Fast diets: several interesting recipes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Here we present for you interesting and easy recipes for fast diets. For a short time you can lose weight by several kilograms thanks to these developments of nutritionists.
Fast diet: we lose weight in 7 days
How to lose weight in 7 days? Apply a fast diet. And its peculiarity is that we can not only lose an extra kilo, but also strengthen immunity, adjust the work of internal systems.
The essence of the diet: do not eat sugar, exclude salt, do not drink alcoholic beverages. Eat vegetables in large quantities, and fruits in the daily diet include a significantly smaller proportion.
Fruits and vegetables eat 1 hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The second option is to eat vegetables and fruits 50-60 minutes after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Duration: 7 days
Result: minus 5-7 kg per week.
Extra diet with mineral water
Essence: for a day you can eat food with no more than 1,300 kcal. In this case, you can drink up to 2 liters of mineral water without gas. Tea and coffee are not limited, but without sugar. To them, you can add up to 1 cup of milk with zero fat content per day.
During the day, you saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, consuming large doses of salads, but without vegetable oil, and filled with yogurt or fermented baked milk. In salads it is very good to combine green salads, Bulgarian pepper, beans in pods, celery, tomatoes, apples.
Lemon juice in salads will be an additional plus, and a few drops of vinegar will not become excess.
Diet Features
This diet is quite sparing because of the fact that there are a lot of fibers in the vegetables, and pectins in the fruits. Therefore, you will not feel hungry.
Duration of the diet: 2-3 days
The result of the diet: from 2 to 4 kg of weight loss
Recipes for an emergency diet
Breakfast (options)
A piece of dried black or gray bread with bran, 1 apple (preferably green), 1 banana, 5-6 grapes.
2 flat cakes of corn or oat flour, 1 cup skim milk or freshly squeezed orange fresh, 1 green apple
2 pieces of gray or black bread, 1 banana, honey (1 teaspoon)
1 boiled egg (can be softened), 1 piece of black or gray bread, 100-150 g of yogurt without sugar and starch
Lunch (options)
Potatoes, boiled in uniforms (200 grams) with additives that can be alternated:
- Cabbage, finely chopped - 100 g
- Hard cheese - 100 g
- Ham - 100 g
- Chicken - 50 g
- Cooked beans - 2 tablespoons
Dinner (options)
Macaroni of solid grades - 100 g with additives (you can choose one of them)
- Chicken meat without skin - 50 g (you can add lemon juice and mushrooms to it)
- Ham low fat, 2 tomatoes and garlic
- Tomatoes, garlic and shrimps - 100 g
- Fish steamed or grilled - 200 g
- Cucumber salad
- 1 small banana
- Apples (2 pieces), better green
- Biscuit (up to 150 g)
- Pear (1 piece)
- Black chocolate (up to 100 g)
During the whole period of weight loss, you can drink 1 glass of white or red dry wine per day
Nuances of express diet
Attention! This diet involves punishment for digression from the number of calories recommended for rapid weight loss. We remind you that you can eat no more than 1300 Kcal per day. The best stimulus for losing weight is playing sports.
Cleaning with floor cleaning (30 minutes) - 90 Kcal
Squats (20 times) - 50 Kcal
Jumping rope (10 minutes) - 100 Kcals
Fast diet with juices and buckwheat
Essence: with this diet in between meals, mineral water without gas and freshly squeezed juices are drunk. Meat is allowed - boiled, but without fat and skin. Salt can be consumed, but very little, if you can not do without it. You can eat buckwheat, rice and cottage cheese with zero fat content. Vegetables with this diet can be marinated, in particular, pepper
Duration: 14 days
Result: 5 to 10 kg
Prohibited products
- Bread any
- Flour products
- Butter
- Fried and smoked food
- Spices and condiments
- Ketchup, mayonnaise, horseradish, mustard
- Chips and crackers
- Nuts of any kind
All dairy products need to be purchased with a fat content of not more than 1.5%.
Recipes for a diet with buckwheat and juices
Attention! The peculiarity of this diet is also to drink 1 glass of purified water 30 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after it. This will help to cleanse the body of toxins. To replenish the body's stores of vitamins, on the advice of the attending physician buy a vitamin complex and drink it for the 21st day.
100 grams of cottage cheese with zero fat content
1 hard-boiled egg (every other day)
Fruits of your choice (2 different species per 1 reception)
Figs (6 pieces)
1 glass of green tea without sugar or coffee. Cream or milk in drinks do not add
Corn or green peas canned - up to 100 g
Chicken meat cooked - 100 g (every other day)
Raw or frozen vegetables of your choice - 200 g. If the vegetables are frozen, they should be doused with hot water, strain through a colander and simmer for 20 minutes.
Fruits of your choice - 150-200 g
Fresh juice
Cabbage, finely chopped and boiled on water
Cottage cheese with zero fat content
Apple or pear on a choice
Buckwheat or rice, steamed pre-cooked or cooked on water
Fresh juice
This fast diet is different in that people need to stick to the same meals. Plan for yourself the optimal time in which you will have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do not step back from this schedule for the entire diet - and your figure will look just inimitable!
Lose weight with pleasure.