Bloody discharge during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Bloody discharge during pregnancy is always a worrying sign for a woman.
Bloody discharge during pregnancy most often requires the adoption of urgent measures. About miscarriage, the threat of interruption is difficult to say. Correction of pathologies of the female genital area when planning pregnancy often helps to avoid bleeding and the threat of miscarriage. The frequency of miscarriages in medical practice is 15%. Most of the miscarriages occur during pregnancy up to 12 weeks.
Environmental factors and infections lead to the fact that 30% of women in the history have a threat of interruption. 4% of women face the problem of habitual miscarriage.
Causes of bloody discharge during pregnancy
Possible causes of bleeding during pregnancy:
- Slight detachment of the placenta.
- Minor brown discharge can be in the days when you had menstruation. Usually such allocation accompanies a back pain, insignificant, not compelling to go to bed.
- With some STDs.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, the most dangerous in terms of the threat of interruption is embryogenesis. At this time, the fate of pregnancy is decided. The determining factor is the state of the mother's immune and endocrine systems. The immune system does not allow the body to reject the fetus, and the endocrine system produces hormones that lower immunity. This is a very complex process, any violation in which can lead to tragic consequences for the embryo. The hormone progesterone promotes the growth of myometrium. At normal pregnancy in blood lymphocytes there are receptors of a progesterone.
Causes of miscarriage:
- Violation of the hormonal background, a lack of progesterone.
- STDs (chlamydia, mycoplasmas, herpes).
- Viral hepatitis, influenza transmitted during pregnancy, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, toxoplasmosis, tonsillitis.
- Genetic abnormalities of fetal development.
- Heart defects and anemia in the mother.
- Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, polyhydramnios, placenta previa.
- Impaired immunity.
- Physical trauma - accident, bruises.
- Violations of the menstrual cycle before pregnancy.
- Professional and household hazards.
- Malformations of the uterus.
- Severe nervous shock, neuroses and mental illness.
- Metroendometritis (consequence of abortion).
- Deficiency of folic acid.
- Temperature increase.
- Intoxication during poisoning.
- Isthmicocervical insufficiency (ICI).
Bloody discharge in pregnancy - the first alarm bell, in which you can suspect a miscarriage. Further, the strongest pulling pains in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, are disturbed by nausea and dizziness. A sharp pain in the abdomen without bleeding is also a very bad signal. It happens with a stiffened pregnancy. Pressure in the uterine cavity increases with miscarriage, you can feel a strong sense of heaviness in the lower abdomen. It is important to know that a miscarriage does not happen suddenly, spontaneously. The miscarriage has 5 stages: threatening abortion, abortion, abortion in progress, complete and incomplete abortion. In the first two stages of pregnancy can still be saved. But the problem is that a woman often ignores minor pulling pains, and when bleeding develops, it's already too late to do something. Contractions of the uterus, pain in the field of the heart should not be left without attention. In the second trimester and later, with premature birth, everything can begin with a discharge of amniotic fluid. Pain in the threat of premature birth is cramping.
Also on intravaginal ultrasound, a doctor can determine the hypertension of the uterus. Sometimes it can be a reaction to carrying out the ultrasound examination itself or the psychological strain that the pregnant woman is experiencing, waiting for research in the queue. If this situation repeats again, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics. Hypertonus can be felt like a sharp bulging of the uterus. With local hypertension, no treatment is needed in the hospital. At a later date, if there is a threat of premature birth, you will be treated in a hospital, not at home, and you can not refuse hospitalization in any case.
The organism of the future mother rejects the fetus with severe vices. Do not ignore the role of bad habits and stress in the occurrence of bloody discharge during pregnancy.
Any infection of the whole organism, even the common cold, and the genital organs, can cause interruption of pregnancy or a stagnant pregnancy. Even dental caries can play a role. All infectious foci should ideally be eliminated when planning pregnancy.
If you have signs of hormonal imbalance before pregnancy, it is also necessary to eliminate it.
Double-horned uterus, baby uterus, uterine myoma - all these pathologies can cause the fetus to not be properly attached to the uterine wall.
Stress, noise, radiation, alcohol are also risk factors.
If the allocation is abundant and long, do not hesitate, ask for help. Now in the arsenal of gynecologists, there are all ways to save pregnancy.
Bloody mucus discharge during pregnancy
Bloody mucus discharge during pregnancy after 36 weeks suggests that the mucous plug comes off with blood veins, which all pregnancy protected the uterus. This is one of the faithful precursors of childbirth. Mucous tube comes out in parts or all at once. In this case, the future mother needs to be on the alert and collect things in the hospital. After the passage of the mucous plug, the amniotic fluid flows. Their volume is usually about 2 cups. They can also pour out of the pile or go away at once. After the departure of the waters, the birth begins very swiftly, you hardly have time to reach the maternity hospital yourself, call an ambulance.
Dark spotting during pregnancy
At the time of implantation into the uterus of the fetal egg, you may not know about your pregnancy and regard brownish discharge as a malfunction in the menstrual cycle. A slight bleeding causes attachment of the embryo - there is a rupture of the vessels on the mucous membrane of the uterus.
Minor malfunctions of the hormonal background can also be the reason why there are spotting during a brown pregnancy. There are no dangers in this case, such discharge appears on those days when the woman had menstruation before pregnancy. This phenomenon can disturb the first 3-4 months of pregnancy.
Dark spotting during pregnancy is also observed in the case of detachment of the fetal egg. This is a dangerous condition that threatens life. Most often, detachment of the fetal egg occurs with a shortage of progesterone. Progesterone is a female hormone that supports pregnancy. The detached placenta does not supply the baby's blood with oxygen, and it can die in utero. Smoking increases the risk of detachment of the placenta.
Also, bloody discharge during pregnancy is observed with a bubble drift. Cysts with fluid form on the walls of the uterus. In the tissues of the placenta irreversible changes occur. The diagnosis is confirmed by an analysis of hCG. The fetus perishes with a bubble drift, the heartbeat is not audible. If you do not remove the fetus from the uterus in time, you will have to remove the uterus itself. Some women can develop cancer after a gall bladder.
The cause of brown discharge may be erosion of the cervix. During pregnancy, erosion is not cauterized, but treated medically, so as not to obstruct childbirth.
With dark secretions it is very important to find out with their doctor their exact cause.
Spotting spotting during pregnancy
Spotting spotting during pregnancy is especially dangerous in the first trimester. When the fetus is only fixed in the endometrium, you need to be very alert. Spotting can be both safe, and testify that with pregnancy problems.
The cause of bloody spotting discharge may be detachment of the fetal egg, ectopic pregnancy. These conditions threaten life. Erosion of the cervix can also be the cause. Before pregnancy, it can flow without symptoms.
Abundant spotting during pregnancy
Abundant spotting during pregnancy can be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, you need to get to the hospital itself or the ambulance as soon as possible. To confirm or deny the threat of miscarriage, doctors do ultrasound.
Another cause of bleeding is typical for those who have undergone IVF. Sometimes one of the embryos is rejected. This is called a "vanishing twin."
Bloody discharge in early pregnancy
Bloody discharge in early pregnancy is not always a pathology, especially if they are brown, not scarlet. The reason - the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus. Small fragments of the mucosa are rejected when this happens. Such discharge is a common occurrence on the 7th-10th day after conception. Bloody discharge during pregnancy at an early age can also be with erosion of the cervix. This bleeding is never accompanied by pain. Another cause of bleeding is sexual infections.
Bloody discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy does not always indicate a danger. A common cause of blood allocation is cervical erosion and vaginal infection. During pregnancy, the uterine mucosa can bleed. Pain such bleeding is not accompanied and quickly stops. In addition to erosion, the cause of bleeding may be polyps - benign tumors on the cervix. The doctor, as a rule, waits, when the polyp will disappear.
With bleeding, spontaneous abortion can also begin. At first, bleeding can be quite insignificant. At the first stage of miscarriage - a threatening miscarriage - spotting is scanty and pain is absent. The uterus at this stage is not changed, and such a pregnancy can be saved.
Bloody discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy can be ordinary menstruation. In 10% of women the first 2 months of women continue to menstruate.
To distinguish menstrual discharge from blood during miscarriage can be the color and duration of bleeding.
With a miscarriage, to save the child, a woman is put in a hospital and prescribes her medicines, which reduce the tone of the uterus.
Bloody discharge during pregnancy at week 6 is almost always a sign of trouble. This can be both masticious discharge and significant bleeding. If the stomach hurts is a beginning miscarriage.
Bloody discharge at week 7 of pregnancy almost always indicates that this pregnancy has a threat of interruption.
If you visit the doctor on time, he will conduct a gynecological examination to reveal the size of the uterus and the condition of the cervix, take smears. To see what happens inside the uterus, you will be given a direction for ultrasound.
Women who had a threat of termination of pregnancy, recommend bed rest and abstinence.
In any case, spotting during pregnancy is an occasion for increased medical supervision.
Bloody discharge at week 8 of pregnancy, most likely, indicate a threat of miscarriage. A small bleeding is the first sign of a threatening abortion. Consult a doctor and follow its recommendations in a disciplined manner. You need peace, no stress and stress, you can not lift more than 2 kg. If you do not take action on time, the cervix will shrink and the fetus will pop out.
Moderate brown discharge at week 8 of pregnancy may be the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In ectopic pregnancy, the embryo is attached to the tube. Pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding is a consequence of overgrowth of the fallopian tube.
Bloody discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy may be due to a threat of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. Also at this time may be a variant of the norm, on the days of menstruation. Also, the cause may be incorrect embryo development. To bloody secretions can also lead to aggressive sexual intercourse or careless gynecological examination. Sometimes during pregnancy on the cervix can occur polyps.
A large part of women who had bleeding during pregnancy safely tended it. Particularly high risk of miscarriage in late pregnancy. If you have already had miscarriages, be sure to notify your attending physician and, with the slightest suspicion, go to an extraordinary reception. Bloody discharge during pregnancy is often combined with a condition called "pre-eclampsia".
Pre-eclampsia is a disease that occurs most often in the second trimester of pregnancy. His symptoms: the appearance of edema and protein in the urine. Preeclampsia of the mother leads to a disruption of the placenta nutrition. Preeclampsia may develop into eclampsia. Eclampsia causes convulsions and is a danger to the life of the mother and child. Particularly at risk of women after 40 years with kidney disease. Therefore, for women at risk, the doctor at each examination measures pressure and takes urine for analysis.
Half of pregnancies are accompanied by small bleeding. But if there are abdominal pains similar to contractions, your pregnancy may be at risk. Timely medical intervention will help to save the child.
Do not forget also that an ectopic pregnancy can be "disguised" as usual. Just by week 10, the embryo becomes big enough to break the tube. Ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding. A woman in this case needs a blood transfusion, and the affected tube must be removed.
If there were even minor spotting on the 11th week of pregnancy, call an ambulance. By the 11th week of pregnancy, the risk of interruption is reduced. Bloody discharge during pregnancy at week 11 can be with careless sexual intercourse. In order not to provoke a threat, do not go to the sauna, do not start pets. During this period (and the whole pregnancy) it is especially dangerous to have rubella. After it, children are born with congenital blindness and deafness and other developmental malformations. Reduce the consumption of tea, coffee, cola - caffeine increases the tone of the uterus.
Bloody discharge in late pregnancy
Bloody discharge at the end of pregnancy occurs in women on the last day before childbirth. During pregnancy, mucus is present in the cervix. When exposed, it is released outward along with blood veins.
But all the abundant scarlet spotting during pregnancy, even at the end - cause cause for concern and call a doctor at home. The culprit is often the placenta. It exfoliates. In stationary conditions, this can be eliminated, and for a period longer than 30 weeks, if it is not possible to stop childbirth, stimulate labor or perform a cesarean section. But in this case the child is born prematurely, he needs special care, he is in the department of premature until he ripens. Such children do not always survive. The appearance of brown discharge at a late pregnancy indicates that the birth will begin on the same day.
Bloody discharge at the 30th week of pregnancy is a sign that the placenta has peeled off. Even with small brown discharge, do not postpone the visit to the doctor. Watery discharge is a leaking amniotic fluid, which is also a harbinger of premature birth.
Bloody discharge at 34 weeks of gestation may appear after a gynecological vaginal examination. But this can also be a sign of placental abruption. With the blood, mucus can also be released. This is the harbinger of childbirth. At this stage the child is no longer considered premature, just born prematurely.
Bloody discharge at the 36th week of pregnancy is due to placental abruption and is accompanied by the development of labor.
With a vaginal examination, the doctor discovers an intense fetal bladder. If the placenta is not present in time to take action, the child suffers very much, hypoxia of the fetus develops. The causes of premature placental abruption: kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, uterine fibroids, smoking, drug use, lupus erythematosus, severe fright.
Bloody discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy is most often caused by placental abruption. Detachment of the placenta is provoked by infections of the urogenital tract. If the child is born on this date, he will be fully viable.
On 37 week most often there are precursors of childbirth: the exit of the mucous plug with blood veins, dilution of the stool, the stomach drops, it becomes easier for you to breathe. You empty the bladder more often.
Bloody discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy should not cause a panic. Prilyagte and call an ambulance. Most likely, the birth is about to begin. Brown discharge with blood contains mucus, which the uterus has covered all pregnancy.
Bloody discharge at 41 weeks of pregnancy with an admixture of mucus is a sign of beginning labor. Brown, spotting starts the day before the birth. At 41 weeks, you are doing ultrasound to understand how to lead birth. Decide who of the relatives will be present at birth: mother, mother-in-law or husband.
Support for your husband may be very necessary for you, he can be with you during the entire period of labor, make a massage, give water if you suddenly want to drink. He can cut the umbilical cord. You will be suited with your husband if:
- In your family, it is accepted to openly share experiences.
- There are no forbidden subjects, complete trust.
- The husband does not panic, he is always extremely collected.
Joint birth will necessarily bring you closer. The husband will feel responsible for the child from the first minutes of life. It's so wonderful when a man is holding his still not washed child in his arms!
Who to contact?
Treatment of bloody discharge during pregnancy
The threat of miscarriage is much more common in women who work, especially in harmful production. It is undesirable to use household chemicals during pregnancy, to poison cockroaches and rodents. Wear gloves when cleaning. Do not inhale a pair of detergents, do not use a "thermonuclear" perfume and substandard make-up - all this may not please the crumb. For these 9 months, forget about yourself, and think only about the baby, about that wonderful day, when you finally meet with him.
Avoid excessive loads when exercising and lifting weights of more than 4 kg.
Diseases of the ovaries and thyroid gland must necessarily be treated before conception. Also treat infections of the bladder and kidneys, chronic tonsillitis. Rubella, if you have not had it in childhood, also presents a special danger for you during pregnancy.
The most dangerous days, when the threat of interruption is much higher - these are the days when you had a period in your "unfermented" state. These days it is better to postpone trips and flights.
Bleeding at presentation of the placenta at any time is an indication to the caesarean section. You often need a blood transfusion. If the placenta previa is insignificant and the bleeding is not strong, open the fetal bladder. With the presentation of the placenta, you always need medical supervision, you may need to be in the hospital for the second half of pregnancy. In the hospital, all the specialists and medicines are close. If the doctor insists, lay down for preservation. In the hospital, the pregnant woman experiences stress. If there are no strong pains, home treatment can be allowed.
Hormones respond in the woman's body for normal fetal growth. With pathologies of the thyroid gland or excessive production of male hormones, progesterone is not enough, and pregnancy can be interrupted. Hormonal failure can develop with inflammation of the ovaries, endometrium, after abortion.
If there is a violation in the adrenal glands, the level of male hormones increases in women, which can also provoke miscarriage.
Isthmiko-cervical insufficiency can cause an abortion. With ICS, the cervix opens and does not hold the fetal egg. This happens on a period of 16-18 weeks. Treatment of this condition is surgical - in 12-14 weeks on the cervix, sutures are applied under general anesthesia. Contraindicated in such an operation with expressed hypertension of the uterus. Sutures are removed before delivery.
Contusions and concussions also provoke an interruption.
Remember that diseases that before pregnancy "do not show signs of life" during pregnancy can "wake up". This is due to the fact that the pregnant women are immunocompromised. Pregnant women have a very limited set of medicines that can be used. Many medicines can harm a baby.
Pregnancy complicates anemia and diabetes, especially if you have bad habits. Alcoholics and drug addicts are more often born prematurely and sick children.
Preparations of Utrozhestan and Dufaston are usually prescribed in the event of a threat of miscarriage. These drugs contain the hormone progesterone. Insufficiency of progesterone can cause interruption of pregnancy in the first trimester.
Dufaston is a potent hormone-progestogen. Which is close to the endogenous (ie, produced by the body) progesterone. It is not a derivative of testosterone.
The only significant contraindication for Dufaston administration is hypersensitivity to the drug components.
With a threatening abortion, 40 mg of duphaston is taken concurrently. Then go on to take 10 mg Duphaston every 8 hours.
Progesterone has an immunomodulatory effect, not allowing the fetal egg to be rejected. Thanks Dufaston between the embryo and the wall of the uterus is a stronger connection.
In the world there are 7 million people who have experienced the effect of the drug in the womb, no negative impact on their health has been detected.
Therapy with gestagens should be started when preparing for pregnancy with its habitual miscarriages. Duphaston reduces the risk of developing chorionitis, chorion detachment, premature delivery and the threat of interruption, a vesicular drift.
Utrozhestan is the only progesterone in the world, produced from plant raw materials. Produced in the form of capsules for preoral and intravaginal application.
The usual dose of Utrozhestan is 200-300 mg per day.
Duphaston and Utrozhestan drink before the 20th week of pregnancy.
Among the causes of blood secretions during pregnancy, you can also select polyps on the cervix or erosion. In this case the bleeding is short, does not cause pain and arises after an imprudent sexual intercourse. Polyp can be removed if it does not fall off itself.
All women with bleeding during pregnancy are shown physical and sexual rest.
Magnesium sulfate
Magnesium sulfate with bloody discharge during pregnancy is used for spasmolytic and sedative effect. The route of administration is intravenous and intramuscular. Of the side effects possible respiratory depression. Dosage is selected for each case individually. Magnesia improves utero-placental blood flow.
Magne B6
Magnesium is a necessary component of the internal environment of the body. During pregnancy, the need for it increases several times. Symptom of a lack of magnesium during pregnancy can be insomnia and buildup of uterine tone. An increase in the tone of the uterus interferes with the intake of oxygen into the body of the baby. There is placental insufficiency.
The active substance of Magne B6 is magnesium and vitamin B6. In complex, they exert antistress, anti-spasmolytic action on the pregnant woman's body, and prevent the formation of blood clots. The daily dose of Magne B6 - 4 tablets. Duration of use: the drug can be used throughout the pregnancy. As a result of taking the drug, sleep normalizes, sedation is observed, the digestive tract normalizes, the stool becomes more regular and the constipation disappears. Magne B6 is successfully used in obstetric practice in inpatient and outpatient settings.
According to the results of clinical studies of 25 pregnancies in the pregnancy pathology clinic of the Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics, it was concluded that the majority of cases of the threat are associated with pronounced hypomagnetism.
Tazepam with bloody discharge during pregnancy is used if a woman has signs of a nervous breakdown: irritability, anxiety, sleep disturbance, fear. Dosage: 1 tablet 1 time per day. Contraindications: I trimester of pregnancy, impaired liver and kidney function. Side effects: drowsiness, fatigue, poor coordination of movements.
To prevent hormonal effects on the fetus with antiphospholipid syndrome, dexamethasone is used according to 1 / 4-1 table. At night courses for 2-3 weeks; aspirin for 1 month at a dose of 0.05 g (50 mg) once a day (from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy).
Before 12 weeks folic acid is very useful - 4 mg / day. Especially important is the purpose of folic acid, if a woman was born infertile children.
Vitamin E is administered at a dose of 200 mg per day.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Of the physiotherapy, the most justified in women with the threat of abortion is electrosleep. The electric current of low frequency has a specific effect on the central nervous system. Electrosleep has an antispastic action. Electrical impulses with this procedure directly act on the cortex of the brain. Electrosleep restores the emotional balance of the pregnant woman. Electrosleep has a positive effect on blood coagulability. The duration of the electrosleep sessions is up to 2 hours. Sessions are held every other day. Electrosleep course - 10-15 procedures.
Also, bleeding can occur with an ectopic pregnancy. If a fertilized egg is implanted in a tube, sooner or later it breaks down and massive bleeding threatens the life of the mother. Ectopic pregnancy requires mandatory surgical intervention. Postoperative rehabilitation takes 10 days. Unfortunately, the tube is removed, and the chances of getting pregnant after that are reduced by half.
Bloody discharge during pregnancy can appear at any time. Even if you have a premature baby, remember that even 1000 children are nursed now. There is a case of survival of a child weighing 350 g, although it is the only child in the history of medical observations who survived at such a low weight.
Do not wind yourself, the outcome of pregnancy largely depends on your emotional state. Experiences and unreasonable panic should not be. Rejoice in this new state. Pregnancy is an interesting time, which you will remember with a smile. Pregnancy every day will bring you new emotions. You will notice that you are increasingly listening to what is happening there, inside. If the emotions are off scale, and with mood swings can not cope, the doctor can prescribe you calming herbal preparations that do not affect the baby. Sometimes there is a consultation of a neurologist, a psychologist, and psychotherapy sessions. Attentive attitude to your health, nutrition and walks will help you to see the long-awaited smile of your baby in any pregnancy. This day will be the most important day of your life.
Many women suffer greatly because of a possible miscarriage. You can prevent a miscarriage, having done everything that depends on you, for the normal course of pregnancy. Women, sooner or later you all want to become mothers. So do not do abortions. Microtraumas and adhesions, which necessarily occur with an abortion inside the uterus, injure the endometrium, and the baby can not attach to the uterus. And all because once you succumbed to passion and had an abortion, considering that being a single mother is difficult or embarrassing. Or that the child can interfere with your progress at work. The work will not smile at you in the morning, will not say the word "mom". Think ...
The same can be said about the use of alcohol and smoking, not to mention taking drugs. If you harm your baby, it's unlikely that you really are concerned about the possibility of a miscarriage. But even if a child is born, he can be weak, sick, mentally retarded. And this is a burden for a lifetime. Again, it is worth pondering. Now there are very wide possibilities for the treatment of any dependence, including without the use of medicines, with the help of psychotherapy and hypnosis.
In most cases, miscarriages occur at very low rates, when a woman is not aware that she is pregnant. From this problem it is quite possible to be saved. When two strips appear on the test, listen to what the doctors say to you, and everything will be fine.
Bloody discharge during pregnancy does not always mean that you will lose a child - it all depends on your attitude towards pregnancy.