Fruit masks for face and hair
Last reviewed: 01.06.2018
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Fruit masks help saturate the skin with useful ingredients. Fruits are especially important for human skin. The systematic use of such masks, will help to quickly correct many of the troubles on the face and body, in general.
Benefits of fruits for the skin
Just incredible benefits are fruits, because it can not only hide small defects, but also improve the appearance. All the processes that occur in the body, always reflected on the skin. The human diet should include many fruits, depending on the needs. Using them inside, people provide their skin with radiance and beauty. Naturally, they enjoy excellent taste.
Fruits that are beneficial for the skin, should have in their composition, vitamin C and E. They are the most powerful antioxidants. In addition, their main function is the production of collagen and elastin.
Depending on the type of skin, those or other fruits are used. So, for dry epidermis are useful: avocado, apples, peaches, grapes. A unique product is avocado. It contains vitamin A. It helps new cells form, and fat is well absorbed in the body. It perfectly nourishes the skin.
It's enough just to take the avocado pulp and grind it with the egg yolk. This also adds a spoonful of cream and a little honey. The agent should be applied literally for 15 minutes, after which it must be removed with the help of warm water.
Coping with the problems of oily skin helps citrus, in particular grapefruit. Raspberries and strawberries are also suitable. Citrus fruits can have antibacterial effect. In addition, they significantly dry the skin and make it supple. In the composition of fruits are antioxidants. Strawberry and malinka begin their action from within the body. They remove all toxins from it, and also do not allow to be allocated to a leather fat. Perfect for people with oily skin, or combined.
Fruit mask for face
They act extremely positively, and, most importantly, quickly. The whole secret of ingredients is the chemical composition. Fruit acids are among the natural cosmetics. They are actively used in the practice of eliminating skin problems. They cleanse, nourish the epidermis. Cleansing from dirt and stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin is the main function of fruits.
All the vitamins that are so necessary for a person are contained in fruits. Therefore, the masks on their basis have an incredible effect. After all, they can provide an incredible nutritional effect. The antioxidants included in their composition prevent premature aging, also actively combat the development of cancer. They also contain the necessary micro and macro elements. Their main function is to participate in the metabolism, as well as the normalization of many processes.
For the preparation of masks, only fresh ingredients should be used. So, the best are apples, bananas, pears and kiwi. To prepare a product from apples, you just have to cook them. After that, they are finely chopped, and the resulting gruel is applied to the skin. Hold it for 10-15 minutes, then remove it with warm water.
Bananas soften together with cottage cheese, cream and yolk. The principle of use and action is similar. To make a pear masochka you need to refresh the fruit, remove the pulp, mixing it with yogurt and apply to the skin. Kiwi is mixed with poppy seeds. All these tools are effective in their composition.
Fruit mask for hair
They should be selected depending on the desired result. Many are aware of the usefulness of the products made from these ingredients. After all, they are a real storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. Fruits are selected based on the type of hair and their condition.
A fruit-based remedy for oily hair. You should take three tablespoons of cranberry juice (freshly squeezed), two tablespoons of lemon juice, five tablespoons of olive oil, mix everything, warm it up and apply it to your hair. The mask "remains" on the curls for 10 minutes, then it is removed with warm water.
There is another version of a good tool. For its preparation, a banana is taken and crushed into a gruel. Here, a spoonful of olive oil is added. The resulting mixture is applied to curls. After that, the hair wrapped in plastic wrap and aged for 30 minutes. Then everything is removed with warm water. The banana is washed out hard, so you need to enlist the support of a comb. This will allow you to comb out the fruit from the curls. If the hair is damaged, you need to be careful with it. Experts have a couple of good recipes for this case.
Mask with fruit acids
It is sold ready, it should not be done on its own. This product includes glycolic, lactic, citric, tartaric acid. There are auxiliary components in the form of allantois, grape seed oil.
The action of the agent is as follows: it performs the function of chemical peeling, soft action. It is perfect for oily and problematic skin. There is an active smoothing of scars and elimination of acne. In addition, the mask is able to tone the skin and relieve excessive fatigue. Naturally, the drug actively rejuvenates age-related skin.
It can be used as an independent product. It actively renews the skin. For best effect it is necessary to alternate it with special nutritional cosmetics. The concentration of acids, which is in balance, has an incredible efficiency. You can do everything without leaving your own apartment.
The result is a visual transformation of the skin, in addition, the pores are significantly narrowed, it turns out a magnificent complexion and smooth texture. Do not use it often. Apply the mask for 7 minutes. Then carefully remove it with warm water. The course of procedures is long and is represented by 15-20 applications. The mask can be applied 1-2 times a week, but only if the skin is too sensitive. For oily skin is an additional application, a total of 3 times a week.
Mask of bark with fruit acids
The mask has become popular. It contains fruit acids. They are designed to have an incredible effect on the skin, and are used solely for the purposes of mild chemical peeling. It can improve the condition of the skin. It actively removes scarring, acne and gives the skin freshness.
You can use the drug both without additional funds, so together with masks that provide nutritional and moisturizing effect. It is advisable to use the remedy only in cases before chemical peeling is performed. The concentration of acids will improve the condition of the skin, put the hair in order.
The mask contains natural an-acids, vitamins A, E and B. In addition, there are polyunsaturated acids, phytosterols, chlorophyll, enhances the purifying action of ANA acids. In general, the product is useful for the skin.
Cream mask with fruit acids
Cream mask is a ready-made remedy, but it is quite effective. The drug has a mild effect, so its use at home - is acceptable. The mask improves the condition of the skin, especially the problem. It actively removes dryness and restores the skin. It can be used both as an auxiliary and as an independent tool.
The drug is applied to the face in a uniform layer, the skin should be cleaned beforehand. It is advisable to avoid getting on your eyelids and lips. Then leave 5-7 minutes. Then remove it with warm water. The duration of "treatment" is impressive. It is necessary to go through all 20 procedures. For dry and sensitive skin, apply 1-2 times a week. If the integument of the scalp is particularly greasy, be sure to apply the mask 2 times a week. To improve the effect, it is recommended to apply sunscreen.
Fruit rejuvenating face masks
To get rid of the aging of the skin and refresh them will help the mask based on fruit. Strawberry helps to get rid of excess fatty shine. Berry contains in its composition salicylic acid. She is able to break down fats and save a person from pimples. To prepare the product you need to cut the stem of the strawberry and rinse it thoroughly. Then chop and add honey. For additional effect, olive oil is added here, in the amount of one spoon. You must also dilute all the cream and milk. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin. Once the strawberry starts to dry out, it is removed with warm water.
Effective mask, which includes a peach. This fruit contains the necessary vitamins and antioxidants. They allow you to take care of the skin and make it more fresh. Peach helps to cleanse the skin and moisten them. The fruit is peeled, softened, honey, oatmeal and yogurt are added to it. Then apply the product on the face, also for 15 minutes.
Masochka from mango. This fruit has always been considered exotic, due to the enzymes and minerals contained in it. Mango is rich in beta carotene. It is this component that is involved in the formation of new cells. The agent can be used independently, without additives.
Masks peeling with fruit acids
The tool contains useful components. One of them are alpha hydroiodic acids. Their main effect is to weaken the dead skin particles and their relationship with exfoliation. This leads to the appearance of healthy skin.
Chemical peeling is great for dry skin. The method allows provoking the regeneration of new cells. This leads to an inflow of moisture and a significant moistening of the skin. Acids are able to cleanse the sebaceous glands. This will protect against the appearance of blackheads and black spots. Reduces and pigmentation.
You can make the procedure at home. However, for this it is necessary to take into account the individual features of the skin. The effect of peeling manifests itself within a few days after the procedure. The skin becomes elastic, its texture changes. Use the "drug" only as prescribed in the instructions.
Himalaya mask
Just recently a new himalaya fruit mask was introduced. This means includes clay, apples, cucumber, figs and papayas. All this helps to cope with the problematic and dry skin.
The components in its composition perfectly clean the pores and have a rejuvenating effect. In addition, freckles are significantly clarified, the skin receives additional nutrition and hydration.
The masochka should be spread evenly over the skin, before it is cleansed. It is important to avoid the area around the eyes, it is excessively sensitive. Leave the mask for 15 minutes. The face should be constantly relaxed, this will get the maximum effect. As soon as the product dries, it is washed off. Repeat the procedure can be no more than once a week.
Its main ingredients are cucumber, apple and clay. Auxiliary components are melon tree, papaya and fig tree. These ingredients have an incredible effect.
Masks mondsub
Fruit mask mondsub are very popular. They contain amino acids, allontoin, fruit extracts, cellulose, propylene glycol and glycerin. Allontoin is involved in cell regeneration. Amino acids are able to restore the tone. The carbomer intensively moisturizes and perfectly cleanses. As for propylene, it actively interacts with glycerin, thanks to this, wrinkles are smoothed out. When all these components are combined in one mask, it is simply incredible.
Mondsub fruit masks can be used by everyone. The age of people does not matter, the type of skin also. Before using the product, you should remove the make-up from your face. The mask is applied for no more than 15 minutes. The main thing to wash it off with cool water, but not warm. Changes are observed after a couple of days. Full course - one package. Simply put, 5 masks will be enough.
Fruit masks from acne
They are an effective tool to help get rid of many problems. Prepare them fairly simple. So, for the first recipe, you should take the flesh of an orange, in the size of one spoon and add cherry pulp to it. All this is well warmed up. The resulting gruel should be diluted with table flour, if it was not at hand, starch will do. After that, everything must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin. After 15 minutes, everything is removed with the help of cool water.
A masochka made from the pulp of an orange and cherry is very effective against acne. Prepare it simply. It is necessary to soften the main components and mix them together with potato starch. Then bring to the form of a homogeneous mass and put on the skin. After 15 minutes, everything is removed with the help of cool water.
Means of apples. To get a really beautiful mask, it's enough to use a sweet fruit. Egg white is added to it. The resulting ingredients are mixed together. Then everything should be applied to the skin and removed after 20 minutes with warm water.
Great efficiency is caused by rubbing the face with ice. Skin refreshes instantly.
Reviews of masks with fruit acids
Reviews of masks with fruit acids - a thing not reliable. The fact is that on the websites you can find a lot of information about this or that tool. But not always written there corresponds to reality. Many people just try to advertise one of the masochek. Naturally, the feedback they leave is extremely positive. In fact, this does not happen. Even universal means, can not give any result. Therefore, you need to try everything yourself.
Naturally, most of the funds have positive reviews. It's true. Because they are based on natural components. They, by definition, are not capable of harming a person. Exceptions are those cases when people have an allergic reaction to a particular fruit. Therefore, as mentioned above, it's worth trying everything yourself. Only on the basis of your own experiments can you leave a true truthful review.