How to reduce the stress of the first school months?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The beginning of the new school year can radically affect the fragile children's psyche, stress can reduce the effectiveness of the child in society and in learning. The first months of study can be extremely difficult for both children and parents. Even those children who really want to go to school will have to adjust to a higher level of activity and stress, inevitably associated with school life. The degree of adaptation depends on the child, but parents can help their children manage their own pace of life, plan everything in advance and react positively to the lessons and new students. Here are a few tips to help your child ease the first months of school.
Before the beginning of studies
Good physical and mental health of the schoolboy. Make sure your child is in good physical and mental health. Take him before the school to the doctors, and especially take time to consult a psychologist, orthopedist and dentist. The attending physician-pediatrician will help to determine whether the development of the child corresponds to age or not. Your child will benefit if you can identify and begin to address his health and development problems before he goes to school.
View all the information about the school. Review the materials that relate to the school. Record the phone number of your child's class teacher, the class number in which he will be engaged, what school supplies, call schedule, nurse's number are needed.
Make copies of the required documents. Make a copy of your child's card and a copy of the vaccinations. This information can be used for recreational activities in the summer. For example, for a summer camp.
Write down the lunch schedule for the child at school. This information you need to know at least a week before you start your studies. Prepare your child for these changes by talking to him about the benefits of studying in school. For a child, a lot of stress is to change the whole mode of the day.
Limit TV viewing. Invite the child before bedtime to play quiet games, puzzles, paint or read in the morning and evening instead of watching TV. This will help to facilitate your child's learning. If possible, apply this practice throughout the school year. Television distracts many children, and your child will come to school better prepared if he does not overload his brain with unnecessary information.
Visit the school with your child. If your child first goes to school or attends a new school, visit it with your child. The child needs to show who his teacher is, where the classroom is, changing rooms, a canteen, etc., this will help ease the anxiety of the child, and also allow him to ask you questions about a new environment for him. Talk to the teachers and make sure that they always turn to you as soon as the child starts problems of any kind.
Choose suitable clothes and shoes for your child. Buy only what you need. The child is growing rapidly, so make sure that he has at least two pairs of sturdy shoes. Ideally - orthopedic. This will protect the baby's legs from fatigue and diseases associated with flat feet. Find out in advance whether the child will have a special form at school. At many special schools it is practiced.
Prepare for the child a place where he will do his homework. Older children should be able to study in their own room and this place should be the quietest in the house. Small children usually need rest, this gives the child the opportunity to be protected and calm.
The first months of the school
Free your own schedule. As far as possible, in the first months of the school postpone business trips, meetings after work, as well as additional projects. You need to be free to help your child get used to school and overcome the embarrassment or anxiety that many children experience at the beginning of the new school year.
Prepare a dinner that the child can take with him. Older children can help or prepare you this school lunch. Or give the kid the opportunity to buy lunch at school, if the finances permit it.
Set the alarm. Children of school age should have their own alarm clock, which will wake him up in the morning. This will raise the responsiveness and responsibility of the child. Praise him for prompt response.
Leave your child extra time for school fees. Make sure your child has enough time to get up, have breakfast and get to school. For very young children who are sent to school by bus, you need to put a note in the pocket of the jacket with the appropriate information, including the teacher's name and school number, as well as your contact information.
Secure your child after leaving school. Talk to the child about what to do if he comes home after school, and you can not meet him. Be very specific, especially with young children. Give the child a number on which you can be contacted, and alternative numbers, such as grandparents, scared sisters and brothers.
Look at your child's textbooks. Talk to him about how your child will learn for a year. Share it with your confidence in his abilities. Be interested in teaching your child throughout the school year. Training certain skills requires time and frequent repetition. Encourage the child to be patient, considerate and react positively to all school circumstances.
Send notes to the teacher of your child and call him from time to time. Let the teachers know that you are interested in getting regular feedback and in the information, like what your child does in school. Tell the teacher about your sincere desire to cooperate with him.
How to reduce the level of stress in the first months of school?
Let your children know, you care about them. If your child is worried about school, help him cope with the situation. Conversation with the child every day, find out his smallest problems. To work together with them. Children absorb their parents' anxiety, so your optimism and confidence are good imitation models for your child. Let your child know that it's natural, a little nervous at first school time.
Do not overdo it. If the first few days the children behave slightly unrestrained, aggressively, irritatedly, try not to react to it. Little children may experience anxiety or shyness, you must help them to adapt to the new pace of life. Convince them that you love them, think about them during the day, and it will help the children create a sense of security.
Convince the child of his ability to cope with the situation in school. Talk to the child about several options for managing a difficult situation at school, explain how you would do, tell a few stories from your own school past. But, if the problem is not resolved, the child should share it with the teacher and you. Keep in touch with the school.
Organize a meeting of children in front of the school. Try to arrange a meeting of several familiar classmates of your child before school. And then the first months of school will not be so difficult for the child.