Weakness in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Weakness in pregnancy is a fairly common ailment. To avoid it, you must first determine the causes of discomfort.
Significant reorganization of the pregnant woman's body, increased need for vitamins and minerals, increased stress on systems and organs can provoke a feeling of fatigue and apathy.
Causes of weakness in pregnancy
Pregnancy is a condition in which there are great changes in the body, which is preparing for the emergence and development of a new life. Already the first weeks of gestation carry a major change in the course of hormonal processes.
For example, progesterone, which is able to prepare reproductive organs for embryo conception and development, significantly increases its activity and blood level. Also this hormone has an effect on immunity: it is necessary for the organism of the future mother not to perceive the fetal egg as an alien body, and not reject it. Of not the most pleasant actions of progesterone can be called its property to retain fluid in tissues, which provokes the appearance of edema and depresses the psychological state of the pregnant.
Estrogens are necessary for activating the development of the uterus, stabilizing the pressure and tone of the vessels.
The change in the balance of hormones in the body can not but affect the well-being of the future mother and contributes to a feeling of weakness, fatigue, even apathy. This condition occurs in pregnant women so often that it is considered quite normal for the period of gestation. While in the body there will be changes in the hormonal background, feelings of weakness and drowsiness, unfortunately, can not be avoided.
During this period it is recommended not to overload the body with excessive activity and activity, whenever possible, rest and eat well.
Weakness in early pregnancy
Immediately at the beginning of pregnancy, the organs and systems of the female body have to adapt to a new state for them. In addition, hormonal reorganization takes away a lot of energy, and the body is simply tired.
However, in order to combat manifestations of weakness, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the true causes of this state.
If, after consulting with a doctor and having undergone certain examinations, it turns out that the reason for the weakness is the adjustment of the balance of hormones, then there is no cause for concern. This is considered quite normal, and this period is just necessary to survive.
Difficulties are experienced by those women who, due to circumstances, need to go to work, engage in other urgent matters, implying a certain physical activity. What can they advise?
- Avoid stressful situations, do not be nervous.
- Provide a full sleep.
- As much as possible walk in the open air.
- It is good to eat, eat high-calorie, energetically rich food.
- In the mornings, to do gymnastics, simple exercises that will help wake up.
Over time, the body will adapt to the "interesting position", the balance of hormones stabilizes, and weakness will recede.
Weakness and dizziness in pregnancy
If during the pregnancy the head becomes dizzy, the legs become wadded, there are no forces literally for anything, sometimes there is a sensation of loss of consciousness - maybe the reason lies in the lowering of blood pressure.
The reason for the decrease in pressure may be an increase in the amount of estrogens during the gestation period, which have the property of relaxing the vascular walls, thereby contributing to a drop in pressure.
Sometimes the signs of hypotension are manifested due to the development of toxicosis, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, loss of fluid and body weight, lack of appetite.
In later terms, the cause of hypotension may be a squeezing of the enlarged uterus of the inferior vena cava, which complicates the flow of blood into the heart and brain.
Circulatory disorders affect not only the well-being of the pregnant woman, but also the oxygen saturation of the child, which can provoke the development of hypoxia and premature birth.
Nausea and weakness in pregnancy, formed due to a decrease in blood pressure, sharply limit the delivery of oxygen to the baby. This process can not be started, because with a lack of oxygen, a child's intrauterine growth may be delayed, spontaneous abortion and prematurity occur.
Arterial pressure of the pregnant woman should be periodically monitored and prevent the development of unwanted complications.
Drowsiness and weakness in pregnancy
The main cause of drowsiness of pregnant women is significant energy losses, related both to excessive psychoemotional load, which takes a lot of energy and energy, and hormonal imbalance. New information, sensations, impressions, perhaps, and fear of the unknown, takes away from the woman large amounts of energy. The organism falls into a new and unknown state for it, therefore it quickly gets tired, in need of rest and, first of all, in a full-fledged dream.
A woman can want to sleep anywhere: at home, at work, at the wheel, for a walk. In addition, the quality of sleep can be disturbed: you want to sleep, but you can not fall asleep; no one knows where snoring comes from, a feeling of cramps in the dream, pain in the joints and limbs, weakness. Drowsiness prevails during lunch and afternoon. Despite a seemingly high-grade dream, it's very difficult to wake up in the morning. Such symptoms can be characteristic, most often in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Temperature and weakness during pregnancy
The increase in body temperature during pregnancy can sometimes be caused directly by the pregnancy itself. The synthesis of large amounts of progesterone is one of the causes of hyperthermia. In addition, during pregnancy, the body's defenses are depressed to reduce the risk of rejection of the embryo by immune protection. This is a necessary measure, which can sometimes be accompanied by a temperature reaction.
The rise in temperature is not a dangerous and frequent phenomenon during the period of gestation. However, this increase should not exceed 37-37.5 C. Otherwise, you should consult a specialist, as the cause of a sharp rise in temperature can be an inflammatory or infectious pathology that requires medical intervention.
The most dangerous temperature increase in recent weeks before childbirth: hyperthermia at this time represents the risk of infection of the fetus, as well as complications of the cardiovascular system and kidneys in the pregnant woman. This situation requires immediate consultation of the doctor.
Constant weakness during pregnancy
One of the most frequent causes of permanent weakness during pregnancy may be the development of iron deficiency, which is due to a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the bloodstream.
The main purpose of hemoglobin is the delivery of oxygen molecules to the organs and tissues of the body: oxygen is captured in the lungs and transferred to all structures requiring it for further development of oxidation-reduction reactions in them and development of energy potential to ensure normal vital activity in the body. Violation of the sequence of this process causes the appearance of a constant inexplicable weakness, apathy.
Pregnant women should have a minimum amount of hemoglobin from 110 g / l.
To confirm the diagnosis of a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin, it is necessary to pass a detailed blood test (from the finger), or an analysis of the concentration of iron in the blood plasma (blood from the vein), as well as an analysis of the iron-binding capacity of blood plasma.
The causes of lowering the amount of hemoglobin may be malnutrition, gastritis, ulcerative disease of the stomach, duodenitis. Also, hidden blood loss can become the cause: such cases are possible with hemorrhoids, periodontitis, hereditary pathologies.
Weakness in the mornings during pregnancy
During pregnancy, it is strongly recommended to take care of yourself and your future baby: sleep should be exactly the amount of time that your body urgently requires. You do not need to overexcite the nervous system, do not allow great emotional stress. In the evening, you can take a walk in the fresh air, take a warm shower, drink a cup of warm milk before bed. Such simple methods guarantee a full and healthy sleep.
A hot bath, excessive food intake before going to bed, strong tea and coffee in the afternoon will not only harm the future baby, but also provoke poor sleep and a feeling of weakness and drowsiness after awakening.
To go to sleep as early as possible, sleep at least 8 hours a day.
To sleep it is necessary in a well-ventilated room, in comfortable clothes, choosing a comfortable pose for sleep.
During pregnancy, daily sleep is allowed - 1-2 hours, depending on the requirements of the body. However, unfortunately, the possibility of daytime sleep exists only in women who do not work, or who are on maternity leave.
Weakness in the body during pregnancy
Weakness during pregnancy can be due to the manifestation of vegetovascular dystonia. This disease is observed most often in lean women. Signs can be morning fatigue, frequent headaches, weakness in the body. Neither coffee, nor any other energetic help: fall asleep with difficulty, and wake up broken.
Manifestation of vegetovascular dystonia during pregnancy can be accompanied by a feeling of crawling, shaking in the hands and feet, tingling, anemia, destabilization of pressure.
The clinical picture of the disease can be very different, so only the specialist can perform an accurate diagnosis. If you suspect a presence of this pathology, and weakness in the body appears regularly, in that case it is necessary to consult a doctor in charge. Do not self-medicate, especially during pregnancy. Remember - you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the condition of an unborn baby.
Weakness in the hands of pregnancy
Weakness in the hands can be a sign of general manifestations of weakness in pregnancy. However, it can be observed, and as an independent symptom of some other diseases.
If weakness in the hands appears after long loads on the upper limbs, with frequent wearing heavy bags, uncomfortable clothing, due to professional activity, or because of cold weather - this manifestation is not considered a disease.
Frequent and chronic weakness in the hands for no apparent reason can be a sign of a pathological condition requiring specialist advice:
- phenomena of cervical osteochondrosis - lesion of the intervertebral discs of the cervical region, in which there was a jamming of the nerve endings;
- signs of cervical spondylosis - accompanied by growth of osteophytes in the vertebrae;
- traumatic affection of the joints of the upper limbs;
- signs of neuralgia of the shoulder joint due to inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, hypothermia;
- cardiovascular disorders.
Sometimes you can fight weakness in the hands with the help of gymnastic exercises performed every morning. Active physical exercises contribute to improving blood circulation in the extremities and the surge of energy.
Weakness in legs during pregnancy
If signs of weakness in the legs are not associated with the general condition during pregnancy, the following conditions may be the causes:
- phenomena of atherosclerosis. This disease is often accompanied by ischemia of the vessels of the lower limbs, which is associated with their constriction and blockage. Additional signs of this disease - the feeling of frozen feet, which occurs even in the heat, a sense of numbness, nocturnal cramps. It is important to recognize and control the disease in time;
- signs of varicose veins. As you know, this disease can be aggravated during pregnancy due to the increasing pressure on the vessels of the lower extremities. Even in the absence of a visible lesion of the venous system, the disease can be signaled by weakness, fatigue in the legs, the appearance of edema, heaviness. Normalization of blood flow occurs with a horizontal position of the body and elevated position of the lower limbs;
- presence of flat feet. The presence of foot deformities, especially in pregnancy, exacerbates a feeling of weakness in the legs. Fatigue increases by evening, almost disappearing next morning next day. It is accompanied by pain in the extremities, in particular, in the ankle joint, as well as with weight when walking.
Weakness in the first trimester of pregnancy
Unusual and new condition for the body - pregnancy - makes its own adjustments to the life and functioning of human systems and organs. The endurance and energy costs of the organism vary drastically. Needless to say, how much energy is spent only on the emotional state of a woman who learns that she is pregnant?
The nervous system of pregnant women is very sensitive to the concentration of progesterone, which is of great importance in adjusting the quality of sleep and causes weakness and excessive drowsiness. This hormone provokes a yawn in the daytime and a wild desire to sleep late in the evening.
What can I recommend in this case? Of course, sleep! Sleep as much as the body requires for its full recovery. To go to bed should be in advance, at least until midnight: this favors a full sleep.
You can try to sleep in the daytime - for example, around 12 o'clock in the afternoon or in the afternoon. Even 20-30 minutes of sleep will restore your strength and give energy and vivacity for the rest of the day.
Weakness in the second trimester of pregnancy
Usually, with the onset of the second trimester, pregnant women note an improvement in overall health, the disappearance of sleepiness. This is due to the stabilization of the body's adaptation to hormonal changes. If weakness and fatigue do not go away - you should consult a specialist, since this condition can be the cause of anemia.
The female organism uses microelements in the period of gestation much more intensively than under normal circumstances. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the body of the future mother needs to ensure the formation and growth of the baby, share its supplies of vitamins, minerals, in particular, iron. Iron is required for our body to form red blood cells and nourish tissues.
Iron deficiency anemia is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, a constant desire to "sleep", dryness and pallor of the skin, brittle and hair loss, skin peeling.
If these symptoms are found, the pregnant woman should contact the doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Weakness in the third trimester of pregnancy
Feeling of weakness in late pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon and is often considered the norm. Often this condition is caused by increased stress on the body as a whole, an increase in the amount of circulating blood, signs of anemia. If the weakness is not critical, not accompanied by other suspicious symptoms, then you should not worry.
Excessive drowsiness and fatigue can be an alarm if it appears along with a late toxicosis of pregnancy. This pathological condition is accompanied by swelling, increased blood pressure and proteinuria.
The appearance of severe symptoms of late toxicosis (gestosis) can signal a most serious complication - the eclampsia state, which is characterized by the development of convulsive attacks provoked by brain disorders. Drowsiness in such cases is combined with nausea, vomiting, headaches, vision problems.
If there are suspicious symptoms of a pre-eclampsic condition, the call to a specialist should be urgent and immediate.
Severe weakness during pregnancy
Weakness during pregnancy can be considered quite acceptable. However, a sharp attack of weakness can be caused not so harmless reasons, among which may be the following:
- signs of toxicosis of pregnant women - accompanied by nausea, dehydration, dizziness, which is associated with the adaptation of the body to work in new conditions for him;
- excessive pressure on large vessels in the third trimester of pregnancy. Increasing the volume of the uterus can cause compression of the blood vessels, which disrupts the brain and oxygen saturation of the blood;
- the drop in hemoglobin concentration in the bloodstream is a frequent condition provoking oxygen starvation of the brain tissues;
- the drop in blood glucose level - is associated with violations of nutritional behavior (eating disorders, excess of simple carbohydrates in food, abuse of sugar, sweets, cakes);
- vegetative-vascular dystonia and osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
Weakness as a sign of pregnancy
Can excessive weakness and fatigue be the first symptom of pregnancy? In principle, it can. Complex and important hormonal changes in the body's vital systems often cause unmotivated weakness and drowsiness. Moreover, at first, weakness can remain the only symptom of a new state of the body. However, as practice shows, this initial sign is typical for women with increased sensitivity to hormonal imbalance.
In other cases, weakness may be a sign of many pathological conditions, possibly even requiring medical advice.
It is not necessary to rely unconditionally on the presence of only one symptom, possibly confirming pregnancy. At the first suspicions hand over the analysis of a blood on increase in parameters of a chorionic gonadotropin, or simply buy in a drugstore a test strip, and receive the answer to the question. The increase in hCG level occurs already in the first week after conception, therefore such indications are much more effective.
What to do if you have weakness during pregnancy?
What to do? First of all, do not panic! Weakness is almost all pregnant women, and you are not an exception. Cope with weakness attacks can help general recommendations:
- periodic rest, both for the body and for the soul. Quality sleep, at least 8 hours a day, not including daytime rest;
- frequent small meals, about 6 times a day;
- welcome reception of a contrast shower with a smooth adjustment of the water temperature;
- gymnastic exercises in the morning and during the day, walk in the fresh air, avoiding busy roads and places of accumulation of exhaust gases;
- eating foods rich in iron (red meat, liver, seafood, buckwheat, nuts, fruits).
Do not overeat, especially at night; it is advisable not to abuse coffee drinks, strong tea, chocolate, Coca-Cola. The temperature in the room where you sleep should not exceed 20-21 ° C, the bedroom should be ventilated at night.
If you go on a long walk, grab a bottle of water for drinking and a little ammonia in case you feel dizzy.
Weakness in pregnancy is not a reason for negative feelings. Enjoy your state, more often imagine how a new life develops within you, and give it, your future baby, only joyful and positive emotions.