Walnuts in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 12.05.2024
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Walnuts in pregnancy can become a valuable source of nutrients. It is not for nothing that our ancestors called the walnut "the tree of life". People use not only kernels. For therapeutic purposes, the skin, septa, and nut leaves are also used. Even unripe nuts are useful.
Studies confirm that nuts included in the diet, reduce the risk of developing cancer or diabetes, have a beneficial effect on the heart and circulatory system in general. Pharmacists use antiseptic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and immunostimulating properties of nuts when creating medicines.
Can I eat walnuts during pregnancy?
Kernels contain a full range of useful substances: vegetable protein, minerals and vitamins, unsaturated and saturated fatty acids - all that is so necessary for the body of a pregnant woman. The vegetable protein of nut kernels contains irreplaceable and replaceable amino acids: valine, isoleucine and arginine. Folic acid and vitamin E, which are rich in nuts, play an important role in the balance of hormones.
The content in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, about the importance and value of which physicians remind regularly, beats absolutely all records. In particular, 100 grams of nuts contain such an amount of omega-6 fatty acids, which is 3.5 times higher than the daily requirement of the human body, and omega-3 is as much as 8 times.
Vitamins of group B are involved in the regulation of metabolism, are responsible for the stability of the nervous system, protect against stress, positively affect the skin condition and the appearance of the hair. These vitamins are better absorbed by the body, thanks to manganese, which is rich in nuts. The minerals contained in the nuclei ensure the intake of a woman who expects the baby, copper, silicon, boron, phosphorus, manganese, cobalt in the body in sufficient quantities. Phytosterols help normalize cholesterol levels and minimize the likelihood of heart and vascular disease.
The use of walnuts in pregnancy
Included in the diet of a pregnant woman, walnuts will have a beneficial effect on her health. Nuts normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels, reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis. The ability of nuts to remove spasms is known: they can even be used to relieve headaches. In the period of bearing the baby is especially important, because at this time, almost all analgesics are prohibited. To calm the headache that arises from the spasms of the vessels, it will be enough to eat three or four nuts with honey. Walnut helps to normalize sleep, reduce the impact of stress, improve memory.
Having a bite between meals a pair of nuts, you can quickly satisfy the hunger, which often occurs in pregnant women. In addition, nuts reduce the desire to eat sweets. Some women, bearing a baby, face the problem of edema. The gentle diuretic effect of nuts, thanks to the potassium and magnesium contained in them, helps to remove excess fluid.
It is known to all about the importance of iron for the organism of a pregnant woman. Iron is involved in the formation of the placenta and the transport of nutrients to crumbs. And the baby needs iron for the circulatory system. Walnuts with honey during pregnancy will help get the body a much needed element and increase the level of hemoglobin. It is best to prepare a mixture of honey, lemon peel and ground kernels. If you use nuts with raisins, this will have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle. Iodine, which is rich in nuts, protects pregnant women from thyroid disease. In the last days of pregnancy, the use of nuts helps to improve lactation.
Walnut oil is also known for its valuable properties. In moderate dosages it helps to purify the body, regenerate cells and normalize digestion. Dieticians often designate this remedy for people who are overweight. Oil of a walnut at pregnancy - a fine way to get rid of a toxicosis.
Therapeutic properties of green walnut in pregnancy
Green walnut is an amazing medicine. Especially useful is a mixture of immature nuts along with pericarp. For its preparation, the pericarp with nuts is ground in a meat grinder and mixed with honey. The resulting composition should last a month in a darkened place. Take the mixture you need before eating 1 dessert spoon. This composition stimulates immunity, protects the body from infections and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Green nuts help to get rid of some diseases of the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract. They are used to eliminate spasms in the intestines and complete cleansing of the intestines. In addition, from the nuts can be cooked a delicious dietary jam. It is in green nuts and septums that record amounts of carotene and ascorbic acid are contained. The use of this jam will help improve the skin, without overloading the stomach. Young walnuts during pregnancy are useful for a rich content of vitamins P and E.
Harm of walnuts in pregnancy
Of course, nuts have a huge list of medicinal properties. However, everything is good in moderation. An unreasonable amount in the diet will not only not be useful, but will cause serious damage to health. Especially in the period of gestation, women need to be careful. Nuts can cause severe allergies due to the high degree of protein content in them. Allergies can occur in both the expectant mother and the baby in the womb, and subsequently lead to asthma. During this period you should not eat nuts every day, and limit the daily rate to four or five cores per day. If there was irritation of the mucous membranes, reddened tonsils or indigestion, nuts should be excluded altogether. It is not recommended to use them for gastritis, colitis, ulcers and other inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Because of the high fat content, nuts often provoke constipation. Pregnant should be aware of this effect and observe the measure if it has a disruption in the bowel.
Walnuts in pregnancy - a real storehouse of nutrients. However, it is necessary to be cautious and to observe the measure in the number of used nuclei. And then they will bring great benefit to both the future mother and the baby.