"Small problems" of newborns
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Problems with neonatal skin
Limited spots on the skin occur quite often, and it always worries parents. Most of them are completely harmless.
Milium - small cream-colored papules on the nose and sometimes in the sky ("pearls" of Ebstein) are cysts of sebaceous glands; they disappear on their own.
Toxic erythema (urticaria of newborns). These are red spots, often with a central white vesicle. They are also harmless. The life span of each such speck is not more than 24 hours (try to circle one of them), this is different from the septic erythematous specks that develop into purulent pustules. If you have a doubt - do with such a speck of scraping for microbiological examination.
Sweating (rashes in case of overheating). This is an itchy red rash that quickly fades as soon as you sweep the baby.
"The trace from the beak of the stork". These are areas of dilated capillaries on the eyelids, the central part of the forehead and on the back of the neck, i.e. In those places where the newborn "kept the stork with the beak when he brought it!" At pressure these places turn pale, and in due course all this passes.
Change in the coloration of the skin of a newborn type Harlequin - one side of the face or body suddenly blushes for several minutes. This is usually a short vasomotor incident.
Scaly skin. This phenomenon usually occurs in newborns with a belated birth term, it usually does not lead to any dermatological problems. Lubrication of these areas with olive oil protects skin folds from cracks.
Petechial hemorrhages, cyanosis of the face, subconjunctival hemorrhages. These are transient phenomena, they are usually associated with the passage of a newborn's head through the mother's birth canal.
Swelling of mammary glands. This happens in newborns of both sexes and is sometimes accompanied by the separation of the so-called witch milk. This is due to the influence of maternal hormones on the body of the newborn. This phenomenon by itself passes, but with infection there is a need for the use of antibiotics.
Problems with the navel of newborns
The cord residue usually dries up and separates from the wet base on the 7th day. Signs of infection - an unpleasant smell, the appearance of pus, redness in the periumbilical area, the child becomes sluggish. It should be isolated, take a wash from the navel for sowing, and also make a blood culture. The newborn should be prescribed antibiotics.
Granuloma - the presence of urachus should be excluded; granuloma prizhzhite lapisnym "pencil".
Flickering eye
This is a fairly common condition caused by an unhealed tear duct. It should be sown to exclude the ophthalmia of newborns.
Various problems that arise when feeding a newborn
A healthy newborn born in time requires very little nutrition in the first few days. Therefore, do not worry if these days he takes a bad breast, and do not need to offer him a bottle of milk. By the way, the newborns, who were trapped in the earthquake for 4 days, survived well. In the first days, newborns may experience difficulties during feeding because of lack of coordination of sucking and respiratory movements: they are slightly choking, they have vomiting, they sometimes become cyanotic. Eliminate any disease, once again check the technique of breastfeeding (too much milk? Too fast?) And try to calm down. Regurgitation (regurgitation) is usually associated with a rapid overflow of a small-capacity newborn stomach with milk and air. Once again, check the feeding technique. If a child receives milk from a bottle, it may be that the nipple is too large for the baby's mouth or a hole in the nipple, on the contrary, too little, or just milk too much? The swelling of the baby before feeding can help, but it is not very useful for his health.
Reddish spots on the diaper (diaper)
Most often this is due to urate in the urine, but this may be the discharge of blood from the vagina or sexual strand (the rudiment of the oviduct), which is due to the termination of the intake of the mother's estrogens into the blood of the baby.
Newborns usually sneeze in order to clear the nose of the amniotic fluid.