Yellow discharge during pregnancy - features and causes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Yellow discharge during pregnancy can be determined in its different periods. Discharges of this nature are considered normal if they are in moderate amounts, transparent, without impurities, there is no fetid odor, pain, fever, burning and itching.
But when these symptoms occur, as well as in the case of changes in the amount, density, and color of the yellow secretions in the direction of a greenish or brown shade, it is necessary to immediately seek help from an obstetrician-gynecologist to diagnose the disease, timely treatment and prevent unwanted complications of pregnancy.
Why do yellow secretions occur during pregnancy?
Why there are yellow discharge during pregnancy - worries all women, especially those who are faced with this problem. The causes of yellow discharge during pregnancy can be many.
- Impact of external factors (the most innocent reason):
- soap or other means used for personal hygiene,
- wearing synthetic underwear
- the use of daily pads soaked with aromatic substances or other chemical means
- irregular hygiene of the genitals.
- Diseases of the organs of the urogenital system of an inflammatory nature (in the uterus, fallopian tubes, bladder or in the ovaries, etc.) caused by nonspecific pathogens, for example, Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli or as a result of fungal infection.
- Infectious diseases which rasprastranyayutsya sexually (e.g., gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, Chlamydia ).
- Violation of the vaginal microflora (dysbiosis).
If yellow discharge occurs during pregnancy, it is better to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist to identify the causes of their occurrence with the help of an examination and additional examination methods.
After a comprehensive examination, the specialist will be able to prescribe the appropriate therapy if it is needed. It is not necessary to engage in self-treatment, and you should not delay the campaign to the doctor either.
Yellow discharge in early pregnancy
Yellow discharge at the beginning of pregnancy may be the norm, due to the individual characteristics of a woman or considered a kind of relative norm, as a result of intimate hygiene, and may also indicate the presence of inflammation processes in the urinary organs, as a result of nonspecific or specific infectious agents. In the early stages of pregnancy, if yellow discharge occurs, especially accompanied by a not very pleasant odor, itching, pain (this picture is noted for gonorrhea), it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine and level their causative factor, prevent further progression of the pathological process and thereby prevent yourself from terrible complications such as miscarriage.
6 week
Yellow discharge at 6 weeks gestation can be the norm, if they are of a homogeneous structure, transparent and there is no pain, itching, disgusting smell. In the event of such clinical symptoms, you should immediately go to a specialist.
7 week
Yellow discharge in the 7th week of pregnancy without other clinical symptoms is a variant of the norm. At this time, such secretions can be abundant and mucous. When changing the color, structure of the secret, the appearance of smell and itching should immediately go for a consultation with the doctor.
8 week
Yellow discharge in the 8th week of pregnancy is usually, in moderation, odorless, not accompanied by pain and itching - this is the norm. Often at 8 weeks of pregnancy develops candidiasis (thrush). Its occurrence during this period is associated not only with a decrease in immunity, but also with the fact that the pH in the vagina becomes acidic (in order to protect the fetus from infectious agents), which is a favorable environment for the development of fungal flora. In case of thrush, you should seek help from a specialist. If the yellow discharge becomes watery at this time, then this is the reason for the visit to the doctor to prevent leakage of amniotic fluid or any infection.
Week 9
Yellow discharge on the 9th week of pregnancy is transparent, without impurities, odorless, burning, pain is considered normal. When changing the structure of secretions, the number and appearance of a secret greenish, brown color, the occurrence of pain, an urgent need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.
10 week
Yellow discharge at the 10th week of gestation of homogeneous structure, light, moderate and without other clinical symptoms are the norm. With the appearance of pain, changes in consistency, quantity and color of secretion - this is the reason for going to the doctor for examination and necessary therapy.
11 week
Yellow discharge at the 11th week of pregnancy may be the norm, but if they are accompanied by a not very pleasant smell, pain, itching, burning, very bright color or, on the contrary, dark, this indicates an infection of the urinary system. If these symptoms occur, you should seek medical help in order to start treatment promptly.
12 week
Yellow discharge in the 12th week of pregnancy is considered the norm, in the case when they are not accompanied by other symptoms that bring discomfort, they have a homogeneous structure, odorless, in moderation. If you change the shade of yellow secretion in the direction of green or brown color, the occurrence of pain, itching and other symptoms should immediately go to the doctor.
13 week
Yellow discharge in the 13th week of pregnancy can be the norm, if not accompanied by such symptoms as abdominal pain, itching and a not very pleasant smell of secreted secretions. At this time, secretion may become more fluid, since during this period, the function of the hormone estrogen, which promotes the dilution of previously thick mucus, prevails.
Yellow discharge at the end of pregnancy
37 week
Yellow discharge in the 37th week of pregnancy, if they are in moderate amounts and do not bother with anything else, this is the norm. But if the discharge becomes strongly watery and there are a lot of them, then it is necessary to go to the doctor, since this may indicate a discharge of amniotic fluid and the beginning of labor activity. Also, if yellow secretion is accompanied by a not very pleasant odor, pain, temperature, then this can signal inflammation in the urinary system, which requires immediate treatment.
38, 39, 40 weeks
Yellow discharge at 38, 39, 40 weeks of pregnancy can be considered as the norm, if they are transparent, in moderation, have no odor, are not accompanied by itching, pain, temperature and do not have other impurities (for example, blood). In the case when the yellow discharge becomes very watery and abundant, and thick mucus appears (discharge of the mucus plug), this indicates a beginning labor. If the yellow secretion acquires an unpleasant odor at this time of pregnancy, becomes with a greenish or brownish tinge, pain occurs, then an obstetrician-gynecologist should be urgently requested.
Abundant yellow discharge during pregnancy
Abundant yellow discharge during pregnancy can also be considered as a variant of the comparative norm, but in the absence of offensive odor and other clinical symptoms. In general, abundant secretion may be present in many women in the position, because during pregnancy the walls of the uterus soften, the vaginal microflora changes, resulting in a large amount of lubricant, which facilitates the promotion of the child through the birth canal.
- Abundant secretion may have a yellowish tint, be a liquid consistency and in the absence of odor and / or discomfort, then excitement should not occur. But if the feeling of anxiety does not leave, then it is better to go to the doctor for consultation.
- Abundant secretion may be the result of an acute infectious process of a bacterial nature in the urogenital organs (in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina).
In those cases when abundant yellow discharge has a not very pleasant smell and is characterized by the following clinical symptoms - itching, hyperemia, discomfort, pain, burning sensation, then an obstetrician-gynecologist should be visited immediately, because This symptom is characteristic of bacterial genital infections.
Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy
Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy does not seem normal. The causative factor of yellow-green secretion can be:
- genital infections of bacterial genesis (very often this secretion is characteristic of trichomoniasis).
- vaginal dysbacteriosis, which is characterized not only by yellow-green secretions, but also by the foul smell of rotten fish.
In addition to yellow-green discharge, a pregnant woman can often be bothered by burning, itching, discomfort in the genital area, pain in the lower abdomen and during urination.
- When trichomoniasis yellow-green secretion has a frothy character with a not very pleasant smell.
- In the acute period, such secretion is usually abundant.
When a yellow-green secret is detected, an urgent need is to go to the doctor, undergo a complex of examinations and the necessary treatment in order to eliminate the infection and provide favorable conditions for the course of pregnancy.
Yellow-white discharge during pregnancy
Yellow-white discharge during pregnancy can be normal or be the result of allergic reactions to synthetic underwear, intimate hygiene products or the result of fungal flora. Quite often during pregnancy there is a thrush (candidiasis), due to reduced immunity, which is accompanied by the uncontrolled reproduction of conditionally pathogenic flora, in particular fungal. As a result, a pregnant woman appear:
- yellow-white secretory discharge, often cheesy character with a sour, reminiscent of a yeast,
- on the background of discharge there is marked itching, burning in the area of the entrance to the vagina,
- possible swelling of the labia minora.
When this symptom is detected, it is necessary to immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist to start timely rational treatment of thrush and prevent infection of the fetus.
Yellow-brown discharge during pregnancy
Yellow-brown discharge during pregnancy can be considered as normal, due to the physiological processes associated with pregnancy (mainly in the early stages) or may be the result of serious violations. In any case, when detecting a secret of yellow-brown color at any stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to go for consultation to a specialist.
- In the very early period of pregnancy (in the first weeks), yellow-brown discharge may be normal, since at this stage, the embryo attaches to the endometrium of the uterus and this process may be accompanied by the secretion of a small amount of blood. And as a result, the physiological secretion of a woman — white or white-yellow — is mixed with a small amount of blood and becomes yellow-brown in color.
- The appearance of yellow-brown with a predominance of brown secretion, both at early and at a later stage of pregnancy, should seriously alert. The cause of brown discharge at an early period may be:
- Ectopic pregnancy (tubal), which is a dangerous condition for a woman and with a late diagnosis and therapy can result in infertility.
- Detachment of the ovum, which threatens with spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, with timely diagnosis, strict bed rest and appropriate therapy should be observed in order to maintain pregnancy.
- When a pregnancy stops, in such a situation, toxicosis stops and the pregnancy test shows a negative result.
- Spontaneous miscarriage, often with dizziness, weakness and pain in the lower abdomen.
- Possible erosion of the cervix.
The cause of brown discharge in late pregnancy are:
- An abnormally located placenta is close to the cervix, which leads to its deformation, impaired function, blood supply and impaired fetal development. Timely diagnosis of this pathology prevents complications from both the pregnant woman and the child.
- Placental abruption is also a dangerous condition that can result in premature birth and fetal death. Constant monitoring of the doctor in this situation is necessary to assist the pregnant woman and the child.
- After 38 weeks of pregnancy, the occurrence of brown secretion may be the norm, due to the discharge of cork mucous membrane, which is a precursor of physiological childbirth.
Yellow-brown secretion during pregnancy at any stage can also be a consequence of genital infections of bacterial origin, in this case there will be: itching, burning, pain and not very pleasant smell of secreted secretion. In any case, when a yellow-brown discharge occurs, it is urgent to go to the doctor in order not to miss the time and start the therapy in time if it is needed.
Light yellow discharge during pregnancy
Light yellow discharge during pregnancy is often the norm, especially in the absence of any clinical symptoms. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the occurrence of light-yellow discharge is associated with the formation of mucus plug in the cervix, which will perform a protective function - to prevent the penetration of infections into the fetal bladder outside. Such secretion can be abundant and stop after three to four months of pregnancy.
Yellow mucous discharge during pregnancy
Yellow mucous discharge during pregnancy, not accompanied by clinical symptoms, represent the norm. The mucous secretion in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, occurs due to the functioning of the hormone progesterone, which triggers the formation of viscous and thick secretions in order to form a mucus plug that prevents pathogens from entering the uterus.
- In the first trimester of pregnancy, mucosal discharge may be abundant, transparent, whitish in color or with a yellow tint and no smell.
- Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, estrogen function prevails, as a result of which the mucous secretion dilutes and becomes thinner, the color of secreted secretion does not change and the smell is absent.
In cases when the yellow mucous secretion is accompanied by discomfort in the form of itching, burning, pain, or there is a not very pleasant smell, an urgent visit to the doctor for diagnosis and therapy is necessary.
Yellow thick discharge during pregnancy
Yellow thick discharge during pregnancy can be considered as the norm, in the case when they are not clinically manifest. Normally, such secretions are possible at an early stage of pregnancy, when a mucus plug forms, which serves as a defense against infection from entering the uterus from the outside. Dense secretion may occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the functioning of the hormone progesterone.
Yellow thick secretion can be of a purulent nature and is accompanied by itching, pain, burning sensation, a not very pleasant smell, which indicates a genital infection of bacterial origin (most often gonorrhea).
Thick secretion of a dark yellow color during pregnancy may occur due to the active reproduction of Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, and is accompanied by the development of purulent inflammation.
If you have a yellow thick secretion, you should go for medical care to an obstetrician-gynecologist.
Yellow liquid discharge during pregnancy
Yellow liquid discharge during pregnancy can occur normally from the second trimester of pregnancy, when the estrogen hormone is predominant, contributing to the dilution of previously thick mucus. The result is the appearance of a rich, liquid secretion, odorless, color, which can be transparent or with a yellow tint. Such secretion does not bring discomfort, except as a feeling of moisture in the perineum. With this feeling will help cope daily pads, preferably without fragrances, to avoid allergies.
If yellow liquid secretion during pregnancy is accompanied by a not very pleasant odor, itching, pain, or fever, this may indicate an urinary tract infection, vaginal dysbacteriosis, or a possible allergic reaction. Also, the presence of yellow liquid secretion may indicate that amniotic fluid is leaking. That requires an immediate visit to the doctor and timely treatment.
Watery yellow discharge during pregnancy
Watery yellow discharge during pregnancy can be a normal variant if there is no smell and discomfort. But they can also signal the presence of the following pathology:
- Genital herpes, in which there is poor watery secretion with the formation of vesicles in the inflamed areas of the perineum. Often there is itching and pain at the site of the vesicles.
- Bacterial vaginosis may be present, in which watery secretion often has a not very pleasant odor, itching, soreness and urination disorder.
- The leakage of amniotic fluid, watery secretion may be with a yellow tinge and have a sweet smell.
- As a result of any infections - specific - bacterial sexually or non-specific.
The appearance of yellow watery secretion during pregnancy, especially accompanied by clinical symptoms, is the reason for the urgent visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist.
Yellow cheesy discharge during pregnancy
Yellow cheesy discharge during pregnancy indicates the active development, most often of the fungal flora, resulting in candidiasis (thrush). Activation of the fungal flora occurs due to a decrease in immunity during pregnancy, and may also be due to the intake of antibacterial drugs. Yellow cheesy secretion in thrush is accompanied by severe itching, burning sensation at the entrance to the vagina and an unpleasant sour smell of yeast. Such a condition requires timely therapy to prevent infection of the child and to ensure a favorable course of pregnancy. Self-medication is contraindicated, since not all drugs are possible during pregnancy, and it is also necessary to clarify the diagnosis with a doctor and carry out additional examination methods (smear on flora).
At all stages of pregnancy, the occurrence of yellow discharge can be normal, in the absence of other symptoms. But do not forget about the possible leakage of amniotic fluid, which, except for the yellow secretion may not manifest. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly be under the control of the doctor, to come for an examination in the appropriate time and to pass tests on time (in particular, smears).
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