Strawberry during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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If the pregnancy falls on the season of berries, then the woman sometimes finds it difficult to resist not to try this or that red and fragrant berry. However, often pregnant women are wary of the question: is strawberry allowed during pregnancy?
Of course, strawberries - a very useful berry, saturated with useful substances and vitamins. However, there are cases when it has to be treated with caution.
Is it possible to strawberry during pregnancy?
Future moms often face a dilemma: can some foods, in particular strawberries, be dangerous in pregnancy? Is it possible to strawberry during pregnancy? After all, this berry is considered very useful, and so you want to give your baby as many vitamins as possible ... This is true, but we should not forget that pregnancy is a special period in the life of a woman when the body is fundamentally reconstructed, and even those products that used to be for you were common, now can cause irreparable harm.
During pregnancy, the body becomes hypersensitive to everything: to smells, to ambient noise, to food. And this must be taken into account when planning a diet. Particular attention should be given to potential allergen products. Even if you have never and nothing was allergic, during pregnancy it has many chances to appear. For this reason, some foods must be consumed with caution, and berries are also included in this list.
Allergic reaction is not limited to external signs like skin rashes. Internal processes occurring in the body with allergies are much more dangerous than external ones. Moreover, some people are able to induce an allergic reaction, only sensing the fragrance of the product-allergen.
Undoubtedly, if a pregnant woman really wants strawberries, then there is no absolute taboo on its use. Just use berries should be carefully, carefully watching the reaction of your body. If there are any signs of an allergic reaction, you should immediately stop using berries. If everything is in order, eat well, but in moderation. The optimal number of berries taken into food is no more than 0.5 kg per day. In addition, it is better to eat berries together with dairy products: in this way you will allow strawberries to bring more benefits to your body and smooth out the possible harm.
Leaves of wild strawberry during pregnancy
The leaves of strawberries are the most valuable vegetable raw material for the treatment of many ailments. Many of us like to enjoy fragrant tea with the addition of strawberry leaves, combining pleasure with incredible benefits for the body. The leaves of strawberries are a rich in vitamins raw materials, which will perfectly help with vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders. Strawberry tea soothes the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, tones up, eliminates sclerotic changes in the vessels. Berry leaves are irreplaceable in case of anemia, as they can help the process of hematopoiesis.
Leaves are preferable to collect during flowering plants, drying them in the open air in the sun, or at t ° 40-50 ° C in the oven.
Nevertheless, despite a lot of useful properties, you do not need to take risks and consume berries during pregnancy. The fact is that strawberry leaves contribute to strengthening the contractile activity of the uterus, increasing its tone. This may pose a threat of termination of pregnancy. In addition, a sheet of strawberry slows the heart rate, not only in women, but also in the fetus.
Considering all the pros and cons, it is recommended to refrain from using strawberry leaves during pregnancy, as this may jeopardize its further development.
Benefits of strawberry during pregnancy
Strawberries contain up to 15% of sugars, amino acids, pectin, fiber, tannins, nitrogen compounds, mineral salts (manganese, cobalt, iron, calcium, phosphorus), vitamins (group B, C, PP, carotene), alkaloids. In this case, the properties of the berries are not lost both in fresh and in dried form.
Also useful strawberry jam, compote, syrup of berries.
Compotes and teas from strawberries are an excellent diaphoretic and diuretic, simultaneously removing edema, quenching thirst and improving digestion. Many experts note the positive effect of strawberry dishes on the processes of fat and mineral metabolism, which is important in pregnancy. The strawberry compote has even small antimicrobial properties.
Morse and especially fresh berries have a curative effect in the conditions of the painful conditions of the digestive system (gastritis, gastric ulcer), with stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, with atherosclerotic changes in the vessels, increased pressure, articular pathologies, and anemia. Of course, fresh berries collected directly during the season are of the greatest value.
Antibacterial abilities of strawberries can be used by a pregnant woman to rinse the throat and mouth with inflammatory diseases and bad breath. Masks made of strawberries are effectively used to get rid of pigment spots on the skin, or freckles. A good cosmetic effect is provided by a mask of strawberry juice and whipped raw protein of one egg.
The benefits of strawberries during pregnancy are obvious, but do not forget about the cases of hypersensitivity of the organism to berries, which can be accompanied by the development of the allergic process.
Reviews of strawberries in pregnancy
Concerning the benefits or harm of strawberry berries during pregnancy, there are often disputes. Doctors almost unanimously advise to be cautious when using berries, and the opinion of users is often contradictory: some use the advice of doctors, but many ignore it and eat berries without problems.
Of course, much depends on the woman's body: if he does not consider berries as an allergen and calmly accepts it, then one should not worry. However, it is also impossible to neglect the matter negligently.
When using strawberries during pregnancy, consider the following:
- sharp hormonal changes in the female body can cause the development of an allergic reaction to strawberries, so you can eat berries, but carefully, preferably limited to small portions;
- sometimes the use of the future mother of allergen products can trigger the appearance of a child's allergies in the future.
Strawberries in pregnancy - not a prohibited product, but it should be used carefully, without excess. If you are prone to allergies, then it is better to temporarily forget about the existence of strawberries: it will be better for you and for your baby. When a baby is born and the period of breastfeeding ends, you can certainly enjoy your favorite berry.