Diet with inflammation of the pancreas
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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First of all, the onset of pancreatitis is indicated by acute pain in the left hypochondrium. The disease itself can occur both in acute form and in chronic. In any case, an integral part of the diet is inflammation of the pancreas.
Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is one of the rather serious and frequently occurring diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When it occurs, there is a metabolic disorder, in particular, the level of glucose in the blood is disturbed. Since it is for this that hormones of the pancreas meet.
In this case it is not just a concomitant method of maintaining the body under stress, but an effective method of treatment. The use of a diet for inflammation of the pancreas helps to restore the functions of the organ rather than to aggravate the inflammatory process, in general to affect the normalization of metabolism. When dieting is alleviated, the symptoms of the disease itself are eased, a person can easily tolerate an acute period, and the rehabilitation period is significantly accelerated. In this case, the main function of the diet is to facilitate the assimilation of food, its digestion, ensuring a sparing regimen for the entire gastrointestinal tract.
What is the diet for inflammation of the pancreas?
In the treatment of pancreatic inflammation diet can not simply resort to general recommendations on the composition of food, the possibility or inability to eat certain products, and use the already existing diet plans developed by doctors.
Read also: Diet in pancreatitis
The most common approach is the use of variants of diets (so-called dietary tables), which are developed by Professor M. I. Pevzner.
Each of these tables is designed for use in a specific number of diseases. At what the whole diet is selected in such a way that the dishes and foods that are included in it did not cause deterioration of the patient's condition, even with a severe condition.
In particular, for the treatment of diet with inflammation of the pancreas, table № 5p is recommended. This table is designed to inhibit the external secretion of the pancreas, a sparing regimen for the gastrointestinal tract in terms of both chemical stimuli and mechanical, the prevention of dystrophy of the pancreas itself, and also the effect on the liver and gallbladder.
It is offered five or six meals a day. Portions of food are small. Basically, the diet includes cooked or steamed food with respect to the liquid consistency.
This diet is low-energy (1500-1700 kcal), fat and carbohydrates are reduced, products that stimulate the secretion of the intestine and glands, as well as coarse fiber are excluded.
Menu diet for inflammation of the pancreas
Diet for the treatment of pancreatic inflammation in its chemical composition should contain about 80 g of protein, 40 - 60 g of fat, 200 g of carbohydrates. It is recommended to consume about 1.5 liters of liquid per day. Salt - no more than 8 - 10 g.
The menu includes rusks from wheat bread, tender beef, chicken, rabbit or turkey, lean fish in the form of souffle or kneli, omelet from proteins for a couple (you can consume no more than half a yolk per day in different dishes). Milk can be used in cooking (but not in raw form), as well as fresh pasty cottage cheese, steam dairy puddings. You can use creamy and refined vegetable oil in prepared dishes. Porridges should be wiped, in the form of a souffle or puddings. Vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, can also be steamed, in the form of puddings. Soups should also be viscous - cream soups made from meat, mucous soups with the addition of pearl barley, mango, oatmeal, rice. Recommended grated compotes, kissels, mousses, as well as broth of wild rose or weak tea.
In any case, the tactics of treating a diet with inflammation of the pancreas are chosen by the doctor, because any changes in the diet or menu should be agreed with it and even can be made initially by the decision of the attending physician.
Recipes of a diet with inflammation of the pancreas
There are many classic recipes for cooking products that are listed in the menu. But when treating a diet of inflammation of the pancreas, you need to modify them so as not to cause harm to health. Here are a few examples of recipes that will not only be useful, but also delicious when using a diet to treat inflammation of the pancreas.
Cream-soup from meat
- Beef low-fat - 100 g.
- Lentil - 200 g.
- Dill (greens) - 50 g.
- Salt and in very limited quantities.
Lentil pre-soak for 20 minutes, then boil in 1 liter of water. Cut the meat into small slices and put it to the lentil, when it is ready (after approximately 2 hours). When the meat is ready, chop the whole contents of the pan in a blender or rub through a fine sieve. Season the resulting cream with salt and decorate it with finely chopped greens. You can also put in the cream soup breadcrumbs of wheat bread.
Tea and milk pudding
- Egg 1 piece (1 protein and ½ yolk).
- Sugar 1 tbsp. L.
- Milk 1 glass
- Tea leaves 3 teaspoons.
In the milk, add tea leaves, bring to a boil and cool. Egg beat with sugar and add to milk. Then pour into the forms and put in the oven for baking for half an hour. The dish is served cold.
Steamed vegetables
- Squash 1 pc.
- Carrot 2 pcs.
- Potatoes 2 pcs.
- Water 1 glass.
- Olive oil 2 teaspoons.
Potatoes and carrots peeled, squash free of peel and bones. Cut whole vegetables into small slices. Then, for steaming, you can use a steamer, or place the vegetables in a sieve over a steam bath. After they are ready (in 20-30 minutes) you need to add water (preferably preheated to a warm state) and olive oil, then grind them in a blender. If there is no possibility to use a blender, the vegetables are wiped through a sieve with the addition of water, and only then oil is added. Salt can be added in small amounts.
Read also: Diet recipes for pancreatitis
It is important to remember that a diet with inflammation of the pancreas implies a warm temperature of the dishes, their tender consistency, as well as a non-mimicking taste, so use salt and other spices and seasonings as carefully as possible.
What can you eat with inflammation of the pancreas?
In the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas diet recommendations refer not so much to the list of products used, as the way they are processed and prepared. So important is the use of such products that are easily digested, have a soft texture and do not cause difficulties and discomfort when passing through the intestines. Food should not be too hot or too cold. The products must be warm, since then they will be faster and better absorbed. It is important to pay attention to spices. When pancreatitis occurs, all food should contain a moderate amount of salt, do not contain any sharp, acidic, bitter ingredients that irritate the intestines.
Speaking about specific products - a diet with inflammation of the pancreas involves eating cereals, especially such as buckwheat, oatmeal and rice, it is permissible to eat pasta, noodles, vegetables, which should be boiled and if possible prototorts, mashed soups and vegetable purees, some dairy products, use carefully vegetable oils, as horses can cause a strong bowel breakdown, but do not completely abandon them.
What you can not eat with inflammation of the pancreas?
Treatment with a diet for inflammation of the pancreas implies a categorical exclusion of a number of food products for that period until the period of the illness recedes, and also during the rehabilitation period. With the development of chronic pancreatitis, the restriction of products is also preserved. But even if the disease is successfully cured, the very fact that it was, caused serious health damage, and in the future it is important to be careful about the diet and diet to avoid possible relapses.
With inflammation of the pancreas in the first day after the attack, nutrition through the gastrointestinal tract is completely ruled out. The patient being on medication maintenance can receive a number of nutrients to support the body intravenously.
After this, you can gradually begin to eat non-acidic sour-milk products, such as low-fat cottage cheese, kefir. Completely excluded not only in the early days, but also at some subsequent time fruit mashed potatoes, which are often considered dietary. They are rich in fruit acids, and it is very irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. Especially cautious should be with the apples we are accustomed to. The main thing is to exclude red apples, which are much harder for the pancreas. If you eat apples, then without peel and green varieties. It is better to bake apples than to eat raw. As with many other diseases of the digestive system, when treating a diet of inflammation of the pancreas, you need to do without fatty, fried, sharp, sour, bitter foods. It is not necessary to eat bread with bran, any bread should be dried or just not the freshest, porridge from coarsely grinded cereals or those that burdens the digestion (for example, millet).