What should I do if my teen has hair falling out?
Last reviewed: 18.10.2021

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In the period of puberty in the human body can occur different phenomena, even hair loss, which, in principle, happens rarely. But, if it was suddenly noticed that the adolescent's hair falls out - this does not mean that the child is sick.
What is the cause of hair loss in adolescents?
First, the child becomes an adult. You understand that at this time a person becomes irritable, which can affect the condition of the hair. In addition, in the upper layers of the head accumulates a hormone called dihydrotestosterone. He is the source of the fact that the teenager's hair falls out. In men this hormone is more than in women, therefore, young men are more prone to hair loss than girls. The presence of this hormone is hereditary. It goes without saying that the medicine has not been invented against genetics, but it is possible to prevent hair loss with the help of medications.
If we talk about girls at this age, then this is the most capricious and whimsical creatures, worse than pregnant women (no offense!). Their body is subject to hormonal changes, and the psychological side's reaction to this process is more complicated than that of the guys. Therefore, future women also have problems with hair. In addition, the onset of sexual activity can also cause hair loss.
If the parents noticed that their child's hair began to fall out, then no matter whether the boy is a girl or a girl, one should take the teenager to tests. It is possible that he lacks calcium in the body. In this case, doctors prescribe a treatment that includes calcium gluconate in ampoules.
Secondly, do not forget about the environment; chlorinated water, which we drink and to which my head; about city dust; about poor-quality food: fast food and semi-finished products; about antibiotics that are taken during treatment and so on. Some modern children in their teens begin to try alcohol and cigarettes, which, naturally, does not have a positive effect on the body. But, this does not mean that a teenager necessarily uses artificial stimulants.
In any case, complex hair care will not hurt, which includes the intake of vitamins: A, B, C, D3, E, PP; microelements: calcium, magnesium iron; head massage; strengthening means for hair.
When does the child's hair fall out?
If the hair falls out in the child, then it is not without reason. So, let's move on to the main thing that can affect the state of children's hair:
- trauma to the hair shaft. This can be caused by a chemical or mechanical effect on the hair itself. Suppose, when it comes to the girl, it is not uncommon for parents to tighten plaits too tightly, use curling tools (hair curlers, curling irons), hairdryers.
If parents noticed that their child often turns their hair, "winds on a finger", pulls constantly, then one can not deny a diagnosis like trichotillomania. This disease is directly associated with disorders that are related to the disturbed psyche, for example, neurosis. Here the treatment is of a completely different nature. If the child is very small and parents have promptly turned for help to a specialist, then after the treatment the condition of the hair comes back to normal. When a child is older than 10 years, then the situation is somewhat aggravated by the fact that the process of recovery is delayed. With a neglected form of the disease, scars can form, and hair restoration is impossible.
- Ringworm is not a rare case. It is explained from the point of view of medicine, as a fungal infection, and therefore contagious. In this situation, you need to be very careful that the child does not infect the people around him. This disease affects the scalp, including eyelashes and eyebrows. Ringworm affects the hair follicles and rods. Externally, this disease manifests itself in this way: the hair breaks off, the head forms a bald oval or round form. Here, only a dermatologist can help.
Who to contact?
What to do and what to treat?
As medicines in this diagnosis, mostly resort to Nizoral and antifungal agents. The course of treatment usually lasts about 8 weeks. So, let's consider the method of this process in more detail:
- "Griseofulvin" is an antifungal agent that exerts a fungistatic effect on numerous species of dermatomycetes - trichophytons, microspores, epidermophytones. In candidiasis ineffective!
How to use?
Take "Griseofulvin" follows during meals, while immediately eating vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon. Dosage is set depending on the weight of the child, namely 1 kg body weight / 22 mg "Griseofulvin". That is, if a child weighing 30 grams, then his daily rate is 660 mg. One tablet - 125 mg. Take medication every day. The course of admission lasts until the time when the first results of the mycological examination will not become negative.
"Griseofulvin" has side effects: dyspeptic phenomenon - indigestion, nausea, headache and dizziness, urticaria, loss of orientation. Rarely, but it is possible to increase the level of eosinophils, increase and decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood. In such situations it is better to interrupt the medication for 3 to 4 days. In the presence of urticaria it is recommended to take antihistamines, 10% calcium chloride solution. If the side effect is nausea, then intake of 1 tablespoon of 0.5 solution of novocaine helps in this.
It is advisable in the process of treatment "Griseofulvin" to take vitamins such as: ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid.
1 time in two weeks to hand over a blood on analyzes!
Contraindications include severe leukopenia and blood diseases; porphyrin disease; organic kidney and liver diseases; malignant tumors; pregnancy and lactation.
This drug is taken under strict medical supervision, that is, home conditions and self-treatment - are excluded!
- Local antimycotic therapy: 2% iodine solution; ointment with 3% salicylic acid and 10% sulfur; As lotions, you can use "Naphthyfine", "Econazole", "Bifonazol" and so on; cream: "ketoconazole", "Clotrimazole" and so on.
In the process of treatment, grown hair should be shaved daily. In addition, hair care products should be individual, for example, a hairbrush - in order not to infect others.
If you refuse treatment, what will happen? As for girls, then the disease develops into a chronic trichophytosis. At boys on achievement of puberty illness or disease passes or takes place by itself.
- alopecia areata. Such a diagnosis is terrible because the hair falls out at an incredible rate. Perhaps even such that the child went to bed with a hairdo, and woke up in the morning without hair. This disease affects not all areas of the head, but only a few, creating the shape of the nest. The causes of alopecia areata may be different: the influence of the human immune system on the hair follicles, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, nerve and mental trauma.
In addition, alopecia areata can develop into total alopecia. The very word "total" already explains the essence of the disease, that is, absolute alopecia. In this case, the child has hair all over his body, eyelashes and eyebrows are no exception. Do not rule out the option of nail damage, but not dropping.
Children with alopecia areata before final recovery are under strict supervision of a dermatologist. If the course of treatment was started in a timely and correct manner, then the child recovers within a year.
Before talking about a specific treatment, without fail, you need to undergo a survey to find possible sources of the disease. Therapy has a generally restorative and intensely vitamin character:
- vitamin A from 5 to 30 drops twice a day,
- vitamin E - 1 teaspoonful 2 times a day,
- injections: B1 (5%), B6 (5%), B12 to 200 mcg every other day,
- preparations of iron,
- riboflavin monophosphate (1%) 1 ml,
- ascorbic acid 10 mg twice a day,
- pantothenic acid 30 to 50 mg,
- show fitin: 25 - 50 mg 2 times a day,
- Methionine: 25 - 50 mg 2 - 3 times a day.
Telogenous alopecia - the number of active hair follicles is reduced. The disease manifests itself after a few weeks - hair loss, both partial and complete. Why such a process can happen to a child?
To provoke the appearance of telogenesis baldness, too high a temperature, surgical intervention, an excess of vitamin A, certain medications (Panvarfin, Kumadin, Lopid, Anafranil, antifungal agents, Beta-blockers, Ziloprim, Tenomin, anti-arthritic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and so on), severe stress.
Recovery is possible in the event that the causative agent of the disease is eliminated. Usually it lasts 6 - 12 months.
- Local infection can become a cause of alopecia. Local infections include sick teeth, appendicitis and so on.
- Hereditary factor. With this reason it will be very difficult to handle, but in most cases it is impossible.
It is possible that the child does not have enough nutrients in his body, and he simply needs a balanced diet. But anyway, going to the doctor is mandatory.