Swelling of the feet during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Why does foot swelling occur during pregnancy? Can this be avoided, and if so, how? Often in the period of bearing a child, women experience a certain discomfort associated with the appearance of swelling of the lower extremities. Let's try to consider these issues in more detail.
Causes of leg swelling in pregnancy
Before you start to fight with unpleasant symptoms, first you need to clarify the cause of this condition, and whether it is pathological. After puffiness can be a consequence of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, nephrosis). Only a doctor should determine the reasons and, if necessary, prescribe a treatment.
Strong leg edema during pregnancy are observed, mainly in the last, third trimester. In the early stages, this phenomenon is less common: the appearance of puffiness in the first trimester, as a rule, speaks about the existing pathology in the organism of the future mother.
With each week of gestation, the uterus gradually increases in size, exerting mechanical pressure on certain blood vessels, including large ones. Blood in the veins stagnates, the rate of its outflow in the ascending direction decreases.
As a consequence of the hormonal surge, as well as a lack of certain vitamins, the elasticity of the vascular wall decreases. The situation is aggravated by the presence in a pregnant woman of such diseases as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, chronic circulatory insufficiency.
With each month of pregnancy, the future mother adds weight, the load on the venous system of the lower extremities increases, and visible swelling becomes more and more.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that puffiness can be associated with various pathologies of the urinary system, disorders of the heart activity, and can also be a terrible sign of late toxicosis of the pregnant woman.
The abundance of heavy food in the diet, the use of smoked and salty foods, excessive enthusiasm for all kinds of chips, crackers and nuts can trigger disorders of salt metabolism in the body, fluid retention with sodium salts.
Potential causes of edema during pregnancy can also be drinking disorders. Too much of the liquid you drink simply does not have time to get out of the body. With insufficient use of liquid, the body turns on the economy mode and begins to accumulate water in tissues, as they say, "in reserve".
Influence on the appearance of edema is also frequent and long walks, long standing on the spot, especially in the third trimester.
According to statistics, about 80% of expectant mothers face the problem of edema during pregnancy. However, almost all of them, with few exceptions, produce healthy children without any pathological abnormalities.
Diagnosis of leg swelling during pregnancy
Consider the approximate symptomatology of puffiness in stages:
- At the 22nd week of pregnancy, edema is rare and unstable. Usually characterized by the presence of a slight swelling of the lower extremities, often closer to the evening. Discomfort weakly expressed;
- At the 24th week of bearing a child, a gradual increase in the accumulation of fluid in the body is possible. There is a significant improvement in the condition by the next morning;
- On the 26th of the week, often by the evening, there are clearly visible swelling of the ankles, perhaps a feeling of heaviness and burning sensation in the legs;
- At 34 weeks, puffiness becomes noticeable not only on the legs, but also on the hands, face;
- At week 35, weight continues to gain weight, swelling spreads throughout the body, symptoms of stagnation of blood build up;
- At 36 weeks the swelling is total, it becomes difficult to move around. The skin is stretched, becomes tense. However, by the morning the condition is improving;
- If at the 37th week of pregnancy, edema does not pass by morning, it is necessary to tell the doctor about it;
- On the 38th week of bearing the child, puffiness occurs in all women. It is important to monitor blood pressure. If there is a severe headache, dizziness, vomiting - you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of pre-eclampsia;
- At week 39, swelling can occur throughout the body, small cramps, the appearance of pain in the legs and lower back.
Usually, after delivery, swelling subsides, the water-salt balance comes back to normal within a few days.
It is very important not to allow such complications of pregnancy as dropsy or gestosis. Diagnosis of this disease can be based on clinical symptoms: a significant increase in weight over 20 kg, total massive edema, increased blood pressure. At carrying out of laboratory researches in urine the protein is found out. This condition requires mandatory hospitalization, since there is a real threat to life, both the fetus and the mother.
Primary edema of the right or left leg during pregnancy is observed mainly with varicose veins of the lower extremities. The weak valve system of the affected veins does not cope with the function of moving the venous blood, so the blood stagnates, and the fluid passes into nearby tissues, causing swelling.
The main accumulation of fluid occurs in the leg in which the lesion of the venous vessels is more pronounced.
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Treatment of leg swelling during pregnancy
The main fundamental factor in the successful treatment and prevention of foot swelling during pregnancy is diet and drinking regimen. The diet supposes the refusal of sweet, salty, smoked products and spicy condiments. The advantage is given to sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to take vitamin complexes to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
Liquids should be consumed up to 2 liters per day, but not less than 1 liter; it is better not to have tea or coffee, but ordinary still water or freshly squeezed juices.
With particularly pronounced edema, the administration of diuretics is prescribed. They are prescribed only by a doctor, blood pressure is always monitored during admission.
You can use infusions of herbs, such as field horsetail, cowberry leaves or currants, dry root of parsley or nettle, cumin. Useful for swelling of the legs is also pumpkin or birch juice, cranberry juice, fruits of viburnum, celery juice.
Significantly activate the trophic tissue, contribute to improving the overall state of yoga or special gymnastics for pregnant women.
It is recommended to rest more. During rest, it is better to provide the legs with an elevated position with a roller or a cushion: so the blood will easier to pass through the vessels, not stagnating in the limbs.
If any symptoms of puffiness appear during pregnancy, you should inform your doctor about it. Timely diagnosis will avoid such serious complications as late toxicosis (gestosis) and eclampsia of pregnant women. Follow the advice of your doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, and swelling of the feet during pregnancy will not give you much discomfort.