How to protect the student from overload?
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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Overload of a schoolboy is the hottest topic on forums and in parental disputes. According to the research of the Scientific Center of Health, today only 3-4% of schoolchildren (one or two children for a whole class!) Leave after grade 11 with healthy children. All other doctors diagnose certain deviations in health. And the reason for this - many hours of school overload. How to protect the student from training overload? And what is considered an overload, and what is the usual norm, without which - anywhere?
Why do students have overload?
How often do we observe the situation: a little girl with a briefcase less than she herself hides 7 lessons, then runs to a music school, and from there to an English tutor. We need to learn more and learn lessons, because our school program is designed for future Einsteins and Newtons. And parents demand from the kids also high marks, and obedience, and at parents' meetings require: give us a couple more languages in the program, because children after school come!
And they do not even think that such overloads break the delicate and fragile nervous system of the child, up to 70% of which suffer from obvious or hidden neuroses. Blame it all - school overload.
What are the training standards?
The curriculum can be divided into the study itself and the conditions in which this study is carried out. Directly studying is how many lessons the schoolchild sits, how many hours he spends on his homework, how many hours he takes to exercise and rest. It's no secret that in the modern school curriculum there is absolutely no time left for the student to rest - this time "eat" homework.
The conditions for studying are in what room and class the children are engaged in. A spacious room with modern equipment and bright, cheerful classes is the norm. An old school, in which even in winter heating does not reach 18 degrees, and children are forced to sit in warm jackets and blow on frozen fingers-this, unfortunately, is a real picture. Not universal, but very frequent.
It is important for parents and teachers to take into account that even if the conditions for studying a child are excellent, the environment around pleases the eye, then the school load in these bright spacious classes should not be excessive.
What is the result of excessive school load?
According to studies by physiologists, up to 40% of primary school pupils (that is, children at the most fragile age of 6 to 10 years old) suffer from overt or covert neuroses due to school overload. The percentage of neurotics among schoolchildren of middle age and adolescents is even higher - up to 70%. These studies, by the way, were conducted in model schools, where parents and teachers were supporters of the most intensive program - with the study of special subjects and numerous electives. The same statistics show that after school graduation, the children's diseases, received during excessive training, become chronic.
So, after grades 9-11, 3 times more chronic diseases are registered in children than in school. Among these diseases five times as many children with impaired eyesight as in school, and those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract become more than 3 times. It's simple: the body can not cope with the stresses and the course of the diseases is aggravated. After all, none of them for a week does not arise, and develops within months, and even years.
As for psychological deviations resulting from overload in school, these problems arise in every fourth boy and girl.
The stress of lack of time
"I do not have time!" The child cries desperately. And if he does not cry, he thinks - he is already tired of screaming. This stress is the most common among schoolchildren. When a child is naughty in a kindergarten, psychologists advise parents to leave 15-20 minutes for any of his fees. This is good advice for parents of schoolchildren. But it is not so easy for him to follow. Breaks between lessons are negligible. And the school load is such that extra 15-20 minutes is a huge luxury for a busy child. In the meantime, they constantly drive him: come on, come on, learn, keep up.
As a result, during the whole considerable training course - 9-11 years - the child is forced to maximally compact his schedule, constantly somewhere to run, to do homework in the shortest possible time, because on the horizon there are still tutors and, in the end, dancing or a musical instrument. In pursuit of knowledge and prestigious admission, educators and parents miss an important detail: with the same life expectancy for the past fifty years, the school load has increased threefold.
If 30 years ago schoolchildren before the third class were counted on sticks, today in the third grade they teach a lot of subjects that were not introduced earlier than 6-7 grade. Meanwhile, the constant growth of loads in the school is a direct violation of the norms of instruction, for which both teachers and, especially, parents are blindfolded. Excuse is one: let him study, there will be no time to do nonsense ...
What are the reasonable standards of school load?
Let's look at how much time a child should have to do without harming one's health. The Ministry of Health, of course, strictly calculates the norms of instruction for children of different ages. Parents wonder if they recognize these figures.
Up to grade 5 - no six-day classes and no more than 5-6 lessons per day. If there is still a six-day school, the fifth-grader should not sit more than 31 hours a week. This does not exceed 5 lessons a day. And now remember when your fifth-grader received no more than 5 lessons a day?
6th grade - if a five-day school week is provided, there should be a maximum of 6 lessons per day, and that is not every day, because in the amount of the Ministry of Health, no more than 29 lessons per week are allowed for schoolchildren of this age. If the school week is six days for sixth graders, they are allowed not more than 5 lessons per day and once a week - 6 lessons. Because the school week for schoolchildren of this age should contain no more than 32 lessons.
The burden on the lessons is also regulated by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. The most difficult are to be the 2nd and 3rd lessons - mathematics, physics, chemistry, language learning. Tuesday and Wednesday should be days when the most difficult lessons are planned, Thursday and Friday - more unloading. Have you seen the school in which these requirements are met?
How much time to devote to homework?
As for homework, for fifth-graders they can not be more than 3 hours. That is, the child must have time to do all the lessons during this time, given that every hour he needs to rest for 10-15 minutes. Ask the child more than he can do in 3 hours, sanitary standards are not allowed! And what do we see in reality? The little sufferer does not leave the textbooks for the rest of the day, and his parents punish him for every mistake. How here not to develop a neurosis?
The norm of homework assignments for children of the 6th grade is the same as for fifth graders, and not a minute more. Parents and teachers should draw conclusions.
Time to start and finish homework, too, it turns out, is regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards. Maybe the parents will be amazed, but the time is not an hour or two nights, as often happens. Homework should start at 15.00, and finish no later than 17.00. What is it? But you can often see a picture when the child is sitting on textbooks until 22.00 and later, and even in poor lighting.
Meanwhile, doctors strictly forbid sitting over homework after 7 pm, especially for primary school children. This causes them many chronic diseases, including visual impairment, posture and chronic fatigue syndrome.
How much does it take to sleep and walk a schoolboy?
Sleep and physical activity for schoolchildren are also regulated. To save the child from school overloads, he needs to give a sleep of at least 8-10 hours. To give the child of school age a normal physical load, he needs to be given the opportunity to pass, run and jump up to 7 km per day, and half of them at school. And in the open air a child of school age should be at least three hours. And how long does your child walk?
Symptoms of school overload
Yes, there are. And they are not related at all to the fact that your child is naturally moody and disobedient. Parents need to pay attention in time to the signals that the child's body, exhausted by school overload, is exerting. Otherwise, it may be too late - constant visits to the hospital may not show the true reason why your baby is getting sick more and more often. And the reason is simply trivial - the training load is extremely high.
- So, the first indicator of school overload is the weight of the child. If the schoolboy began to lose weight rapidly - the body needs more rest and properly organized nutrition. To control the weight of the child, it should be put on the scale at least once a month.
- The second indicator of overfatigue of a schoolboy is his consistently bad mood and signs of depression: fatigue, weakness, loss of interest in those activities that used to cause a child's active participation.
- The third important indicator is the deterioration of appetite. If a child ignores passionately loved before her mother's patties and is indifferent to the cakes adored before, it's bad. It is worth paying attention to how many hours a day a schoolboy devotes to lessons and whether he walks in the open air.
- The fourth indicator of a child's health is his movements. It's a bad habit to bite your nails all the time-not the whim of a child, but the first bell of a stressful state. Squeaking with your teeth in a dream, nightmares, bruises under the eyes, twitching of the eyelids, easy stammering is attributed to the same category. To begin with, it is necessary to reduce the school load of the child, less to scold him and give him enough sleep. Does not help - lead your student to a psychologist - such visits are in vain.
- The fifth important indicator of the shaken health of a son or daughter is his behavior in class. If the child does not listen well to the teacher, raises his classmates, does not answer the questions at the wrong time, or, on the contrary, shows no interest in the lessons, he is sluggish and bezynitsiativny - be alarmed. It can be a banal overwork, and not a desire to annoy yourself, spoiling the tabs.
- And, finally, pay attention to the child's blood pressure. This is an important symptom of whether the body is alright. Normal pressure for an adult is considered to be 120x80. For a child, these figures are too high. The upper pressure of the child is normal - 100-80. If the upper indicator of the arterial pressure of a schoolchild before the age of 14 is more than "only" by 5 units and is 115 mm Hg. This can be a serious signal of school overload.
How can we protect the student from learning overload? The solution of this issue directly depends on the sensitivity and care of parents. Timely response to changes in the health of the baby can save him from many dangers in the future.