before fertilization. After fertilization the formation of the future baby begins. And this suggests that the mother's future requires maximum responsibility for her body. 1 Obstetric Week is just the beginning of pregnancy, but this is a very important time, because it is during this period that the body starts to work for two.
2 midwifery pregnancy week
On the 2nd obstetric week of pregnancy, the body is in full swing preparing for fertilization. So, by the end of the second week ovulation begins and it is during this period that the highest probability of successful fertilization. After fertilization has taken place, the woman still does not suspect that she is pregnant.
2 maternity week of pregnancy passes without special symptoms that would indicate pregnancy. The delay in menstruation has not yet come, the hormonal level has not yet departed from the preparation for menstruation, so headache, pain in the lower abdomen and strange eating habits do not cause suspicion of pregnancy.
3 midwifery pregnancy week
3 obstetric pregnancy week as well as the second does not cause a woman's suspicions of pregnancy. Despite the absence of obvious signs, in the body at full speed there are changes. The division of the egg occurs and the immunosuppressive protein begins to be produced. It is this substance that plays a very important role in the third week of pregnancy. If the body did not produce it, then the embryo would be perceived as an alien body, and the immune system tried to destroy it.
3 Obstetric pregnancy week is the period before implantation. In the female uterus, the endometrium grows, while the morula divides and becomes blastic and reliably attached to the walls of the uterus. Please note that this is the most critical period of pregnancy. Since at this point it all depends on how successfully the blastocysts have been implanted into the endometrium. If the blastocyst is not implanted or has not succumbed well to the walls of the uterus, then a woman will miscarry. But the woman will not even suspect that she has a miscarriage, because the body will present it in the form of a slight malfunction of the menstrual cycle. But if the implantation process was successful, then by the end of the 3rd obstetric week of pregnancy, the blastocyst becomes hollow and a small embryo with a tail and a head begins to grow in it.
At the third obstetric week of pregnancy, the future baby weighs about 2 μg, and its height is 0.15 mm. But it is during this period that the kid is laid genes, which are responsible for his weight, height, hair color, eyes, skin and sex. The future mother does not suspect about pregnancy, as external signs are completely absent, the only thing that starts to worry is morning toxemia, which is often taken for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
4 midwifery pregnancy week
4 Obstetric pregnancy week is the second embryonic week. The first four weeks of pregnancy is a waiting period for a woman who wants to become pregnant, because the body does not give out the "interesting" position of the expectant mother. During this period in the female body there are serious hormonal changes that prepare the body to work for two.
It is on the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy that the expectant mother begins to experience the first symptoms of pregnancy. Irritability, sharp mood swings, strange eating habits, swelling of the chest, a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, frequent urge to urinate. But sometimes, similar signs of pregnancy are perceived as premenstrual syndrome.
The future baby for 4 weeks of pregnancy is called an embryo and its size is not more than 1 mm. During this period there is a differentiation of embryonic tissues, active development of the child's membranes, placenta and extra-germline structures. So, by the middle of the week blood circulation between mother and child is adjusted, the embryo is firmly attached to the walls of the uterus. The future baby begins to receive nutrients and oxygen from his mother.
By the end of the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy, the features of the child have already formed, there are rudiments of the intestine, lungs, liver, thyroid and pancreas. And it is at this time that the baby forms a vestibular apparatus. If in this period there is a division of the fetus, then the future mother will have twins or twins, if the separation does not go to the end, then the fused twins will be born.
As in the first three weeks, a woman can not say with certainty that she is pregnant. Tests show a negative result, on uzi only the yellow body of pregnancy is visible, which indicates that the body has undergone ovulation. But worst of all, the fact that a miscarriage or spontaneous termination of pregnancy can occur for 4 weeks and the future mother will not find out about it. All will end with a slight bleeding, which the woman will consider for the unexpectedly begun menstruation. And it is at 4 weeks of pregnancy in the body of the baby can be various pathologies. To prevent this from happening, a woman should take care of herself, lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.
5 midwifery pregnancy week
5 Obstetric pregnancy week is the period when the fetus organism actively develops, the cells divide. At this time, the fetus has already formed a neural tube, which ends in the embryo of the brain. That is, the formation of the nervous system. Also this week the baby has already developed a heart and a system of blood vessels. Just imagine, but the fetus is 2mm in size and the heart is already active.
For a woman, the 5 midwifery pregnancy week is the time in which she learns that she will have a baby. The positive emotions that the expectant mother experiences during this period are very important for the baby, since this kid totally depends on what the mother feels. The hormonal changes in the female body are clearly expressed. The blood contains a high content of progesterone and estrogen, which are responsible for the successful and healthy course of pregnancy and the termination of the ovulation process.
5 Obstetric pregnancy week is the ideal time to learn and make sure that pregnancy develops in the uterus, not in nearby organs. If the pregnancy is normal, then hCG in the blood doubles every day waiting for the baby. During this period, it is very important to maintain a stable emotional state, not to be nervous and avoid stressful situations, since this all affects the hormonal background of the woman, and hence the development of the baby.
6 midwifery pregnancy week
At 6 midwifery pregnancy week, the baby is like a small ear concha and surrounded by amniotic fluid. The baby is actively developing and signs of pregnancy at this time are clearly pronounced.
6 Obstetric pregnancy week for a future mother is a real test. Since during this period a woman can begin to suffer from toxicosis, start to pick up sharply, or on the contrary to lose weight. The chest swells and starts to hurt. And it is on week 6, the gynecologist can confirm the pregnancy with a routine examination, since the uterus is very much enlarged. This fact allows the gynecologist to calculate the gestational age and determine the approximate date of delivery. During this period, with the help of ultrasound, the future parents can see how the heart beats their future baby.
7 midwifery pregnancy week
At 7 midwifery week of pregnancy the fetal egg is firmly attached to the walls of the uterus, the cervix is in a relaxed state. The mucus that the uterus secretes becomes dense and, due to this, a cork is formed that fences and protects the uterus. This cork comes before the very birth and looks like a brownish or spotting.
7 The midwife's pregnancy week is the end of fetal embryonic development and the beginning of the neo-fetal period. It is during this period that the future child ceases to be an embryo and begins to wear the proud title of a person. The kid has formed human features.
During this period, the baby grows in size, as the brain begins to grow, nerve fibers appear, and vision organs develop. The size of the baby is almost 2 cm, there is a cervical bend, the spinal column is formed and grows. Handles and legs acquire a shovel-like shape. The placenta changes its structure, in order to ensure that the baby and mom have an uninterrupted and reliable blood supply.
8 midwifery pregnancy week
8 Obstetric pregnancy week carries a lot of changes in the female body. The uterus grows and resembles an apple in size. At a time when menstruation was due to start, a woman may feel slight contractions. Also, this week is very important development of the placenta, since this is the only link between mother and baby.
In the female body, there is a real hormonal upheaval, because the body starts to work for two. Progesterone, estrogen and prolactin dilate the arteries so that the blood flows faster to the baby. In addition, these hormones are responsible for the production of milk from a woman, allow the stomach to grow thanks to the pelvic ligaments.
During this period, the woman feels constant nausea, stomach problems become aggravated, there is no appetite and salivation increases. That is, there are signs of early toxicosis. On the chest, the halos around the nipple darkened and small nodules appeared on them, that is, enlarged sweat glands. On the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a women's consultation, if this is not done before. The gynecologist will carry out a primary examination, will appoint a complex of tests to confirm the normal course of pregnancy.
As for the baby, this week he has already formed internal organs, but they are in embryo and are not yet in their places. The size of the baby is almost 20 mm, and the weight, about 3 grams.
9 midwifery pregnancy week
At the ninth obstetric pregnancy week, the baby starts to straighten its back, the tail goes, but the head is still big and disproportionate. Already formed eyes, but they are tightened membrane, on uzi you can see formed ears, sponges and wide apart nostrils. Gradually the neck develops, but the chin is still firmly pressed to the chest.
At week 8, the baby actively develops and grows the brain. During this period, the cerebellum is formed, which is responsible for the coordination of movements. The adrenal glands are laid, which are responsible for the development of adrenaline. The lungs form bronchi, which at this stage of development of the baby resemble small tubules. The size of the baby is about 30 mm, and the weight is about 4 grams.
The arms and legs continue to form, but the upper limbs develop faster than the lower limbs. The palms disappear on the palms and fingers begin to form. The baby has a muscular system and he can move. Movement of the baby mom does not feel, but it can be tracked by ultrasound. The placenta passes the baby nutrients and supplies it with oxygen.
10 midwifery pregnancy week
10 Obstetric pregnancy week is the last week of the embryo stage. The baby is already developing all the organs and laid down all the necessary parameters of the body. In the subsequent obstetric weeks of pregnancy, all organs, like the baby, will grow and develop, but their foundation was laid during the first 10 weeks.
At week 10 the baby becomes more and more like a baby, its dimensions reach 40 mm, and weight, about 5 grams. Fingers are already detached, dental rudiments appear, and taste buds on the tongue. The brain is actively developing, the heart is formed. External sexual signs have not yet formed, but if a boy grows in the uterus, the testicles begin to produce testosterone, a male hormone.
The baby is on a fetal developmental period and is practically not threatened with various kinds of anomalies. The baby has fingers, legs and a handle formed, and very soon the baby will start to suck a finger. Also, the baby has formed auricles, upper lip and elbow joints, in addition, the baby involuntarily moves. The baby's skin is still transparent and the vessels are visible beneath it. Gradually, a diaphragm is formed, and dairy teeth develop. At week 10 the baby has his own blood type.
For the future mother, 10 midwifery week of pregnancy is accompanied by increased excitability, sharp mood swings. All this is the result of the action of hormones. There are changes in appearance. The woman begins to recover, the breast is enlarged, the thyroid gland is slightly enlarged, the gums become loose.
11 midwifery pregnancy week
11 obstetric week of pregnancy gives relief to those women who previously suffered from severe toxemia. But this does not apply to everyone, many will continue to suffer from morning sickness and mood swings. At 11 weeks the size of the baby is from 60 to 80 mm, weight - 10-15 grams. The baby grows very quickly and at this time its dimensions resemble the size of a large plum.
On the 11th week the baby starts to lift the head, his neck clearly appeared and the spine straightened. Develop handles and legs, there is a grasping reaction. The baby moves more clearly. If it touches the walls of the uterus, then it repels from it.
11 midwifery pregnancy week gives the baby the opportunity to react independently to stimuli from the outside world. A child can disturb a mother's coughing or shaking in transport. In addition, the baby begins to smell, thanks to the amniotic fluid entering the nasal passages. The kid reacts sharply to the food that his mother uses, so during this period it is worth paying special attention to the diet. During this period, begin to form external sex signs, but to know the sex of the baby on uzi is still not possible. At the 11th week the baby has a rectum, the baby starts to yawn, but the skin is still transparent. The peculiarity of the 11th obstetric pregnancy week is that precisely this period allows to determine the duration of pregnancy with 100% accuracy.
12 midwifery pregnancy week
On the 12th obstetric week of pregnancy the size of the child is from 60 to 90 mm, and the weight is 17 grams. If you compare the weight of the baby in the previous weeks of pregnancy, you can see that the baby is growing dynamically. At week 12, mom can already hear the baby's heartbeat. During this period, using the ultrasound can find out the sex of the child, but there is a possibility of making mistakes. During this period the baby has already formed a digestive system, which actively works. The kid receives glucose from his mother's food.
As for the future mother, at the 12th week the uterus increased greatly and no longer fit inside the hip bones. The uterus can be palpated above the pubis. At this time, symptoms of toxicosis practically disappear, but hormonal restructuring continues. The woman is still accompanied by sharp mood swings, absent-mindedness, weak concentration of attention, resentment and tearfulness. The most important thing for a mother at week 12 is to maintain an optimistic mood, eat healthy food and lead an active lifestyle, but do not burden the body.
13 midwifery pregnancy week
13 Obstetric pregnancy week is the 11th embryonic week of pregnancy, in other words, it is 3 months of pregnancy. The 13th week of pregnancy is the transition between the first and second trimester of pregnancy. This period is the most calm for both mother and baby.
For a baby, the 13th week is very important, since this is the period when the inextricable bond between mother and child is finally formed. The placenta is fully developed, and this is a guarantee of the production of estrogen and progesterone in the required quantities. The thickness of the placenta is about 15 mm, it acts as a barrier to the child from toxic substances that can be in the mother's body and supplies the baby with all the microelements necessary for life and development. It is during this period that a pregnant woman, in case of a disease, can start taking antibiotics and not be afraid that there will be a rhesus-conflict between her and her baby or drugs will negatively affect the development of the baby.
14 midwifery pregnancy week
14 Obstetric pregnancy week - this is the second trimester, which approximates the time of appearance of the baby. During this period, the baby is actively growing, which can be observed in the form of a small tummy in the mother. The baby occupies the entire uterine cavity and rises even higher. The height of the baby reaches 140 mm, and weight - 50 grams.
This week, the baby starts to produce pancreatic and thyroid hormones, and the liver secrete bile. On the fingers begin to form prints and form the rudiments of milk teeth. The little face becomes more rounded, the nose, cheeks and forehead protrude forward. Formed sweat glands and appear small hairs on the head and skin. The skin of the baby is wrinkled, transparent and very tender. Through the skin, you can still see blood vessels, which is why the baby is red.
The baby begins to defecate, as the ureters and kidneys work. Urine goes into amniotic fluid. The baby actively produces blood cells through the bone marrow. The kid can see and hear if the mother listens to loud music or the bright light gets on the belly, then the child starts moving faster. During this period, the ovaries are formed in girls, and in boys the prostate, all this is lowered into the peritoneum, into the hip region. At week 14 the kid begins to grimace, he already knows how to yawn, straighten the neck and suck a finger.
15 midwifery pregnancy week
15 obstetric week of pregnancy gives the future mother many changes in the body. First of all, the weight of a woman increases, on average by 3 kg, signs of toxicosis go away, but still unpleasant and even unexpected symptoms that are caused by the action of high levels of hormones can appear.
At week 15, Mom is beginning to feel how her baby is moving, but you can clearly feel this process from 16 to 22 midwifery weeks. During this period, the baby already "knows" what kind of mood Mom has and understands what is going on around him. The kid can experience emotions and express them with the help of facial expressions and gestures. At this time of pregnancy, all gynecologists recommend future mothers to start talking with the child.
The circulatory system is improved on week 15 and independently feeds all the organs and vessels of the baby. The heart of the child beats more often than in the adult, as every day it passes about 24 liters of blood. His eyelids are still closed, but he already feels the light. The weight of the baby is about 75 grams, and the height is 150-160 mm.
16 midwifery pregnancy week
16 Obstetric pregnancy week is a period of significant changes in the female body. The body changes and stretches, since the baby is already small. During this period, stretch marks can appear on the abdomen, chest, buttocks and hips. There may also be pigment spots, which are called pregnancy masks. On the abdomen, a brown line may appear, it appeared due to the deposition of melanin, but after pregnancy it departs. The tummy grows during this period, and the people around you begin to understand that you are expecting the baby.
At the kid on 16 week the skeleton and muscles actively grows. Gradually, the skin is formed, although it is still translucent and very thin. Because of the missing fat layer, the baby's blood vessels are visible. During this period, the baby's movements are often felt. The height of the baby is about 160 mm, and the weight is 85 grams.
17 obstetric pregnancy week
On the 17th obstetric week of pregnancy, the baby's development slows down. During this period, he has developed already formed organs and is building muscle mass. The baby begins to breathe, thereby training the chest. The head rises and falls, thanks to a stronger muscular system. Milky teeth have already formed, which are immersed deep into the cavity of the gums. On the 17th week the molar teeth of the baby are laid. The weight of the child is about 150 grams, and the height is 170 mm.
17 midwifery pregnancy week is important for a gynecologist, as during this period the doctor determines the condition of the uterus and the baby's heartbeat. A future mother needs to re-do a number of tests and undergo ultrasound. At 17 weeks pregnant should necessarily make a coagulogram. This is a special analysis that will allow you to learn about clotting of blood. The results of this analysis make it clear how the delivery will take place. If a woman has low blood clotting, prophylactic drugs are prescribed to avoid bleeding, this also applies to blood with increased coagulability.
18 midwifery pregnancy week
18 obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by active growth and development of the baby. The skeleton becomes strong, and the early formed fingerprints remain for life. The growth of the baby during this period is from 140 to 180 mm, and the weight is about 200 grams. The future mother constantly feels, as the kid pushes, except for this, the kid already knows how to sleep and swallow. Gradually develops the digestive system, the intestine accumulates the original feces, but the intestine will be emptied only after the birth of the baby.
If the mother is waiting for the boy, then at the 18th week he develops the prostate. The skin of the child in this period is translucent and reddish. The heart works hard, which pumps up to 29 liters of blood per day.
19 midwifery pregnancy week
At 19 midwifery week of pregnancy, the baby significantly increases in size and adds weight. Weight about 250 grams, and height 220mm. Throughout the body of the baby grows a fluff that covers and protects the baby's body until the end of the third trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes, even after the birth of the baby, you can notice a small fluff on the ears and cheeks of the baby.
At week 19 the baby covers with grease. It is the first-born, dairy substance that reliably protects the baby's skin from the aquatic environment. This is very important, since it is hard to imagine what would happen to a baby if his skin was in water for 9 months.
During this period, the placenta is still growing, providing the baby with adequate nutrition. Formed rudiments of molars, so during this period, the mother should eat well, there are more products with calcium. As this affects the health of the baby. Many scientists argue that during this period the baby can see dreams, so future mothers should be happy and calm, so that the baby feels comfortable.
20 midwifery pregnancy week
On the 20th obstetric week of pregnancy or the fifth month, the weight of the baby is about 300 grams, and the height is 220-230 mm. By this time the baby has already formed a skin and a layer of subcutaneous fat. The fat layer gradually increases, providing them with all the organs. During this period, the placenta gradually moves away from the cervix and rises higher. Increased in size, the uterus displaces the internal organs of the future mother. It strongly presses on the bladder and causes stagnation of urine. Therefore, during this period a woman should often visit the toilet, even if she does not feel such desire.
Also, during this period the expectant mother begins to feel the itching of the skin, and sometimes the skin can turn yellow. The reason for this is increased excretion of bile acid. Therefore, at the first signs of pigmentation or itching, the pregnant woman should turn to the gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe tests that need to be handled and stabilizes the liver.
21 midwifery pregnancy week
21 obstetric week of pregnancy is accompanied by weight gain of the future mother, as a rule from the beginning of pregnancy it is +6 kg. Uterus grows in size and changes its shape to egg-like. At 21 weeks the weight of the baby is about 350 grams, and the height is 220-250 mm. The little face of the baby is covered with small wrinkles and wrinkles, but soon they will be smoothed, as the amount of subcutaneous fat increases. The kid constantly pushes, as freely floats inside the uterus. The volume of amniotic fluid in this period is about 500 ml.
At 21 weeks the future mother can feel a constant hunger due to the fact that the child is actively developing. There are strange eating habits. Many pregnant women note that during this period nails and hair are growing strongly. And hair can appear there where they were not there before, but do not worry, as it is caused by hormones and after a birth all will pass. During this period, the mother should monitor the frequency of the child's movements. So, lack of movements, occasional tremors or vice versa active movement of the baby can indicate serious problems. Therefore, you need to immediately consult a doctor to find out if there are any threats to the child.
22 midwifery pregnancy week
22 Obstetric pregnancy week is the time of active growth of the baby. The child has a clear outline of the face, nose, lips, even cilia. The baby's skin is still wrinkled, but the fluff becomes more prominent. Because of the accumulation of adipose tissue, the face is rounded, and the fetus becomes like a newborn baby.
For a future mother, the 22nd week of pregnancy is the time of an active visit to gynecology. Since the baby is already formed, doctors have much prose to reveal pathologies or possible deviations in the functioning of the body or the functioning of individual organs. This week, a woman must make uzi. With the help of ultrasound, a gynecologist can determine the amount of amniotic fluid and their transparency.
Mom and baby grow, the baby grows in size and gaining weight, but Mom also does not lag behind him, as the child needs a place for growth. During this period, it is very important for mother to maintain a proper, healthy diet and exercise special exercises for pregnant women. This will allow you to prepare for childbirth and it is easier to transfer labor activities.
23 midwifery pregnancy week
23 obstetric week of pregnancy or in other words 5.5 months of waiting for the baby. During this period the baby's brain actively develops, from the second month of pregnancy it has grown almost tenfold. During this period, the mother should be more in the open air, so the baby will receive enough oxygen. Avoid stress and stress, as this can cause oxygen starvation in your baby.
The baby has already formed the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract, it all works. Under the skin is still accumulating adipose tissue. Also this week the spleen of the kid starts working, it develops blood cells and controls their quality. Visiting uzi this month allows you to pinpoint the gender of the baby. Since the boy has already formed a scrotum, and the girl has ovaries.
The growth of the baby at the 23 midwifery week of pregnancy is about 290 mm, and the weight is up to 500 grams. During this period the baby sleeps a lot, but wakes up every hour. During this period, the scientists recorded a fast phase of sleep in the baby.
24 midwifery pregnancy week
24 midwifery pregnancy week is the end of the sixth month. This is the most pleasant and quiet period of pregnancy. As dangerous early terms passed, and before the meeting with the baby there is still time.
During this period, the body and the body of the baby are formed, however, the baby is still very thin, since the fat stores only begin to accumulate. The weight of the baby is about 600 grams, and the height is about 300 mm. This week, the baby will begin to actively grow and recover, as his body begins to produce growth hormone. At the 24th week, the baby develops convolutions and grooves in the brain, and also works a system of sweat and sebaceous glands. The baby can hear, reflexes are improved, he can distinguish between the taste of amniotic fluid and understand what mood the mother has.
As the child grows, you can often feel how it moves, reacting to sounds and light. The baby can still turn over, signaling it with jerks in the uterus. Despite this, the future mother feels fine. But during this period, problems with the bladder, bowel movement, as well as headaches, fatigue and swelling in the legs may begin.
25 midwifery pregnancy week
25 Obstetric pregnancy week is the time of active growth of the belly of the future mother. In addition, it is this period that is most favorable in case of premature birth. By the 25th week of pregnancy, the weight of a woman increased by 7-8 kg, and by the end of pregnancy it will increase by 5-6 kg.
During this period the baby actively moves, its weight is 700-800 grams, and the growth is 300-340 mm. If you put your ear on the maternity belly, you can hear the child's heart beating, and with his movements you can see how the heel is sticking out. At 25 weeks, the uterus is increased to the size of a soccer ball and significantly presses on the stomach and diaphragm. It is because of this that a pregnant woman can be worried about heartburn.
But the 25th obstetric pregnancy week is full of serious concerns. At this point, abortion may occur, so every mother should closely monitor the secretions and her sensations. Once a woman has noticed spotting and abdominal pain, you need to seek medical help urgently. By the way, 25th week is the seventh month of pregnancy.
During this period, the skin of the baby gradually spreads, and wrinkles and wrinkles disappear. All due to the fact that gradually accumulating subcutaneous fat begins to actively perform its functions. The skin of the baby is no longer transparent, but has a bright, red color. All due to the fact that the skin is thoroughly impregnated with capillaries and the skin is still thin.
26 midwifery pregnancy week
On the 26th obstetric week of pregnancy the baby is actively developing and gaining strength. Its weight is about 800 grams, and its height is about 350 mm. The Kid has already developed its own mode of wakefulness and sleep. A couple of times a day he rests, and the rest of the time actively pushes and develops.
The baby has already formed all the senses, but the sense of smell will work only after birth, so now it is not yet developed. At this time, the baby begins to open his eyes, knows how to distinguish between darkness and light, reacts to sounds. With sharp or loud sounds, the baby shudders, and after hearing pleasant music begins to move actively.
During this period, it is very important for the expectant mother to eat properly, spend more time in the fresh air, so that the baby breathes oxygen better. And also to exclude all stressful and nervous situations, as the state of health and the state of the mother affects the baby.
27 midwifery pregnancy week
27 midwifery week of pregnancy is the period of development in the baby of the endocrine system, which controls the production of hormones. The child's organism actively produces growth hormone, which allows to regulate the processes of metabolism in cells and stimulate the growth of the whole organism and all organs. Shchitovidka and pancreas begin to actively work, which independently provide the body's needs. The kid well absorbs all the nutrients that get to him through the placenta. Therefore, the future mother should carefully monitor their diet.
At 27 midwifery week of pregnancy, the baby is still actively moving, as there is still enough space in the uterus for making movements. The baby hears, opens and closes his eyes, sleeps and plays, that is, he has a full day, like his mother. The weight of the baby during this period is 900-1000 grams, and the height is 340-360 mm. During this period, the pregnant woman should rest more and do pleasant things, as this all has a favorable effect on the baby, besides, the baby must necessarily talk.
28 midwifery pregnancy week
28 midwifery week of pregnancy is accompanied by active growth and development of the baby. The movements of the child are not so large and intense, as places in the uterus are getting smaller. But the kid can still tumble and change his position. The height of the baby is 380 mm, and the weight is more than 1 kg. At 28 weeks, with the help of ultrasound, you can see how well the baby's hands are formed, the legs are small.
During this period, and this is two months before the birth, the woman may feel a sense of anxiety. As a rule, this is due to the fear of premature birth and childbirth in general. Therefore, the expectant mother begins to closely monitor her condition and control all the symptoms. Many gynecologists recommend at the 28th week of pregnancy to closely monitor the amount of movement of the baby.
At the 7th month of bearing a baby a woman can feel severe pain in the lumbar region and knees. It feels like the pain that occurs with radiculitis. There may also be an infringement of the sciatic nerve, since the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on all organs and systems. This condition delivers to the future mother a lot of inconveniences, so a gynecologist can prescribe a strict bed rest.
29 midwifery pregnancy week
On the 29th obstetric week of pregnancy, the baby is still growing, and her mother begins to experience many discomforts due to frequent urge to go to the toilet. Also, a woman may have stomach problems and constipation.
As for the baby, that is, the growth is almost 400 mm, and the weight is about 1 kg 200 grams. Because of the body fat, the child can regulate and maintain the temperature of his body. The immune system works perfectly, which, thanks to the placenta, protects the baby from external infections and bacteria. The baby has fully formed the milk teeth, but they are all in the gums.
29 midwifery pregnancy week is the eighth penultimate month of pregnancy. A future mother may experience sharp pressure changes, and puffiness may also appear. Puffiness is due to the fact that the kidneys do not have time to remove all the liquid that the mother drinks, so you need to reduce the amount. During this period it is recommended to abandon active sexual life, as this can cause placental abruption and the appearance of bloody discharge and as a result - childbirth.
30 midwifery pregnancy week
30 Obstetric pregnancy week is the time of frequent visits to a woman's consultation. A woman should go to the gynecologist at least once a week. The movements of the pregnant become smooth, as the weight gained on the spine and legs is pressing. It is necessary to closely monitor the posture and gently get up from bed, from the beginning of a coup on your side, and then get up.
The growth of the baby at 30 weeks is 400 mm, and the weight is 1300 grams. The baby has a way of life that can differ from her mother. So, when the mother goes to bed, the baby can actively jostle and move. During this period, the kid requires a lot of attention, it is necessary to talk with him and relax under pleasant music.
On the 30th obstetric week of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel short and not regular contractions. This is caused by a strong stress of the uterus, which is to relax it, you must gently massage your stomach. As for the excretions in this period, they increase in volume. If there are blood in the secretions, then this indicates the detachment of the placenta, so it is urgent to seek medical help.
31 midwifery pregnancy week
31 obstetric week of pregnancy - a period of acute culinary madness. A woman is ready to eat everything at once, and salty and sour and sweet, also, constantly thirsts. But doctors strongly recommend to keep oneself in hand, especially as regards the liquid, since this is the reason for the leakage.
At 31 weeks the weight of the baby is 1500 grams, and the length from the crown to the coccyx is 410-420 mm. During this period, the baby develops a brain very quickly, the baby already distinguishes between voices and sounds. Sight is gradually developing, but much worse than hearing.
During this period the pelvic bones begin to diverge from the woman, this is provided by the body in order to facilitate the process of childbirth. Bones become more elastic due to a special female hormone - relaxin. But this hormone has its drawbacks, because because of divergent bones, the pregnant woman acquires a duck's gait. The condition of the pregnant woman during this period is stable, the woman and her body continue to prepare for a meeting with the baby.
At 31 weeks, a woman may experience lower abdominal pain, back pain and unusual discharge. In the case of such symptoms it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, since there is a very high probability of premature birth. To avoid birth activity, a woman is put on "conservation". Therefore, at week 31, it is necessary to prepare everything that the future mother in the maternity hospital may need.
32 midwifery pregnancy week
32 Obstetric pregnancy week - this is almost the final straight for both mother and child. During this period it is very important to talk with the baby, tell him how you love him and wait, as this information will forever be postponed by the baby. As for the size of the baby, the growth is about 420 mm, and the weight is 1700 grams. Now the work of the female body and the baby is fully synchronized, and working to ensure that the future mother had milk for the baby's feeding. For these purposes, the adrenal glands begin to produce a hormone that stimulates the production of milk.
At the 32nd week, a woman can notice on her body the fleece hair that appeared due to a hormonal splash. At this time and the baby starts to grow hair, but instead of a cannon, real hairs. The future mother is difficult to move, and the movements and strokes of the baby cause discomfort and discomfort. The abdomen grew very much and opened the lower ribs.
Many women during this period begin to complain of pain from constipation and bloating, which literally burst. To stop the pain, you need to exclude from your diet everything that can cause the formation of gases and fermentation. But categorically it is forbidden to use laxatives, since such drugs can provoke premature birth. The woman should rest more and wear a special protective bandage that supports the stomach and relieves the load from the spine.
33 midwifery pregnancy week
33 Obstetric Week - the time when the baby begins to prepare for birth. As a rule, during this period the child descends to the cervix and rests against it. The growth of the baby during this period is 430 mm, and the weight is about 2 kilograms. From this week the kid again makes a jump starts to recover. All this is necessary in order for the baby to gain the necessary weight before delivery.
As for the mother, at 33 weeks the woman feels uncomfortable when she is lying down. And all because of the fact that the stomach presses on the diaphragm and lungs and does not allow one to breathe normally, and also restrains movement. Therefore, it is recommended to rest in a sitting position. Strengthened urge to the toilet, so overnight, my mother can go from 5 to 10 times in the toilet.
This week, women begin to worry about back pain, as the spine is heavily loaded due to extra weight. To facilitate the condition of the future mother, a gynecologist can prescribe medications or preventive gymnastics before going to bed. Even this week the mother and baby have the last before the birth of the uzi.
34 midwifery pregnancy week
At 34 midwifery week of pregnancy, the baby's face became smooth and changed color from red to pink. This all happened because of the increase in subcutaneous fat. From this week until the baby, the baby is limited in movement. The baby has grown so much that it can only move the handles and legs. Active movements of the baby are observed, as a rule, 1-2 within 10 minutes.
The sizes of the kid this week have increased, its weight - 2 kgs 200 grams, in growth of 450-470 mm. The baby continues to strengthen the bones, so the mother should take care that in her diet there are enough foods with a high content of phosphorus and calcium. But it is not recommended to take the drugs with calcium, as this can cause rapid ossification of the baby and cause many problems, both for the mother and the baby.
If at 34 weeks a woman notices in her discharge, which resemble thrush or spotting, then emergency medical care is needed. Since a pregnant woman may have vaginal candidiasis. And discharge with blood is a symptom of a placenta detachment. In normal pregnancy, the excretions in this period should be uniform, not abundant and odorless.
35 midwifery pregnancy week
35 obstetric week of pregnancy is the end of 8 months. A couple of weeks and mom and baby will be able to meet. The size of the baby during this period is 470-490 mm, and the weight is 2.5 kg. The kid looks like a child. Eyes and hair are already color, and under the skin is still formed fat, so that the cheeks and face are rounded.
In the penultimate week of pregnancy, a woman types from 10 to 15 kilograms. All this affects the well-being of the pregnant woman. It's difficult to dress, it's hard to go to bed, it's even painful to breathe. In addition, the back is constantly swollen, and because of the sitting position, blood circulation in the limbs can be impaired. Therefore, every hour you need to move, walk a little and do a circular motion with your pelvis.
Particular attention should be paid to the secretions in this period, since it is prenatal discharge. They should be clean and odorless. If the future mother still continues to have sex, then it's worth stopping. Since sexual relations can cause trauma to the birth canal, vaginal infection, or premature birth.
36 midwifery pregnancy week
At 36 weeks of pregnancy the baby reduces his motor activity. This is due to the fact that the body of the child, as well as the body of the future mother is preparing for the finish jerk. The kid has already taken the position in which he will be born. The weight of the baby during this period is more than 2.5 kg, and the growth is almost 500 mm. Please note that after the 36th obstetric week of pregnancy, the baby is officially considered full-term.
At week 36, the mother can constantly feel light short contractions. But do not scare it as the birthmarks will be long and painful. The abdomen with the baby begins to fall, which increases the already strong pressure on the bladder. Now my mother even more often runs to the toilet, because I want not only "for the little one."
If we talk about secretions in this period, then the mucous plug may exit, which reliably blocked the entrance to the vagina at the beginning of pregnancy. Because of this, the secretions become abundant, they acquire a pinkish mucous color. The cervix becomes softer and opens slightly.
37 midwifery pregnancy week
37 Obstetric pregnancy week is the time when labor can begin at any time. According to statistics, babies are born from 37 to 42 midwifery weeks of pregnancy, and this is considered the norm. So, before 42 weeks girls are born, in later - boys. If you feel regular painful contractions and have already passed amniotic fluid, immediately go to the hospital, since the baby is ready to appear.
The weight of the baby during this period is almost 3 kilograms, and the growth is more than half a meter. The facial features are completely formed, the cheeks are rounded, the ears are formed, the arms and legs are chubby, but the skin is still pink in color. The kid continues to develop, and processes the information received. A dream is divided into a passive and active phase.
As the baby recovered, my mother also gained weight. By the 37th week the weight of the mother had already increased by 15-17 kilograms. Many women may have digestive problems, as well as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. All this suggests that the woman's body is trying to get rid of the slag and is preparing for the upcoming load during childbirth. There may be pain, which is associated with the fact that the baby presses on the crotch. Pain in the back is getting worse. Very carefully it is necessary to observe the secretions, so if they become pink and mucous, the mucous plug is gone, which means that the uterus begins to open. Immediately call an ambulance, because you have started childbirth.
38 midwifery pregnancy week
The future mother is in a waiting state, as the delivery can begin at any time. So, according to statistics, only 10% of women who give birth not for the first time can tolerate the baby. Women who give birth for the first time should distinguish signs of approaching births.
Unlike mother, the kid continues to gain weight and grow. So, the weight of the baby is from 3100 to 3200 grams, and the growth is more than 500 mm. The kid is studying the world in the mother's belly, so you need to talk to him and tell him how much you expect him.
At 38 midwife week, my mother's stomach sank, the load from the diaphragm left, it became easier to breathe. But at the same time, the load on the lower back increases and pains in the perineum constantly arise. If there are painful contractions, then you must immediately go to the hospital. Also this week the number of excretions increases. The reason for this - the exit of the mucous plug, which reliably closed the uterus from the first weeks of pregnancy.
39 obstetric pregnancy week
At 39 midwifery week of pregnancy the baby can be born and it is considered the norm. Pay attention, if the weight of the mother increased by 10-15 kilograms, then the woman has one child, and if it is 20 or more, the mother will have twins or even triplets of babies.
The growth of the baby in this period is about 52 centimeters, in weight 3400 grams. The baby had a beautiful head of hair, and his eyesight was improving. The child can already focus the look and respond to movement. The baby is in a cramped position, since the places in the mother's tummy are very small, so the baby's knees are pressed to the chin (this position is called the position of the embryo). But in this period there are a number of dangers. So, the umbilical cord, which feeds nutrients to the baby's body from the mother, can wrap around its neck and become a serious problem during childbirth.
At 39 weeks, a woman even more often goes to the toilet, because it is the last month of pregnancy on the bladder is the most intense pressure. The mother's body is in full swing preparing for childbirth, the uterus begins to unfold, soften and contract. If a woman begins painful contractions, then you must immediately go to the hospital, since this is the beginning of labor.
40 midwifery pregnancy week
40 Obstetric pregnancy week is one of the last weeks of bearing a baby. Therefore, the expectant mother should be ready for that, that the birth can begin at any moment. The growth of the baby during this period, about 530 mm, and weight 3400-3600 grams. At the kid the fat layer has perfectly developed, therefore the skin looks elastic, pink and chubby. On the skull of the baby formed a fontanel, that is, the gap between the bones of the skull, which is covered with skin. Spring is necessary for the baby to get through the birth can easier. After childbirth, the fontanel on the head of the baby allows the brain to grow faster.
If a woman has contractions that last no more than a minute, and the interval between them is 5 minutes - then this is a sign of childbirth. During this period, the woman begins abundant discharge, and this is normal, since it is the signal of the body, that he is ready for childbirth. If the allocation is abundant, then the woman's amniotic fluid flows. But if the discharge becomes curdled, yellow or green and accompanied by itching, the woman should immediately seek medical help.
41 midwifery pregnancy week
At 41 weeks of pregnancy the weight of the baby is more than 3500 grams, in height about 55 centimeters. The baby continues to grow nails and hair. The baby has an active intestine, so meconium begins to form. Meconium comes out right after the birth of the baby, but in some cases it can come out before the baby's appearance, then the baby will be born green. But do not be scared, the baby is fine, he's just smeared into meconium.
The childbirth is very close and can begin at any moment, therefore the mother should closely monitor her state of health. If the discharge sharply increased, and they acquired a pinkish mucous color, this is a sign that the mucous plug has come out and in the near future the amniotic fluid will go away, which means the delivery will start. To ensure that delivery is not taken by surprise, the expectant mother should prepare everything that is needed in the maternity home and it is desirable to decide in advance where and who will take delivery.
Obstetric pregnancy weeks are an opportunity to monitor and observe the process of pregnancy. For a woman this is a great opportunity to learn all about how her baby develops. For obstetrician gynecologists, pregnancy weeks are an opportunity to control the process of gestation and, in case of pathologies or other dangerous situations, find a solution on time.