Sunflower seeds during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With regard to seeds during pregnancy, there are many prejudices. Say, such food adversely affects the child and the generational process. We will not dwell on each of them, so that women do not take to heart the information based only on rumors.
Any future mother should use food in reasonable portions, of proper quality and usefulness. Concerning seeds, such precautions are possible:
- To avoid inflammation of the appendix, do not allow the sunflower seeds to enter the digestive tract
- Before use, raw grains need to be washed and dried in a pan, in the oven
- Consider that the fried seeds partially lose useful properties.
Can I gnaw seeds during pregnancy?
Sunflower seeds are quite high in calories, contain many antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids, cellulose, trace elements such as selenium, magnesium, and potassium. Overeating threatens with two undesirable consequences: rapid weight gain and a sharp laxative effect.
The influence of pumpkin seeds is much softer. They are also rich in minerals, but less fat. Both types have a beneficial effect on hair, skin, nails.
Thus, the question of whether it is possible to gnaw seeds during pregnancy, the answer is definitely positive.
Sunflower seeds from heartburn during pregnancy
Heartburn, alas, almost invariable companion of pregnancy. If in the first weeks of women nausea, in the second half - it is heartburn. Alternative medicine has many recipes from this trouble, and sunflower seeds during pregnancy are just one of them.
The main cause of heartburn is hormonal changes, leading to a decrease in muscle tone. In addition, the enlarged uterus increases abdominal pressure, while the stomach moves upward. These are the real physiological causes of heartburn, which disappear after childbirth. And together with them the torment of a woman stops.
But there are also possible hidden causes, for example, exacerbation of digestive diseases, which are still occurring without such symptoms. If heartburn does not stop after the successful completion of pregnancy, a woman needs a doctor's consultation.
There is a common opinion about the dangers of sunflower seeds during pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is an effective remedy, normalizing the health of many future mothers. If the condition improves quickly, after taking a small portion of the seeds, then why not? In any case, it is not known about any medical contraindications.
You just need to remember the high calorie content of the seeds; because if you use them often to fight heartburn, then after the birth you will have to fight hard with weight.
Pumpkin seeds in pregnancy
Pumpkin seeds in pregnancy are also very popular. They help during heartburn attacks. Gynecologists are advised to eat 20 to 50 grams, from the first weeks of pregnancy. They enrich the body with selenium, calcium, other minerals, vitamins B, E, favorably affect the skin, internal organs. Reliable anthelmintic.
Like other seeds, during pregnancy, pumpkin seeds should be taken clean, not fried and small portions.
Sesame Seeds in Pregnancy
Sesame, also known as sesame, has many useful substances. Thanks to this, sesame seeds during pregnancy will also come in handy.
- They contain the mother necessary for the support of the musculoskeletal system and the formation of the skeletal basis of the child.
- Replenish the body so necessary when carrying the fruit iron.
- Rich in many vitamins, amino acids.
Adding seeds to this diet during pregnancy has a positive effect on many processes:
- softens and relieves stools;
- strengthens the teeth, gums;
- protects against colds;
- normalizes urination;
- has an invigorating effect, relieves stress and fatigue;
- relieves of groundless fears.
After delivery, sesame reduces the risk of mastitis and other breast pathologies.
Sesame seed is very popular in industrial cooking. It is added to yoghurts, pastries, halva, kozinaki. In the home kitchen sesame is used in salads, when frying different foods. There are recipes for cooking sesame salt, delicious tahini pasta.
Can such a product be damaged? It is believed that pregnant women should observe some caution, for example:
- Do not take seeds in the first trimester;
- use oil in minimum doses;
- consider the individual possibility of food allergies.
In order not to give the body undesirable risks, in each case it is necessary to get good in the women's consultation.
Seeds of sunflower during pregnancy
Uncontrolled clicking of sunflower seeds during pregnancy will not spoil your teeth for long. After all, enamel is erased from them, caries are formed and progresses. You need to go to the dentist, and a woman in position is not always the way. To ensure that the seeds during pregnancy benefit the body as a whole and do not harm the teeth, you need to clean them manually and eat up to 30 grams per day.
Of course, toasted seeds are more delicious. But raw less calories and without cholesterol, which is formed from healthy fats under the influence of high temperature.
Seeds in pregnancy - not only a source of vitamins, minerals, protein (20%), but also the necessary energy. With regular use reduce the level of cholesterol - due to phytosterols and fiber.
Some people relieve stress with the help of seeds. The process of eating seeds, especially in a suitable company, really calms the nerves. Sometimes try to replace these seeds with bad habits, for example, smoking. At many it turns out.
Watermelon seeds in pregnancy
Seeds of this species are also not only edible, but also quite nutritious. The benefits are inside, because they should be chewed properly.
Seeds contain:
- protein (third part of weight)
- fat
- vitamins of group B
- minerals magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, sodium
- dietary fiber.
Watermelon seeds in pregnancy are very useful as a non-chemical anthelmintic. For the desired effect, it is enough just to eat watermelon together with seeds. Parasites die right in the intestines of a pregnant woman. One need only remember that early watermelons are dangerous to eat, because they can contain nitrates.
Especially tasty sunflower seeds and salted. First they are washed and carefully dried, a few minutes fry in a pan, then add salt water (a teaspoon to a quarter of a glass of water). Keep on fire until water boils. Eat after cooling.
Flax seeds during pregnancy
Flax seeds during pregnancy, due to a unique composition, enrich the body with important amino acids, glycerides of various acids, carbohydrates, enzymes, organic acids, vitamin A. The special substance of flaxseed is mucus, prevents inflammation in the digestive organs, and oils have an excellent effect on regeneration processes.
To bear a healthy child, a woman should not be engaged in self-medication; because even such a harmless remedy, like seeds, during pregnancy should appoint a specialist. But the recognized fact is that the decoction of flax seed is an excellent natural laxative. It also supports the normal functioning of the stomach, relieves spasms in gastritis or ulcers.
The recipe for constipation from flax seeds during pregnancy:
- 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water insist half an hour
- take twice a day for a quarter of a glass.
In chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract take 50 ml of broth on an empty stomach.
But flax seeds also conceal a threat - they can cause an increased tone of the uterus. This is dangerous for the fetus. It is also not recommended to use them for chronic inflammation of reproductive organs. In each case, the question of such treatment should be addressed individually.
Kozinaki from seeds in pregnancy
The classic version of kozinaks is bee honey plus chopped walnuts. But the modern industry offers an assortment using a variety of nuts and seeds, dried fruits and oatmeal. Kozinaki from seeds during pregnancy are a good dessert for sweeties, which are temporarily not recommended for less useful sweets.
Like simple seeds, when pregnant, kozinaki should be eaten in moderation. The second requirement is the naturalness of the product. If possible, it is better to cook kozinaki yourself; if not - buy branded products from well-known manufacturers. But even quality guaranteed kozinaks are not recommended for pregnant women to eat more than once a week, a 70-gram serving.
The use of the product depends on the ingredients.
- Honey - a source of vitamins, improves digestion, mood, immunity.
- Sunflower seeds have a positive effect on the skin.
- Walnuts are especially useful where there is an iodine deficiency.
Since these kozinaks do not contain sugar, the benefits are obvious for the figure of the mother. In addition, they, along with chocolate, contribute to the formation of the so-called "happiness hormones." In any case, this is the best alternative to cakes, sweet buns and other unhelpful desserts.
With care to take a treat should be unless you are allergic to honey or iodine, as well as diarrhea, so as not to aggravate its course. And do not allow damage to the tooth enamel.
Seeds of Momordica
Momordica is a little-known, but nevertheless interesting fruit, which is also called balsamic pear, Chinese pumpkin, Indian garnet, rabid cucumber. This is really a genetic relative of cucumbers and pumpkins, looking like a warty cucumber or a long pumpkin. Young - green, ripe - orange. Seeds of Momordica are placed in cavities of red color inside the fetus.
The flesh is very nutritious, juicy and crispy, with a taste of cucumber, sweet pepper. The leaves contain a lot of protein, carbohydrates, phosphorus.
- Fetal substances normalize the secretion of insulin, have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, soothing effect. There are data on beneficial effects on patients with oncology, psoriasis, rheumatism, HIV. Special treatment experience of this plant is the physicians of China, India, South America.
In alternative medicine use a tincture of fruits and a decoction of the seeds of Momordica. However, it is useful in this case to consult a doctor. In no case should you eat leaves of the plant - because of their high toxicity.
There are strict prohibitions on the use of medicinal exotics. So, the seeds of momordica, unlike other seeds, can not be used in pregnancy in any form.
Benefits of Seeds in Pregnancy
In addition to skin-nails-hair, the use of seeds during pregnancy affects other organs. First of all, it is an economical, harmless and tasty remedy for saving from the painful feeling of heartburn. Among the many essential seeds in the menu of products in pregnancy - in pride of place: thanks to the presence of folic acid, useful fatty acids, a whole bunch of minerals and vitamins. For example, the fruits of a sunflower activate peristalsis, relieve constipation, discomfort in the abdominal cavity. Limitation of the number of seeds refers to patients with gastritis and liver problems.
- accelerate the recovery of soft tissues and bones;
- normalize the acid-base balance;
- improve appetite, eliminate heartburn, nausea, constipation;
- prevent atherosclerosis, heart disease, blood vessels, liver.
All this is certainly true during pregnancy. It is important to emphasize that the most useful are the seeds washed and dried, without frying. A useful limit is up to 100 grams per day (a glass contains about 550 kcal).
Harmful to seeds in pregnancy
The damage of seeds during pregnancy is possible with overeating. They relieve heartburn, but when they are eaten without measure, nausea can intensify.
Seeds damage the teeth, so clean them better with your hands.
They are rare, but allergic reactions are possible.
- Purified seeds of any kind can not provoke appendicitis. Inflammation is caused by the husks, which can appear in the caecum. If the "gnawing" is treated with care, then the danger is minimal.
Do not get carried away by "clicking" moms, inclined to fullness and already overfulfilled the norm by weight.
Dangerous may be sesame: not fried can be infected, and after roasting it remains practically without useful properties. To avoid trouble, you can use non-hazardous sesame oil.
- Nobody, unfortunately, guarantees the chemical purity of the product, as well as many other quality indicators. This should be taken care of by ourselves. Let's start with the elementary: let's read at least the label on the pack - for the presence of unwanted impurities that enter the seeds due to agrotechnical processing. A simple rinse partially eliminates these chemicals.
In order not to gain excess weight and not to harm either yourself or the child, when forming a diet, listen not only to your desires, but also to the wise advice of knowledgeable people.