Nuts during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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A person is what he eats - this famous phrase is undoubtedly correct, because you can build your body only from materials coming from outside with food. Especially when it comes to the birth of life, the future man, the development of which depends entirely on the mother's body.
The importance of nutrition can be indirectly indicated by the fact that the tastes of most pregnant women change, sometimes quite radically. Often they refuse from their favorite meals, demanding instead of what they never liked before.
But in any case, the diet of a woman waiting for a child should be full and healthy, the products - fresh and quality, the dishes - tasty and healthy. In the list of such products, nuts occupy a special place.
Can I eat nuts during pregnancy?
If you answer briefly, then definitely yes. It was known to those generations when any information was transmitted only verbally, from grandmother to granddaughter.
Nuts are tasty and healthy, contain a lot of necessary for the health of the fetus and the future mother of substances. In particular:
- a lot of carbohydrates;
- alimentary fiber;
- vitamins A, B, C, D, E;
- microelements;
- macronutrients;
- unique amino acids;
- vegetable protein;
- polyunsaturated fatty acids.
It is estimated that nuts are three times richer than fruits, minerals, undoubted leaders in the capacity of many proteins and healthy fats; therefore lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
These fruits will enrich and diversify any diet. Nuts during pregnancy must certainly be on the menu. But how much and what - about this below.
Benefits of nuts during pregnancy
Nuts are a very high-calorie and high-energy product, and the content of protein can compete even with meat.
Vitaminize the body, enrich it
- iron;
- copper;
- zinc;
- potassium;
- calcium;
- phosphorus;
- other microelements.
Positively affect the cardiovascular system, overall health and mood.
Toning the central nervous system, normalize the activity of the brain.
Adjust fat metabolism, prevent weight fluctuations.
Provide the mother's body with the substances necessary for the formation of the muscular, bone tissue of the child.
Scientists have found an interesting connection: if the mother regularly eat a moderate amount of nuts while waiting for the child, then children were much less likely to suffer allergies (three times). Conclusion: the use of these products still in the womb imparts tolerance to children and prevents possible allergic risks.
To make nuts really useful during pregnancy, they must be crushed thoroughly (in a blender or manually) before use. A good practical advice is to soak for a while in the water.
Useful nuts for pregnancy
So different fruits of such different trees and bushes are united not only by the common name "nuts". In many respects, their chemical composition also resembles, and hence the properties.
However, some nuts contain unique substances. Therefore, nutritionists believe that it is useful for pregnant women to combine different types of nuts that will diversify the diet, will become its most useful additive.
In nature, there are about a hundred and fifty kinds of edible nuts. If you choose the most famous, then the calorie in the first place - walnuts, followed by cedar and forest, then - almonds, cashews, peanuts, pistachios.
- Walnuts contain the most vitamin C and iron.
- Fructose contained in pine nuts is very useful for intrauterine development.
- Hazelnut very useful in cases of metabolic disorders, diabetes, hypertension, varicose problems.
- Almond is needed as a source of iron, which is part of hemoglobin. This nut is a real receptacle of zinc and phosphorus, vitamin E. It stabilizes the pressure, positively affects the brain, it is recommended for diseases of the kidneys, female and other organs.
- Cashew almost does not cause allergic reactions. Therefore it is useful to all without contraindications. In addition to benefits, really satisfy the feeling of hunger.
- Pistachios are useful for the prevention of heart disease. They have immune-strengthening effect, "cleanse" the blood, well affect the liver, the brain.
In order for nuts to be well kept, they should be kept in tightly closed boxes, glass containers or in cloth bags. Do not overcook, because of this, the nuts are no longer useful.
Dry nuts can be freshened by placing them in salty water for a while.
Walnuts in Pregnancy
Among the abundance of edible nuts, a real champion can be considered as a Greek. These fruits, which are habitual, unpretentious for growing and without exotic gloss, are called fruits of the "tree of life". And quite deservedly! After all, they, in the opinion of nutritionists and doctors, are truly a storehouse of everything that is necessary and useful for a person.
- Expanding the vessels of the brain, the fruits of the walnut improve its nutrition and memory.
- Nuts are indispensable in the confectionery industry, an excellent treat for adults and children.
- They are nutritious, rich in vitamin C.
- Walnuts have an invigorating effect on a tired woman, have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunity-enhancing properties.
- Help to get rid of headaches, insomnia, nervous disorders.
- Preference is also that nuts during pregnancy favor lactation, therefore in moderate doses are very useful in recent weeks before permission.
- These nuts grow everywhere and are affordable.
Pine nuts in pregnancy
Pine nuts are considered indispensable in the diet of pregnant women. They contain the "building materials" that are extremely necessary for the developing fetus - amino acids, close in structure to human (including unique - arginine). In addition, the body replenishes the most important vitamin E, the lack of which is harmful to the child.
They are the source of vitamins A, C, E, PP, D, the whole group B, micronutrients of tin, molybdenum, nickel.
A one-hundred-gram portion of nuts contains a sufficient dose of iodine (daily).
Beneficial effect on the general condition of women, strengthen physical strength.
Pine nuts during pregnancy contribute to gaining weight of the fetus, its activity.
Cedar oil is also shown to women - both as internal and as an external means. From it, the skin becomes tender and velvety, as the oil is easily absorbed and moisturizes the skin.
Brazil nut during pregnancy
Brazil nut - the fruit of a plant called bertholetia. Some consider it a nut, others - a grain. Leave the scientists disputes with biologists, and the Brazil nut is the name by which it is known in our region. For the simple reason that these kernels are clearly closer to the nut plants than to the cereals, and on the look and taste.
The Brazilian exotic nut has virtually no contraindications - if consumed in reasonable quantities.
The microelement of selenium, contained in fruits, prolongs youth, quickly replenishes energy, actively counteracts depression and bad mood.
The fruits of the bertholety treat even malignant formations, male infertility.
This nut during pregnancy is advised to use limited, better together with the walnut, cedar, forest fruits.
Harm a nut can, like other species, causing allergies due to high protein concentrations. Harmful are considered and radium, and aflatoksiny - of course, only with the abuse of delicacy. After all, the ancients thought: everything is a cure and everything is poison - and only the dose makes one another.
Nutmeg in pregnancy
Nutmeg is also a very delicious product, but in our case there are more contraindications to it than indications. Therefore, experts strongly do not recommend it for pregnant women. In fact even the minimal dose threatens with displays of allergic reaction.
It also causes an active flow of blood to the internal organs, which is very undesirable for a woman expecting a baby.
Of course, there is an individual sensitivity to these or other products contained in them useful or harmful substances. In doubtful cases it is worth consulting with an obstetrician-gynecologist, especially if he is an authoritative expert and enjoys the confidence of patients. After all, almost every woman knows the situation when "you can not, but really want to". There is a small enough slice or sip of something to get rid of a painful desire, without dangerous consequences for yourself or the child. A good doctor will definitely give good advice, realizing that this is not just a feminine whim, but a physiological need of the organism.
Cashew nuts during pregnancy
Cashew nuts are low-calorie, so they are especially interesting to women who are prone to undesirable fatness. They have many useful properties.
Cashew normalizes the pressure, which is very important in pregnant women. Strengthen the myocardium, positively affect the brain, soothe the nervous system.
These nuts are also useful in pregnancy because they establish metabolic processes.
Prevent dystrophic phenomena in the baby, possible ailments of the heart and blood vessels.
Replenish the blood of a woman with iron, potassium, calcium, vitamins.
When choosing cashews, pay attention to their appearance. Too dried or roasted are less useful, poorly digested. The future mother is more useful than raw fruits.
It is normal to eat up to 30 grams of cashew; closer to the completion of gestation - not every day.
At feeding it is necessary to watch, whether there are no signs of an allergy at the baby. If not, then consider that cashews contribute to gaining weight. And it can also provoke a painful swelling of the tummy.
Nuts hazelnut during pregnancy
Hazelnut is distinguished by a very successful combination of amino acids and vitamin E. This is excellent for the formation of the muscular system of the fetus.
It is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6.
Normalizing the cardiovascular activity of the mother, hazelnut beneficial effect on similar processes in the future baby.
Contains a preventive anti-cancer drug, important for both mother and baby.
Increases the level of hemoglobin, helping to avoid anemia.
Increases the protective properties of the body.
With systematic consumption removes the slag of the liver and the entire body.
Alternative cosmetology advises women, including those in an interesting position, to make hazel-apple masks. From them, the skin becomes lighter and becomes clear. And from the hazelnut oil, hair grows better, it becomes strong and beautiful.
It should be borne in mind that all useful properties are inherent only in unrefined hazelnut. Store it up to six months, cleaned before eating. And do not overdo it: if you eat more than 50 grams, nuts in pregnancy can cause headaches.
Nuts with honey during pregnancy
The physiological characteristics of the pregnant body include an increased need for its body in many biochemical substances. With their lack of problems. Some of these problems can prevent nuts. For example, a mixed dish of honey, lemon peel, walnuts - an excellent remedy for iron deficiency anemia. Replenish these gifts of nature and the deficit of other vitally important minerals, vitamins, etc.
- Alternative medicine advises an effective prescription for headache, insomnia, nervousness, arising from stress or other causes. A prepared mixture of "honey plus nuts" during pregnancy will remove the spasm of the blood vessels of the brain, relieve these problems, which is especially valuable during pregnancy. After all, apply a conventional analgesic to a woman in this state will not allow any doctor.
In each case, the products must be of high quality, nuts - as much as possible ground, honey - natural and environmentally friendly. This is a guarantee of the usefulness and curative nature of such recipes.
Nuts with raisins during pregnancy
The high content of antioxidants makes raisins the most important component of a healthy diet. The diet to increase resistance to unfavorable external factors necessarily includes raisins and other dried fruits. During pregnancy, especially recommended vitamin-energy mixtures of quality ingredients:
- nut;
- raisins;
- dried apricots;
- prune;
- honey.
Shredded nuts (raisins, other dried fruits to choose from) during pregnancy can be a delicious treat, a source of energy and many useful substances. This mixture is kept in the refrigerator for ten days, and then eat on an empty stomach one tablespoon.
Insomnia, headache, nervousness - such troubles can be overcome by vitamins of B-group, which are also full in a suit.
"Zest" of the product can be considered an abundance of bromine, which is needed for the prevention of osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.
Walnut pecan during pregnancy
Pecan resembles an ordinary hazelnut or olives, but inside it is a walnut, only without partitions. But it is still an exotic fruit, because it grows mainly in the warmer part of the American continent. In some places it grows in the Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.
Valuable nuts in pregnancy abundance
- vitamins (A, B, E)
- microelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc)
- monounsaturated fats.
This feature makes pecan an important point in the anti-cholesterol diet, but at the same time is its weak point. After all, the highest content of fats among all nuts leads to their fast deterioration (rancidity). To prolong freshness, nuts are frozen.
Norm pecan nuts for a woman in position - no more than two pieces three times a week. Overdosing is fraught with allergies, which can be exacerbated by headache, digestive disorders, pourable on the oral mucosa. Increased caloric content contributes to excess weight.
Tincture of black walnut in pregnancy
Black walnut is genetically close to the popular walnut, but many times it exceeds its healing properties. It is an unconditional finding for pharmacists and healers. Black walnut while only conquering new territories, but its healing uniqueness is already growing with legends.
In the peel of the nut is so useful that it is easier to call what is not, than to list all the biologically active substances inherent in it, essential oils, vitamins and so on. They extract them with the help of alcohol, and this powerful arsenal makes the range of application of the tincture quite extensive.
- The amount of vitamin C is traditionally compared with citrus. In unripe black walnut fruit its content is 50 times larger!
- In the tincture there are rare minerals - cobalt, selenium.
- Element yuglon provides natural antibacterial, antifungal, anthelmintic properties.
But all sources are united in the belief: the tincture of black walnut during pregnancy is categorically forbidden. You can not use it for breastfeeding.
The most useful nuts in pregnancy
The most useful nuts in pregnancy are ordinary walnuts. They raise the level of hemoglobin, immunity, stabilize blood pressure and metabolism, positively affect the muscle tissue of the heart and brain activity.
Walnuts are easy to clean, easy to grind. They are perfectly combined with a variety of products, so they are added not only in homemade cakes, but also in salads, in oatmeal, rice and other porridges, in sauces and desserts.
Contraindications to the use of nuts during pregnancy
With all the huge utility, the abuse of nuts can harm a woman's body, which is in a happy state of waiting for motherhood. It should be remembered that protein substances can be allergens. Therefore
- if a woman was prone to allergies in the pre-pregnancy period, do not use nuts in general - to avoid the appearance of such a propensity in the child;
- if there was no allergy, introduce nuts into the pregnant woman's diet gradually, starting with one or even half a nut for a week;
- if during this time there are no dangerous manifestations, you can confidently consume this product in the maximum allowable amount.
In what quantity do you use nuts during pregnancy, so that they go exclusively for the benefit of the health of the mother and the baby?
Dieticians, referring to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, call a dose of up to 30 grams per day (five to six pieces). Best of all - in combination with other products, in salads: sweet - with dried fruits or spicy - with young greens. In such a combination, nuts during pregnancy are perfectly digested and do not irritate the digestive tract.
If fiber, contained in nuts, still creates digestive problems, use should be limited to five to seven grams per day or completely excluded from the daily menu.
If you compare all the pros and cons for the topic "nuts during pregnancy," the pros, of course, more. But in order to minimize the slightest possible risks, every woman needs to listen to herself, her desires. And always keep in touch with a gynecologist.
Harm to nuts during pregnancy
Since cedar and peanut are the most allergenic among nuts, it is better not to risk and during pregnancy to refuse them. And if unbearable, then eat a little, and then with the permission of the doctor.
More dangerous than the nut itself, is considered so popular in the world of peanut butter (paste). It is necessary to consider this feature, planning a daily menu for pregnant women, as well as breast-feeding women, so as not to provoke disease in newborns.
- Irritation, other symptoms of an allergic reaction may also occur with the use of nutmegs. To avoid such trouble, a future mother this product is not recommended.
- However, any nut, if it is of poor quality, can become harmful to the vulnerable organism of the future mother. For example, if stored incorrectly, nuts can become moldy. The defeat of mold fungus is dangerous because of the content of poisonous substances in it - mycotoxins. These poisons have not only toxic, but also carcinogenic substances, therefore they threaten with oncological diseases, affect the liver, kidneys, digestive organs and so on.
If a woman does not have contraindications, and she was daily relished with first-class nuts in the first months of pregnancy, then in the second half, and especially in the last trimester, it is necessary to limit their quantity, and use no more than twice a week.
Only a responsible attitude to nutrition and other aspects of pregnancy contributes to the birth of a healthy child.