Watermelon diet during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021
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Diet during pregnancy consists of important dietary rules, observing which, the expectant mother will be able to keep her weight under control, and after the birth of the child will quickly restore the form. To date, many women prefer to use mono-diets aimed at efficiently burning excess calories and requiring minimum costs.
Watermelon diet during pregnancy refers to the so-called. "Cleansing" mono-diet, because it is aimed at cleansing the human body of accumulated slag, as well as excess fluid, which is achieved through its effective diuretic action. Naturally, get involved in such a diet, especially a pregnant woman, you can not. This system of nutrition is short-term and is no more than five days. After that, within 10 days, to consolidate the result, you can apply watermelon nutrition.
The essence of a watermelon diet in pregnancy
Watermelon diet during pregnancy consists in the use of exclusively ripe fruits, tk. Early berries can contain nitrates, often causing intoxication of the body. To check the ripe watermelon for the presence of nitrates in it, it is recommended to conduct the following test. In a container with water, dip a piece of watermelon pulp and leave for a couple of hours. If the pulp of the watermelon does contain nitrates, it will dissolve a little, and the water will turn pink. A "healthy" watermelon will not color the water and will retain its shape. For eating, nutritionists recommend choosing watermelons with an average weight of 6-8 kg. Before consumption, the fruits should be thoroughly washed with warm running water using soap. It is necessary to take into account one more fact: observance of a water-melon diet is optimal in the summer period, because it is well tolerated in sultry weather.
Observance of the watermelon diet consists in mono feeding exclusively with watermelon flesh, based on the calculation: 1 kg of this product per 10 kg of human weight. However, the use of more than 5 kilos of fruit per day is not recommended. A pregnant woman should be very careful to observe the state of her health; there are cases when the body reacts to watermelon nourishment with very unpleasant manifestations: flatulence, intestinal disorders, bloating. The diet can be continued only in those cases if there are no adverse reactions in the pregnant woman. At an acute sensation of hunger it is allowed to take 1-2 pieces of black bread while consuming a watermelon flesh.
Before using such a nutrition system, the expectant mother should consult a doctor without fail, since mono-diet is a real test for a person, because when you observe them you have to deny yourself everything. When observing a watermelon diet pregnant woman can add to breakfast, consisting of 2-3 slices of ripe watermelon, 150-250 grams of cottage cheese (fat-free). The second breakfast should include 1-2 slices of watermelon, and at lunchtime you can eat a bowl of rice porridge. The snack consists of the intake of watermelon and skim cottage cheese, and dinner - from the reception of the main ingredient with the addition of rice porridge.
After a "watermelon" 5-day watermelon food is recommended, the main menu of which looks like this:
- Breakfast. Oatmeal without sugar, a slice of hard cheese.
- Dinner. A piece of boiled fish, meat or poultry, a salad of fresh vegetables, a couple of slices of hard cheese.
- Dinner. Watermelon flesh (based on the calculation: 1 kg of watermelon for 30 kg of human weight).
Benefits of Watermelon Diet in Pregnancy
The benefits of watermelon flesh have been known for a long time. First of all, it should be noted its low caloric content: 100 g of the product contains only 38 kcal. Watermelon is able to quickly saturate a person and well reduces appetite. The folic acid contained in it favorably affects the woman's organism and normalizes metabolic processes. Watermelon is a magnesium pantry. To satisfy the daily need of man in this most important element, only 150 grams of watermelon pulp is enough. The use of watermelon nutrition is recommended for people who have arterial hypertension. In addition, it is established that watermelon pulp effectively removes harmful cholesterol from the body, thus preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases. Very useful and watermelon juice: it is able to completely dissolve and remove toxins and toxins from the liver.
However, it must be remembered that the watermelon diet during pregnancy should have an exceptionally beneficial effect on the health of a woman. Therefore, you need to know about those cases when the watermelon diet is strictly contraindicated. First of all, it concerns people suffering from chronic bowel diseases. It is also recommended that abstinence from such a diet for diabetes, as well as the presence of edema in the last trimester of pregnancy.