Watermelon in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021
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The taste of juicy, cool watermelon flesh on a hot summer day can bring with it a lot of pleasure to every person, especially a pregnant woman who has all the senses and sensations exacerbated to the limit. Watermelon during pregnancy in addition to what will amuse the taste receptors velvet sweetness, will easily quench your thirst, giving the body a large amount of moisture since it consists mainly of water.
However, often in pregnant women, there is a doubt as to whether the pleasure of the sugar, and often even the honey taste of this berry will harm the future baby. After all, in many cases, watermelons differ in the high content of nitrates and chemicals that can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta.
To protect yourself, when there is a desire to eat watermelon during pregnancy, you need to approach his choice with all caution and care. Most saturated nitrates, usually watermelons of early maturation, so it is better to wait until the end of summer, waiting until they mature naturally. Perhaps it also makes sense in buying a nitrate meter, which will be absolutely superfluous in a family where there are children, and it is expected to replenish.
Is it possible to watermelon during pregnancy?
Many women preparing to become moms often wonder whether it is possible to watermelon during pregnancy? Will it not damage the processes of healthy growth and development of the future baby? Specialists in the field of gynecology regarding this often adhere to diametrically opposed views and opinions. According to some watermelons are useful and they are recommended to eat in as large quantities as possible. Others are inclined to defend the position that it is necessary to categorically exclude watermelons from the diet of a pregnant woman, as well as for the whole period of breastfeeding.
Most of the watermelon components make up water, so with it you can fill the body's need for fluids. Watermelon has a lot of positive properties, however, whether it is possible to watermelon during pregnancy - it is necessary to determine individually. In particular, a high sugar content transfers watermelon to the category of foods that should not be abused in cases of obesity or diabetes, as well as in the presence of large kidney stones and problems with the outflow of urine. In the absence of such contraindications, a pregnant woman can eat watermelon without any restrictions, without fear of negative consequences for herself or the health of the future baby.
Useful properties of watermelon in pregnancy
Useful properties of watermelon during pregnancy are beyond doubt. This large juicy sweet berry is a container of a wide variety of trace elements and rich vitamin content.
Vitamin A during pregnancy is important because it takes part in the processes of cell differentiation of the embryo and the regulation of fetal growth.
A large amount of vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, has a strong antioxidant effect on the body and protects cells from the destruction of free radicals by incomplete oxygen molecules.
Folic acid, which also takes place in a significant amount in watermelon, is an important component of metabolic processes, protein synthesis and hematopoietic processes, which is especially important for a woman during the period of gestation.
In watermelon there is lycopene - a substance that is a factor in improving the quality of the egg, and also creates a protective barrier against proteins that are involved in the formation of adhesions.
Watermelon is rich in potassium, which helps normalize and maintain the optimal state of the cell walls. In addition, the useful properties of watermelon in pregnancy are due to the fact that it contains a lot of iron, important for hematopoiesis and prevention of anemia.
Watermelon when planning pregnancy
Watermelon when planning pregnancy can be one of the components of proper nutrition, which is one of the favorable factors that contribute to and increase the probability of successful conception. High content of carbohydrates, fiber, fructose, vitamins, B1, B2, C, PP, carotene, potassium, lycopene, iron make watermelon very useful in the stage of purposeful preparation of a woman to become pregnant, take out a healthy child and become a mother. In watermelon there is a large amount of folic acid, the significance of which is that it is an important moment for ovulation and egg formation.
The positive effect of watermelon when planning pregnancy also has on men's health. This is also important, because the planning of the child requires a serious approach, both from the woman and the man who wants to become a father. In the composition of the substances contained in the watermelon there is lycopene, which causes the red color of its pulp, and besides it improves the mobility of spermatozoa. And besides, according to some studies, it increases the activity of male sex cells and can help reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.
If a watermelon dreams of pregnancy
Among all the many dreams that can be harbingers and signs that a woman is soon expecting the joy of motherhood, it is commonly believed that a watermelon dreams of pregnancy. In most cases, if there is a watermelon in a dream, this can be treated as an unconditional positive sign. However, for a more accurate and detailed interpretation it is necessary to take into account the following points: in what form and setting was this great juicy berry in a dream.
If you dreamed that you are eating a mature, sugar watermelon flesh, this shows that in your endeavors you are expected to succeed and all the efforts made to achieve the set goals will be certainly rewarded. To dream a watermelon during a disease means a quick recovery. The purchase of a watermelon, whether in a store or on the market, can be interpreted as making a profit or acquiring something significant, bringing with it pleasure and pleasure. In this connection, the fact that the watermelon is dreaming of pregnancy can have a justification in that, after all, there is nothing more important and desirable and the life of every woman than the amazing joyful state from the sensation within itself of a new nascent little life.